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Bitcoin Bubble and Cycle Soros said: "The history of world economy is a series based on illusions and lies. The interpretation of economic history is never based on real scripts, but it paves the way for accumulating huge wealth. The way is to recognize the illusion, invest in it, and quit the game before the illusion is recognized by the public." Any game has nothing to do with truth or falsehood, but only the length of the four life cycles. Some end at the beginning, and most of these are losses as soon as they enter; some end after a period of existence, like the snowball product that broke out before the New Year; and some end after a long time, similar to the three major bubbles that affected the world economy, the tulip bubble, the South China Sea bubble and the Mississippi bubble. Human nature is like this. Bad things are devalued again and again, and good things are praised again and again. When talking about "bubbles", they open their fangs of hatred, but they forget that just before the tulip bubble, the people who participated in the tulips did not feel that way at the time. Their worth kept rising. Who would hate the bubble at that time? Everyone has plenty of time to leave, but in the end, the "tulip" took everything. Everything in the world is an illusion. What you know may not be true, and what you have may not be true. It is just the length of the time cycle. So don’t be obsessed with the truth or falsehood of finance. What you are obsessed with is the length of the cycle. What you need to do is to identify the length of the cycle. For example, a few days ago I saw a description of a coin called mew, "A cat in the dog world, it wants to save the world from other dog coins." It doesn’t even want to make a description. Do you still expect its cycle to last long? Similarly, on the other hand, you should have your own ideas about things with long cycles. The whole world is talking about the Dutch tulip bubble, but who would think about the overwhelming opportunity when a tulip was fried to 1668 guilders (equivalent to a worker’s annual salary)? According to the law of conservation of funds in the market, no matter what is changing, the total value of funds will not change. If someone loses, someone must make money. The winner is the person who throws out the most crazy market, and the last one is the person who is caught by the devil. In our minds, we should pay more attention to cycles and opportunities. As the saying goes, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. We should not promote the bubble everywhere, which is just air. We should think more about the short cycle and we may not be able to get out of it in time. This is what a person should think about. We should not talk about the Florida real estate bubble and the Kuwait oil bubble every day...... What I admire most are those who pulled out before the big bubble, not those who muttered: "Look how smart I am, I knew it would burst..." In this market, you can't just rely on bragging, success is made, so we must be able to examine the cycle and look at crises with a dialectical eye. Most crises are the beginning of opportunities. We must seize the opportunity and dare to act. In the words of Churchill: "Never waste a crisis." Today's article is a supplement to what I wanted to say a few days ago but didn't say it due to some accidents. I also want to say "Why panic" to those who are "panicking, panicking, panicking", and to those who want to speculate every day: "Thank you for your greatness, your failure in speculation is paving the way for our next success." Finally: To be more ruthless, unsuccessful trading is a lack of cognition and thinking. Some people are destined to be sheep and cannot change. Which currency that can be at the top of the market for a long time is a big fool? If you can't compare your intelligence with them, you can only compare your stupidity the other way around.
Bitcoin Bubble and Cycle

Soros said: "The history of world economy is a series based on illusions and lies. The interpretation of economic history is never based on real scripts, but it paves the way for accumulating huge wealth. The way is to recognize the illusion, invest in it, and quit the game before the illusion is recognized by the public."

Any game has nothing to do with truth or falsehood, but only the length of the four life cycles. Some end at the beginning, and most of these are losses as soon as they enter; some end after a period of existence, like the snowball product that broke out before the New Year; and some end after a long time, similar to the three major bubbles that affected the world economy, the tulip bubble, the South China Sea bubble and the Mississippi bubble.

Human nature is like this. Bad things are devalued again and again, and good things are praised again and again. When talking about "bubbles", they open their fangs of hatred, but they forget that just before the tulip bubble, the people who participated in the tulips did not feel that way at the time. Their worth kept rising. Who would hate the bubble at that time? Everyone has plenty of time to leave, but in the end, the "tulip" took everything.

Everything in the world is an illusion. What you know may not be true, and what you have may not be true. It is just the length of the time cycle. So don’t be obsessed with the truth or falsehood of finance. What you are obsessed with is the length of the cycle. What you need to do is to identify the length of the cycle. For example, a few days ago I saw a description of a coin called mew, "A cat in the dog world, it wants to save the world from other dog coins." It doesn’t even want to make a description. Do you still expect its cycle to last long?

Similarly, on the other hand, you should have your own ideas about things with long cycles. The whole world is talking about the Dutch tulip bubble, but who would think about the overwhelming opportunity when a tulip was fried to 1668 guilders (equivalent to a worker’s annual salary)? According to the law of conservation of funds in the market, no matter what is changing, the total value of funds will not change. If someone loses, someone must make money. The winner is the person who throws out the most crazy market, and the last one is the person who is caught by the devil.

In our minds, we should pay more attention to cycles and opportunities. As the saying goes, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. We should not promote the bubble everywhere, which is just air. We should think more about the short cycle and we may not be able to get out of it in time. This is what a person should think about. We should not talk about the Florida real estate bubble and the Kuwait oil bubble every day......

What I admire most are those who pulled out before the big bubble, not those who muttered: "Look how smart I am, I knew it would burst..." In this market, you can't just rely on bragging, success is made, so we must be able to examine the cycle and look at crises with a dialectical eye. Most crises are the beginning of opportunities. We must seize the opportunity and dare to act. In the words of Churchill: "Never waste a crisis."

Today's article is a supplement to what I wanted to say a few days ago but didn't say it due to some accidents. I also want to say "Why panic" to those who are "panicking, panicking, panicking", and to those who want to speculate every day: "Thank you for your greatness, your failure in speculation is paving the way for our next success."

Finally: To be more ruthless, unsuccessful trading is a lack of cognition and thinking. Some people are destined to be sheep and cannot change. Which currency that can be at the top of the market for a long time is a big fool? If you can't compare your intelligence with them, you can only compare your stupidity the other way around.
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BTC consolidates, the trend shows the principle of failure There is such an anecdote - King Wei asked Sun Bin many questions about military tactics, Tian Ji also asked some questions, and Sun Bin answered them one by one. Later, someone asked Sun Bin what were the questions asked by the king and the general? Sun Bin said: "King Wei asked me nine questions, and Tian Ji asked me seven questions. From their questions, it seems that they almost know how to use troops, but they have not fully mastered the fundamental laws of using troops. I heard that only countries that strictly keep their promises will prosper; countries that focus on upholding justice will be strong; wars without preparation will inevitably be hurt, and war will inevitably lead to destruction. They lack sufficient attention to this. From now on to the third generation, the fate of Qi is probably worrying." Lao Tzu said: "If there is Tao but no skills, the skills can still be sought; if there is skills but no Tao, it stops at the skills." For a country, using troops to fight is only the level of skills, while improving politics, ensuring the rule of law, and making the upper and lower levels united are the level of Tao. On the other hand, for trading, constantly buying at the buying point and selling at the selling point is only a technical level. When a fundamental of the market changes suddenly, the buying point is not the original buying point, and the selling point is no longer the original selling point. We have also said in the past that once the market enters a period of volatility, there are two modes, one is to leave the market, and the other is to hold, but there is absolutely no third mode of intervention, because rise + consolidation + rise = rise, up + consolidation + fall = fall, first of all, we must ensure the end of consolidation, only when the consolidation ends is the time to intervene, and holding becomes the time to leave the market, so naturally there is no rhythm of consolidation equals leaving the market. The Book of Changes is a great way to observe the rise and fall of things. The Bo Gua foreshadows the possibility of the Fu Gua, and the gentleman feels happy and hopeful; the Gou Gua means the beginning of the Gou Gua, and the gentleman believes that it hides a crisis and turns from good to bad; and the Wei Ji Gua means the end of the Ji Ji Gua, and also means a new beginning. Now the current market should be viewed with the fire and water Wei Ji. Ji means complete success, while Wei Ji means a new beginning. Li is on Kan and is useless, so the matter is not accomplished. Wei Ji also has the principle of Ji, so it means prosperity. The beginning means good, so the market will fall first and then rise, and then start a new journey with the momentum of spreading like wildfire. We must seize such opportunities.
BTC consolidates, the trend shows the principle of failure

There is such an anecdote - King Wei asked Sun Bin many questions about military tactics, Tian Ji also asked some questions, and Sun Bin answered them one by one. Later, someone asked Sun Bin what were the questions asked by the king and the general?

Sun Bin said: "King Wei asked me nine questions, and Tian Ji asked me seven questions. From their questions, it seems that they almost know how to use troops, but they have not fully mastered the fundamental laws of using troops. I heard that only countries that strictly keep their promises will prosper; countries that focus on upholding justice will be strong; wars without preparation will inevitably be hurt, and war will inevitably lead to destruction. They lack sufficient attention to this. From now on to the third generation, the fate of Qi is probably worrying."

Lao Tzu said: "If there is Tao but no skills, the skills can still be sought; if there is skills but no Tao, it stops at the skills." For a country, using troops to fight is only the level of skills, while improving politics, ensuring the rule of law, and making the upper and lower levels united are the level of Tao. On the other hand, for trading, constantly buying at the buying point and selling at the selling point is only a technical level. When a fundamental of the market changes suddenly, the buying point is not the original buying point, and the selling point is no longer the original selling point.

We have also said in the past that once the market enters a period of volatility, there are two modes, one is to leave the market, and the other is to hold, but there is absolutely no third mode of intervention, because rise + consolidation + rise = rise, up + consolidation + fall = fall, first of all, we must ensure the end of consolidation, only when the consolidation ends is the time to intervene, and holding becomes the time to leave the market, so naturally there is no rhythm of consolidation equals leaving the market.

The Book of Changes is a great way to observe the rise and fall of things. The Bo Gua foreshadows the possibility of the Fu Gua, and the gentleman feels happy and hopeful; the Gou Gua means the beginning of the Gou Gua, and the gentleman believes that it hides a crisis and turns from good to bad; and the Wei Ji Gua means the end of the Ji Ji Gua, and also means a new beginning. Now the current market should be viewed with the fire and water Wei Ji.

Ji means complete success, while Wei Ji means a new beginning. Li is on Kan and is useless, so the matter is not accomplished. Wei Ji also has the principle of Ji, so it means prosperity. The beginning means good, so the market will fall first and then rise, and then start a new journey with the momentum of spreading like wildfire. We must seize such opportunities.
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BTC is experiencing small fluctuations in the market. Don’t trade rashly. Victory is not something you can just seek.Theory of trading is one thing, and practice is another. You must be a thinker and a practitioner. Most of the time, people pay for their own cognition. Only after experiencing it will they understand how absurd and ridiculous their past thoughts were. Returning to the trading market means being beaten by Mr. Market before they realize that it is not feasible to do so. In the past, I often heard that "great hermits hide in the court, middle-level hermits hide in the city, and small hermits hide in the mountains." Under the influence of this saying, I always thought that I would retire to the mountains in a few years, but an experience a few days ago changed this perception. If you want to hide, you should hide in the city, not in the mountains. No matter if you are a spiritual aristocrat or a fitness expert, you cannot resist the pain caused by illness or accidents. In the face of pain, no one can shout the slogan "I am born different", but just an ordinary person.

BTC is experiencing small fluctuations in the market. Don’t trade rashly. Victory is not something you can just seek.

Theory of trading is one thing, and practice is another. You must be a thinker and a practitioner. Most of the time, people pay for their own cognition. Only after experiencing it will they understand how absurd and ridiculous their past thoughts were. Returning to the trading market means being beaten by Mr. Market before they realize that it is not feasible to do so.

In the past, I often heard that "great hermits hide in the court, middle-level hermits hide in the city, and small hermits hide in the mountains." Under the influence of this saying, I always thought that I would retire to the mountains in a few years, but an experience a few days ago changed this perception. If you want to hide, you should hide in the city, not in the mountains. No matter if you are a spiritual aristocrat or a fitness expert, you cannot resist the pain caused by illness or accidents. In the face of pain, no one can shout the slogan "I am born different", but just an ordinary person.
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Did Japan's interest rate hike cause a surge in the cryptocurrency market? I should have talked about it on the 18th. The specific data and ideas are still in my mind. It's not too late to talk about it today. Today, let's talk about the impact of the yen's interest rate hike on the world. Those who understand the Japanese economy or have studied finance will not be surprised by Japan's "negative interest rate", and Japan has finally ended the 30-year era of negative interest rates. Although it is only a small step forward, it has taken a big step in history. In the past, we often talked about positive interest rates, and there is also the saying of negative interest rates. How to understand it? Simply put, if you borrow money from a bank, the positive interest rate is one thousandth. If you borrow 1,000, you have to pay back 1,001, while the negative interest rate is that if you borrow 1,000, you only need to exchange 999. It is not good for banks, but good for borrowing. Many of us will think this is a good thing, but it's a pity that this is a matter between the Bank of Japan and the bank, and ordinary people can't get this benefit. Why does this phenomenon occur? It is mainly because of Japan's rapid development in the past 30 years. Prices have gone from inflation to deflation. Those who have studied the Book of Changes know that things will turn to the opposite extreme, and the negative pole will return to the positive pole, and the positive pole will return to the negative pole. When inflation reaches a certain point, prices are too expensive, purchasing power will decrease, and finally cause deflation. Japan's negative interest rate growth is to end this deflation and enter inflation, which is beneficial to the economy. This is exactly what I told you about interest rate cuts and interest rate hikes last night. We must maintain that degree. Exceeding that degree is a bad thing. We need to talk about the impact of Japan's interest rate hike on the world. First of all, let's talk about a concept and a set of data. Japan is a small country economy with limited domestic space and development opportunities, which makes most of the funds flow overseas. Softbank and Sony have poured funds into overseas markets. According to a set of data in 2023, Japan's overseas investment funds are 3.5 trillion US dollars, while Japan's annual GDP is 4.2 trillion US dollars. This amount of funds accounts for 83% of Japan's GDP, which also makes Japan the largest overseas asset country in Asia. The principles of economy and stocks are the same. Wherever these hot money flows to, the economy will rise, and wherever they flow out, the economy will decline. Japan is the largest bond country of the United States, and most of its funds are in the United States. When we see how the hot money flows back, we will know what impact it will have on the US economy. Back to the concept of negative interest rates, this has led domestic institutions to borrow a lot of money for arbitrage transactions. The funds borrowed from China are invested in the European and American markets, and then transferred to their own country, making Japan the largest arbitrage trading body. Now it has become positive. Although the amplitude is not large, only one thousandth, and the volume has little impact, this slight increase will naturally attract foreign investment. The funds that have flowed out of the country in the past have returned to make up for the profits, which is also called capital repatriation. This kind of capital repatriation has increased Japanese funds and economic growth, while the United States has seen a significant withdrawal of funds, which is a shock to the US stock market. The US dollar is tied to the world, and this is also a disguised impact on the global economic ship, so we have to consider the impact of Japan's interest rate hike, but because the rate hike is too small, the yen has not risen but fallen, which has also become a joke in the capital market. It is still the most important sentence I said to everyone last night. Interest rate hikes and interest rate cuts are not the fundamental factor affecting the overall market of the currency circle. It is the economic instability that provides an arbitrage space for the currency circle. As for the trend of BTC, it will not go down at this level. It does not even want to give up 54,000. From the whole picture, even if there is a third bottom, it will be limited to around 58,000 at most.
Did Japan's interest rate hike cause a surge in the cryptocurrency market?

I should have talked about it on the 18th. The specific data and ideas are still in my mind. It's not too late to talk about it today. Today, let's talk about the impact of the yen's interest rate hike on the world.

Those who understand the Japanese economy or have studied finance will not be surprised by Japan's "negative interest rate", and Japan has finally ended the 30-year era of negative interest rates. Although it is only a small step forward, it has taken a big step in history.

In the past, we often talked about positive interest rates, and there is also the saying of negative interest rates. How to understand it? Simply put, if you borrow money from a bank, the positive interest rate is one thousandth. If you borrow 1,000, you have to pay back 1,001, while the negative interest rate is that if you borrow 1,000, you only need to exchange 999. It is not good for banks, but good for borrowing. Many of us will think this is a good thing, but it's a pity that this is a matter between the Bank of Japan and the bank, and ordinary people can't get this benefit.

Why does this phenomenon occur? It is mainly because of Japan's rapid development in the past 30 years. Prices have gone from inflation to deflation. Those who have studied the Book of Changes know that things will turn to the opposite extreme, and the negative pole will return to the positive pole, and the positive pole will return to the negative pole. When inflation reaches a certain point, prices are too expensive, purchasing power will decrease, and finally cause deflation. Japan's negative interest rate growth is to end this deflation and enter inflation, which is beneficial to the economy.

This is exactly what I told you about interest rate cuts and interest rate hikes last night. We must maintain that degree. Exceeding that degree is a bad thing. We need to talk about the impact of Japan's interest rate hike on the world. First of all, let's talk about a concept and a set of data.

Japan is a small country economy with limited domestic space and development opportunities, which makes most of the funds flow overseas. Softbank and Sony have poured funds into overseas markets. According to a set of data in 2023, Japan's overseas investment funds are 3.5 trillion US dollars, while Japan's annual GDP is 4.2 trillion US dollars. This amount of funds accounts for 83% of Japan's GDP, which also makes Japan the largest overseas asset country in Asia.

The principles of economy and stocks are the same. Wherever these hot money flows to, the economy will rise, and wherever they flow out, the economy will decline. Japan is the largest bond country of the United States, and most of its funds are in the United States. When we see how the hot money flows back, we will know what impact it will have on the US economy.

Back to the concept of negative interest rates, this has led domestic institutions to borrow a lot of money for arbitrage transactions. The funds borrowed from China are invested in the European and American markets, and then transferred to their own country, making Japan the largest arbitrage trading body. Now it has become positive. Although the amplitude is not large, only one thousandth, and the volume has little impact, this slight increase will naturally attract foreign investment. The funds that have flowed out of the country in the past have returned to make up for the profits, which is also called capital repatriation.

This kind of capital repatriation has increased Japanese funds and economic growth, while the United States has seen a significant withdrawal of funds, which is a shock to the US stock market. The US dollar is tied to the world, and this is also a disguised impact on the global economic ship, so we have to consider the impact of Japan's interest rate hike, but because the rate hike is too small, the yen has not risen but fallen, which has also become a joke in the capital market.

It is still the most important sentence I said to everyone last night. Interest rate hikes and interest rate cuts are not the fundamental factor affecting the overall market of the currency circle. It is the economic instability that provides an arbitrage space for the currency circle.

As for the trend of BTC, it will not go down at this level. It does not even want to give up 54,000. From the whole picture, even if there is a third bottom, it will be limited to around 58,000 at most.
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BTC rebounded at the bottom of the baffle, is this the story of the coming wolf? BTC is at such a high level of shock, and still has no intention to go down. It does not want to go up in the short term, nor does it want to go down. It will form a shock range in this large range. Once the shock is formed, it will take at least 3 months and at most half a year to complete the exchange of chips in the market and find other minimum resistance points, and move forward in the direction of minimum resistance. As for the current altcoins, they should make more noise and shout the wolf a few more times to scare people. Some of the vanguard troops in the past should return to the origin, otherwise they will not scare people and will not be able to achieve the means of harvesting. If the existing troops cannot go back in three days, they will at least need a few weeks of shock washing. The Eastern market in this market is too powerful. They are all masters who do not admit defeat. They also know that the washing cannot occur in the daytime in the East Eighth District. They can only move at night, otherwise the game players can consume the dealer. This is the potential from the big A, otherwise there will really be an old lady from 60 to 90 years old. This is the most leisurely time. Pay more attention to whether the price can go up in the short term. If it cannot go up quickly, then it will fluctuate slowly. The dealer will not give people the opportunity to quickly buy the bottom and make a profit. If there are currencies that have not been paid attention to in the market in the short term, look for unfamiliar currencies at this time. There will be fewer opportunities for familiar currencies.
BTC rebounded at the bottom of the baffle, is this the story of the coming wolf?

BTC is at such a high level of shock, and still has no intention to go down. It does not want to go up in the short term, nor does it want to go down. It will form a shock range in this large range. Once the shock is formed, it will take at least 3 months and at most half a year to complete the exchange of chips in the market and find other minimum resistance points, and move forward in the direction of minimum resistance.

As for the current altcoins, they should make more noise and shout the wolf a few more times to scare people. Some of the vanguard troops in the past should return to the origin, otherwise they will not scare people and will not be able to achieve the means of harvesting. If the existing troops cannot go back in three days, they will at least need a few weeks of shock washing.

The Eastern market in this market is too powerful. They are all masters who do not admit defeat. They also know that the washing cannot occur in the daytime in the East Eighth District. They can only move at night, otherwise the game players can consume the dealer. This is the potential from the big A, otherwise there will really be an old lady from 60 to 90 years old.

This is the most leisurely time. Pay more attention to whether the price can go up in the short term. If it cannot go up quickly, then it will fluctuate slowly. The dealer will not give people the opportunity to quickly buy the bottom and make a profit. If there are currencies that have not been paid attention to in the market in the short term, look for unfamiliar currencies at this time. There will be fewer opportunities for familiar currencies.
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Is the appreciation of the US dollar a suppression of gold and Bitcoin? BTC is still fluctuating in the range. The correction from the high this time is close to 12%. For a sub-level correction of 33%, it is normal. Now the main consideration is the oversold situation of the altcoin. As for the Fed's rate cut from three times to one, it is only a major macro-control. The final result is the appreciation of the U.S. dollar, which is a suppression of gold (I said yesterday that the most effective way for the United States to depreciate the dollar is to let gold appreciate. On the contrary, the appreciation of the dollar is a suppression of gold). It has little impact on the entire BTC market. If there is an impact, it is also an impact on time-sensitive funds. Many altcoins are not free funds. The source of funds is loan sharks. There is a time limit. The operation must be completed at the corresponding time, and then the gap is filled. This will cause some altcoins to have some irrational market conditions, skyrocketing and plummeting. The past EOS is a good example. It is not operated by its own funds. After a wave of market conditions, shareholders are paid dividends, and there is no follow-up. In general, the currencies that led the decline of the entire market are ETH and the currencies of its corresponding sectors. The subsequent market trend will stop or fall depending on its pace. If it stops, the altcoins will stop as well. For altcoins, it has reached an oversold state at this moment. Oversold is an irrational state. This is not the time to look at key points, but to see is to believe. The longer you are in this market, the deeper you will find the water here. I don’t know if it is because my thoughts have become rigid, or I have become conservative, or I have begun to respect the market. All operations are based on the first profit, and there will be subsequent 2/3/4/5. There are fewer and fewer things to do about bottom-fishing and picking up bargains. Only things within the system are done. Whether the waterfall is hyped or not depends on luck. The current market does not favor the Eastern market. Every wash occurs between 1-5 am, so don’t expect to pick it up. When it comes to trading, do your own part and don't worry about a market shakeout. For example, your maximum investment in a currency should not exceed 20%, and you should also choose strong currencies. Then, you can just ignore the ups and downs and watch the market go up and down.To do this, first of all, don't put your emotions into it. When you see such a big rebound, you regret not speculating to the bottom; when you see such a big drop, you regret not stopping loss and leaving the market earlier. This is digging a hole for yourself. Imagine the Luna incident that year. How many greedy people were buried? Think about the current BTC and Sol that have been breaking highs. In the past, how many people stopped loss and left the market because they felt that it was falling. Many people stopped loss and left the market and never got on this high-speed train again. Everything is within the system, so don't waver. People should not be too greedy, nor too short-sighted. After all, you still have to have character. After all, there is no coin in the market that is too high to buy; there is also no coin that is too low to sell. What you deal with is character, and what the market ultimately competes on is character. Finally: No matter what the market is, if you sell your chips in a big wash, you must sell them at the cheapest price. Waiting for it will never be this price. It may be more expensive in the future. This is just a short process.
Is the appreciation of the US dollar a suppression of gold and Bitcoin?

BTC is still fluctuating in the range. The correction from the high this time is close to 12%. For a sub-level correction of 33%, it is normal. Now the main consideration is the oversold situation of the altcoin. As for the Fed's rate cut from three times to one, it is only a major macro-control. The final result is the appreciation of the U.S. dollar, which is a suppression of gold (I said yesterday that the most effective way for the United States to depreciate the dollar is to let gold appreciate. On the contrary, the appreciation of the dollar is a suppression of gold). It has little impact on the entire BTC market.

If there is an impact, it is also an impact on time-sensitive funds. Many altcoins are not free funds. The source of funds is loan sharks. There is a time limit. The operation must be completed at the corresponding time, and then the gap is filled. This will cause some altcoins to have some irrational market conditions, skyrocketing and plummeting. The past EOS is a good example. It is not operated by its own funds. After a wave of market conditions, shareholders are paid dividends, and there is no follow-up.

In general, the currencies that led the decline of the entire market are ETH and the currencies of its corresponding sectors. The subsequent market trend will stop or fall depending on its pace. If it stops, the altcoins will stop as well. For altcoins, it has reached an oversold state at this moment. Oversold is an irrational state. This is not the time to look at key points, but to see is to believe.

The longer you are in this market, the deeper you will find the water here. I don’t know if it is because my thoughts have become rigid, or I have become conservative, or I have begun to respect the market. All operations are based on the first profit, and there will be subsequent 2/3/4/5. There are fewer and fewer things to do about bottom-fishing and picking up bargains. Only things within the system are done. Whether the waterfall is hyped or not depends on luck. The current market does not favor the Eastern market. Every wash occurs between 1-5 am, so don’t expect to pick it up.

When it comes to trading, do your own part and don't worry about a market shakeout. For example, your maximum investment in a currency should not exceed 20%, and you should also choose strong currencies. Then, you can just ignore the ups and downs and watch the market go up and down.To do this, first of all, don't put your emotions into it. When you see such a big rebound, you regret not speculating to the bottom; when you see such a big drop, you regret not stopping loss and leaving the market earlier. This is digging a hole for yourself. Imagine the Luna incident that year. How many greedy people were buried?

Think about the current BTC and Sol that have been breaking highs. In the past, how many people stopped loss and left the market because they felt that it was falling. Many people stopped loss and left the market and never got on this high-speed train again. Everything is within the system, so don't waver. People should not be too greedy, nor too short-sighted. After all, you still have to have character. After all, there is no coin in the market that is too high to buy; there is also no coin that is too low to sell. What you deal with is character, and what the market ultimately competes on is character.

Finally: No matter what the market is, if you sell your chips in a big wash, you must sell them at the cheapest price. Waiting for it will never be this price. It may be more expensive in the future. This is just a short process.
山寨币跳水,闪电过后必有大雨? BTC下滑到66000,总体上来说场内筹码的交换,和时间周期还不够,被山寨币的洗盘冲下来,冲击幅度依然不够大,山寨币的逼宫显然不够,胳膊拧不过大腿的,市场的走势还是得大饼说了算。 虽然咱们一直不看好ETH,但不妨碍对它后续走势的看法;如果在这个位置守不住了,那就是闪电过后必有大雨;如果在这个位置又开始上涨,又出现一波下跌,再往上回升的时候就是底部的确认键了,这个还是要根据在后面走势的一个表现来确定,对于山寨来说更多的属于空中加油。 市场的后续冲击力有 多大还是要看前面的主流币种,虽说短期和BTC出现了背离现象,他们的区间也只是山寨币的最大极限,山寨的底线一定是sol 这类币种的底线。 最后:市场阳极则阴生,阴极则阳生,生是四的起点,四是生的起点(现在查得严,一个四都不让说),这只是个过程,你怕了吗?投资犹如跳海和扑火之举,从容面对尤为重要。



市场的后续冲击力有 多大还是要看前面的主流币种,虽说短期和BTC出现了背离现象,他们的区间也只是山寨币的最大极限,山寨的底线一定是sol 这类币种的底线。

See original
BTC70000 mark fluctuates, the story of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi tells us that sometimes the market is not a battle of strategy, but a battle of time Different visions determine different achievements. If you can see the vision of the next 30 years, you have the potential of a leader; if you see the vision of 3 years, you are a figure; if you only see the current 3 weeks of market conditions, you are just a talent; if you only see the market conditions of the day, you are purely a gambler. Different visions determine that people naturally have different views on things. If you look at investment with a lifetime vision, you see the changes of the times and the hopes and fears of human nature; if you look at investment with a decade, you see the common sense and changes in rules of trading; if you look at investment with three years, you see vision and courage; when you look at investment with a year, what determines success is ability; if you narrow it down to one day, what determines success or failure is probability and luck. Although BTC is hovering around the 70000 mark in the current market, it is obviously looking for the direction of the least resistance point, that is, to find a direction that is favorable to itself, and to sell high and buy low in the box. Don't be impatient, time determines everything. The story of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi tells us that market transactions are not just a battle of strategy, but more of a battle of life and time. Whoever can wait will win in the end. Let's throw out a question. If Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang trade stocks together, who will win? Funds are soldiers. If the general is overwhelmed with anger and ants follow him, and if one-third of the soldiers are killed but the city is not taken, this is a disaster of siege. Therefore, "How should we live? We should subdue our hearts like this, so that all living beings have no more self-image, human image, sentient beings image, life image, no law image, and no illegal image." Make them not impatient, if the enemy does not move, I will not move, what can the enemy do to me! Trading is a hunting, which requires not only patience, but also an assessment of the strength of oneself and the opponent, rather than jumping on a prey when seeing it. If the opponent is a lion that has been hungry for three days, then who is the prey is another matter. Always doing things beyond your own strength. Sometimes you may be lucky enough to defeat the lion, but if it is not good, the ending will be different. It is a moment of light and heat. Luck only favors the strong, not the weak. The probability theory of lottery tells us that the probability of winning is often the fundamental reason why we lose our principal. We lose 99 times, but there must be one success that can make you win 99 times. It is much better to win back 99 losses than to win 99 times. One failure ruins 99 successes. However, in reality, the maximum number of failures a person can handle is also limited, which requires more certainty. If you are unsure about the market situation, don’t do anything you’re not sure about. at last: There are two emotions in speculation. Hope is a prominent feature of everyone, and fear is another prominent feature. If these two emotions are confused in the entire speculation career, an extremely terrible situation will arise, because Reversing their positions, they are full of hope when they should be afraid, and they are fearful and uneasy when they should be full of hope.
BTC70000 mark fluctuates, the story of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi tells us that sometimes the market is not a battle of strategy, but a battle of time

Different visions determine different achievements. If you can see the vision of the next 30 years, you have the potential of a leader; if you see the vision of 3 years, you are a figure; if you only see the current 3 weeks of market conditions, you are just a talent; if you only see the market conditions of the day, you are purely a gambler.

Different visions determine that people naturally have different views on things. If you look at investment with a lifetime vision, you see the changes of the times and the hopes and fears of human nature; if you look at investment with a decade, you see the common sense and changes in rules of trading; if you look at investment with three years, you see vision and courage; when you look at investment with a year, what determines success is ability; if you narrow it down to one day, what determines success or failure is probability and luck.

Although BTC is hovering around the 70000 mark in the current market, it is obviously looking for the direction of the least resistance point, that is, to find a direction that is favorable to itself, and to sell high and buy low in the box. Don't be impatient, time determines everything. The story of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi tells us that market transactions are not just a battle of strategy, but more of a battle of life and time. Whoever can wait will win in the end.

Let's throw out a question. If Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang trade stocks together, who will win?

Funds are soldiers. If the general is overwhelmed with anger and ants follow him, and if one-third of the soldiers are killed but the city is not taken, this is a disaster of siege. Therefore, "How should we live? We should subdue our hearts like this, so that all living beings have no more self-image, human image, sentient beings image, life image, no law image, and no illegal image." Make them not impatient, if the enemy does not move, I will not move, what can the enemy do to me!

Trading is a hunting, which requires not only patience, but also an assessment of the strength of oneself and the opponent, rather than jumping on a prey when seeing it. If the opponent is a lion that has been hungry for three days, then who is the prey is another matter. Always doing things beyond your own strength. Sometimes you may be lucky enough to defeat the lion, but if it is not good, the ending will be different. It is a moment of light and heat.

Luck only favors the strong, not the weak. The probability theory of lottery tells us that the probability of winning is often the fundamental reason why we lose our principal. We lose 99 times, but there must be one success that can make you win 99 times. It is much better to win back 99 losses than to win 99 times. One failure ruins 99 successes. However, in reality, the maximum number of failures a person can handle is also limited, which requires more certainty. If you are unsure about the market situation, don’t do anything you’re not sure about.

at last:

There are two emotions in speculation. Hope is a prominent feature of everyone, and fear is another prominent feature. If these two emotions are confused in the entire speculation career, an extremely terrible situation will arise, because Reversing their positions, they are full of hope when they should be afraid, and they are fearful and uneasy when they should be full of hope.
See original
BTC is hovering around the 70,000 mark, and the altcoins are refueling in the middle. Is there another wave? BTC continues to hover around 70,000. It is not time for its real breakthrough yet. At least it has to wait until the 22nd. This time factor has nothing to do with halving or any good news. It is just a simple cyclical factor. The breakthrough at that time may be a bull trap. First, the price will be raised by 10% to approach the 80,000 mark, and then it will drop back to form a kind of oscillation potential energy, thus completing a wave of washing, thereby reducing the pressure of washing in May. The altcoins have also successfully completed the middle refueling. This is just one of the short-term patterns. I have observed ORDI for more than 10 days. This time it is expected to be a real breakthrough after returning to 81. At that time, when it breaks through 100, it will be a real gift. At least it can slide up more than 10 points. The plate should be almost washed. If it doesn’t run again, there will be no chance. It’s rare that other currencies in the market are sluggish now. meme This wave of trend did not show much increase, but it was a downward trend all the way. Recently, it has formed a small oscillation range. The trend is a bit ready to move, and it is expected to complete a wave of raids. There are two kinds of people in the world, one is a wolf and the other is a sheep. In essence, it is the relationship between hunters and prey, but the strange thing is that wolves always pretend to be sheep, and sheep always pretend to be wolves; wolves pretend to be sheep just to get close to prey; and sheep pretend to be wolves just to show off to their companions. This market can really transform people. Some sheep pretend to be wolves because they want to eat sheep. A person who quit the circle in 2021 because of fil losses found me to help her operate at that time, "I posted a gloomy certificate again, and occasionally wanted to jump off the building, I suffered from insomnia, and I was in a bad mood." I decisively refused at the time, and now I have started to dress myself up as a wolf. From a biological point of view, both wolves and sheep are part of the species. In the long run, it is not impossible to achieve the transformation of species genes, just like sex reassignment surgery, which involves a process of cognition and psychological acceptance. However, it is unrealistic to complete the genetic transformation in just one year, because the sheep is still a sheep, but it just pretends to be a wolf. We will not go into details. Add some knowledge about life. For people who come to this world, whether they are businessmen, travelers, guests, Confucianists, Taoists or monks, they are all passing by in a hurry. Only when the heart is at peace is it the hometown. Don't be obsessed with where you come from or where you go. What is important is the process rather than the result. The same is true for doing things. Only by enjoying the process and doing your best in the process, no matter what the final result is, there is nothing to regret. Joy is on the way to the result rather than the moment of achieving the result. People's unhappiness comes from desires, and there are too many false needs in desires. If you just realize that dream and pursue new ideals, wouldn't it be tiring?
BTC is hovering around the 70,000 mark, and the altcoins are refueling in the middle. Is there another wave?

BTC continues to hover around 70,000. It is not time for its real breakthrough yet. At least it has to wait until the 22nd. This time factor has nothing to do with halving or any good news. It is just a simple cyclical factor. The breakthrough at that time may be a bull trap. First, the price will be raised by 10% to approach the 80,000 mark, and then it will drop back to form a kind of oscillation potential energy, thus completing a wave of washing, thereby reducing the pressure of washing in May. The altcoins have also successfully completed the middle refueling. This is just one of the short-term patterns.

I have observed ORDI for more than 10 days. This time it is expected to be a real breakthrough after returning to 81. At that time, when it breaks through 100, it will be a real gift. At least it can slide up more than 10 points. The plate should be almost washed. If it doesn’t run again, there will be no chance. It’s rare that other currencies in the market are sluggish now.

meme This wave of trend did not show much increase, but it was a downward trend all the way. Recently, it has formed a small oscillation range. The trend is a bit ready to move, and it is expected to complete a wave of raids.

There are two kinds of people in the world, one is a wolf and the other is a sheep. In essence, it is the relationship between hunters and prey, but the strange thing is that wolves always pretend to be sheep, and sheep always pretend to be wolves; wolves pretend to be sheep just to get close to prey; and sheep pretend to be wolves just to show off to their companions.

This market can really transform people. Some sheep pretend to be wolves because they want to eat sheep. A person who quit the circle in 2021 because of fil losses found me to help her operate at that time, "I posted a gloomy certificate again, and occasionally wanted to jump off the building, I suffered from insomnia, and I was in a bad mood." I decisively refused at the time, and now I have started to dress myself up as a wolf.

From a biological point of view, both wolves and sheep are part of the species. In the long run, it is not impossible to achieve the transformation of species genes, just like sex reassignment surgery, which involves a process of cognition and psychological acceptance. However, it is unrealistic to complete the genetic transformation in just one year, because the sheep is still a sheep, but it just pretends to be a wolf. We will not go into details.

Add some knowledge about life. For people who come to this world, whether they are businessmen, travelers, guests, Confucianists, Taoists or monks, they are all passing by in a hurry. Only when the heart is at peace is it the hometown. Don't be obsessed with where you come from or where you go. What is important is the process rather than the result.

The same is true for doing things. Only by enjoying the process and doing your best in the process, no matter what the final result is, there is nothing to regret. Joy is on the way to the result rather than the moment of achieving the result.

People's unhappiness comes from desires, and there are too many false needs in desires. If you just realize that dream and pursue new ideals, wouldn't it be tiring?
See original
BTC and gold are rising together. Should we avoid the gold rush this time?In the past two months, there has been a gold fever, and capital has been chasing profits. Whether it is from the stock market or the currency market, they have begun to pour into the gold market. The subsequent effect is bound to be that precious metals such as silver and copper and non-ferrous metals have also risen. From the trend of London gold, it can be seen that the entire wave of market has been gathering momentum since 2020, and has been moving along the minimum resistance above, hovering around 2000 for two years until a breakthrough was completed last month. This breakthrough must be a breakthrough at the annual level, and it will not fall back once it goes up.

BTC and gold are rising together. Should we avoid the gold rush this time?

In the past two months, there has been a gold fever, and capital has been chasing profits. Whether it is from the stock market or the currency market, they have begun to pour into the gold market. The subsequent effect is bound to be that precious metals such as silver and copper and non-ferrous metals have also risen. From the trend of London gold, it can be seen that the entire wave of market has been gathering momentum since 2020, and has been moving along the minimum resistance above, hovering around 2000 for two years until a breakthrough was completed last month. This breakthrough must be a breakthrough at the annual level, and it will not fall back once it goes up.
See original
BTC is in a volatile market, and trading is accompanied by loneliness BTC is still in a volatile range, and the market is still in the wash-out stage. This is a normal market behavior. It is a boring market for retail investors and dealers. The market is like life. It cannot be excited every day. Most of the time, it is true that it is ordinary. If life is ordinary, then you abandon life. This is obviously unrealistic. Similarly, if the market is ordinary, you must do something unusual. It is impossible. The market and life are not subject to personal will. Some people ask, do you want to devote yourself to this career? Because everyone's conditions are different, economic conditions and mentality are different. This is the most difficult road to go. You can think about it, "A place where everyone can make rice without any effort, and there is no threshold, it must be the most difficult industry." It is said that people walk by the river and their shoes are wet. No one can be smooth sailing. What will happen after the bankruptcy crisis? If there is another big bear after 2021, can you get out? If it is you, how should you go? Loneliness is my companion along the way. You may think I am idle, but I look at stocks through life and life through stocks every day. In Nietzsche's words, "The philosopher of a higher level is alone, not because he likes loneliness, but because he can't find his kind around him." Walking this road is destined to be lonely. There are fewer and fewer friends, and the more I look at life, the clearer it is. It is because I have few friends. Even if I drive more than 400 kilometers, I will accompany my friends to fish for a day. In fact, fishing is not my interest! It's a bit off topic, so let's talk about it again. I have closed the comments. You can see that people ask every day: either this rises or that falls, or they lose hundreds of leverages. What should I do? Those are all revealed in the end: money does not come in a hurry, and you can't get it if you seek it. If you don't seek money, money will come. Since you have taken that road, you have to eat the fruit of that road. Will hunting happen? If it doesn't, it means you are the prey, and you must have the awareness of the prey. The thief of all things in the world, the thief of all things, and the thief of all things, who is not the prey among the heaven and earth! If you ask: "One should not dwell on anything, but give rise to the mind; all things are impermanent, all dharmas have no self, and nirvana is tranquil;The highest good is like water. Water benefits all things without contending. If it holds and fills, it is better to keep it to itself.....Governing a large country is like boiling a small fish" and so on. I have studied them. The experiences and answers I got may be different. Stocks are like life. Aren't they all about these things? If you insist that it is either going up or down, what will you do if the dealer keeps it sideways? Sun Tzu's Art of War says: "Don't rely on the enemy not coming, but rely on what you have to wait for it; don't rely on the enemy not attacking, but rely on what you have to be unattackable... Move when it is beneficial, and stop when it is not beneficial." Another key is: "Be invincible first, and wait for the enemy to be defeated." Make sure you are not defeated first, and only by "living" can you have the "glory" of defeating the enemy later. Correcting back, let's talk about a recent principle: "Adhere to strategic holdings, and no longer strategic buying." Some people may wonder: "Since it is rising, can't I copy the bottom more? "If you still have this kind of demeanor when the market drops another 50%, it's fine, but your funds are limited, not unlimited. If you accumulate chips to a certain point, you are just gambling again. If you treat the capital market as a casino, you won't be able to eat rice, let alone enter the basic door. Please remember that if you have food in your hands, you won't be panicked.
BTC is in a volatile market, and trading is accompanied by loneliness

BTC is still in a volatile range, and the market is still in the wash-out stage. This is a normal market behavior. It is a boring market for retail investors and dealers. The market is like life. It cannot be excited every day. Most of the time, it is true that it is ordinary. If life is ordinary, then you abandon life. This is obviously unrealistic. Similarly, if the market is ordinary, you must do something unusual. It is impossible. The market and life are not subject to personal will.

Some people ask, do you want to devote yourself to this career? Because everyone's conditions are different, economic conditions and mentality are different. This is the most difficult road to go. You can think about it, "A place where everyone can make rice without any effort, and there is no threshold, it must be the most difficult industry." It is said that people walk by the river and their shoes are wet. No one can be smooth sailing. What will happen after the bankruptcy crisis? If there is another big bear after 2021, can you get out? If it is you, how should you go?

Loneliness is my companion along the way. You may think I am idle, but I look at stocks through life and life through stocks every day. In Nietzsche's words, "The philosopher of a higher level is alone, not because he likes loneliness, but because he can't find his kind around him." Walking this road is destined to be lonely. There are fewer and fewer friends, and the more I look at life, the clearer it is. It is because I have few friends. Even if I drive more than 400 kilometers, I will accompany my friends to fish for a day. In fact, fishing is not my interest!

It's a bit off topic, so let's talk about it again. I have closed the comments. You can see that people ask every day: either this rises or that falls, or they lose hundreds of leverages. What should I do? Those are all revealed in the end: money does not come in a hurry, and you can't get it if you seek it. If you don't seek money, money will come. Since you have taken that road, you have to eat the fruit of that road. Will hunting happen? If it doesn't, it means you are the prey, and you must have the awareness of the prey. The thief of all things in the world, the thief of all things, and the thief of all things, who is not the prey among the heaven and earth!

If you ask: "One should not dwell on anything, but give rise to the mind; all things are impermanent, all dharmas have no self, and nirvana is tranquil;The highest good is like water. Water benefits all things without contending. If it holds and fills, it is better to keep it to itself.....Governing a large country is like boiling a small fish" and so on. I have studied them. The experiences and answers I got may be different. Stocks are like life. Aren't they all about these things? If you insist that it is either going up or down, what will you do if the dealer keeps it sideways?

Sun Tzu's Art of War says: "Don't rely on the enemy not coming, but rely on what you have to wait for it; don't rely on the enemy not attacking, but rely on what you have to be unattackable... Move when it is beneficial, and stop when it is not beneficial." Another key is: "Be invincible first, and wait for the enemy to be defeated." Make sure you are not defeated first, and only by "living" can you have the "glory" of defeating the enemy later.

Correcting back, let's talk about a recent principle: "Adhere to strategic holdings, and no longer strategic buying." Some people may wonder: "Since it is rising, can't I copy the bottom more? "If you still have this kind of demeanor when the market drops another 50%, it's fine, but your funds are limited, not unlimited. If you accumulate chips to a certain point, you are just gambling again. If you treat the capital market as a casino, you won't be able to eat rice, let alone enter the basic door. Please remember that if you have food in your hands, you won't be panicked.
See original
BTC70000 mark fluctuates and adjusts, and following the trend is not just about following the wind BTC has returned to the vicinity of 69000, which shows that "nuclear weapons" are much more powerful when not in use than when in use. If this kind of wash really comes, the effect is not as great as the effect of lingering up and down in this range. Therefore, military strategists who really know how to use power and take advantage of the situation understand that it is more beneficial to hold "nuclear weapons" in their hands than to throw them out. The main force also knows that near the 70000 mark, the effect of oscillating and lingering is more beneficial to themselves than directly rising or falling. Let other small institutions in the market get into a mess first, get out of their own trend, and then find the market's minimum resistance line. It is more important than anything else. The weight of the car is to wash continuously until the exchange of chips in hand is appropriate and then express your position. If it is regarded as a company's equity, BTC is 51%, and other cottages are 49%. It is normal for the opinions of various managements to differ, but BTC has a veto power, and the arm cannot twist the thigh. Although sometimes the deviation is too large, it will be corrected in the end. The mechanism of altcoins and BTC is different. Some altcoins have a 40% trend in one day, and a 40% trend in two days will immediately turn into 96%. This is called a one-line solution to all worries, but BTC dare not go out of this trend. Once there is a 40% positive line, the market institutions will continue to sell, and the market will fight among the dealers. In the end, the one who pulls up will be hurt. The market altcoins must see how BTC will eventually go. Just like I told you the day before yesterday, what level corresponds to what head. Obviously, it has not reached that moment yet. This is why I have never panicked and have never made a short contract. I go with the flow and never follow the wind.
BTC70000 mark fluctuates and adjusts, and following the trend is not just about following the wind

BTC has returned to the vicinity of 69000, which shows that "nuclear weapons" are much more powerful when not in use than when in use. If this kind of wash really comes, the effect is not as great as the effect of lingering up and down in this range. Therefore, military strategists who really know how to use power and take advantage of the situation understand that it is more beneficial to hold "nuclear weapons" in their hands than to throw them out.

The main force also knows that near the 70000 mark, the effect of oscillating and lingering is more beneficial to themselves than directly rising or falling. Let other small institutions in the market get into a mess first, get out of their own trend, and then find the market's minimum resistance line. It is more important than anything else. The weight of the car is to wash continuously until the exchange of chips in hand is appropriate and then express your position.

If it is regarded as a company's equity, BTC is 51%, and other cottages are 49%. It is normal for the opinions of various managements to differ, but BTC has a veto power, and the arm cannot twist the thigh. Although sometimes the deviation is too large, it will be corrected in the end.

The mechanism of altcoins and BTC is different. Some altcoins have a 40% trend in one day, and a 40% trend in two days will immediately turn into 96%. This is called a one-line solution to all worries, but BTC dare not go out of this trend. Once there is a 40% positive line, the market institutions will continue to sell, and the market will fight among the dealers. In the end, the one who pulls up will be hurt.

The market altcoins must see how BTC will eventually go. Just like I told you the day before yesterday, what level corresponds to what head. Obviously, it has not reached that moment yet. This is why I have never panicked and have never made a short contract. I go with the flow and never follow the wind.
See original
BTC fluctuates, will it first wash out and then rise this month? The Tao can be said, but it is not the Tao. Today, let's talk about the third meaning of it, Tao is connected to "stealing". "Yin Fu Jing": "Heaven and earth are the thieves of all things; all things are the thieves of people; people are the thieves of all things. When the three thieves are appropriate, the three talents are at peace." "Stealing" its essence and seizing its fortune, all of this is to understand the "Tao" of the essence of things before there is the subsequent "stealing". Investment business is to "steal" the essence of the market to strengthen oneself. If you can't seize the fortune of the market, you will become the nutrition in the market. Once a person intervenes, it is a relationship between "stealing" and "being stolen". If you don't steal the market, the market will steal you. If you don't do this, you won't be seized by the market. If you don't invest in this opportunity, don't think about seizing the fortune of the market. As for what height you want to reach in this market, the method of managing a company is the same. A company must have at least two levels, the top level and the middle level. The top level is to examine the character, and the middle level is to examine the technical ability. Some people may be nitpicking here. There must also be a bottom level. If you go to a financial company to understand, there are generally no more than 7 people, all of whom are elites. Why do you look for the bottom level? Some even have only 3 people. Taking this example, you will find that many things are connected. Analogously, the position management of large and small funds in transactions requires a super strong position management when the volume exceeds 1,000. It is difficult to break through without position management; when the volume is above 100, it is not position management, but chip management, some of which you cannot touch; as for the volume above 10, nothing is needed, whichever is hot will be pursued. Most of the altcoins have reached the effective support point. Tomorrow is the 7th. From the perspective of time factors, it is almost the same. The pattern has appeared, and the horn of the counterattack will be tomorrow. For BTC, which has been dragged down by altcoins, the price has returned to the previous big negative line, and the overall trend has not changed. Ordi's decline yesterday was good, and today's rebound proved the effectiveness of the bottom of the market, and a sneak rise began to appear. Many people are asking about shib. According to the current operating trend, the price is below the downward trend line. According to this level, in the medium term, this wash will at least adjust downward by 60% to the original point in the past. Finally: There is nothing much to say about this market. Most of them are in the same pattern. When it falls, everything falls, and when it rises, everything rises. Let's wait and see tomorrow.
BTC fluctuates, will it first wash out and then rise this month?

The Tao can be said, but it is not the Tao. Today, let's talk about the third meaning of it, Tao is connected to "stealing". "Yin Fu Jing": "Heaven and earth are the thieves of all things; all things are the thieves of people; people are the thieves of all things. When the three thieves are appropriate, the three talents are at peace." "Stealing" its essence and seizing its fortune, all of this is to understand the "Tao" of the essence of things before there is the subsequent "stealing".

Investment business is to "steal" the essence of the market to strengthen oneself. If you can't seize the fortune of the market, you will become the nutrition in the market. Once a person intervenes, it is a relationship between "stealing" and "being stolen". If you don't steal the market, the market will steal you. If you don't do this, you won't be seized by the market. If you don't invest in this opportunity, don't think about seizing the fortune of the market.

As for what height you want to reach in this market, the method of managing a company is the same. A company must have at least two levels, the top level and the middle level. The top level is to examine the character, and the middle level is to examine the technical ability. Some people may be nitpicking here. There must also be a bottom level. If you go to a financial company to understand, there are generally no more than 7 people, all of whom are elites. Why do you look for the bottom level? Some even have only 3 people.

Taking this example, you will find that many things are connected. Analogously, the position management of large and small funds in transactions requires a super strong position management when the volume exceeds 1,000. It is difficult to break through without position management; when the volume is above 100, it is not position management, but chip management, some of which you cannot touch; as for the volume above 10, nothing is needed, whichever is hot will be pursued.

Most of the altcoins have reached the effective support point. Tomorrow is the 7th. From the perspective of time factors, it is almost the same. The pattern has appeared, and the horn of the counterattack will be tomorrow. For BTC, which has been dragged down by altcoins, the price has returned to the previous big negative line, and the overall trend has not changed.

Ordi's decline yesterday was good, and today's rebound proved the effectiveness of the bottom of the market, and a sneak rise began to appear.

Many people are asking about shib. According to the current operating trend, the price is below the downward trend line. According to this level, in the medium term, this wash will at least adjust downward by 60% to the original point in the past.

Finally: There is nothing much to say about this market. Most of them are in the same pattern. When it falls, everything falls, and when it rises, everything rises. Let's wait and see tomorrow.
See original
BTC diverges from the Shanzhai, and everyone who likes it must be careful Confucius said: "If everyone hates it, you must be careful; if everyone likes it, you must be careful." ANT's performance is the last madness. Human nature is the impulse to try to seize all opportunities, especially when you are hungry. Seeing a certain currency pull up, you will be hungry and eat anything. It is better to do it now than to wait until 20 to make a crazy decision. ANT has experienced many news of being delisted, but it finally ran from 1.1 to 11. It is really a magical currency. Looking at its trend, it is more Ethereum than Ethereum. There was a wave of explosions within 24 hours from yesterday to now. Although this dinner is beautiful, it is not delicious. How to eat this dinner? Find a safe point for 4 hours of washing, put 100 rice grains, 5x. MASK is back to above 5. This point is the resistance point of the previous trend, and it is also the place where it turns into a support point after the breakthrough. The whole trend can't fall much, but it is in a budding period. The current trend of BTC is a volatile market, there is nothing to say. I will come back from fishing in the afternoon and give you some scientific knowledge. The reason is very simple. I think it will not take hundreds of words. You will understand it. Don't worry. I am not very interested in fishing itself, but fishing is like playing Feng Shui. Water is the vitality of yin and yang, and dragons are transformed by vitality. When dragons move, qi moves, and when dragons stop, qi stops. The mountain is high, the qi is thick, and the dragon is long. Qi is the mother of water. When dragons leave, qi follows, and when dragons stop, qi disperses. The place where qi disperses is a blessed place, and the land and water can support people. Water is the blood of mountains. Mountains and waters have the same origin. When the water veins are exhausted, fish are born. When fish are born, it is a fish house. This is the place where fish gather. Therefore, anglers first look for fish houses and find the end of the water veins to make nests. Gentlemen enjoy their ambitions when fishing, while villains enjoy their work when fishing. In ancient times, good anglers sought fun, while those who were not good at fishing sought fish. Fun is ambition. #ant
BTC diverges from the Shanzhai, and everyone who likes it must be careful

Confucius said: "If everyone hates it, you must be careful; if everyone likes it, you must be careful." ANT's performance is the last madness. Human nature is the impulse to try to seize all opportunities, especially when you are hungry. Seeing a certain currency pull up, you will be hungry and eat anything. It is better to do it now than to wait until 20 to make a crazy decision.

ANT has experienced many news of being delisted, but it finally ran from 1.1 to 11. It is really a magical currency. Looking at its trend, it is more Ethereum than Ethereum. There was a wave of explosions within 24 hours from yesterday to now. Although this dinner is beautiful, it is not delicious. How to eat this dinner? Find a safe point for 4 hours of washing, put 100 rice grains, 5x.

MASK is back to above 5. This point is the resistance point of the previous trend, and it is also the place where it turns into a support point after the breakthrough. The whole trend can't fall much, but it is in a budding period.

The current trend of BTC is a volatile market, there is nothing to say. I will come back from fishing in the afternoon and give you some scientific knowledge. The reason is very simple. I think it will not take hundreds of words. You will understand it. Don't worry.

I am not very interested in fishing itself, but fishing is like playing Feng Shui. Water is the vitality of yin and yang, and dragons are transformed by vitality. When dragons move, qi moves, and when dragons stop, qi stops. The mountain is high, the qi is thick, and the dragon is long. Qi is the mother of water. When dragons leave, qi follows, and when dragons stop, qi disperses. The place where qi disperses is a blessed place, and the land and water can support people.

Water is the blood of mountains. Mountains and waters have the same origin. When the water veins are exhausted, fish are born. When fish are born, it is a fish house. This is the place where fish gather. Therefore, anglers first look for fish houses and find the end of the water veins to make nests. Gentlemen enjoy their ambitions when fishing, while villains enjoy their work when fishing. In ancient times, good anglers sought fun, while those who were not good at fishing sought fish. Fun is ambition.

See original
BTC 66,000 points, casual chat The trading market is the training ground for human nature. If you only start with skills, you will always be just a craftsman and will never reach the other side of success. The so-called essence of the stock market is ultimately outside the stock market. The final competition in the trading market is character and recognition. Know. If you don’t have a good character and cognition, you want to chase after this, and want to have your own share of that. Eventually, a small market shakeup will make you panic, especially at this stage, no matter what Whether it's ups or downs, it's all a nightmare for the contract owner. If you don't have the skills and training in this market, you will eventually be affected by the extremely high price position over and over again. When the market rises, you will see skyrocketing, and when the market falls, you will see a waterfall. This is an obvious instability of mind. The ultimate reason is that you have invested funds that do not match your own strength. If you have 1,000 grains of rice, you have to do something that has 10,000 grains of rice. Don't worry about other people's rice. Even your own rice cannot be guaranteed. There is nothing wrong with the current general trend. Whether you are playing with contracts or spot goods, don’t think about breaking out overnight. Give the market more time to adjust and brew. Don’t invest funds that do not match your own strength. To put it bluntly, you must be able to afford to lose. Only by doing this can you survive this period of time. If the chips are gone, everything will be gone. After this pit, a sudden rise will occur, but you will not be able to return to the previous position, and will only go further and further away from success. The "Tao" of the market is not obvious, nor is it static. The "Tao" of the market is dynamic. Under all current conditions, a new combined force is formed to ultimately determine whether it is upward or downward. If you try to use a static indicator or the wave theory to determine the subsequent trend, there will be no 80-20 rule. Therefore, at the critical moment, the truth is on the opposite side of most people. Some people may say that there are no absolutes in everything. But I can responsibly tell you that everything has an absolute. What you call "no absolute" has become an absolute again. It's just that the hierarchical dimension of a thing is different. If it is in the same dimension, it is absolute. If it is one dimension higher than it, there is no absolute. , and so on, to the highest dimension is absolute. People nowadays are very "busy", but who has thought clearly about whether what he is pursuing is a real need or a false need?Are famous watches, cars and bags really needed? Or are they just for show? Why do things return to their original simplicity in the end? People with status should be able to speak confidently even if they ride a bicycle? In fact, this involves the spiritual level. In the end, your confidence is not external but your inner strength. One day, when you remove all your status and external things, what is left is just an "I". At that time, you may find your mission in this world. Having said so much, I still have to stick to the topic. If you take out even 2 hours a month to relax your mind, do nothing and don't think about anything, you will naturally be more calm and kind than others. These two hours are a luxury for 99.9% of people, because in the modern world of material desires, everyone has been repeating the two words "gains and losses". Finally: Don't rush to rise, don't panic when it falls. This currency is like an ATM. You will only have money when the time is right. If you don't take it when the time is right, it will be too little or even swallow the card.
BTC 66,000 points, casual chat

The trading market is the training ground for human nature. If you only start with skills, you will always be just a craftsman and will never reach the other side of success. The so-called essence of the stock market is ultimately outside the stock market. The final competition in the trading market is character and recognition. Know. If you don’t have a good character and cognition, you want to chase after this, and want to have your own share of that. Eventually, a small market shakeup will make you panic, especially at this stage, no matter what Whether it's ups or downs, it's all a nightmare for the contract owner.

If you don't have the skills and training in this market, you will eventually be affected by the extremely high price position over and over again. When the market rises, you will see skyrocketing, and when the market falls, you will see a waterfall. This is an obvious instability of mind. The ultimate reason is that you have invested funds that do not match your own strength. If you have 1,000 grains of rice, you have to do something that has 10,000 grains of rice. Don't worry about other people's rice. Even your own rice cannot be guaranteed.

There is nothing wrong with the current general trend. Whether you are playing with contracts or spot goods, don’t think about breaking out overnight. Give the market more time to adjust and brew. Don’t invest funds that do not match your own strength. To put it bluntly, you must be able to afford to lose. Only by doing this can you survive this period of time. If the chips are gone, everything will be gone. After this pit, a sudden rise will occur, but you will not be able to return to the previous position, and will only go further and further away from success.

The "Tao" of the market is not obvious, nor is it static. The "Tao" of the market is dynamic. Under all current conditions, a new combined force is formed to ultimately determine whether it is upward or downward. If you try to use a static indicator or the wave theory to determine the subsequent trend, there will be no 80-20 rule. Therefore, at the critical moment, the truth is on the opposite side of most people.

Some people may say that there are no absolutes in everything. But I can responsibly tell you that everything has an absolute. What you call "no absolute" has become an absolute again. It's just that the hierarchical dimension of a thing is different. If it is in the same dimension, it is absolute. If it is one dimension higher than it, there is no absolute. , and so on, to the highest dimension is absolute.

People nowadays are very "busy", but who has thought clearly about whether what he is pursuing is a real need or a false need?Are famous watches, cars and bags really needed? Or are they just for show? Why do things return to their original simplicity in the end? People with status should be able to speak confidently even if they ride a bicycle? In fact, this involves the spiritual level. In the end, your confidence is not external but your inner strength. One day, when you remove all your status and external things, what is left is just an "I". At that time, you may find your mission in this world.

Having said so much, I still have to stick to the topic. If you take out even 2 hours a month to relax your mind, do nothing and don't think about anything, you will naturally be more calm and kind than others. These two hours are a luxury for 99.9% of people, because in the modern world of material desires, everyone has been repeating the two words "gains and losses".

Finally: Don't rush to rise, don't panic when it falls. This currency is like an ATM. You will only have money when the time is right. If you don't take it when the time is right, it will be too little or even swallow the card.
See original
Is it too little to worry about the altcoin washout? Beware of the dealer’s smiling face Judging from the picture above, the entire BTC is still within the shock range. The turning point of the entire market is not strong enough to evolve from an upward trend to a downward trend. The shock adjustment has not completed the fierce resistance to the trend, so this trend pattern is in line with the washout of altcoins, and there is nothing to worry about based on the general trend. The ancients often said: "If you take the method above, you will get the method below; if you take the method below, you will get the method below." Facing such a small-level dishwashing depends on how you look at it, and it also depends on your ambition. If you just want to get a small amount from the market Money, or food and clothing, then you should still be worried about such a small-level market! On the contrary, if you don’t want to worry about money in the next few years when the current market conditions dictate, you have to be full of sorrow in such a small level. The sorrow is too small, and what you see are small gains and small losses. Only by giving up can you make big gains. . The house is so small that it doesn't require a trend, just hard work, so there's no need to try your luck here. The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more than enough damage. The way of man is to make up for the deficiency when there is not enough damage. In this market, those who make money will make more money, and those who lose money will lose more as they play. In the final analysis, not making a lot of money is the original sin. The less money you make, the more likely you are to end up in a bear market. Congratulations to Xi, what a meal The operation is as fierce as a tiger, but the profit is still negative. The decline in the bull market is "Dad", and "Dad" is here to bring opportunities. The dealer has three kinds of faces, a smiling face, a grimace and a gloomy face; when the dealer shows a smiling face, he is tempting you; when the dealer shows a grimace, he is intimidating you; when the dealer shows a grimace, he is trying to torture you. Looking at the entire trend of BTC and altcoins, from the very beginning when people were tortured with dark faces, to the occasional grimaces that frightened people, but when no smiling faces appeared, since there is no smiling face, what are you worried about?
Is it too little to worry about the altcoin washout? Beware of the dealer’s smiling face

Judging from the picture above, the entire BTC is still within the shock range. The turning point of the entire market is not strong enough to evolve from an upward trend to a downward trend. The shock adjustment has not completed the fierce resistance to the trend, so this trend pattern is in line with the washout of altcoins, and there is nothing to worry about based on the general trend.

The ancients often said: "If you take the method above, you will get the method below; if you take the method below, you will get the method below." Facing such a small-level dishwashing depends on how you look at it, and it also depends on your ambition. If you just want to get a small amount from the market Money, or food and clothing, then you should still be worried about such a small-level market!

On the contrary, if you don’t want to worry about money in the next few years when the current market conditions dictate, you have to be full of sorrow in such a small level. The sorrow is too small, and what you see are small gains and small losses. Only by giving up can you make big gains. . The house is so small that it doesn't require a trend, just hard work, so there's no need to try your luck here.

The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more than enough damage. The way of man is to make up for the deficiency when there is not enough damage. In this market, those who make money will make more money, and those who lose money will lose more as they play. In the final analysis, not making a lot of money is the original sin. The less money you make, the more likely you are to end up in a bear market. Congratulations to Xi, what a meal The operation is as fierce as a tiger, but the profit is still negative.

The decline in the bull market is "Dad", and "Dad" is here to bring opportunities. The dealer has three kinds of faces, a smiling face, a grimace and a gloomy face; when the dealer shows a smiling face, he is tempting you; when the dealer shows a grimace, he is intimidating you; when the dealer shows a grimace, he is trying to torture you.

Looking at the entire trend of BTC and altcoins, from the very beginning when people were tortured with dark faces, to the occasional grimaces that frightened people, but when no smiling faces appeared, since there is no smiling face, what are you worried about?
See original
SOL sector leads the market, other sectors are also fast? Seeing the performance of this market and the thinking of "when will it fall" in many people's heads, it only shows one thing. Most of them have no confidence in this wave of bulls, and the rhythm of the entire market is not set well, which ultimately leads to a rise. When it falls, you are eager to take advantage of it, and when it falls, you panic. This is mainly because you don't have much knowledge about currency speculation. At this stage, what the market needs is love rather than love. If you are not sure about the full potential of the market, then go and see what is happening with the local currency and you will understand immediately. SOL is hovering around 200. It has been strong for more than half a year, and it has unlimited potential in the future. Based on the performance of the sol sector and other currencies in the market, I will directly say that it is useful and I will retreat to study the market later. The popularity of the corresponding sector of sol has caused the funds on the market to be transferred from other currencies to the sol sector. Currencies in other sectors will naturally experience a decline, but at this time, some currencies will usher in a wave of stealing. It is rising, and what is rising are the currencies that have taken advantage of this wave of gains. Please pay attention to the currencies that have risen before the 7th. FIL returns to above 10 for the second time. Please pay attention to this stage, from the main rise to the sub-level decline and then to the natural recovery. At this time, there is no suspicion of large-scale shipments, so it will be a matter of time to recover the lost ground upwards. My favorite It is an integer point, so there will be a specific numerical concept. It is difficult to have a numerical concept for those 0.0000x currencies. There are billions in your hands at every turn. If you lack the understanding of chips, it is just nonsense. At this point, we have to admit that A did well. 1 lot = 100 shares. At first, 1 lot = 1,000 shares. Later, we found that others could not buy that many shares, so we split them into 100 shares. Too many 000,000 shares. Those are dazzling. From now on, let’s erase all the 0’s of small-denomination coins and use them as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, so that the number feels stronger. Let me give you an example, let's take pepe as 0.0000085, let's say 8.5 Finally, a person always has the urge to seize every opportunity. In the face of this urge, please adjust your position. Don't let this urge make you step on the wrong rhythm and lose the original rhythm, otherwise you will spend more money. If you buy chips at a low price and sell them at a low price, you must learn to raise the price when the tide rises. #JTO。 #Meme
SOL sector leads the market, other sectors are also fast?

Seeing the performance of this market and the thinking of "when will it fall" in many people's heads, it only shows one thing. Most of them have no confidence in this wave of bulls, and the rhythm of the entire market is not set well, which ultimately leads to a rise. When it falls, you are eager to take advantage of it, and when it falls, you panic. This is mainly because you don't have much knowledge about currency speculation. At this stage, what the market needs is love rather than love. If you are not sure about the full potential of the market, then go and see what is happening with the local currency and you will understand immediately.

SOL is hovering around 200. It has been strong for more than half a year, and it has unlimited potential in the future. Based on the performance of the sol sector and other currencies in the market, I will directly say that it is useful and I will retreat to study the market later. The popularity of the corresponding sector of sol has caused the funds on the market to be transferred from other currencies to the sol sector. Currencies in other sectors will naturally experience a decline, but at this time, some currencies will usher in a wave of stealing. It is rising, and what is rising are the currencies that have taken advantage of this wave of gains. Please pay attention to the currencies that have risen before the 7th.

FIL returns to above 10 for the second time. Please pay attention to this stage, from the main rise to the sub-level decline and then to the natural recovery. At this time, there is no suspicion of large-scale shipments, so it will be a matter of time to recover the lost ground upwards. My favorite It is an integer point, so there will be a specific numerical concept. It is difficult to have a numerical concept for those 0.0000x currencies. There are billions in your hands at every turn. If you lack the understanding of chips, it is just nonsense. At this point, we have to admit that A did well. 1 lot = 100 shares. At first, 1 lot = 1,000 shares. Later, we found that others could not buy that many shares, so we split them into 100 shares. Too many 000,000 shares. Those are dazzling. From now on, let’s erase all the 0’s of small-denomination coins and use them as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, so that the number feels stronger.

Let me give you an example, let's take pepe as 0.0000085, let's say 8.5

Finally, a person always has the urge to seize every opportunity. In the face of this urge, please adjust your position. Don't let this urge make you step on the wrong rhythm and lose the original rhythm, otherwise you will spend more money. If you buy chips at a low price and sell them at a low price, you must learn to raise the price when the tide rises.

#JTO。 #Meme
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Is the currency circle expected to usher in the "Little Indian Spring" market in April? The way of heaven is to win without fighting. If you don’t fight, you will fight. If you fight, you won’t fight. But if you don’t fight, no one in the world can fight with you. It is indisputable to have a calm mind. People with a calm mind generally have a wealthy family, which also lays the foundation for their grand ambitions in the future. On the other hand, people who do not have a calm mind have already lost from the beginning. Reality and Desire has been forcing him to go all in step by step, and he must follow the right rhythm at every step, otherwise he will lose the whole game with one careless move. If BTC makes these monthly adjustments, it is expected to usher in a mid-level market in April. It has not experienced large fluctuations and has peaked now. Who believes it? As long as you keep going with the trend, the top pattern has not appeared, so there is nothing to worry about. Inscription has hit the bottom twice in these days, and the overall price has broken upward, but it is still within the range. The price must at least return to above 90 and break the shock range to determine whether there will be a subsequent market. In terms of short-term trend, it is not as good as LTC. TRB has stalled near this position for more than three months. As the volume gradually increases, this is a must for encirclement. If you have a position, you can pay attention to it. The important thing is to decompress. I have said in the past that it will come. 300, and later it will reach more than 600. This has not all been realized, but no one recommends this type of currency. It is because we are in a market where treasures are everywhere. Considering this kind of currency with double the space is a watermelon. Pick sesame seeds. #TRB不能空 #BTC、
Is the currency circle expected to usher in the "Little Indian Spring" market in April?

The way of heaven is to win without fighting. If you don’t fight, you will fight. If you fight, you won’t fight. But if you don’t fight, no one in the world can fight with you. It is indisputable to have a calm mind. People with a calm mind generally have a wealthy family, which also lays the foundation for their grand ambitions in the future. On the other hand, people who do not have a calm mind have already lost from the beginning. Reality and Desire has been forcing him to go all in step by step, and he must follow the right rhythm at every step, otherwise he will lose the whole game with one careless move.

If BTC makes these monthly adjustments, it is expected to usher in a mid-level market in April. It has not experienced large fluctuations and has peaked now. Who believes it? As long as you keep going with the trend, the top pattern has not appeared, so there is nothing to worry about.

Inscription has hit the bottom twice in these days, and the overall price has broken upward, but it is still within the range. The price must at least return to above 90 and break the shock range to determine whether there will be a subsequent market. In terms of short-term trend, it is not as good as LTC.

TRB has stalled near this position for more than three months. As the volume gradually increases, this is a must for encirclement. If you have a position, you can pay attention to it. The important thing is to decompress. I have said in the past that it will come. 300, and later it will reach more than 600. This has not all been realized, but no one recommends this type of currency. It is because we are in a market where treasures are everywhere. Considering this kind of currency with double the space is a watermelon. Pick sesame seeds.

#TRB不能空 #BTC、
See original
SOL hits 200, altcoins take advantage of the east wind BTC fluctuates up and down near 70,000. If this kind of fluctuation lasts for a long time, it is abnormal. In the short term, it has not recovered the past high of 73,000. During this period, the entire market was in a torturous market. It was a strong trend for one day, and then stopped for two days. Generally speaking, it has not reached the time when heavy positions have been deepened, but if you really have heavy positions, you must dare to accept the mid-term violent fluctuations. It is true that some currencies are particularly strong in the short term, but they cannot form a sustained market. They rise for one day and then fall for two days, and then new strength appears the next day. If you get into this habit, the market will fall sharply. Being trapped, not taking advantage of the big rise in the market, and being subject to the confusion of these single-day rises and falls, is to be led by the dealer, which is unskilled in business. After the previous three consecutive jumps, FIL's price returned to around 10. According to this rebound ratio, it rose from the main level to the secondary level and then to a natural rebound. Yesterday's natural rebound made the price return to the main level. The rising momentum is bound to have an upward force to push it forward. SOL is heading towards 200. If sol can start, it is expected to drive a wave of gains in other sector currencies. Many altcoins are in a latent state at this position. With the help of soL's east wind, they will complete a wave of dark positions and then move north in one fell swoop. There is still no suitable point for the currencies in the sol sector. Finally: The focus of the entire market should still be on April, especially after the 7th, and even after the 22nd in some cases. This period is a grueling time, grab the chips and don’t get off the bus, and don’t get on the bus randomly. #sol.
SOL hits 200, altcoins take advantage of the east wind

BTC fluctuates up and down near 70,000. If this kind of fluctuation lasts for a long time, it is abnormal. In the short term, it has not recovered the past high of 73,000. During this period, the entire market was in a torturous market. It was a strong trend for one day, and then stopped for two days. Generally speaking, it has not reached the time when heavy positions have been deepened, but if you really have heavy positions, you must dare to accept the mid-term violent fluctuations.

It is true that some currencies are particularly strong in the short term, but they cannot form a sustained market. They rise for one day and then fall for two days, and then new strength appears the next day. If you get into this habit, the market will fall sharply. Being trapped, not taking advantage of the big rise in the market, and being subject to the confusion of these single-day rises and falls, is to be led by the dealer, which is unskilled in business.

After the previous three consecutive jumps, FIL's price returned to around 10. According to this rebound ratio, it rose from the main level to the secondary level and then to a natural rebound. Yesterday's natural rebound made the price return to the main level. The rising momentum is bound to have an upward force to push it forward.

SOL is heading towards 200. If sol can start, it is expected to drive a wave of gains in other sector currencies. Many altcoins are in a latent state at this position. With the help of soL's east wind, they will complete a wave of dark positions and then move north in one fell swoop. There is still no suitable point for the currencies in the sol sector.

Finally: The focus of the entire market should still be on April, especially after the 7th, and even after the 22nd in some cases. This period is a grueling time, grab the chips and don’t get off the bus, and don’t get on the bus randomly.

See original
The battle to defend BTC70,000 points is back to another round? BTC has returned to above 70,000, which has no real effect. The market is half-push and half-roll. It is trapping people while pulling people up, and untangling people at the same time. Generally speaking, it is still a hidden dragon. Don’t waste time. The market’s strategy for retail investors during this period is , giving small profits and letting them take risks can be regarded as a habit formation, paving the way for the real killer move later. Dogecoin has ended its past causal relationship in October 2023. The point reference below 0.3 is not so important. Above 0.3, we still need to consider it. Since the transaction was made yesterday, there will still be follow-up. Operation, below 0.3 is the space for its operation. As for above 0.3, although it is less than 50% of the space, it is still unimaginable. I have summed up another trick. For popular currencies in the currency circle, they usually fall deeper. When they rise later, they are usually the most violent. Regardless of the violent rise at the time, it means that you still can’t get off the bus halfway. Less, otherwise it will be difficult to get out of this trend. This reflects that there are still a lot of free chips in the entire market, which means that there is a mid-term follow-up in the market. Needless to say, I can know which currencies will fall on it even with my eyes closed. . ORDI is bottoming for the second time. Some of the current patterns are M-shaped double tops. A trend in 3-5 days can determine whether it is a double top, but it is probably not a double top, because this time the dip is at 59 Nearby, it has not fallen back to 50. If there is no other hype theme later, it will fall on it. If there is it, it will enter the shock range. Since XEC can return to this position, it means that it continues to go to 0. For those outside my system, and a currency is very demanding in terms of positions, it is enough to have a few in my hands. I cannot be sure that all those who watch the price go up are my cup of tea. The important thing is to decide according to your own principles and position ratio. #WIF
The battle to defend BTC70,000 points is back to another round?

BTC has returned to above 70,000, which has no real effect. The market is half-push and half-roll. It is trapping people while pulling people up, and untangling people at the same time. Generally speaking, it is still a hidden dragon. Don’t waste time. The market’s strategy for retail investors during this period is , giving small profits and letting them take risks can be regarded as a habit formation, paving the way for the real killer move later.

Dogecoin has ended its past causal relationship in October 2023. The point reference below 0.3 is not so important. Above 0.3, we still need to consider it. Since the transaction was made yesterday, there will still be follow-up. Operation, below 0.3 is the space for its operation. As for above 0.3, although it is less than 50% of the space, it is still unimaginable.

I have summed up another trick. For popular currencies in the currency circle, they usually fall deeper. When they rise later, they are usually the most violent. Regardless of the violent rise at the time, it means that you still can’t get off the bus halfway. Less, otherwise it will be difficult to get out of this trend. This reflects that there are still a lot of free chips in the entire market, which means that there is a mid-term follow-up in the market. Needless to say, I can know which currencies will fall on it even with my eyes closed. .

ORDI is bottoming for the second time. Some of the current patterns are M-shaped double tops. A trend in 3-5 days can determine whether it is a double top, but it is probably not a double top, because this time the dip is at 59 Nearby, it has not fallen back to 50. If there is no other hype theme later, it will fall on it. If there is it, it will enter the shock range.

Since XEC can return to this position, it means that it continues to go to 0. For those outside my system, and a currency is very demanding in terms of positions, it is enough to have a few in my hands. I cannot be sure that all those who watch the price go up are my cup of tea. The important thing is to decide according to your own principles and position ratio.

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