BTC70000 mark fluctuates, the story of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi tells us that sometimes the market is not a battle of strategy, but a battle of time

Different visions determine different achievements. If you can see the vision of the next 30 years, you have the potential of a leader; if you see the vision of 3 years, you are a figure; if you only see the current 3 weeks of market conditions, you are just a talent; if you only see the market conditions of the day, you are purely a gambler.

Different visions determine that people naturally have different views on things. If you look at investment with a lifetime vision, you see the changes of the times and the hopes and fears of human nature; if you look at investment with a decade, you see the common sense and changes in rules of trading; if you look at investment with three years, you see vision and courage; when you look at investment with a year, what determines success is ability; if you narrow it down to one day, what determines success or failure is probability and luck.

Although BTC is hovering around the 70000 mark in the current market, it is obviously looking for the direction of the least resistance point, that is, to find a direction that is favorable to itself, and to sell high and buy low in the box. Don't be impatient, time determines everything. The story of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi tells us that market transactions are not just a battle of strategy, but more of a battle of life and time. Whoever can wait will win in the end.

Let's throw out a question. If Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang trade stocks together, who will win?

Funds are soldiers. If the general is overwhelmed with anger and ants follow him, and if one-third of the soldiers are killed but the city is not taken, this is a disaster of siege. Therefore, "How should we live? We should subdue our hearts like this, so that all living beings have no more self-image, human image, sentient beings image, life image, no law image, and no illegal image." Make them not impatient, if the enemy does not move, I will not move, what can the enemy do to me!

Trading is a hunting, which requires not only patience, but also an assessment of the strength of oneself and the opponent, rather than jumping on a prey when seeing it. If the opponent is a lion that has been hungry for three days, then who is the prey is another matter. Always doing things beyond your own strength. Sometimes you may be lucky enough to defeat the lion, but if it is not good, the ending will be different. It is a moment of light and heat.

Luck only favors the strong, not the weak. The probability theory of lottery tells us that the probability of winning is often the fundamental reason why we lose our principal. We lose 99 times, but there must be one success that can make you win 99 times. It is much better to win back 99 losses than to win 99 times. One failure ruins 99 successes. However, in reality, the maximum number of failures a person can handle is also limited, which requires more certainty. If you are unsure about the market situation, don’t do anything you’re not sure about.

at last:

There are two emotions in speculation. Hope is a prominent feature of everyone, and fear is another prominent feature. If these two emotions are confused in the entire speculation career, an extremely terrible situation will arise, because Reversing their positions, they are full of hope when they should be afraid, and they are fearful and uneasy when they should be full of hope.