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Bitforest(比特森林)创始股东,BTC 早期投资人,比特币十年定投社区发起人。
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$BTC 《The World's Most Amazing 24 Lessons》 Summary of Lesson 3: No need to seek help from outside, you are the most powerful. Infinite energy does not need the consent of finite energy to execute your needs. You only need to be responsible for placing orders to the universe, telling your subconscious mind, the universe, and infinite energy about all the good things you want and all your needs. No need to make plans, no need to worry about how to implement plans, no need to worry about how to implement plans. The only thing you have to do is to express your needs clearly, clearly, show them, and visualize them. The clearer the better, the more detailed the better. You don't need to worry about the rationality of your goals. All your unreasonableness is a piece of cake in the eyes of infinite energy and can be easily handled. We already have infinite energy. In other words, infinite energy is always ready in our bodies, just like 26 letters, which can be combined into any language you want to express in the world. Just like collecting all the dragon balls can save the entire universe, as long as you collect the gems on Thanos' gloves, you can generate infinite energy. These energies are already prepared in your body. What you need to do now is to find these energies, gather these energies, let them exert infinite power in you, and achieve all the goals you want to achieve. By reading these words, let them bring me endless energy, let them help me find the energy sources scattered in my body. Vision, hearing, touch, all-round absorption and conversion of the energy I need. Persist in one pill a day, continuous output, continuous learning, training my brain, and cultivating my subconscious mind. The world is thought out.
$BTC 《The World's Most Amazing 24 Lessons》
Summary of Lesson 3:
No need to seek help from outside, you are the most powerful.

Infinite energy does not need the consent of finite energy to execute your needs. You only need to be responsible for placing orders to the universe, telling your subconscious mind, the universe, and infinite energy about all the good things you want and all your needs.

No need to make plans, no need to worry about how to implement plans, no need to worry about how to implement plans. The only thing you have to do is to express your needs clearly, clearly, show them, and visualize them. The clearer the better, the more detailed the better.

You don't need to worry about the rationality of your goals. All your unreasonableness is a piece of cake in the eyes of infinite energy and can be easily handled.

We already have infinite energy. In other words, infinite energy is always ready in our bodies, just like 26 letters, which can be combined into any language you want to express in the world. Just like collecting all the dragon balls can save the entire universe, as long as you collect the gems on Thanos' gloves, you can generate infinite energy.
These energies are already prepared in your body. What you need to do now is to find these energies, gather these energies, let them exert infinite power in you, and achieve all the goals you want to achieve.

By reading these words, let them bring me endless energy, let them help me find the energy sources scattered in my body.
Vision, hearing, touch, all-round absorption and conversion of the energy I need.

Persist in one pill a day, continuous output, continuous learning, training my brain, and cultivating my subconscious mind.
The world is thought out.
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My insights from two live readings: 1: You must buy paper books 2: Read aloud 3: Read live I have read a lot of books. I want to have a deep understanding, digestion, and absorption of the content in a book. It must be that teaching others to read is the greatest absorption. Just reading once basically does not have much feeling, and you may forget it after a while, and only a few words of the content in the book will remain in your subconscious. Not to mention applying the essence of the book. Holding a paper book in your hand will give psychological hints. I attach great importance to this matter, so that the body can also feel the existence of the book through touch, and let the body and your feelings about the book synchronized. At the same time, the existence of paper books is also a kind of life existence, so that the book can feel your respect for it and your respect for the content you want to express in the book. Read aloud, let the auditory system feel your current state, treat the book wholeheartedly, let the body also treat the current state wholeheartedly, and adjust the best state to welcome the content and energy in the book. Just like when I was in school when I was a child, there would be morning reading, the same principle. There are two reasons for live streaming: First, to make yourself more focused, because someone is watching you, you have to study hard. Second, slowly accumulate fans and build your own influence. I believe that there will be like-minded people to learn together. $BTC
My insights from two live readings:
1: You must buy paper books
2: Read aloud
3: Read live

I have read a lot of books. I want to have a deep understanding, digestion, and absorption of the content in a book.
It must be that teaching others to read is the greatest absorption.
Just reading once basically does not have much feeling, and you may forget it after a while, and only a few words of the content in the book will remain in your subconscious. Not to mention applying the essence of the book.

Holding a paper book in your hand will give psychological hints. I attach great importance to this matter, so that the body can also feel the existence of the book through touch, and let the body and your feelings about the book synchronized. At the same time, the existence of paper books is also a kind of life existence, so that the book can feel your respect for it and your respect for the content you want to express in the book.

Read aloud, let the auditory system feel your current state, treat the book wholeheartedly, let the body also treat the current state wholeheartedly, and adjust the best state to welcome the content and energy in the book. Just like when I was in school when I was a child, there would be morning reading, the same principle.

There are two reasons for live streaming: First, to make yourself more focused, because someone is watching you, you have to study hard.
Second, slowly accumulate fans and build your own influence. I believe that there will be like-minded people to learn together. $BTC
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"The 24 Most Amazing Lessons in the World" Lesson 2: The power of the subconscious It is a magical existence. The subconscious is uncontrolled, does not need to be directed, and is subconscious. It is the result of countless accumulated behaviors under the guidance of the conscious mind. It runs automatically like a program. I want the subconscious to be used by me and produce positive, positive, healthy, happy, energetic, and loving. I feed him positive, positive, energetic, and loving expressions and hints every day. Here is a question: We are all pursuing wealth, love, and health, but the number of people who really get them is very limited. Is it because people don't want to get them? No, it's because people don't believe that they can get wealth, love, or health. They have repeatedly suggested to themselves that it is difficult to make money, I can't make money, it's too difficult for me, and it's not that easy to make money. He only thinks about being rich occasionally, and he can think about it eight hundred times a day. Most of the time, he suggests to himself that he can't make money and it's too difficult. Many times, psychological suggestion may be just a moment, a thought, and even he himself does not realize that he is making negative suggestions. I will train my subconscious mind from today. Think positively about everything, express positively, have wealth, have love, have health, use positive expression to feed the subconscious mind, use positive expression to feed the subconscious mind. $BTC
"The 24 Most Amazing Lessons in the World"
Lesson 2: The power of the subconscious
It is a magical existence.
The subconscious is uncontrolled, does not need to be directed, and is subconscious.
It is the result of countless accumulated behaviors under the guidance of the conscious mind.
It runs automatically like a program. I want the subconscious to be used by me and produce positive, positive, healthy, happy, energetic, and loving.
I feed him positive, positive, energetic, and loving expressions and hints every day.

Here is a question:
We are all pursuing wealth, love, and health, but the number of people who really get them is very limited. Is it because people don't want to get them?
No, it's because people don't believe that they can get wealth, love, or health. They have repeatedly suggested to themselves that it is difficult to make money, I can't make money, it's too difficult for me, and it's not that easy to make money.
He only thinks about being rich occasionally, and he can think about it eight hundred times a day. Most of the time, he suggests to himself that he can't make money and it's too difficult. Many times, psychological suggestion may be just a moment, a thought, and even he himself does not realize that he is making negative suggestions.
I will train my subconscious mind from today.
Think positively about everything, express positively, have wealth, have love, have health, use positive expression to feed the subconscious mind, use positive expression to feed the subconscious mind. $BTC
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Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad This is an entrepreneur who has influenced the financial intelligence of a generation, and he is even the enlightenment teacher of financial intelligence for more people. Li Xiaolai, Sun Ge, Bao Erye, Zhou Wenqiang, etc., who we are familiar with, all started their life wealth journey by listening to his class. The course "The Road to Financial Freedom" is regarded as a criterion by many people. One of his core ideas is not to work for money, but to work for assets. All your labor should be to earn assets. First, use time, energy, education, connections...all resources. Create assets that can bring cash flow. Use the cash flow brought by assets to bring you a steady stream of income. In this way, you can achieve passive income. You can get a steady stream of income without relying on specific labor. It can also be understood as pipeline income! And he himself bought a large number of low-priced properties (more than 10,000 properties) by borrowing (300 million US dollars) during the 2008 economic crisis, thus achieving complete wealth freedom. From an investment perspective, it is called buying assets rather than liabilities. Assets are what allow money to enter your pocket actively. Debt takes money out of your pocket. Real estate is no longer the best cash flow target. So he has been advocating the purchase of Bitcoin on social media in recent years. [呲牙][呲牙]$BTC
Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad
This is an entrepreneur who has influenced the financial intelligence of a generation, and he is even the enlightenment teacher of financial intelligence for more people.
Li Xiaolai, Sun Ge, Bao Erye, Zhou Wenqiang, etc., who we are familiar with, all started their life wealth journey by listening to his class.
The course "The Road to Financial Freedom" is regarded as a criterion by many people.
One of his core ideas is not to work for money, but to work for assets.
All your labor should be to earn assets.
First, use time, energy, education, connections...all resources. Create assets that can bring cash flow.
Use the cash flow brought by assets to bring you a steady stream of income. In this way, you can achieve passive income. You can get a steady stream of income without relying on specific labor. It can also be understood as pipeline income!
And he himself bought a large number of low-priced properties (more than 10,000 properties) by borrowing (300 million US dollars) during the 2008 economic crisis, thus achieving complete wealth freedom.
From an investment perspective, it is called buying assets rather than liabilities.
Assets are what allow money to enter your pocket actively.
Debt takes money out of your pocket.
Real estate is no longer the best cash flow target. So he has been advocating the purchase of Bitcoin on social media in recent years. [呲牙][呲牙]$BTC
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A speck of dust from the times is like a mountain when it falls on an ordinary person. In the face of trends, personal power seems so small. Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his financial quotient course "The Road to Wealth Freedom" that you should own assets, not liabilities. To have a positive cash flow, you must give up assets that take away your cash flow. Pie is an asset, an asset that can passively increase in value. Once you have it, you don't need to pay extra costs. There is no need to increase your time investment, and there is no need to increase your energy investment. Its value-added has little to do with what you are doing at the moment. Whether you have additional investment or not, it will not affect its creation of value for you. $BTC
A speck of dust from the times is like a mountain when it falls on an ordinary person.
In the face of trends, personal power seems so small.
Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his financial quotient course "The Road to Wealth Freedom" that you should own assets, not liabilities.
To have a positive cash flow, you must give up assets that take away your cash flow.
Pie is an asset, an asset that can passively increase in value.
Once you have it, you don't need to pay extra costs.
There is no need to increase your time investment, and there is no need to increase your energy investment. Its value-added has little to do with what you are doing at the moment. Whether you have additional investment or not, it will not affect its creation of value for you. $BTC
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Robert Kiyosaki said: Assets are things that put money into your pocket, and liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket. So the question is, is pie an asset or a liability? Pie puts some people's money into the pockets of others. The key to the problem is, for you, has pie made money for your pocket? If yes, then pie is an asset for you. If pie takes money out of your pocket, then pie is a liability for you. The same pie is an asset for some people and a liability for others. It does not depend on the pie itself, but on how you treat the pie. Let's talk about liabilities. Robert Kiyosaki said in the book that if you take on liabilities for assets, and this asset can bring you positive cash flow or increase your value, then this liability is a good liability. Reasonable liabilities can resist inflation. If your liabilities are for consumption, to satisfy your desires, then your liabilities are liabilities that consume you, which will only make you poorer. Learning experience of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" [sly smile] $BTC
Robert Kiyosaki said: Assets are things that put money into your pocket, and liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket.

So the question is, is pie an asset or a liability?
Pie puts some people's money into the pockets of others.

The key to the problem is, for you, has pie made money for your pocket? If yes, then pie is an asset for you. If pie takes money out of your pocket, then pie is a liability for you.

The same pie is an asset for some people and a liability for others. It does not depend on the pie itself, but on how you treat the pie.

Let's talk about liabilities. Robert Kiyosaki said in the book that if you take on liabilities for assets, and this asset can bring you positive cash flow or increase your value, then this liability is a good liability.
Reasonable liabilities can resist inflation.
If your liabilities are for consumption, to satisfy your desires, then your liabilities are liabilities that consume you, which will only make you poorer.
Learning experience of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" [sly smile] $BTC
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The 146th suggestion in Kevin Kelly's "Valuable Advice of Life" is: Long-term and continuous small investments can create miracles, but no one wants to get rich slowly. Let me break it down: long-term, continuous, small investments, and miracles. Long-term refers to a relatively long period of time, not one or two days, not one or two months, and one or two years is not long-term. More than ten years can be considered long-term. Only in this time dimension can you form the accumulation advantage of time and defeat most people. You need to overcome your desire for immediate satisfaction. You need to fight against your most instinctive human nature. Continuity means uninterrupted and continuous. No matter what happens in the middle, it cannot affect your decision. No matter what happens, your behavior continues. You have the ability and strength to eliminate all difficulties and interference. You need to overcome the laziness of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. You need to find a reason for yourself to persist when others give up. Small investments mean a low threshold. You don't need to be tall and tall at the beginning. You can start calmly with a monthly salary of 5,000. Many times we tend to think that investment is exclusive to rich people, and it is something that people with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan cannot even touch. The advice given in the book is that small investments can be started. The key is the concept and awareness of investment. The smaller the amount, the more you need to learn to exercise, because experience is accumulated bit by bit, otherwise you will have no idea where to start when you really have money, or even lose all your money. Imagine that you have 10 million now. Do you know how to turn this 10 million into 20 million in five years? So, you should start accumulating experience from now on. At the same time, for a long-term and continuous thing, the advantage of compound interest can already give you a huge advantage. Fixed investment for ten years fully meets Kevin Kelly's requirements for creating miracles. Buying big pancakes for ten consecutive years can create miracles. May we all be people who create miracles. There are no miracles in the world, but when there are more people who are unwilling to do it, there will be miracles. $BTC
The 146th suggestion in Kevin Kelly's "Valuable Advice of Life" is: Long-term and continuous small investments can create miracles, but no one wants to get rich slowly.

Let me break it down: long-term, continuous, small investments, and miracles.

Long-term refers to a relatively long period of time, not one or two days, not one or two months, and one or two years is not long-term. More than ten years can be considered long-term. Only in this time dimension can you form the accumulation advantage of time and defeat most people. You need to overcome your desire for immediate satisfaction. You need to fight against your most instinctive human nature.

Continuity means uninterrupted and continuous. No matter what happens in the middle, it cannot affect your decision. No matter what happens, your behavior continues. You have the ability and strength to eliminate all difficulties and interference. You need to overcome the laziness of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. You need to find a reason for yourself to persist when others give up.

Small investments mean a low threshold. You don't need to be tall and tall at the beginning. You can start calmly with a monthly salary of 5,000. Many times we tend to think that investment is exclusive to rich people, and it is something that people with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan cannot even touch. The advice given in the book is that small investments can be started. The key is the concept and awareness of investment. The smaller the amount, the more you need to learn to exercise, because experience is accumulated bit by bit, otherwise you will have no idea where to start when you really have money, or even lose all your money. Imagine that you have 10 million now. Do you know how to turn this 10 million into 20 million in five years? So, you should start accumulating experience from now on. At the same time, for a long-term and continuous thing, the advantage of compound interest can already give you a huge advantage.

Fixed investment for ten years fully meets Kevin Kelly's requirements for creating miracles. Buying big pancakes for ten consecutive years can create miracles. May we all be people who create miracles.
There are no miracles in the world, but when there are more people who are unwilling to do it, there will be miracles. $BTC
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I wish Trump a speedy recovery and a smooth ascension to the presidency of the United States. Brothers in the crypto community have two words for me to convey to you: 1. Congratulations, you will have good fortune after surviving a disaster. The presidency is yours. 2. I hope you can fulfill your promise to the crypto community. 3. Please take up your post as soon as possible and pass the ETF of Erbing. On behalf of the brothers in the crypto community, I support you [666] $BTC $ETH
I wish Trump a speedy recovery and a smooth ascension to the presidency of the United States.
Brothers in the crypto community have two words for me to convey to you:
1. Congratulations, you will have good fortune after surviving a disaster. The presidency is yours.
2. I hope you can fulfill your promise to the crypto community.
3. Please take up your post as soon as possible and pass the ETF of Erbing.
On behalf of the brothers in the crypto community, I support you [666] $BTC $ETH
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$BTC $ETH Good news for the crypto community: 1. Bitcoin and Bitcoin ETF may be approved this week, today is Tuesday. It was originally 7.4 to have a result, but something happened and it was delayed. If it is approved this week, our Bitcoin and Bitcoin will usher in a new leap. For reference, Bitcoin has risen by 70% after it was approved. At the same time, Grayscale Bitcoin and Bitcoin have achieved a positive premium. When Bitcoin achieves a positive premium, it is the time when the ETF is approved. 2. Bitcoin may replace the US dollar in the future, 1 million US dollars, and become the global value anchor, 10 million US dollars, the value carrier of the circulation of the metaverse, and the price is immeasurable. 3. In the bull market in history, there have been 5-6 callbacks each time, about 30%. This time, from 7.3 to 5.3, it is nearly 30%, which is in line with the rhythm of the bull market callback. Grasp the opportunity to get on the train, and it is worth a lot of money to buy a bull back. Fourth, the pressure of the Mentougou incident is gradually released, and it will usher in a new driving force for takeoff, with the next target of $150,000. The 50,000 Bitcoin incident in Germany also allowed the historical legacy problems to be slowly digested by the power of the new world. Fifth, the entry funds of ETFs account for 25% of the total transaction volume, and these funds are mature, compliant, long-term, traditional funds, listed companies, and S&P 500 companies. The allocation is 5%, up to $1 million. The government, Dell are also allocating, national sovereign funds, pension funds, national bank government allocations, and there are many in the village. Sixth, the oil for the European Cup is coming back soon. There are still 5 days from 6.14 to 7.14. Seventh, the miner surrender indicator is close to the bottom of the FTX collapse. It indicates that it has bottomed out and is waiting for a rebound. This is similar to the situation of Bitcoin reaching $15,500 in 2020, when Bitcoin rose by more than 300% in the next 15 months. 8. Trump's victory in September is a foregone conclusion, and the crypto-friendliness index has soared. There is a video. Firmly support 50 million users, let the future of crypto happen in the United States, release Assange, and prevent the government from issuing stablecoins to compete with the people, etc. In short, all kinds of good news for crypto. Expected interest rate cut in September.
$BTC $ETH Good news for the crypto community:
1. Bitcoin and Bitcoin ETF may be approved this week, today is Tuesday. It was originally 7.4 to have a result, but something happened and it was delayed. If it is approved this week, our Bitcoin and Bitcoin will usher in a new leap. For reference, Bitcoin has risen by 70% after it was approved. At the same time, Grayscale Bitcoin and Bitcoin have achieved a positive premium. When Bitcoin achieves a positive premium, it is the time when the ETF is approved.

2. Bitcoin may replace the US dollar in the future, 1 million US dollars, and become the global value anchor, 10 million US dollars, the value carrier of the circulation of the metaverse, and the price is immeasurable.

3. In the bull market in history, there have been 5-6 callbacks each time, about 30%. This time, from 7.3 to 5.3, it is nearly 30%, which is in line with the rhythm of the bull market callback. Grasp the opportunity to get on the train, and it is worth a lot of money to buy a bull back.

Fourth, the pressure of the Mentougou incident is gradually released, and it will usher in a new driving force for takeoff, with the next target of $150,000. The 50,000 Bitcoin incident in Germany also allowed the historical legacy problems to be slowly digested by the power of the new world.

Fifth, the entry funds of ETFs account for 25% of the total transaction volume, and these funds are mature, compliant, long-term, traditional funds, listed companies, and S&P 500 companies. The allocation is 5%, up to $1 million. The government, Dell are also allocating, national sovereign funds, pension funds, national bank government allocations, and there are many in the village.
Sixth, the oil for the European Cup is coming back soon. There are still 5 days from 6.14 to 7.14.

Seventh, the miner surrender indicator is close to the bottom of the FTX collapse. It indicates that it has bottomed out and is waiting for a rebound. This is similar to the situation of Bitcoin reaching $15,500 in 2020, when Bitcoin rose by more than 300% in the next 15 months.

8. Trump's victory in September is a foregone conclusion, and the crypto-friendliness index has soared. There is a video. Firmly support 50 million users, let the future of crypto happen in the United States, release Assange, and prevent the government from issuing stablecoins to compete with the people, etc. In short, all kinds of good news for crypto. Expected interest rate cut in September.
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Brother Cong, this is my seventh letter to you. I was answering a friend who told me that he was very tired, didn't want to struggle anymore, wanted to lie down, but he had a wife and children to support, so he felt very tired and conflicted now. This is my answer: First of all, everything is the best arrangement. Some people had a smooth and prosperous first half of their lives, and they succeeded in everything they did and made money easily. They felt that money was the easiest thing to get in the world. They would never lack money in this life. Therefore, they squandered it casually, were not careful enough, spent lavishly, and even remained unaware when they were ruthlessly manipulated by desire. It was not until the wealth gradually left him, his relatives gradually decreased, and his friends left one after another that he suddenly realized that everything was testing him and testing him. Everything he had was just a passing cloud, and he himself did not have the ability to control everything. As a result, he lost everything he thought belonged to him. He has been depressed ever since... Some people had a bumpy first half of their lives, with thorns all over the ground, and they found it very difficult to do anything, and they could not get the results they wanted. Her relatives looked down on her, her friends couldn't help her, and she had no chance of wealth. She could only struggle and wander at the bottom of life. Although she used up all her strength, she could only fill her stomach. But this cultivated his cautious style of doing things, his tenacious willpower, and his determination not to bow to any difficulties. This is precisely the most valuable ability to obtain wealth. Suddenly one day, he found an opportunity, seized an opportunity, and one day a noble person appeared in his life. From then on, he started a different life. The willpower he possessed could control wealth and carry the overwhelming wealth. It has always opened up his different life...
Brother Cong, this is my seventh letter to you.
I was answering a friend who told me that he was very tired, didn't want to struggle anymore, wanted to lie down, but he had a wife and children to support, so he felt very tired and conflicted now.
This is my answer:
First of all, everything is the best arrangement.
Some people had a smooth and prosperous first half of their lives, and they succeeded in everything they did and made money easily. They felt that money was the easiest thing to get in the world. They would never lack money in this life. Therefore, they squandered it casually, were not careful enough, spent lavishly, and even remained unaware when they were ruthlessly manipulated by desire.
It was not until the wealth gradually left him, his relatives gradually decreased, and his friends left one after another that he suddenly realized that everything was testing him and testing him. Everything he had was just a passing cloud, and he himself did not have the ability to control everything. As a result, he lost everything he thought belonged to him. He has been depressed ever since...
Some people had a bumpy first half of their lives, with thorns all over the ground, and they found it very difficult to do anything, and they could not get the results they wanted. Her relatives looked down on her, her friends couldn't help her, and she had no chance of wealth. She could only struggle and wander at the bottom of life. Although she used up all her strength, she could only fill her stomach. But this cultivated his cautious style of doing things, his tenacious willpower, and his determination not to bow to any difficulties.
This is precisely the most valuable ability to obtain wealth. Suddenly one day, he found an opportunity, seized an opportunity, and one day a noble person appeared in his life. From then on, he started a different life. The willpower he possessed could control wealth and carry the overwhelming wealth.
It has always opened up his different life...
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Brother Cong, hello, this is my fifth letter to you. As a practitioner who is optimistic about the big cake and crypto assets in the long term, I know that this road is not easy to walk. There are not many people who can walk from the starting point to the end of this road. Most people will leave for various reasons. I want to thank them. They gave me the experience to move forward and stepped on so many pits for me. Those who bought and walked to the end, they told me how to walk more easily to the end, and they let me see what life is like after reaching the end. In this way, I will be more motivated to move forward, with the dream at the beginning, with the experience picked up along the way, with the chips left by those who left, and with the lessons learned by those who struggled in the pit. I walked all the way, saw the teachings of the big guys, saw the sad words of those who left, heard the voices swallowed by greed, heard the groans of people frightened by fear, smelled the fragrance of flowers from the end, and smelled the joy and laughter of the successful people drinking and talking happily. I continued to move forward, forward, the sounds on the road became less and less, the pedestrians on the road became less and less, I saw the hearts of those who continued to move forward were beating strongly, and joy was flowing in their pulses. I knew I was getting closer and closer to the end...$BTC
Brother Cong, hello, this is my fifth letter to you.

As a practitioner who is optimistic about the big cake and crypto assets in the long term, I know that this road is not easy to walk. There are not many people who can walk from the starting point to the end of this road. Most people will leave for various reasons. I want to thank them. They gave me the experience to move forward and stepped on so many pits for me.
Those who bought and walked to the end, they told me how to walk more easily to the end, and they let me see what life is like after reaching the end.
In this way, I will be more motivated to move forward, with the dream at the beginning, with the experience picked up along the way, with the chips left by those who left, and with the lessons learned by those who struggled in the pit.
I walked all the way, saw the teachings of the big guys, saw the sad words of those who left, heard the voices swallowed by greed, heard the groans of people frightened by fear, smelled the fragrance of flowers from the end, and smelled the joy and laughter of the successful people drinking and talking happily.
I continued to move forward, forward, the sounds on the road became less and less, the pedestrians on the road became less and less, I saw the hearts of those who continued to move forward were beating strongly, and joy was flowing in their pulses. I knew I was getting closer and closer to the end...$BTC
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Hello, Congge. Today is 2024.06.27, and this is the fifth letter I wrote to you. Today is a day of extraordinary significance. Since you have chosen the big pie, you must accept the rhythm of the big pie. In terms of wealth, you must accept the rhythm of slowly getting richer. You will not feel the pleasure brought by the surge in wealth, and of course you will not bear the pain brought by the plunge in wealth. It will only allow you to move forward steadily and defeat 95% of people with time. In terms of being recognized, you must accept that only those who have experienced it can understand your advice. Most people are unwilling to accept your advice to buy and hold for a long time. Therefore, no matter how hard you try to preach, how hard you try to tell others how correct your method is, and tell others without reservation about the pits you have stepped on. You use the results to tell those who are struggling to find the answer. In return, they only have a look of confusion and a look of indifference. So, gradually you will understand more and more a truth, the law is not easily passed on, and the doctor does not knock on the door. Never give advice when others are not looking for answers with sincerity. $BTC
Hello, Congge.
Today is 2024.06.27, and this is the fifth letter I wrote to you.
Today is a day of extraordinary significance.
Since you have chosen the big pie, you must accept the rhythm of the big pie.
In terms of wealth, you must accept the rhythm of slowly getting richer.
You will not feel the pleasure brought by the surge in wealth, and of course you will not bear the pain brought by the plunge in wealth. It will only allow you to move forward steadily and defeat 95% of people with time.
In terms of being recognized, you must accept that only those who have experienced it can understand your advice. Most people are unwilling to accept your advice to buy and hold for a long time. Therefore, no matter how hard you try to preach, how hard you try to tell others how correct your method is, and tell others without reservation about the pits you have stepped on. You use the results to tell those who are struggling to find the answer. In return, they only have a look of confusion and a look of indifference.
So, gradually you will understand more and more a truth, the law is not easily passed on, and the doctor does not knock on the door. Never give advice when others are not looking for answers with sincerity. $BTC
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Hello, Congge. This is the fourth letter I wrote to you. 2024.06.26 We can hardly understand the value of big cakes by listening to others say how good big cakes are and how much money they can make. There is only one way to deeply understand big cakes, and that is to spend a year writing an article about big cakes every day. If you are not willing to spend this time, don't expect him to understand the value of big cakes. All communication is in vain. Only in this way can you convince yourself, there is no other way. Without output, all inputs are fleeting and floating clouds.
Hello, Congge. This is the fourth letter I wrote to you. 2024.06.26
We can hardly understand the value of big cakes by listening to others say how good big cakes are and how much money they can make.
There is only one way to deeply understand big cakes, and that is to spend a year writing an article about big cakes every day.
If you are not willing to spend this time, don't expect him to understand the value of big cakes. All communication is in vain. Only in this way can you convince yourself, there is no other way.
Without output, all inputs are fleeting and floating clouds.
See original
Holding a rock sugar orange is like hiring a rock sugar orange to make money for us. \(^o^)/🍬 Where can we find such a good employee? No matter how strong our personal abilities are, they are not as good as the abilities of a rock sugar orange. Therefore, holding a rock sugar orange is the best job. [Happy]
Holding a rock sugar orange is like hiring a rock sugar orange to make money for us. \(^o^)/🍬
Where can we find such a good employee?
No matter how strong our personal abilities are, they are not as good as the abilities of a rock sugar orange.
Therefore, holding a rock sugar orange is the best job. [Happy]
See original
Congge, hello, this is my thinking today. I will report to you [666][666] Holding sugar oranges for a long time & running Common points: 1. It is conducive to wealth growth & good for health. 2. It needs to be executed for a long time, and the effect cannot be seen in the short term. 3. It is necessary to overcome the idea of ​​selling & giving up in the short term. 4. The longer you continue, the more wealth & health you will gain. 5. Once you have achieved wealth, health, honor... 6. It is a process of communicating with yourself, you just need to convince yourself. 7. It is best to integrate into a group, form an atmosphere, encourage each other, and support each other, so that you can last longer. 8. Keep telling people around you to join in $. The more people preach, the more determined you will be and the greater the gains. 9. It seems that the behavior is very simple, but it requires strong belief and cognition to continue. 10. They are all behaviors that can give you an international perspective. Holding sugar oranges/running can make you communicate with people all over the world. International behavior $BTC
Congge, hello, this is my thinking today. I will report to you [666][666]

Holding sugar oranges for a long time & running

Common points:

1. It is conducive to wealth growth & good for health.

2. It needs to be executed for a long time, and the effect cannot be seen in the short term.

3. It is necessary to overcome the idea of ​​selling & giving up in the short term.

4. The longer you continue, the more wealth & health you will gain.

5. Once you have achieved wealth, health, honor...

6. It is a process of communicating with yourself, you just need to convince yourself.

7. It is best to integrate into a group, form an atmosphere, encourage each other, and support each other, so that you can last longer.

8. Keep telling people around you to join in $. The more people preach, the more determined you will be and the greater the gains. 9. It seems that the behavior is very simple, but it requires strong belief and cognition to continue.

10. They are all behaviors that can give you an international perspective. Holding sugar oranges/running can make you communicate with people all over the world. International behavior $BTC
See original
A letter to Satoshi Nakamoto Hello, brother Cong I have a very good friend who has caught up with the bonus of cryptocurrency speculation for several years. In 2021, he saved tens of millions and spent several million to buy a villa in Huizhou. He decorated it in an ordinary way and married a wife who loves him. Now he has a son and a daughter, who are now attending a public elementary school next to the community. The rest of the money has been hoarding BTC, and he only has faith in BTC. Every time he urgently needs money, he sells some of the interest from the pledge of Bitcoin. At that time, everyone laughed at him for being stupid. If he had bought altcoins, his assets would have doubled several times now. Judging from the current situation, my friend is the winner in life. He told me that friends who had similar assets to him at the time are now on the blacklist of dishonest people. Only Bitcoin is true love, and all others are scumbags. $BTC
A letter to Satoshi Nakamoto
Hello, brother Cong
I have a very good friend who has caught up with the bonus of cryptocurrency speculation for several years. In 2021, he saved tens of millions and spent several million to buy a villa in Huizhou. He decorated it in an ordinary way and married a wife who loves him. Now he has a son and a daughter, who are now attending a public elementary school next to the community. The rest of the money has been hoarding BTC, and he only has faith in BTC. Every time he urgently needs money, he sells some of the interest from the pledge of Bitcoin. At that time, everyone laughed at him for being stupid. If he had bought altcoins, his assets would have doubled several times now.
Judging from the current situation, my friend is the winner in life. He told me that friends who had similar assets to him at the time are now on the blacklist of dishonest people.
Only Bitcoin is true love, and all others are scumbags. $BTC
See original
Hello, Satoshi Nakamoto, nice to meet you. I am your fan, and from today on I will report to you every day. You created Sugar Orange, I like Sugar Orange very much, I know that she is equivalent to your incarnation, replacing you to maintain work in the world and create a new world. Friends who haven't seen each other for many years will ask: What are you busy with recently? We always feel that being busy physically every day is considered working, which makes me think: Can money only be earned by working physically? Is it considered busy if wisdom is busy? Is it considered busy if capital is busy? Is it considered making money with wisdom? Is it considered making money if you make money with capital? If you hire an employee to make money for you, is it considered making money? Let Sugar Orange (crypto asset) make money for you. So holding Sugar Orange and letting Sugar Orange make money for you is not good. Continue to think about a question: Are you good or Sugar Orange good? Of course, Sugar Orange is good. How comfortable it is to let it make money for us. We just need to hold it and let Sugar Orange work well. It is equivalent to hiring an employee who works for you all the time, creates value all over the world, deals with the richest people in the world, and discusses the future of the world with the most intelligent people in the world. You don't need to pay any salary for this employee, nor do you need to provide him with food and accommodation. All travel expenses are paid by her out of pocket. Whether you are sleeping, traveling, or accompanying your family, he is working diligently to create value for you. Although she sometimes has a temper, she will be hot and cold to you, passionate when happy, and cold as ice when sad. She is also very grateful to you, because no matter how she is a little temper, you unconditionally tolerate her, care for her, and love her. When everyone dislikes her and sells her crazily, you still take her in, give her care, and give her love. When so many people slander her, only you treat her well unconditionally. So she swears that as long as you don't abandon her and don't sell her, she will love you unconditionally, treat you well, and create a steady stream of wealth for you. $BTC
Hello, Satoshi Nakamoto, nice to meet you.
I am your fan, and from today on I will report to you every day.
You created Sugar Orange, I like Sugar Orange very much, I know that she is equivalent to your incarnation, replacing you to maintain work in the world and create a new world.

Friends who haven't seen each other for many years will ask: What are you busy with recently?

We always feel that being busy physically every day is considered working, which makes me think: Can money only be earned by working physically?
Is it considered busy if wisdom is busy?
Is it considered busy if capital is busy?
Is it considered making money with wisdom?
Is it considered making money if you make money with capital?
If you hire an employee to make money for you, is it considered making money?
Let Sugar Orange (crypto asset) make money for you.
So holding Sugar Orange and letting Sugar Orange make money for you is not good. Continue to think about a question: Are you good or Sugar Orange good? Of course, Sugar Orange is good. How comfortable it is to let it make money for us.
We just need to hold it and let Sugar Orange work well.
It is equivalent to hiring an employee who works for you all the time, creates value all over the world, deals with the richest people in the world, and discusses the future of the world with the most intelligent people in the world. You don't need to pay any salary for this employee, nor do you need to provide him with food and accommodation. All travel expenses are paid by her out of pocket.
Whether you are sleeping, traveling, or accompanying your family, he is working diligently to create value for you.
Although she sometimes has a temper, she will be hot and cold to you, passionate when happy, and cold as ice when sad.
She is also very grateful to you, because no matter how she is a little temper, you unconditionally tolerate her, care for her, and love her. When everyone dislikes her and sells her crazily, you still take her in, give her care, and give her love. When so many people slander her, only you treat her well unconditionally. So she swears that as long as you don't abandon her and don't sell her, she will love you unconditionally, treat you well, and create a steady stream of wealth for you.
See original
Shanzhai B is like a scumbag. His story of getting rich overnight tempts you all the time, making you have infinite imagination about him and full of various expectations. You fantasize all day that he will give you a beautiful future, and getting rich overnight is just around the corner. You have even made plans for how to see the world after getting rich overnight. However, the reason why a scumbag is just a scumbag is that he will ruthlessly trample on your expectations of him again and again. Whenever the big cake only has a 2% correction, he must fall 20% first as a tribute. So you don't admit defeat, you are full of expectations to change the positions of the big cake and the second cake to the Shanzhai, expecting a 20% increase. The result is a continued plunge of more than 20%. You still don't give up, thinking that the scumbag is also a human being and has a conscience, and sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity, so you have changed the positions of the big cake and the second cake to the Shanzhai, expecting the scumbag to change his mind. However, reality is so cruel, sincerity is never exchanged for sincerity, but ruthless crit again, and again and again. Finally, you exchanged the remaining big cakes and two cakes for the cottages, hoping to give it a final try. This is your last hope, the last bottom line, and the last bit of stubbornness. I thought that you would survive after putting yourself in a desperate situation. I remembered the story of Han Xin breaking his cauldron and becoming a boat, and the determination of those who are determined to do it will never give up, and the 120 Qin passes will eventually belong to Chu. Unfortunately, this world has never been exchanged for wishful thinking. The development of the world has its own rules and laws. Those who do not respect the facts and only act according to their own desires are destined to be punished. Finally, you finally despaired of the scumbag and chose to give up. You cut off all the cottages and prepared to treat your big cakes and two cakes well from now on. But fate always makes people so tricky. The big cakes and two cakes that you let go of casually have risen to a price that you can't reach. Those big cakes and two cakes that you sold casually at the beginning can only be taken back one-tenth now. You hesitated, you regretted it, you wanted to beat yourself to death, you hated those cottages, and you never wanted to look at the scumbag who made you miserable again. (End)$BTC # Nakamoto Satoshi
Shanzhai B is like a scumbag.
His story of getting rich overnight tempts you all the time, making you have infinite imagination about him and full of various expectations.
You fantasize all day that he will give you a beautiful future, and getting rich overnight is just around the corner. You have even made plans for how to see the world after getting rich overnight.
However, the reason why a scumbag is just a scumbag is that he will ruthlessly trample on your expectations of him again and again. Whenever the big cake only has a 2% correction, he must fall 20% first as a tribute. So you don't admit defeat, you are full of expectations to change the positions of the big cake and the second cake to the Shanzhai, expecting a 20% increase. The result is a continued plunge of more than 20%. You still don't give up, thinking that the scumbag is also a human being and has a conscience, and sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity, so you have changed the positions of the big cake and the second cake to the Shanzhai, expecting the scumbag to change his mind. However, reality is so cruel, sincerity is never exchanged for sincerity, but ruthless crit again, and again and again.
Finally, you exchanged the remaining big cakes and two cakes for the cottages, hoping to give it a final try. This is your last hope, the last bottom line, and the last bit of stubbornness.
I thought that you would survive after putting yourself in a desperate situation. I remembered the story of Han Xin breaking his cauldron and becoming a boat, and the determination of those who are determined to do it will never give up, and the 120 Qin passes will eventually belong to Chu.
Unfortunately, this world has never been exchanged for wishful thinking. The development of the world has its own rules and laws. Those who do not respect the facts and only act according to their own desires are destined to be punished.
Finally, you finally despaired of the scumbag and chose to give up. You cut off all the cottages and prepared to treat your big cakes and two cakes well from now on. But fate always makes people so tricky. The big cakes and two cakes that you let go of casually have risen to a price that you can't reach. Those big cakes and two cakes that you sold casually at the beginning can only be taken back one-tenth now.
You hesitated, you regretted it, you wanted to beat yourself to death, you hated those cottages, and you never wanted to look at the scumbag who made you miserable again.
(End)$BTC # Nakamoto Satoshi
See original
Civilization, Modernization, Value Investment and China"Civilization, Modernization, Value Investing and China" is a collection of essays by Mr. Li Lu, founder and chairman of Himalaya Capital. I am honored to meet Mr. Li Lu on my road to value investing. Mr. Li Lu is my beacon and mentor on the road to value investing. In the book, Mr. Li Lu advocates that he wants to build a Chinese value investor village in the future, so that all value investors can leave a clean long-term investment record here. The author is willing to become a member of the value investment village and hopes to leave a record of investment for decades. This will be my goal and spiritual wealth for the rest of my life. What impressed the author most was, "Your rate of return comes from a few insights, and the number will never be many, you can count them with two hands. You may get a few really important insights after working hard for 50 years throughout your life. But the insights you get are unique, and no one else has them."

Civilization, Modernization, Value Investment and China

"Civilization, Modernization, Value Investing and China" is a collection of essays by Mr. Li Lu, founder and chairman of Himalaya Capital. I am honored to meet Mr. Li Lu on my road to value investing. Mr. Li Lu is my beacon and mentor on the road to value investing. In the book, Mr. Li Lu advocates that he wants to build a Chinese value investor village in the future, so that all value investors can leave a clean long-term investment record here. The author is willing to become a member of the value investment village and hopes to leave a record of investment for decades. This will be my goal and spiritual wealth for the rest of my life. What impressed the author most was, "Your rate of return comes from a few insights, and the number will never be many, you can count them with two hands. You may get a few really important insights after working hard for 50 years throughout your life. But the insights you get are unique, and no one else has them."
See original
No matter how many books you read, or how many words you read, only what you write down and speak out is yours. The absorption rate of reading is only 5%, while the absorption rate of writing and speaking out can reach 90%. Brothers, let's output together. Write it down in a diary, record it in an audio. Let those opinions that you think are correct, those words that you think have energy, and those contents that inspire you be integrated into your behavioral guidance to help you get greater results. [666][666][666]
No matter how many books you read, or how many words you read, only what you write down and speak out is yours.
The absorption rate of reading is only 5%, while the absorption rate of writing and speaking out can reach 90%.
Brothers, let's output together.
Write it down in a diary, record it in an audio.

Let those opinions that you think are correct, those words that you think have energy, and those contents that inspire you be integrated into your behavioral guidance to help you get greater results. [666][666][666]
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