"The 24 Most Amazing Lessons in the World"

Lesson 2: The power of the subconscious

It is a magical existence.

The subconscious is uncontrolled, does not need to be directed, and is subconscious.

It is the result of countless accumulated behaviors under the guidance of the conscious mind.

It runs automatically like a program. I want the subconscious to be used by me and produce positive, positive, healthy, happy, energetic, and loving.

I feed him positive, positive, energetic, and loving expressions and hints every day.

Here is a question:

We are all pursuing wealth, love, and health, but the number of people who really get them is very limited. Is it because people don't want to get them?

No, it's because people don't believe that they can get wealth, love, or health. They have repeatedly suggested to themselves that it is difficult to make money, I can't make money, it's too difficult for me, and it's not that easy to make money.

He only thinks about being rich occasionally, and he can think about it eight hundred times a day. Most of the time, he suggests to himself that he can't make money and it's too difficult. Many times, psychological suggestion may be just a moment, a thought, and even he himself does not realize that he is making negative suggestions.

I will train my subconscious mind from today.

Think positively about everything, express positively, have wealth, have love, have health, use positive expression to feed the subconscious mind, use positive expression to feed the subconscious mind. $BTC