Congge, hello, this is my thinking today. I will report to you [666][666]

Holding sugar oranges for a long time & running

Common points:

1. It is conducive to wealth growth & good for health.

2. It needs to be executed for a long time, and the effect cannot be seen in the short term.

3. It is necessary to overcome the idea of ​​selling & giving up in the short term.

4. The longer you continue, the more wealth & health you will gain.

5. Once you have achieved wealth, health, honor...

6. It is a process of communicating with yourself, you just need to convince yourself.

7. It is best to integrate into a group, form an atmosphere, encourage each other, and support each other, so that you can last longer.

8. Keep telling people around you to join in $. The more people preach, the more determined you will be and the greater the gains. 9. It seems that the behavior is very simple, but it requires strong belief and cognition to continue.

10. They are all behaviors that can give you an international perspective. Holding sugar oranges/running can make you communicate with people all over the world. International behavior $BTC