On Monday, September 30, Junyu's morning Silk Road

As the golden autumn of September is about to come to an end, Bitcoin has also performed relatively well in this month's market, with an overall increase of 14,000 points. At the critical moment at the end of the week, the market has been under pressure for many times since it hit the 66,500 line, and the upward movement at a high level has been blocked. In terms of operation, it is necessary to pay attention to the change in the market.

From the daily trend, the overall structure is still in an upward trend, and in the short-term trend, there has been an obvious stagflation performance. The K-line has converged its bullish strength after the continuous upward movement, and it began to close after the broken positive, so don't chase the rise too much at this time. In the 4-hour trend, the currency price formed a shock rhythm after the highest level of 66083, the Bollinger band closed, and the currency price was under pressure to step back. The lowest point was 65055. Today's operation is still based on the short-term short position as the entry point.

On Monday morning, it is recommended to short Bitcoin at 65700-66200, and the target is around 64800-65100. On Monday morning, it is recommended to short Ethereum at 2670-2700, and the target is 2620-2600. Whether you are a novice entering the trading market or an experienced trader, you must always maintain your enthusiasm for learning and a humble attitude. Only by constantly improving your professional quality and enriching your trading experience can you be invincible in the fierce market competition. #BTC☀ #BNB金鏟子 #BTC突破7万大关 #BTC走势预测 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥