Chinese tycoon Justin Sun, a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency circle, has shocked the world with a series of amazing operations: cashing out billions, playing tricks on Buffett, being wanted by the United States... His story is even more bizarre than a movie!

He spent tens of millions on WeChat avatars and easily won a spaceship ticket. His moves are always so extraordinary. But what's even more amazing is that after taking a photo of Buffett's lunch, he stood up three times and even dared to think about crowdfunding to become the president of the United States. He is really an unconventional "big man".

Justin Sun, born in the 1990s, went from Peking University to Penn and became a new star in the blockchain circle. He became rich overnight with virtual currency, but there are more labels behind him: plagiarist, hype master, follower... Every step is like a carefully planned money-making drama.

At first, he was just a novice in the blockchain, but the huge profits of Bitcoin made him jealous, and he plunged into the cryptocurrency world. After returning to China, he founded TRON, packaged himself, attracted investment, and became a disciple of Jack Ma, and his career flourished.

But Justin Sun's ambitions go far beyond this. He bid a sky-high price for the Buffett lunch, but used it to hype himself, repeatedly letting people down, which made netizens call him "drama queen". His Tron coin also skyrocketed under this wave of operations. He took the opportunity to cash out billions and went to the United States, leaving domestic investors in a mess.

However, the good times did not last long. The blockchain bubble burst, but Sun Yuchen was still jumping around in the circle. But recently, he was exposed to suspected money laundering, fraud and other crimes and was investigated by the FBI. He hurriedly clarified and said that he would run for the US presidency. This drama is really getting bigger and bigger.

Sun Yuchen's story is a portrayal of desire and greed. His former passion and dreams have now been swallowed up by money and lies. In the ocean of business, he may have thought that he was the dragon that turned the tide, but he didn't expect that in the end he might just be the shrimp beaten by the waves.

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