Luo Yonghao’s main way of making money is to sell goods through live streaming.

Many people say that Luo Yonghao makes money mainly by relying on the monopoly of live streaming, saying that it is a blue ocean track. That is why he makes so much money and can

Pay the money back.

Since you all say it is a blue ocean track, why don’t you go for it? Why can’t you do it yourself? Why can’t you make money?

Sometimes they say others have a monopoly, sometimes they say others are up to something, and so on.

I feel that both the good and the bad have been said by you.

Weibo users are used to personal attacks, and seem to be used to blocking both ends. I have seen it.

Careful friends may find that Luo Yonghao is not a simple person. He is an early Internet celebrity, and he is good at talk shows, which is better than many current ones.

Internet celebrity.

Although he had experienced many failures before and owed a huge loan, he still did not give up.

Luo Yonghao’s success is by no means accidental.

He established himself as a person of integrity and a man who would pay his debts. He still chose to face the debt of 800 million yuan calmly. This is not something that ordinary people can do.

Bearable enough.

Putting aside other things, I have to say that his spirit and courage are commendable. This alone surpasses many people, and he deserves to be able to make money.

So much money.

Luo Yonghao not only sells goods through live streaming, but also does live streaming training and other video clips. These are his main ways to make money.


He was able to pay off his 800 million yuan debt. It has to be said that live streaming is really profitable, but not everyone can do it.

The strong never complain about the environment. This statement is not an exaggeration when applied to Luo Yonghao.

The biggest inspiration: It is only natural to pay back debts.

Of course, if you want to be a shameless person and a deadbeat, no one can punish you. However, similar cases in reality are easy to play

Become a case.

Once a case occurs, it will be a major case.

However, the money that Luo Yonghao owed should be from a bank or other institution. The chances of a murder happening in this situation are low.

With the additional 800 million yuan, the "creditors" should support him, treat him well, tolerate him, and even protect him. #BTC☀ #BNB金鏟子 #BTC突破7万大关 #BTC走势预测 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC