Tips for making money from contract trading in the cryptocurrency circle

Contract trading is buying and selling future price increases and decreases, and you can also use leverage to magnify your funds.

It sounds great, but the risk is also high, and you can lose everything if you are not careful. If you want to make money, try these tricks:

1. Before trading, think about where the market is going, whether it is rising or falling, and don't just go in blindly.

2. Don't bet all your money, leave some room. Although leverage is good, don't add too high, otherwise it will fall down when the wind blows.

3. Set a bottom line for losing money, withdraw when it reaches it, and don't fight.

4. Use low leverage to test the water at the beginning, take it slowly, and speed up when you feel right.

5. Don't go against the market trend, run faster with the wind.

6. The market fluctuates greatly, don't be carried away. Take a deep breath, analyze calmly and make a decision.

Remember, contract trading is not gambling, you have to use your brain to play. More research and more learning can play longer in this game and make more money. #BTC☀ #BNB金鏟子 #BTC突破7万大关 #BTC走势预测 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥