BITCOIN is having a very hard time reaching 66 thousand dollars, bitcoiners are noticing it and a couple of hours ago they started selling their BITCOIN, at that rate their price will be between 61 and 63 thousand $ by Saturday South American time. Unless large capitals sustain and raise their price, with the historical maximum of the S&P 500 which is what has driven the price of BITCOIN at this time BITCOIN should be around 70 thousand dollars if we were really entering a real BULLISH market, it will depend as I said on the large capitals, the Marker Marker to decide if bitcoin rises to 67 thousand dollars or falls on Saturday between 63 thousand and 61 thousand dollars. The information on sales exceeding purchases 🛒 can be seen in the trader section available on this page. I am not trying to predict the price of BITCOIN, it is just a totally reversible appreciation as long as enough money enters the bitcoin capital, the correction of the weekend can take BITCOIN between 61 and 63 thousand dollars. Even if this were the case, at some point BITCOIN will return to 70 thousand $ this year and with the new cuts in interest rates and a possible victory of Donald Trump we will see it (BITCOIN) between 80 and 90 thousand dollars before saying goodbye to 2024.