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TERMINATOR: IT'S TIME TO DIE togetherIf you are a small investor by now you will have lost every last dollar, others are begging for their survival in BINANCE and praying to be able to recover, but TERMINATOR does not have the FORGIVENESS directive in its operating system, its job is to exterminate, clean, purge the EXCHANGE of all small investors, those who manage to survive are condemned to wander the desert of failure with a few cents in their pockets, after like any gambler they baited him with profits that made him dream of a better world for him and his. This writing may seem fictional, since it talks about JosuĂ©, a 26-year-old young man who put all his savings in a cryptocurrency called COCO'S that, according to a friend, would make him a millionaire in a couple of months. His friend told JosuĂ© about the life of rich and famous that was happening since he started holding on Binance, JosuĂ© took out all his savings and exchanged them by paying a percentage to an exchanger to be able to have his dollars in USDT, in the first week, JosuĂ© bought 200 coins of the promising cryptocurrency called COCO"S, a few days later when checking his binance account JosuĂ© saw in amazement how he had earned $40 while he was sleeping, grateful to God, he went to the temple and gave thanks, he thought of taking the $40 and buying food for his house, but his friend who, upon finding out about JOSUÉ's profit, ordered him to spend it on food, the correct move was to take those $40 and buy other coins this time from a cryptocurrency called "CAT IN BOOTS", what happened next is the story of many Of those who read me, JOSUÉ lost even what he did not have, trying to maintain his bet by lending money and even sold his guitar, finally poorer than before, JOSUÉ took back his life and time took care of erasing the terrible experience of knowing that the powerful, got together to decide how they do every year to send TERMINATOR to liquidate all the small investors and take their money, because according to their rated influencers, MONEY DOES NOT EXIST!Don't be Joshua, open your eyes, they are coming for you and your pennies.


If you are a small investor by now you will have lost every last dollar, others are begging for their survival in BINANCE and praying to be able to recover, but TERMINATOR does not have the FORGIVENESS directive in its operating system, its job is to exterminate, clean, purge the EXCHANGE of all small investors, those who manage to survive are condemned to wander the desert of failure with a few cents in their pockets, after like any gambler they baited him with profits that made him dream of a better world for him and his. This writing may seem fictional, since it talks about JosuĂ©, a 26-year-old young man who put all his savings in a cryptocurrency called COCO'S that, according to a friend, would make him a millionaire in a couple of months. His friend told JosuĂ© about the life of rich and famous that was happening since he started holding on Binance, JosuĂ© took out all his savings and exchanged them by paying a percentage to an exchanger to be able to have his dollars in USDT, in the first week, JosuĂ© bought 200 coins of the promising cryptocurrency called COCO"S, a few days later when checking his binance account JosuĂ© saw in amazement how he had earned $40 while he was sleeping, grateful to God, he went to the temple and gave thanks, he thought of taking the $40 and buying food for his house, but his friend who, upon finding out about JOSUÉ's profit, ordered him to spend it on food, the correct move was to take those $40 and buy other coins this time from a cryptocurrency called "CAT IN BOOTS", what happened next is the story of many Of those who read me, JOSUÉ lost even what he did not have, trying to maintain his bet by lending money and even sold his guitar, finally poorer than before, JOSUÉ took back his life and time took care of erasing the terrible experience of knowing that the powerful, got together to decide how they do every year to send TERMINATOR to liquidate all the small investors and take their money, because according to their rated influencers, MONEY DOES NOT EXIST!Don't be Joshua, open your eyes, they are coming for you and your pennies.
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A MALICIOUS campaign has been started on this currency in order to chase away its investors, those who do it are sick and resentful people, I don't see any corporation financing the campaign, don't pay attention to what kids who are barely out of adolescence publish and invest at most 50 or 100 $ in this market, then they use their option to publish harming people who bought medium amounts of this currency causing them to lose money, people get scared and sell at a loss. Others stop buying even when the currency is giving them entry, many stopped buying at 33 $ because fools who only aspired to earn ten dollars wrote lies or repeated what they read and even worse, they repeated it making it more terrible. You can read the main internet pages that estimate the price of a currency based on its behavior, but above all on its circulating coins and its capital, banana 🍌 only has 3.13 million coins circulating, its capital at this moment is $ 120 million, four hours ago its capital was 112 million. Banana 🍌 will only have to triple its capital to reach $ 95, and that is what will happen when BITCOIN reaches its new historical maximum, all serious economists who have carefully studied Banana 🍌 set its price for the last quarter of the year at 93 EUROS, that is close to one hundred dollars. I will give you an excerpt of what Google publishes today based on all the information it collects: What are the expectations of BANANA in 2024? According to analysts, Banana Gun is on the right track and will close this year with a price of € 87.32. SOURCE: GOOGLE. You can also corroborate this information by typing in the search engine: banana guns forecast. So don't be carried away by what unskilled brats write, who hope to earn 10 $ in a few hours. Do your own research, learn to handle the way the market behaves, and don't be short-sighted, be patient.
A MALICIOUS campaign has been started on this currency in order to chase away its investors, those who do it are sick and resentful people, I don't see any corporation financing the campaign, don't pay attention to what kids who are barely out of adolescence publish and invest at most 50 or 100 $ in this market, then they use their option to publish harming people who bought medium amounts of this currency causing them to lose money, people get scared and sell at a loss. Others stop buying even when the currency is giving them entry, many stopped buying at 33 $ because fools who only aspired to earn ten dollars wrote lies or repeated what they read and even worse, they repeated it making it more terrible.

You can read the main internet pages that estimate the price of a currency based on its behavior, but above all on its circulating coins and its capital, banana 🍌 only has 3.13 million coins circulating, its capital at this moment is $ 120 million, four hours ago its capital was 112 million. Banana 🍌 will only have to triple its capital to reach $ 95, and that is what will happen when BITCOIN reaches its new historical maximum, all serious economists who have carefully studied Banana 🍌 set its price for the last quarter of the year at 93 EUROS, that is close to one hundred dollars. I will give you an excerpt of what Google publishes today based on all the information it collects:

What are the expectations of BANANA in 2024? According to analysts, Banana Gun is on the right track and will close this year with a price of € 87.32. SOURCE: GOOGLE.

You can also corroborate this information by typing in the search engine: banana guns forecast.

So don't be carried away by what unskilled brats write, who hope to earn 10 $ in a few hours. Do your own research, learn to handle the way the market behaves, and don't be short-sighted, be patient.
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WHO IS GIORGIO?For those who read me, I want to give you a brief overview of who I am and what I do. My name is Jorge Ferrer. When I was little, they call me Giorgio, which is the Italian translation of Jorge. I come from a country located in the south of South America. I am 44 years old. In addition to being a graduate in business administration, with a mention in Management, I have a master's degree in Intelligent Organizations and time management. I am a surgeon who graduated with honors, with a specialization in Internal Medicine and Critical Medicine. I am a specialist in clinical psychology. I am a rescue worker and volunteer firefighter. I am currently studying a master's degree in neuroanatomy and neuroscience. I dedicate part of my time to providing non-profit advice to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs on how and where to invest their money. My degree work in business administration with the option to publish is titled - 101 ways to become a millionaire and 101 reasons not to. I have held different positions in both public administration and private institutions. Being director of three large hospitals from 2015 to 2019. I entered the world of cryptoassets from a project under construction on a cryptoasset bank, called Metropolitan Bank of Cryptoassets and Digital Money, I work on the development of a cryptocurrency based on medical research with an emphasis on the area of ​​oncology, which includes the development of new drugs against cancer based solely on immunotherapy and surgery, in addition to the development of prostheses and other elements that replace anatomical parts affected by cancer. I managed to multiply the assets of the Cancer and Related Diseases Research Foundation by ten from this and another EXCHANGE, of which I am president and which is non-profit. I do not ask for money from this or any other platform or social network. Most of my articles are intended to protect investors, and many are based on market psychology and trader behavior.I am not sponsored by any currency or corporation. I have and defend my own theses and hypotheses about this young market, I try to mitigate the malicious and harmful actions carried out by paid influencers aimed at manipulating INVESTORS for profit in an unethical and amoral way, financed by EXCHANGE, corporations and companies, as well as foundations that own crypto assets. A hug of solidarity.


For those who read me, I want to give you a brief overview of who I am and what I do. My name is Jorge Ferrer. When I was little, they call me Giorgio, which is the Italian translation of Jorge. I come from a country located in the south of South America. I am 44 years old. In addition to being a graduate in business administration, with a mention in Management, I have a master's degree in Intelligent Organizations and time management. I am a surgeon who graduated with honors, with a specialization in Internal Medicine and Critical Medicine. I am a specialist in clinical psychology. I am a rescue worker and volunteer firefighter. I am currently studying a master's degree in neuroanatomy and neuroscience. I dedicate part of my time to providing non-profit advice to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs on how and where to invest their money. My degree work in business administration with the option to publish is titled - 101 ways to become a millionaire and 101 reasons not to. I have held different positions in both public administration and private institutions. Being director of three large hospitals from 2015 to 2019. I entered the world of cryptoassets from a project under construction on a cryptoasset bank, called Metropolitan Bank of Cryptoassets and Digital Money, I work on the development of a cryptocurrency based on medical research with an emphasis on the area of ​​oncology, which includes the development of new drugs against cancer based solely on immunotherapy and surgery, in addition to the development of prostheses and other elements that replace anatomical parts affected by cancer. I managed to multiply the assets of the Cancer and Related Diseases Research Foundation by ten from this and another EXCHANGE, of which I am president and which is non-profit. I do not ask for money from this or any other platform or social network. Most of my articles are intended to protect investors, and many are based on market psychology and trader behavior.I am not sponsored by any currency or corporation. I have and defend my own theses and hypotheses about this young market, I try to mitigate the malicious and harmful actions carried out by paid influencers aimed at manipulating INVESTORS for profit in an unethical and amoral way, financed by EXCHANGE, corporations and companies, as well as foundations that own crypto assets. A hug of solidarity.
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BANANA GUNS, DOGs AND CATIZEN: Bananas, cats and dogs will soon be seen at the top of the carouselThree coins recently listed on BINANCE today are at the bottom of the carousel, for their holders with less patience and very little tolerance to stress they are a complete failure, it is only enough to read the forums of each of these coins to have a feast of hate, resentment, anger and frustration from those who bought these coins, the most upset are the youngest, boys between 20 and 25 years old who want to make quick money in a market where time runs slowly. The market knows that resilience does not exist in about 99 percent of investors, it is a speculative number, I do not have the exact percentage of how many people do not tolerate the price of their currency to collapse, but I do know that it is extremely high, and the market knows that, the brain of the market that are the Marker Markers, they only need to pull down the price of a coin and people will start selling at a loss, and where do you think all that liquidity that impatient holders left lying around selling their coins at a loss will go? It may not seem like much money, but when you multiply it by every dollar, euro or yuan left behind by a scared investor who wandered into a place where dark psychology specialists, manipulators and even beings with psychopathic personalities lacking any empathy operate, the market tears them apart, a ruthless and cruel market that every month reports huge profits from investors who are intolerant of the downward changes caused by the Marker Markers. Let's look at the case of Banana Guns, just a few days ago the news leaked that the currency's security had been breached by a telegram bot, in that breach of security protocol about 3 million US dollars were lost, a little more, a little less, they did not give further details, what they did recommend hours later was that banana holders empty their accounts because the attack could be repeated, at this moment the table was set to make the currency collapse, what was expected happened, tens of thousands of banana growers began to sell their bananas in panic, a curious fact that few noticed was that each banana 🍌 hours after the alleged attack rose above $ 40, making it clear that those who had privileged information would sell and then buy bananas for $ 33, the other thing is that after earning $ 40 per banana 🍌, it fell to 36.50$ and people or a group of people assumed that the fall had stopped, so sales skyrocketed, several hours later, seeing that the purchases had reached their peak, they pulled the price down to 33$, along with this fall they launched the bots that began to announce that Bananas would fall to 20$, others were bolder and claimed that it would return to its historical low of 5 dollars per banana, those who had resisted the first wave of this psychological attack succumbed to the second, even more aggressive attack, they began to sell at huge losses leaving more liquid money in the banana truck, hours later the capitalization of 🍌 banana Guns went from 113 million dollars to 122 million, it only took 60 minutes for this to happen.

BANANA GUNS, DOGs AND CATIZEN: Bananas, cats and dogs will soon be seen at the top of the carousel

Three coins recently listed on BINANCE today are at the bottom of the carousel, for their holders with less patience and very little tolerance to stress they are a complete failure, it is only enough to read the forums of each of these coins to have a feast of hate, resentment, anger and frustration from those who bought these coins, the most upset are the youngest, boys between 20 and 25 years old who want to make quick money in a market where time runs slowly. The market knows that resilience does not exist in about 99 percent of investors, it is a speculative number, I do not have the exact percentage of how many people do not tolerate the price of their currency to collapse, but I do know that it is extremely high, and the market knows that, the brain of the market that are the Marker Markers, they only need to pull down the price of a coin and people will start selling at a loss, and where do you think all that liquidity that impatient holders left lying around selling their coins at a loss will go? It may not seem like much money, but when you multiply it by every dollar, euro or yuan left behind by a scared investor who wandered into a place where dark psychology specialists, manipulators and even beings with psychopathic personalities lacking any empathy operate, the market tears them apart, a ruthless and cruel market that every month reports huge profits from investors who are intolerant of the downward changes caused by the Marker Markers. Let's look at the case of Banana Guns, just a few days ago the news leaked that the currency's security had been breached by a telegram bot, in that breach of security protocol about 3 million US dollars were lost, a little more, a little less, they did not give further details, what they did recommend hours later was that banana holders empty their accounts because the attack could be repeated, at this moment the table was set to make the currency collapse, what was expected happened, tens of thousands of banana growers began to sell their bananas in panic, a curious fact that few noticed was that each banana 🍌 hours after the alleged attack rose above $ 40, making it clear that those who had privileged information would sell and then buy bananas for $ 33, the other thing is that after earning $ 40 per banana 🍌, it fell to 36.50$ and people or a group of people assumed that the fall had stopped, so sales skyrocketed, several hours later, seeing that the purchases had reached their peak, they pulled the price down to 33$, along with this fall they launched the bots that began to announce that Bananas would fall to 20$, others were bolder and claimed that it would return to its historical low of 5 dollars per banana, those who had resisted the first wave of this psychological attack succumbed to the second, even more aggressive attack, they began to sell at huge losses leaving more liquid money in the banana truck, hours later the capitalization of 🍌 banana Guns went from 113 million dollars to 122 million, it only took 60 minutes for this to happen.
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KAMALA HARRYS WILL NOT WIN THE ELECTION FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITYWithout a doubt, human stupidity abounds even in the markets. Seeing the entire BINANCE platform dedicated to selling the lie that Kamala Harrys has already won the presidency of the United States and that Donald Trump is defeated with his pants down is a lie that leaves me speechless when I read it over and over again on this platform. For me, this represents that those who support this campaign in favor of Kamala Harrys are all scoundrels and traitors. The most terrible thing is that in their headlines and narratives they omit the undeniable fact that Kamala Harrys already governs the United States and as acting president she already leads the government that Biden abandoned due to his Alzheimer's disease, and they omit that Biden and Kamala Harrys maintain the most ruthless persecution against the digital currency market, generating losses to more than 50 million Americans who have put their money in the crypto market. These Judases who publish on this platform called BINANCE, and who live as parasites of this market, are allowed to lie and manipulate information even knowing that they do it for money and that they cause harm to investors, these tariffed people deliberately hide the historical and recent fact that it was Donald Trump who was at the annual BITCOIN event promising to assume cryptocurrencies as reserve assets of the US Treasury, shooting BITCOIN above 65 thousand dollars that same day. You have to be very heartless and greedy to write in favor of Kamala Harrys and betray the entire BINANCE community by supporting Kamala Harrys' candidacy with lies even knowing that if her presidential victory were to occur, the crypto market would collapse and dawn in recession. The Democratic Party's ratepayers, experts in manipulating information and stealing the presidential election, as well as being experts in selling fake news, are attacking us from our platform, from where we all put our money, by attacking Donald Trump they attack us because the market reacts downwards, let's not forget that Donald Trump is the only former president and candidate who openly supports and believes in the cryptocurrency market.Now Kamala Harrys pretends through social media and sadly through BINANCE to sell two big lies: 1. She does not govern and did not persecute the crypto market and 2. She is a friend of BITCOIN and ALCOINS, two such lies. Kamala Harrys is Biden, she governs the USA, she hates cryptocurrencies and her victory would give our market a gloomy Black Monday and a 2025 of judicial persecutions, administrative proceedings, lawsuits and accusations against cryptocurrencies. To those who write in favor of Kamala Harrys selling the stupid and false claim that Donald Trump has already lost the presidential election, you are writing in the wrong place. We small investors are aware that the inevitable fact of a Donald Trump victory will give us a BITCOIN with a new historical high and of course substantial gains for all currencies, starting a BULL Rally that would be understood until the end of 2025. We small investors know that the acting president Kamala Harrys is an enemy of the crypto market and that her victory will send bitcoin to $20,000 hours after her denied triumph.


Without a doubt, human stupidity abounds even in the markets. Seeing the entire BINANCE platform dedicated to selling the lie that Kamala Harrys has already won the presidency of the United States and that Donald Trump is defeated with his pants down is a lie that leaves me speechless when I read it over and over again on this platform. For me, this represents that those who support this campaign in favor of Kamala Harrys are all scoundrels and traitors. The most terrible thing is that in their headlines and narratives they omit the undeniable fact that Kamala Harrys already governs the United States and as acting president she already leads the government that Biden abandoned due to his Alzheimer's disease, and they omit that Biden and Kamala Harrys maintain the most ruthless persecution against the digital currency market, generating losses to more than 50 million Americans who have put their money in the crypto market. These Judases who publish on this platform called BINANCE, and who live as parasites of this market, are allowed to lie and manipulate information even knowing that they do it for money and that they cause harm to investors, these tariffed people deliberately hide the historical and recent fact that it was Donald Trump who was at the annual BITCOIN event promising to assume cryptocurrencies as reserve assets of the US Treasury, shooting BITCOIN above 65 thousand dollars that same day. You have to be very heartless and greedy to write in favor of Kamala Harrys and betray the entire BINANCE community by supporting Kamala Harrys' candidacy with lies even knowing that if her presidential victory were to occur, the crypto market would collapse and dawn in recession. The Democratic Party's ratepayers, experts in manipulating information and stealing the presidential election, as well as being experts in selling fake news, are attacking us from our platform, from where we all put our money, by attacking Donald Trump they attack us because the market reacts downwards, let's not forget that Donald Trump is the only former president and candidate who openly supports and believes in the cryptocurrency market.Now Kamala Harrys pretends through social media and sadly through BINANCE to sell two big lies: 1. She does not govern and did not persecute the crypto market and 2. She is a friend of BITCOIN and ALCOINS, two such lies. Kamala Harrys is Biden, she governs the USA, she hates cryptocurrencies and her victory would give our market a gloomy Black Monday and a 2025 of judicial persecutions, administrative proceedings, lawsuits and accusations against cryptocurrencies. To those who write in favor of Kamala Harrys selling the stupid and false claim that Donald Trump has already lost the presidential election, you are writing in the wrong place. We small investors are aware that the inevitable fact of a Donald Trump victory will give us a BITCOIN with a new historical high and of course substantial gains for all currencies, starting a BULL Rally that would be understood until the end of 2025. We small investors know that the acting president Kamala Harrys is an enemy of the crypto market and that her victory will send bitcoin to $20,000 hours after her denied triumph.
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Why do Altcoins increase their capitalization and therefore their price when Bitcoin rises?In the world of cryptocurrencies, it is common to observe that when the price of Bitcoin increases, many altcoins also increase their capitalization and of course their price increases as well. This trend has led me to study the phenomenon and try to formulate hypotheses to explain this phenomenon. We all know that the coins we have in our portfolio move to the rhythm of BITCOIN, to put it in context I will cite some examples, the first includes a more or less stable group of coins that move around $ 1.30 and $ 1.60 when bitcoin moves between $ 58,000 thousand and $ 63,000, these are RONNI, WORLCOIN, RAY, a few cents below are API3, STX, INMUTABLE, ETHER.FI, SNX and the token of the JUVENTUS soccer team and incidentally FET and I say incidentally because this is not its price in relation to BITCOIN; another group that now and always has moved between $1.70 and $1.80 when bitcoin is at $63k is OPTIMISTA, WIF, in this group now is DYM but really this price does not correspond to its BITCOIN Target, it is currently at $1.72 equally incidentally; the other group moves between $1.80 and $2 in this cluster of coins there is CAKE, FRAX, BALANCE, the token of the ROMA football team and incidentally IO.NET. So we can know what will happen to the price of this group of coins if BITCOIN rises to $65k, those at $1.80 will rise above $2.20, those at $1.50 will rise above $1.90. This exercise can be done with all currencies based on their current price in relation to the price of BITCOIN, of course there are exceptions such as FET, IO.NET and DYM whose price reacts to factors outside their narratives, their recovery after a capital flight, the boom in artificial intelligence and computational technologies linked to AI currently in fashion.

Why do Altcoins increase their capitalization and therefore their price when Bitcoin rises?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, it is common to observe that when the price of Bitcoin increases, many altcoins also increase their capitalization and of course their price increases as well. This trend has led me to study the phenomenon and try to formulate hypotheses to explain this phenomenon. We all know that the coins we have in our portfolio move to the rhythm of BITCOIN, to put it in context I will cite some examples, the first includes a more or less stable group of coins that move around $ 1.30 and $ 1.60 when bitcoin moves between $ 58,000 thousand and $ 63,000, these are RONNI, WORLCOIN, RAY, a few cents below are API3, STX, INMUTABLE, ETHER.FI, SNX and the token of the JUVENTUS soccer team and incidentally FET and I say incidentally because this is not its price in relation to BITCOIN; another group that now and always has moved between $1.70 and $1.80 when bitcoin is at $63k is OPTIMISTA, WIF, in this group now is DYM but really this price does not correspond to its BITCOIN Target, it is currently at $1.72 equally incidentally; the other group moves between $1.80 and $2 in this cluster of coins there is CAKE, FRAX, BALANCE, the token of the ROMA football team and incidentally IO.NET. So we can know what will happen to the price of this group of coins if BITCOIN rises to $65k, those at $1.80 will rise above $2.20, those at $1.50 will rise above $1.90. This exercise can be done with all currencies based on their current price in relation to the price of BITCOIN, of course there are exceptions such as FET, IO.NET and DYM whose price reacts to factors outside their narratives, their recovery after a capital flight, the boom in artificial intelligence and computational technologies linked to AI currently in fashion.
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The Hidden Masters of the Crypto Market: The Truth About Coinmakers“Coinmakers” or “market makers” in the context of cryptocurrencies are entities or individuals that facilitate liquidity in cryptocurrency markets. Their primary role is to ensure that there is sufficient buying and selling volume for transactions to occur smoothly. They are responsible for providing market liquidity by continuously buying and selling cryptocurrencies, which allows liquidity to be maintained in the market. Their ability to buy or sell 24/7 explains the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

The Hidden Masters of the Crypto Market: The Truth About Coinmakers

“Coinmakers” or “market makers” in the context of cryptocurrencies are entities or individuals that facilitate liquidity in cryptocurrency markets. Their primary role is to ensure that there is sufficient buying and selling volume for transactions to occur smoothly. They are responsible for providing market liquidity by continuously buying and selling cryptocurrencies, which allows liquidity to be maintained in the market. Their ability to buy or sell 24/7 explains the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.
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SOLANA WILL SAY GOODBYE TO 2024 WITH A NEW HISTORICAL MAXIMUMIt will be the third time this year that SOLANA will surpass the $200 mark but this time it will not do so timidly, it will have a new historical high most likely around $280, with the new interest rate cut in November and a lot more money in the hands of people and institutions, SOLANA will increase its capital by being an increasingly reliable asset, as or equally reliable as BITCOIN, which will make people put their liquid money in safe assets like this super currency. With the terrible performance of Ethereum, the money will go to SOLANA, increasing its capitalization above 70 billion dollars.


It will be the third time this year that SOLANA will surpass the $200 mark but this time it will not do so timidly, it will have a new historical high most likely around $280, with the new interest rate cut in November and a lot more money in the hands of people and institutions, SOLANA will increase its capital by being an increasingly reliable asset, as or equally reliable as BITCOIN, which will make people put their liquid money in safe assets like this super currency. With the terrible performance of Ethereum, the money will go to SOLANA, increasing its capitalization above 70 billion dollars.
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“As always so predictable Cryptocurrencies: a carousel, a same pathI have defended the linearity of market behavior with great enthusiasm when seeing how predictable all the events that accompany a universe governed by the laws of physics can be, and anyone who is reading me right now will wonder what the hell does physics have to do with the market? Well, having collected the behavior of the market over the last hundred years allows us to understand that it is a wagon that moves on a rail that meanders as it goes up and down again and again. That constant in the path of a market that makes a cyclical, predictive journey tells us that at some point or in an indeterminate period of time it will return to the place from which it started. The cryptographic market, which is considered as volatile as gasoline or thinner, can also be predicted, but how? You just have to see how after an increase in the value of its assets, it tends to correct (price drop), going from green 💚 to red đŸ©ž again and again. You have to be very greedy and greedy not to take profits while the market is rising, and believe me, the vast majority of investors remain paralyzed watching the price of their currencies rise and, like a hypnotized fool đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«, remain motionless watching them fall in price.

“As always so predictable Cryptocurrencies: a carousel, a same path

I have defended the linearity of market behavior with great enthusiasm when seeing how predictable all the events that accompany a universe governed by the laws of physics can be, and anyone who is reading me right now will wonder what the hell does physics have to do with the market? Well, having collected the behavior of the market over the last hundred years allows us to understand that it is a wagon that moves on a rail that meanders as it goes up and down again and again. That constant in the path of a market that makes a cyclical, predictive journey tells us that at some point or in an indeterminate period of time it will return to the place from which it started. The cryptographic market, which is considered as volatile as gasoline or thinner, can also be predicted, but how? You just have to see how after an increase in the value of its assets, it tends to correct (price drop), going from green 💚 to red đŸ©ž again and again. You have to be very greedy and greedy not to take profits while the market is rising, and believe me, the vast majority of investors remain paralyzed watching the price of their currencies rise and, like a hypnotized fool đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«, remain motionless watching them fall in price.
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Banana Gun: The Cryptocurrency on Offer That Could Reach $120” This Year.Following the alleged breach of the GUN (BANANA) cryptocurrency, a door đŸšȘ has opened that allows you to invest in a currency that only has 3.43 million coins in circulation and that, according to metrics and its behavior, is estimated to reach enormous figures by 2025. The most optimistic place it at over $2000, an outrage. If 50% of this increase occurs, whoever can buy 100 coins, which at this time are worth $3900, would see their investment multiply to $96900, close to one hundred thousand dollars. As always, I try to be more conservative and believe that Banana 🍌 GUN will close 2024 at over $120 and in the second quarter of 2025 it will easily reach $375. I won’t go into detail about how I came to this conclusion, but you can check out my estimates based on the “linearity of an asset” on a timeline, coupled with its narrative, capitalization, who is behind the project, among other variables.

Banana Gun: The Cryptocurrency on Offer That Could Reach $120” This Year.

Following the alleged breach of the GUN (BANANA) cryptocurrency, a door đŸšȘ has opened that allows you to invest in a currency that only has 3.43 million coins in circulation and that, according to metrics and its behavior, is estimated to reach enormous figures by 2025. The most optimistic place it at over $2000, an outrage. If 50% of this increase occurs, whoever can buy 100 coins, which at this time are worth $3900, would see their investment multiply to $96900, close to one hundred thousand dollars. As always, I try to be more conservative and believe that Banana 🍌 GUN will close 2024 at over $120 and in the second quarter of 2025 it will easily reach $375. I won’t go into detail about how I came to this conclusion, but you can check out my estimates based on the “linearity of an asset” on a timeline, coupled with its narrative, capitalization, who is behind the project, among other variables.
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If BITCOIN goes up, eventually all ALCOIN will go upThe big winning COINS so far show that the narrative matters and their behavior throughout the year even more so. Of all the ones I named, some come from having high prices like SAGA whose price was a little over $6 and DYM which comfortably moved around $8, so it is important to be attentive with these coins that will most likely recover their value from the month of April 2024 as BITCOIN moves towards new all-time highs. Those who have not yet seen their coins grow should not regret it. Remember that the market is a carousel with several cars, so you will see a lot of people on top of the rails while you are below but after a while it will be you who is above, that does not mean that you should not be attentive to garbage projects or frauds disguised as good-looking, made up by paid influencers and promoted by personalities who do not even hit the time of day. In fact, the best strategy is to do the opposite of what these stinking bugs say about GREED and bad vibes.

If BITCOIN goes up, eventually all ALCOIN will go up

The big winning COINS so far show that the narrative matters and their behavior throughout the year even more so. Of all the ones I named, some come from having high prices like SAGA whose price was a little over $6 and DYM which comfortably moved around $8, so it is important to be attentive with these coins that will most likely recover their value from the month of April 2024 as BITCOIN moves towards new all-time highs. Those who have not yet seen their coins grow should not regret it. Remember that the market is a carousel with several cars, so you will see a lot of people on top of the rails while you are below but after a while it will be you who is above, that does not mean that you should not be attentive to garbage projects or frauds disguised as good-looking, made up by paid influencers and promoted by personalities who do not even hit the time of day. In fact, the best strategy is to do the opposite of what these stinking bugs say about GREED and bad vibes.
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$WLD $5.23 million in negative balance in 24 hours, people simply sell as soon as the currency goes up 2 measly points, people start selling, wonderful work by the CEO of WORLDCOIN, I suppose that for the Koreans who own 60% of the tokens this situation suits them, difficult to understand, difficult to explain, today will be a day of great tension in the market, uncertainty and fear will multiply due to the rate cut and it is possible that we see a BITCOIN at $55 thousand, it is mere speculation based on previous behavior. I have seen how the DYM currency that was trading at $1.23 4 hours ago with a slight rise in BITCOIN rose $1.30, while WLD rose from $1.41 to $1.43, RAY quickly rose to $1.45 and RONNI to $1.47. stays above $1.80 despite bitcoin's $58k price. The year is about to end, there are only 2 events left that can trigger the price of BITCOIN, the two rate cuts, because they will be the 25th in September and the 25th in October and the possible victory of Donald Trump, if Kamala wins whose party already stole the election from Trump, bitcoin would fall to $40k, the other thing is that the 3rd time is the charm, the 2nd attempt to kill Trump will not be the last, Ukrainian Intelligence who is supposedly involved seems to get away with it and kill Donald, a plot by Ukraine with the support of the secret service cannot fail a 3rd time, there is a lot at stake here with the Ukraine war and the military industrial complex, a bit of what caused the assassination of Kennedy, he wanted to stop the Vietnam war and was assassinated. I still have faith in WLD, maybe by 2025 we'll have the coin at $7 again, that would give me a nice long year, I never thought I'd have so much WLD, I remember how hard it was for me to accumulate them when they cost between $5 and $7. 2025 will be the year of WLD. It would be a dream come true. I have entrusted my Christmas to IO.NET, which I hope will close at $6 in 2024, to Reder, to Near and to Pendle, WLD is for 2025 - 2027.
$WLD $5.23 million in negative balance in 24 hours, people simply sell as soon as the currency goes up 2 measly points, people start selling, wonderful work by the CEO of WORLDCOIN, I suppose that for the Koreans who own 60% of the tokens this situation suits them, difficult to understand, difficult to explain, today will be a day of great tension in the market, uncertainty and fear will multiply due to the rate cut and it is possible that we see a BITCOIN at $55 thousand, it is mere speculation based on previous behavior. I have seen how the DYM currency that was trading at $1.23 4 hours ago with a slight rise in BITCOIN rose $1.30, while WLD rose from $1.41 to $1.43, RAY quickly rose to $1.45 and RONNI to $1.47. stays above $1.80 despite bitcoin's $58k price. The year is about to end, there are only 2 events left that can trigger the price of BITCOIN, the two rate cuts, because they will be the 25th in September and the 25th in October and the possible victory of Donald Trump, if Kamala wins whose party already stole the election from Trump, bitcoin would fall to $40k, the other thing is that the 3rd time is the charm, the 2nd attempt to kill Trump will not be the last, Ukrainian Intelligence who is supposedly involved seems to get away with it and kill Donald, a plot by Ukraine with the support of the secret service cannot fail a 3rd time, there is a lot at stake here with the Ukraine war and the military industrial complex, a bit of what caused the assassination of Kennedy, he wanted to stop the Vietnam war and was assassinated. I still have faith in WLD, maybe by 2025 we'll have the coin at $7 again, that would give me a nice long year, I never thought I'd have so much WLD, I remember how hard it was for me to accumulate them when they cost between $5 and $7. 2025 will be the year of WLD. It would be a dream come true. I have entrusted my Christmas to IO.NET, which I hope will close at $6 in 2024, to Reder, to Near and to Pendle, WLD is for 2025 - 2027.
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US Interest Rate Cut Approaching: Bitcoin Should Regain $70K! Everything comes sooner or later and this Wednesday the first rate cut by the Federal Reserve (Fed) within the monetary easing cycle is coming. Everyone is wondering if the cut will be 25 basis points, or 50. The doomsayers are trying to create a catastrophic scenario if the Fed cuts 50 points claiming that it is done because a recession is approaching. Of course, with 50 points, millionaires will multiply their money and become powerfully millionaires. If the rich manage to impose the narrative that 50 points will make the market collapse, they will have triumphed and the poor will be poorer and the rich richer. They are disgusting and I aspire for there to be a hell for these greedy and avaricious rats. I fully trust that the cut will be made as the European bank did: 25 points the first month and 25 points the next. This, accompanied by positive indicators, will put us all in the long-awaited exponential increase in the price of our currencies.

US Interest Rate Cut Approaching: Bitcoin Should Regain $70K!

Everything comes sooner or later and this Wednesday the first rate cut by the Federal Reserve (Fed) within the monetary easing cycle is coming. Everyone is wondering if the cut will be 25 basis points, or 50. The doomsayers are trying to create a catastrophic scenario if the Fed cuts 50 points claiming that it is done because a recession is approaching. Of course, with 50 points, millionaires will multiply their money and become powerfully millionaires. If the rich manage to impose the narrative that 50 points will make the market collapse, they will have triumphed and the poor will be poorer and the rich richer. They are disgusting and I aspire for there to be a hell for these greedy and avaricious rats. I fully trust that the cut will be made as the European bank did: 25 points the first month and 25 points the next. This, accompanied by positive indicators, will put us all in the long-awaited exponential increase in the price of our currencies.
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Urgent letter to Al Saltman and WLD holders: Let's change WORLDCOIN and save its Future” Dear Al Saltman and fellow WORLDCOIN holders: The WORLDCOIN project is wrong in its way of getting people interested in WLD, mainly getting people to scan their iris, to know that they are failing they only have to take a look at social networks like Facebook, which today has (three billion sixty-five million) 3,065,000 active users, and everything indicates that it will continue to grow in 2025, it is estimated that on average each person in the world spends 19 hours and 47 minutes per month connected to Facebook; and what can we say about Instagram? Instagram is the fourth most used social network in the world with 2 billion active users. And what can we say about Tik Tok? It has 1,582 million active users per month worldwide. Meanwhile, as of today, the Worldcoin project, according to data provided by the foundation, indicates that the company has 6,630,191 users. A ridiculous figure compared to Facebook. Furthermore, Facebook does not pay its subscribers unless they generate content, and on the contrary, Facebook generates money from facemarkers, advertising, million-dollar contracts with governments and institutions, and so on, while WORLDCOIN gives people a welcome bonus of 10 WLD for scanning their irises, but that's not all. From that moment on, users begin to receive bonuses of 3 WLD every two weeks until they reach a total of approximately 70 WLD. What a way to throw away money, I have no way of understanding this strategy, with all the technology that ChatGPT has, WORLCOIN itself has been able to have the same number of subscribers as Facebook to this day. The CEO of WORLDCOIN should learn from social networks like Instagram, and someone may say that they are different projects, but in practice it is not like that, scanning the iris to protect the identity of people can be accompanied with benefits that allow you to enter a platform that provides access to ChatGPT, video calls, financial transactions, higher education, credit cards, and stop counting, with a policy based on entering a platform with many more applications and advantages than Facebook would make 4 billion human beings scan their iris.On the other hand, an information plan on the implications of iris scanning is necessary. WORLDCOIN is losing the battle against bad press and its enemies and they do not seem to be interested in making people's fear of the nonsense that iris scanning will steal their identity disappear. Facebook knows more than 35% of humanity than the UN, Facebook knows what each user eats, knows about their love life, family, where they travel, what books they read, what their favorite movies are, even the name of their dog. Now, seeing WORLDCOIN with its wrong strategy aimed at generating paranoia in governments, nations and their inhabitants, it seems to be shooting itself in the foot. It is as if its objective was to self-inflict damage to its prestige, its intentions and its project. As much as I try to understand its strategy, I cannot end up thinking that they are huge idiots and that the CEO of WORLDCOIN should be fired. Even the CRYPTOREINA now fugitive from justice had EXPONENTIALLY more success than WORLCOIN. Crazy Salman today. in jail owner of FTX built an empire from a cryptocurrency that would later lead him to build his own EXCHANGE, that he is now in jail does not mean that at the time he was not successful. So the governance of Worldcoin is in the hands of idiots who increasingly put our money in danger, I cannot understand how one of the most brilliant minds on the planet, Al Saltman, has not been able to see the right way to make Worldcoin global without destroying its capital, I think it has not occurred to him to ask his own artificial intelligence what the hell he is doing wrong, he should ask ChatGPT for advice and a good message for the world would be to put as CEO of Worldcoin the artificial intelligence that he will launch soon, OPEN.AI o1 this would tell all of humanity that the artificial intelligence thing is serious.

Urgent letter to Al Saltman and WLD holders: Let's change WORLDCOIN and save its Future”

Dear Al Saltman and fellow WORLDCOIN holders:
The WORLDCOIN project is wrong in its way of getting people interested in WLD, mainly getting people to scan their iris, to know that they are failing they only have to take a look at social networks like Facebook, which today has (three billion sixty-five million) 3,065,000 active users, and everything indicates that it will continue to grow in 2025, it is estimated that on average each person in the world spends 19 hours and 47 minutes per month connected to Facebook; and what can we say about Instagram? Instagram is the fourth most used social network in the world with 2 billion active users. And what can we say about Tik Tok? It has 1,582 million active users per month worldwide. Meanwhile, as of today, the Worldcoin project, according to data provided by the foundation, indicates that the company has 6,630,191 users. A ridiculous figure compared to Facebook. Furthermore, Facebook does not pay its subscribers unless they generate content, and on the contrary, Facebook generates money from facemarkers, advertising, million-dollar contracts with governments and institutions, and so on, while WORLDCOIN gives people a welcome bonus of 10 WLD for scanning their irises, but that's not all. From that moment on, users begin to receive bonuses of 3 WLD every two weeks until they reach a total of approximately 70 WLD. What a way to throw away money, I have no way of understanding this strategy, with all the technology that ChatGPT has, WORLCOIN itself has been able to have the same number of subscribers as Facebook to this day. The CEO of WORLDCOIN should learn from social networks like Instagram, and someone may say that they are different projects, but in practice it is not like that, scanning the iris to protect the identity of people can be accompanied with benefits that allow you to enter a platform that provides access to ChatGPT, video calls, financial transactions, higher education, credit cards, and stop counting, with a policy based on entering a platform with many more applications and advantages than Facebook would make 4 billion human beings scan their iris.On the other hand, an information plan on the implications of iris scanning is necessary. WORLDCOIN is losing the battle against bad press and its enemies and they do not seem to be interested in making people's fear of the nonsense that iris scanning will steal their identity disappear. Facebook knows more than 35% of humanity than the UN, Facebook knows what each user eats, knows about their love life, family, where they travel, what books they read, what their favorite movies are, even the name of their dog. Now, seeing WORLDCOIN with its wrong strategy aimed at generating paranoia in governments, nations and their inhabitants, it seems to be shooting itself in the foot. It is as if its objective was to self-inflict damage to its prestige, its intentions and its project. As much as I try to understand its strategy, I cannot end up thinking that they are huge idiots and that the CEO of WORLDCOIN should be fired. Even the CRYPTOREINA now fugitive from justice had EXPONENTIALLY more success than WORLCOIN. Crazy Salman today. in jail owner of FTX built an empire from a cryptocurrency that would later lead him to build his own EXCHANGE, that he is now in jail does not mean that at the time he was not successful. So the governance of Worldcoin is in the hands of idiots who increasingly put our money in danger, I cannot understand how one of the most brilliant minds on the planet, Al Saltman, has not been able to see the right way to make Worldcoin global without destroying its capital, I think it has not occurred to him to ask his own artificial intelligence what the hell he is doing wrong, he should ask ChatGPT for advice and a good message for the world would be to put as CEO of Worldcoin the artificial intelligence that he will launch soon, OPEN.AI o1 this would tell all of humanity that the artificial intelligence thing is serious.
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New attempt to kill Trump: Could it boost Bitcoin's value to $63,000 again?Today, once again, the police authorities and the FBI have announced to the world that former President Donald, the favorite candidate for the presidency of the United States, would be assassinated by a shooter on his golf course in the state of Florida. The shooter, according to the FBI itself, was carrying an AK 47 rifle with a telescopic sight and was 300 meters from his target, a distance that would have allowed him to shoot down President Trump with great ease, given the power and range of this weapon. Now, we all know that the market reacts to this type of news, and in recent days the supposed victory of Kamala Harris in the debate with her rival was felt (something that I do not share), and some polls gave Kamala the winner by only 3 percentage points, so there are many questions to ask, but I will only ask one: If Donald Trump is going to lose the US presidential elections, why assassinate him? I will answer myself, simply because Donald Trump will be president again and he threatens the interests of the US military-industrial complex and threatens to stop the killing in Ukraine, which coincidentally today we learned from the Ukrainian war spokesman that 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died to date, people who until just a few months or weeks ago were school teachers or farmers or winemakers, but with all this there are people who prefer war and other more psychopathic people are interested in a war between NATO and Russia, which would end in the destruction of the planet. So Donald Trump the only US President who didn't start any war and who met and befriended the President of North Korea easing tensions in the Indo Pacific and who will stop the Ukraine war and who will put BITCOIN into the US treasury and support cryptocurrencies benefiting 50 million crypto investors today Sunday in September has just found himself in the crosshairs of an assassin again, the next US President.The US has said: "I am not afraid and I will continue forward" a positive sign for those of us who oppose war and violence, perhaps we will see BITCOIN rise tomorrow and with it ALCOIN as a sign of support for the crypto candidate of the most powerful nation in the world.

New attempt to kill Trump: Could it boost Bitcoin's value to $63,000 again?

Today, once again, the police authorities and the FBI have announced to the world that former President Donald, the favorite candidate for the presidency of the United States, would be assassinated by a shooter on his golf course in the state of Florida. The shooter, according to the FBI itself, was carrying an AK 47 rifle with a telescopic sight and was 300 meters from his target, a distance that would have allowed him to shoot down President Trump with great ease, given the power and range of this weapon. Now, we all know that the market reacts to this type of news, and in recent days the supposed victory of Kamala Harris in the debate with her rival was felt (something that I do not share), and some polls gave Kamala the winner by only 3 percentage points, so there are many questions to ask, but I will only ask one: If Donald Trump is going to lose the US presidential elections, why assassinate him? I will answer myself, simply because Donald Trump will be president again and he threatens the interests of the US military-industrial complex and threatens to stop the killing in Ukraine, which coincidentally today we learned from the Ukrainian war spokesman that 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died to date, people who until just a few months or weeks ago were school teachers or farmers or winemakers, but with all this there are people who prefer war and other more psychopathic people are interested in a war between NATO and Russia, which would end in the destruction of the planet. So Donald Trump the only US President who didn't start any war and who met and befriended the President of North Korea easing tensions in the Indo Pacific and who will stop the Ukraine war and who will put BITCOIN into the US treasury and support cryptocurrencies benefiting 50 million crypto investors today Sunday in September has just found himself in the crosshairs of an assassin again, the next US President.The US has said: "I am not afraid and I will continue forward" a positive sign for those of us who oppose war and violence, perhaps we will see BITCOIN rise tomorrow and with it ALCOIN as a sign of support for the crypto candidate of the most powerful nation in the world.
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“Physically Backed Cryptocurrency Investments: Security and Stability” Real-world asset tokenization is transforming the cryptocurrency market by offering coins backed by tangible assets. This innovative platform allows investors to access large-scale assets such as real estate and commodities, including gold, manufacturing, computer equipment design, and other infrastructure. Tokenization allows the fragmentation of shares in companies operating in various sectors, from the exploration of commodities such as oil and titanium, to pharmaceutical research, medical research, space exploration, the weapons industry, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing. This makes it easier for small investors to acquire fractional ownership of high-value assets from anywhere in the world.

“Physically Backed Cryptocurrency Investments: Security and Stability”

Real-world asset tokenization is transforming the cryptocurrency market by offering coins backed by tangible assets. This innovative platform allows investors to access large-scale assets such as real estate and commodities, including gold, manufacturing, computer equipment design, and other infrastructure. Tokenization allows the fragmentation of shares in companies operating in various sectors, from the exploration of commodities such as oil and titanium, to pharmaceutical research, medical research, space exploration, the weapons industry, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing. This makes it easier for small investors to acquire fractional ownership of high-value assets from anywhere in the world.
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RELIABLE COINS THAT WILL MULTIPLY OUR INVESTMENT WITHOUT DYING IN THE ATTEMPTWithout a doubt, the recent rise to just over $60,000 for BITCOIN and the performance of cryptocurrencies over the past two weeks showed all investors which coins will give us profits with a BITCOIN above $70,000. The linearity of the market seems to make no difference in the face of the fragility of the price of cryptocurrencies, they call it “volatility.” From the chemical, physical and thermodynamic point of view of the tendency of a substance to evaporate, it is terrible that our money is put into an asset that can quickly simply evaporate. It is like putting your money in a horse race where you know that eight out of ten horses have a heart disease and will probably die before reaching the finish line. That is how risky the crypto market is.


Without a doubt, the recent rise to just over $60,000 for BITCOIN and the performance of cryptocurrencies over the past two weeks showed all investors which coins will give us profits with a BITCOIN above $70,000. The linearity of the market seems to make no difference in the face of the fragility of the price of cryptocurrencies, they call it “volatility.” From the chemical, physical and thermodynamic point of view of the tendency of a substance to evaporate, it is terrible that our money is put into an asset that can quickly simply evaporate. It is like putting your money in a horse race where you know that eight out of ten horses have a heart disease and will probably die before reaching the finish line. That is how risky the crypto market is.
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“WORLCOIN: Innovation or Utopia? A Critical Analysis of Al Saltman’s Project”The WORLCOIN project has set out to scan the irises of 10 billion humans, a figure that refers to the estimated number of inhabitants on planet Earth. However, this figure is symbolic, as the actual number of inhabitants includes many people who are not candidates for iris scanning due to their age, culture, current medical condition, and other situations that make them ineligible. WORLCOIN's hype has ended up affecting the price of its token, since a market as sensitive as ours, made up of humans conditioned by their emotions, sees WORLCOIN as a project that, over time, as coins are exchanged for iris scanning, will dissolve until it is worth just pennies. But is this true? First, as I already mentioned, there is no possibility of scanning the iris of all humanity. Second, there is not enough capital to give 8 coins to each individual member of humanity. So, why does WORLCOIN insist on maintaining a narrative that is not sustainable? WORLCOIN is betting on the long term, hoping that mass adoption and improvement in iris scanning technology will increase the trust and value of its token.

“WORLCOIN: Innovation or Utopia? A Critical Analysis of Al Saltman’s Project”

The WORLCOIN project has set out to scan the irises of 10 billion humans, a figure that refers to the estimated number of inhabitants on planet Earth. However, this figure is symbolic, as the actual number of inhabitants includes many people who are not candidates for iris scanning due to their age, culture, current medical condition, and other situations that make them ineligible.
WORLCOIN's hype has ended up affecting the price of its token, since a market as sensitive as ours, made up of humans conditioned by their emotions, sees WORLCOIN as a project that, over time, as coins are exchanged for iris scanning, will dissolve until it is worth just pennies. But is this true? First, as I already mentioned, there is no possibility of scanning the iris of all humanity. Second, there is not enough capital to give 8 coins to each individual member of humanity. So, why does WORLCOIN insist on maintaining a narrative that is not sustainable? WORLCOIN is betting on the long term, hoping that mass adoption and improvement in iris scanning technology will increase the trust and value of its token.
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WHY DONALD TRUMP THE CRYPTO CANDIDATE WON THE DEBATEDuring the debate between Kamala Harrys and Donald Trump, former President Trump focused on showing voters that Kamala Harrys already governs the US and that her government is throwing away American money financing wars in the Middle East and Europe. The other thing was that Kamala Harrys defended the war in Ukraine even though President Donald Trump made it clear to her that hundreds of thousands of human beings are dying and that his government (Kamala's) is dragging humanity into the third world war. Likewise, Trump only had to remind Americans of the disastrous economic situation in the US, the growing number of homeless people, fentanyl addicts and that 40 million American citizens are poor and a large part of them do not have a roof over their heads at night and must sleep in their cars, or worse, sleep in the streets in the open air and also do not have health insurance, while Kamala Harrys' government has given the corrupt government of Ukraine more than one hundred billion dollars, many of which have been stolen. So no one is going to tell me who won the debate because I watched it and it was clear that Kamala Harris failed to explain how her administration failed to prevent Donald Trump from being shot and wounded in the head, and that innocent people died during the shooting.


During the debate between Kamala Harrys and Donald Trump, former President Trump focused on showing voters that Kamala Harrys already governs the US and that her government is throwing away American money financing wars in the Middle East and Europe. The other thing was that Kamala Harrys defended the war in Ukraine even though President Donald Trump made it clear to her that hundreds of thousands of human beings are dying and that his government (Kamala's) is dragging humanity into the third world war. Likewise, Trump only had to remind Americans of the disastrous economic situation in the US, the growing number of homeless people, fentanyl addicts and that 40 million American citizens are poor and a large part of them do not have a roof over their heads at night and must sleep in their cars, or worse, sleep in the streets in the open air and also do not have health insurance, while Kamala Harrys' government has given the corrupt government of Ukraine more than one hundred billion dollars, many of which have been stolen. So no one is going to tell me who won the debate because I watched it and it was clear that Kamala Harris failed to explain how her administration failed to prevent Donald Trump from being shot and wounded in the head, and that innocent people died during the shooting.
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EL CAPITAN ALCOINS WARNS NOT TO INVEST IN WORLCOIN DUE TO THE NUMBER OF WLD COINSCaptain ALCOIN, who is just doing his dirty work of discrediting WORLCOIN, says that Al Saltman's project is unlocking millions of coins per month and is therefore inflationary. He also mentions that its capital is $600 million and that today's increase was 10%, when in fact it was over 18%. Captain ALCOIN forgets that WORLCOIN went, just ten days ago, from having a market cap of $580 million to $720 million in just a few hours. He fails to mention that coins are capitalizing rapidly in proportion to the increase in the price of Bitcoin.


Captain ALCOIN, who is just doing his dirty work of discrediting WORLCOIN, says that Al Saltman's project is unlocking millions of coins per month and is therefore inflationary. He also mentions that its capital is $600 million and that today's increase was 10%, when in fact it was over 18%. Captain ALCOIN forgets that WORLCOIN went, just ten days ago, from having a market cap of $580 million to $720 million in just a few hours. He fails to mention that coins are capitalizing rapidly in proportion to the increase in the price of Bitcoin.
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