The cryptocurrency market is cruel and inhumane, with very little case law and an urgent need for regulation. Its assets need to be less volatile and more stable. This doesn’t mean they don’t fluctuate, as that’s impossible with so many variables at play. Everyone is wondering if Bitcoin will go down again – of course it will, that’s how it works. It will correct, altcoins will turn red, and eventually it will go back up. It’s unpredictable what will happen.

Bitcoin is still moving in the same price range. How long has it been since it hit $66,000? Or $70,000? At some point it will make an exponential jump, like it did from $20,000 to $49,000 and from $40,000 to $60,000. Then it will move in that range, about $30,000 above $60,000, or maybe $55,000. Its new floor would be in the $70,000s, making highs of $90,000 and up.

Today, all the paid YouTubers were euphoric, shouting out loud that the bull run had arrived, generating FOMO, that feeling that you are going to be left out of something very big. Your brain simply processes it as a sign of urgency, of taking advantage of a unique opportunity for your survival. If these YouTubers are so sure that the price will go through the roof, I guess they sold their money to invest in the coins they advertise. But I find it suspicious that they keep asking for likes so that the monetization of their channel does not stop. I will be very honest with you, but I have seen that show so many times that I find it boring and annoying. I do not disagree with focused people guiding and educating about the market, but these medicated charlatans make you sick.

I haven't seen anything that hasn't happened in the last three months, when a lot of people lost money that they still haven't recovered. I'm not in a hurry, but something doesn't add up here. If with a Bitcoin at $70,000 in March, Worldcoin reached $11, why with a Bitcoin at $65,000 and something, Worldcoin is at $2? Ok, I understand the capitalization and the number of tokens, but let's talk about other coins. Why is ETHE.FHI, which is a coin that while Bitcoin was slightly above $60,000, it remained at $2.50 after the fall in the first week of June, today it is still trading at $1.64? And so with most coins whose price does not correlate with its parity with BITCOIN before the great crash in June that robbed INVESTORS of more than 50 percent of their investments. Let's talk about the case of FET ASI (merger of Singularity.NET, Ocean and FET), it was predicted that FET, without the merger, would reach a price of $6 by August, the most conservative estimated $4, but today it is still below $2, after staying above $2.60 today they sell it as if it were getting a masterful price ($1.60) when in reality it still needs a dollar to recover its price range prior to the price collapse in June.

It is necessary to talk about Ethena (ENA), which influencers turned into the sensation of the crypto market in April, promising that it would be worth ten dollars, I would like to know how many investors lost a lot of money buying this coin for over 1 dollar, it was a real advertising fraud, many people cried for having lost so much money, I still remember the false confidence that was injected into investors who kept writing: "this week we are heading to $2", but not only did that not happen, but the coin fell to 20 cents on the dollar, today I think I saw ENA exceed 35 cents, and of course that does not cover even 25% of investors' losses.

I will end by citing some coins from 2024, which with a Bitcoin at 60 thousand dollars, its price was three or four times higher than it is now. I am talking about coins like AEVO, which was trading above 3 dollars and today its price is 43 cents, or Bouncebit (BB), which at this time costs 40 cents, the newest coins from 2024 are quietly turning into cryptozombies like the case of LISTA, people should know that the mortality of a cryptocurrency is very high and some that are not delisted remain as lost souls wandering between the newcomers and the most resilient. We have seen coins that went from being worth cents to being worth more than a dollar, and coins worth several dollars that went from being worth cents. There is no doubt that the altcoin market is still far below its real value, and these prices are set and manipulated by market makers and project owners, especially those projects that give off a nauseating smell. Excluding serious coins, which I write about after studying them thoroughly, rather than coins they should be called digital stocks, because they belong to companies that own tangible assets and use their cryptoasset system to lower and speed up the costs of their transactions, freeing themselves from the dictatorship of traditional banking.

So, my dear friends, be careful. All these euphoric people who invite you to buy, buy, buy, just want to fill their pockets and then correct, a term that was invented to soften the term “close” the bullish and captivating market. In this correction, they will leave millions of investors in losses or trapped, who, driven by greed, did not take profits. In order not to feel guilty when seeing that their coins continued to grow after switching to stablecoins, what they feel is a neurosis induced by these tax payers who try to convince them that the market has only been open for a month and in a few weeks it will close forever. It is a deception, and your brain contributes to putting you in anxiety or depression. Believe me, the market will remain in the same place and, no matter how much Bitcoin costs, you will be able to continue holding money. Unfortunately, the conditions for accumulating altcoins are not given because they are extremely manipulated, with a few exceptions that we will gladly analyze together so that you can know what I am talking about.

To end, I will tell you that TAO (Bitterson) went from $240 in June to $530 today, after reaching $600. Now, do a little mental exercise: imagine that you buy 10 TAO coins now that it is in the red, at $5,300, and a couple of weeks later it returns to its previous price, let's say $300. You will have lost $2,300 that could have been invested in a more stable business. It is true that you will keep your ten TAO coins hoping that they will rise again at least to recover your investment, but it turns out that in the worst scenario it falls to $100 per coin. You will have lost $4,300, and that will really hurt. Of course, the price could move in your favor, but the way the market has behaved this year, it is better to take profits whenever you can, even if they are small. None of you are fortune tellers to know how high the price of a coin will go. If they were, believe me, they would be in Forbes magazine and having dinner with Elon Musk in some Manhattan restaurant.

I hope I have made myself clear and that my message is not distorted. There are many people who can afford to risk money and lose it without it harming them in the least. But I do not write for that type of investor; you already know who my target is. A hug from my brother earthling to all my invisible friends.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration