In the US Eastern Time at the time of writing it is 2:37 in the morning (early morning), Tokyo and Hong Kong are already mid-afternoon, it is the weekend and liquidity is decreasing, BITCOIN is in the same stationary range, it is possible to see BITCOIN at 64 thousand dollars between Saturday and Sunday, many are selling (you can see it in the trader area of ​​this page), and as the hours pass the sales will increase if the sentiment is reversed and fear takes hold of the people, BITCOIN will reach a new Historical High before saying goodbye to the year, I do not see it yet, when bitcoin looks for those prices it does so with great force, the sentiment that was injected into the masses does not correspond to reality, BITCOIN has only risen a little more or a little less than 2 thousand dollars, it is not little but it is not much either, its price has been increasing from 59 thousand dollars, letting it fall to that price would be a catastrophe for many, I remember when BITCOIN was about two or three months ago in the range of 66 and 71 thousand $, my earnings were huge, I thought about retiring to enjoy, the day I would do it the ASI campaign intensified the merger of FET, and OCEAM, the leaders of the three projects met in Dubai, took happy photos and set a date for the MERGER, I was fascinated by all that, the day I bought FET, its price was 2.40 $ and only 24 hours before it had been 2.60 $, it was its range, there was no reason to think that the price could fall, it did not cross my mind, so I said to myself: with the merger it will go to $ 4, if it does not and only goes up to 2.60 $ I will earn a lot of money, so excited and enraged with a market that promised to continue growing, just as they say today, I took all the money and put it in FET, the rest is history, the currency that would create an ARTIFICIAL SUPERINTELLIGENCE plummeted and continued to fall without a parachute, I continued to trust until it was too late, I abandoned it near 1.$20, then I saw it go to 80 cents. I lived through hell and suffered a lot to recover.