For those who read me, I want to give you a brief overview of who I am and what I do. My name is Jorge Ferrer. When I was little, they call me Giorgio, which is the Italian translation of Jorge. I come from a country located in the south of South America. I am 44 years old. In addition to being a graduate in business administration, with a mention in Management, I have a master's degree in Intelligent Organizations and time management. I am a surgeon who graduated with honors, with a specialization in Internal Medicine and Critical Medicine. I am a specialist in clinical psychology. I am a rescue worker and volunteer firefighter. I am currently studying a master's degree in neuroanatomy and neuroscience. I dedicate part of my time to providing non-profit advice to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs on how and where to invest their money. My degree work in business administration with the option to publish is titled - 101 ways to become a millionaire and 101 reasons not to. I have held different positions in both public administration and private institutions. Being director of three large hospitals from 2015 to 2019. I entered the world of cryptoassets from a project under construction on a cryptoasset bank, called Metropolitan Bank of Cryptoassets and Digital Money, I work on the development of a cryptocurrency based on medical research with an emphasis on the area of ​​oncology, which includes the development of new drugs against cancer based solely on immunotherapy and surgery, in addition to the development of prostheses and other elements that replace anatomical parts affected by cancer. I managed to multiply the assets of the Cancer and Related Diseases Research Foundation by ten from this and another EXCHANGE, of which I am president and which is non-profit. I do not ask for money from this or any other platform or social network. Most of my articles are intended to protect investors, and many are based on market psychology and trader behavior.I am not sponsored by any currency or corporation. I have and defend my own theses and hypotheses about this young market, I try to mitigate the malicious and harmful actions carried out by paid influencers aimed at manipulating INVESTORS for profit in an unethical and amoral way, financed by EXCHANGE, corporations and companies, as well as foundations that own crypto assets. A hug of solidarity.

Jorge Ferrer