“Coinmakers” or “market makers” in the context of cryptocurrencies are entities or individuals that facilitate liquidity in cryptocurrency markets. Their primary role is to ensure that there is sufficient buying and selling volume for transactions to occur smoothly. They are responsible for providing market liquidity by continuously buying and selling cryptocurrencies, which allows liquidity to be maintained in the market. Their ability to buy or sell 24/7 explains the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

How are those who have the money to buy inject and drain liquidity from the currencies they decide so that their price fluctuates, the market makers are not the whales, quite the contrary to what people think, the whales only represent 12% of the market and they can influence the price of BITCOIN and ALCOIN, but finally it is the Marker Marker, a kind of lodge or secret society, who decide the price of our precious digital currencies. The coinmakers are the wildest and most shameless expression of the manipulation of asset prices, a kind of market monarchy where these powerful people decide thumbs up or thumbs down who goes up and who goes down 📉 at the moment or time that they create or consider convenient for their interests. We are the commoners, without any power and we are at the mercy of the coinmakers. Many claim that these powerful forces contribute with their liquidity to stabilize the prices of cryptocurrencies, and it could be true, but in the same way that they have the power to keep it in balance, they move it at will. So everything you read about whether this or that coin will go up or down in price is just a desperate attempt to try to decipher the designs of the Marker Markers, if I could even say that each chapter of the history of each coin, especially BITCOIN, is already written, for the reason why all coins follow BITCOIN, it is a design of the coinmarkers. Without the coinmarkers, prices would fluctuate or move in a crazy and senseless way, making the cryptocurrency market unviable. Without a doubt, the Marker Markers are the gods of the cryptoverse. Without them and without their liquidity, many coins would go to negative values ​​due to the lack of buyers or sellers. Many will wonder, what do the market makers gain? They make huge amounts of money through the “spread,” which is the difference between the buy price (bid) and the sell price (ask).By maintaining this difference, they can make a profit with each transaction, and they do this by manipulating the market in their favor. Imagine for a moment that you know with certainty which currency will go down in price in the market or which one will go up. You would undoubtedly be rich, because this is known to the coinmakers, who have such great power that they can set the price of cryptocurrencies due to the number of operations they carry out. This power is granted to them by having a lot of liquid money to buy and sell. You will be surprised to know that platforms and Exchanges like BINANCE have their coinmakers, or buy the power of market makers who finance the platform to maintain liquidity in their EXCHANGES. So paying attention to what BINANCE says about which coins will grow is not unreasonable, they say it because they know it, if you see that they repeat over and over again that such a coin will rise in price you should take it seriously, (I am referring to BINANCE and not to the fee-paying influencers) that is why I was telling you that the coins recently listed on BINANCE will recover their price and multiply it, I am referring to the coins directly linked to BINANCE and not those that were listed by agreements and deals. So the next time someone tells you that the market is unpredictable believe me, they don't know what they're talking about, and by predictable I don't mean charts and all those crazy things that traders repeat with certainty, when I hear them talk about candles and Fibonacci I smile and at the same time I feel sorry for them, but I feel even more sorry for those who believe their fantasies, market makers determine and decide the functioning of the markets and consequently the price of cryptocurrencies, obviously they are not the only factors that determine such prices, but in the same way coinmarkers also manipulate those other factors, it is the Marker Markers who have all the power when setting them, it is undoubtedly a crude manipulation, but even in those manipulations investors can win, but more often lose, especially when sensitive information leaks that causes the majority owners of a project to sell their coins because they have found out that the market is going to collapse, so they flee with a large part of the capital of a project making people of the class middle class or the so-called working class loses all their money.The Marker Markers manipulate supply and demand, they promote, generate and finance fake news, they push regulations and laws because they control congressmen, senators and even presidents of countries like the USA. The best strategy to beat the Marker Markers is to go against the current, but we will leave that for another article. A strong and powerful hug to everyone.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor's degree in Business Administration.