Without a doubt, human stupidity abounds even in the markets. Seeing the entire BINANCE platform dedicated to selling the lie that Kamala Harrys has already won the presidency of the United States and that Donald Trump is defeated with his pants down is a lie that leaves me speechless when I read it over and over again on this platform. For me, this represents that those who support this campaign in favor of Kamala Harrys are all scoundrels and traitors. The most terrible thing is that in their headlines and narratives they omit the undeniable fact that Kamala Harrys already governs the United States and as acting president she already leads the government that Biden abandoned due to his Alzheimer's disease, and they omit that Biden and Kamala Harrys maintain the most ruthless persecution against the digital currency market, generating losses to more than 50 million Americans who have put their money in the crypto market. These Judases who publish on this platform called BINANCE, and who live as parasites of this market, are allowed to lie and manipulate information even knowing that they do it for money and that they cause harm to investors, these tariffed people deliberately hide the historical and recent fact that it was Donald Trump who was at the annual BITCOIN event promising to assume cryptocurrencies as reserve assets of the US Treasury, shooting BITCOIN above 65 thousand dollars that same day. You have to be very heartless and greedy to write in favor of Kamala Harrys and betray the entire BINANCE community by supporting Kamala Harrys' candidacy with lies even knowing that if her presidential victory were to occur, the crypto market would collapse and dawn in recession. The Democratic Party's ratepayers, experts in manipulating information and stealing the presidential election, as well as being experts in selling fake news, are attacking us from our platform, from where we all put our money, by attacking Donald Trump they attack us because the market reacts downwards, let's not forget that Donald Trump is the only former president and candidate who openly supports and believes in the cryptocurrency market.Now Kamala Harrys pretends through social media and sadly through BINANCE to sell two big lies: 1. She does not govern and did not persecute the crypto market and 2. She is a friend of BITCOIN and ALCOINS, two such lies. Kamala Harrys is Biden, she governs the USA, she hates cryptocurrencies and her victory would give our market a gloomy Black Monday and a 2025 of judicial persecutions, administrative proceedings, lawsuits and accusations against cryptocurrencies. To those who write in favor of Kamala Harrys selling the stupid and false claim that Donald Trump has already lost the presidential election, you are writing in the wrong place. We small investors are aware that the inevitable fact of a Donald Trump victory will give us a BITCOIN with a new historical high and of course substantial gains for all currencies, starting a BULL Rally that would be understood until the end of 2025. We small investors know that the acting president Kamala Harrys is an enemy of the crypto market and that her victory will send bitcoin to $20,000 hours after her denied triumph.

On the other hand, acting President Kamala Harrys represents the end of humanity, we all know that Biden's warmongering administration keeps the planet on the brink of nuclear war, in fact Kamala Harrys is preparing the US to lead the Americans and Europe into a direct war against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, this will be the last world war, with nuclear weapons and represents the end of humanity, and a planet with 5 billion humans dead in just the first 30 days of the war, cryptocurrencies are of no use to them, it is a fact that they are leading the world to a global nuclear confrontation, I am sure that people who trade have families and do not want to see them charred or slowly dying from radiation, Kamala Harrys' war against Russia and China is and will be the end of humanity and the only one who intends to stop this global catastrophe is Donald Trump, the only president who did not go to war in his entire term.

So the call is for BINANCE not to shoot itself in the foot and understand that Kamala Harrys locked up the owner of this EXCHANGE in jail because she wants war with the Chinese, BINANCE must understand that only Donald Trump is aligned with the interests of the crypto market and his presidential victory represents a huge boost to this platform and to all the coins that fight to escape the ruthless persecution of President Kamala Harrys, president of war, of the destruction of the crypto market, a wolf that pretends to disguise itself as a sheep.

In closing, I ask you not to believe the lie that Donald Trump has already lost. They are just setting the stage for another fraud. They have already stolen the presidency from President Trump once, and now after two attempts to kill him for swearing to stop the war in Europe and being a threat to the military-industrial complex, the second step will be to steal the elections from him. Many here in their countries have experienced how parties and presidents steal presidential elections and nothing happens. Kamala Harrys already rules and is a terrible ruler, she is an enemy of this market and of humanity. To our relief, Kamala Harrys will not win, the war in Europe will end and BITCOIN will give us a new all-time high on the day Donald Trump's victory is announced.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration