Three coins recently listed on BINANCE today are at the bottom of the carousel, for their holders with less patience and very little tolerance to stress they are a complete failure, it is only enough to read the forums of each of these coins to have a feast of hate, resentment, anger and frustration from those who bought these coins, the most upset are the youngest, boys between 20 and 25 years old who want to make quick money in a market where time runs slowly. The market knows that resilience does not exist in about 99 percent of investors, it is a speculative number, I do not have the exact percentage of how many people do not tolerate the price of their currency to collapse, but I do know that it is extremely high, and the market knows that, the brain of the market that are the Marker Markers, they only need to pull down the price of a coin and people will start selling at a loss, and where do you think all that liquidity that impatient holders left lying around selling their coins at a loss will go? It may not seem like much money, but when you multiply it by every dollar, euro or yuan left behind by a scared investor who wandered into a place where dark psychology specialists, manipulators and even beings with psychopathic personalities lacking any empathy operate, the market tears them apart, a ruthless and cruel market that every month reports huge profits from investors who are intolerant of the downward changes caused by the Marker Markers. Let's look at the case of Banana Guns, just a few days ago the news leaked that the currency's security had been breached by a telegram bot, in that breach of security protocol about 3 million US dollars were lost, a little more, a little less, they did not give further details, what they did recommend hours later was that banana holders empty their accounts because the attack could be repeated, at this moment the table was set to make the currency collapse, what was expected happened, tens of thousands of banana growers began to sell their bananas in panic, a curious fact that few noticed was that each banana 🍌 hours after the alleged attack rose above $ 40, making it clear that those who had privileged information would sell and then buy bananas for $ 33, the other thing is that after earning $ 40 per banana 🍌, it fell to 36.50$ and people or a group of people assumed that the fall had stopped, so sales skyrocketed, several hours later, seeing that the purchases had reached their peak, they pulled the price down to 33$, along with this fall they launched the bots that began to announce that Bananas would fall to 20$, others were bolder and claimed that it would return to its historical low of 5 dollars per banana, those who had resisted the first wave of this psychological attack succumbed to the second, even more aggressive attack, they began to sell at huge losses leaving more liquid money in the banana truck, hours later the capitalization of 🍌 banana Guns went from 113 million dollars to 122 million, it only took 60 minutes for this to happen.

What is narrated here seems to be taken from a Dostoyevsky novel, a whole plot of a conspiracy intended to manipulate weak minds to get our money. INVESTORS are not warned that they will be subjected to enormous psychological pressure and that they will be forced to bend in their attempt to conserve and preserve their survival resources. It is difficult to put all this in a label, because few will understand it. I clearly remember the case of FET and the hackneyed ARTIFICIAL SUPERINTELLIGENCE, all that about the merger of SINGULARITY.NET, OCEAM AND FET, postponing the merger again and again, generating FOMO and postponing the merger again and again, letting the rumor leak that the merger would be canceled, that there was discord between the three projects, it was in this way that the three corporations resolved the price disparity between their tokens and managed to pay for the merger with the money of millions of investors, we saw the three tokens go up to be worth cents of a dollar, for the cryptographic community that dreamed that the merger would make them millionaires it was a terrible frustration, selling coins bought at two dollars and fifty cents in the case of FET for less than a dollar, months later (a few, very few months), magically FET (THE CURRENCY LIKE THAT) today exceeds the dollar with 60 cents and people can only cry their losses, millions of people were deceived and robbed of tens of millions of dollars from an Oscar-worthy stage production.

In this and other ways, they snatch money from investors who are not prepared to withstand a psychological war carried out by the most gifted minds on the planet. Those who win have the patience of a saint and do not succumb to the coercive mind games to which we are all subjected on this and other platforms.

As for the title of this article, linearity will prevail and the rule will be the same: bananas, cats and dogs will rise again in a resounding manner. When? The Marker Markers will decide, what is certain is that they will rise and the Marker Markers are not in a hurry, their time is not our time, this constant call TIME is on their side, because they have money to spare and they do not count the days or the hours like we do, the rich think in the very long term, that is their greatest strength to be so rich and powerful, they can put money in fixed terms of five years and not think about it even for a second, they have multiple investments and businesses and we are only a very small one of their businesses for them, their life is counted in billions of dollars, ours in hundreds and in the best of cases in thousands of dollars. I hope the message has been understood and is useful for all my readers, remember the series "The Squid Game", If you move you die!

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration