Dear Al Saltman and fellow WORLDCOIN holders:

The WORLDCOIN project is wrong in its way of getting people interested in WLD, mainly getting people to scan their iris, to know that they are failing they only have to take a look at social networks like Facebook, which today has (three billion sixty-five million) 3,065,000 active users, and everything indicates that it will continue to grow in 2025, it is estimated that on average each person in the world spends 19 hours and 47 minutes per month connected to Facebook; and what can we say about Instagram? Instagram is the fourth most used social network in the world with 2 billion active users. And what can we say about Tik Tok? It has 1,582 million active users per month worldwide. Meanwhile, as of today, the Worldcoin project, according to data provided by the foundation, indicates that the company has 6,630,191 users. A ridiculous figure compared to Facebook. Furthermore, Facebook does not pay its subscribers unless they generate content, and on the contrary, Facebook generates money from facemarkers, advertising, million-dollar contracts with governments and institutions, and so on, while WORLDCOIN gives people a welcome bonus of 10 WLD for scanning their irises, but that's not all. From that moment on, users begin to receive bonuses of 3 WLD every two weeks until they reach a total of approximately 70 WLD. What a way to throw away money, I have no way of understanding this strategy, with all the technology that ChatGPT has, WORLCOIN itself has been able to have the same number of subscribers as Facebook to this day. The CEO of WORLDCOIN should learn from social networks like Instagram, and someone may say that they are different projects, but in practice it is not like that, scanning the iris to protect the identity of people can be accompanied with benefits that allow you to enter a platform that provides access to ChatGPT, video calls, financial transactions, higher education, credit cards, and stop counting, with a policy based on entering a platform with many more applications and advantages than Facebook would make 4 billion human beings scan their iris.On the other hand, an information plan on the implications of iris scanning is necessary. WORLDCOIN is losing the battle against bad press and its enemies and they do not seem to be interested in making people's fear of the nonsense that iris scanning will steal their identity disappear. Facebook knows more than 35% of humanity than the UN, Facebook knows what each user eats, knows about their love life, family, where they travel, what books they read, what their favorite movies are, even the name of their dog. Now, seeing WORLDCOIN with its wrong strategy aimed at generating paranoia in governments, nations and their inhabitants, it seems to be shooting itself in the foot. It is as if its objective was to self-inflict damage to its prestige, its intentions and its project. As much as I try to understand its strategy, I cannot end up thinking that they are huge idiots and that the CEO of WORLDCOIN should be fired. Even the CRYPTOREINA now fugitive from justice had EXPONENTIALLY more success than WORLCOIN. Crazy Salman today. in jail owner of FTX built an empire from a cryptocurrency that would later lead him to build his own EXCHANGE, that he is now in jail does not mean that at the time he was not successful. So the governance of Worldcoin is in the hands of idiots who increasingly put our money in danger, I cannot understand how one of the most brilliant minds on the planet, Al Saltman, has not been able to see the right way to make Worldcoin global without destroying its capital, I think it has not occurred to him to ask his own artificial intelligence what the hell he is doing wrong, he should ask ChatGPT for advice and a good message for the world would be to put as CEO of Worldcoin the artificial intelligence that he will launch soon, OPEN.AI o1 this would tell all of humanity that the artificial intelligence thing is serious.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest annoyance to the CEO of WORLDCOIN for his failed way of running the project, and to Al Saltman himself, that he should understand that democracy and governance in the cryptocurrency market are written with a capital letter. WORLCOIN holders ask him to change his strategy, to stop decapitalizing the project and, on the other hand, to burn a good amount of tokens. That would be the beginning. The other thing is to relaunch WORLDCOIN as an intelligent social network, one that has no comparison, that allows the use of augmented reality glasses, shopping, going to the movies, and having the subscriber have his own avatar legally recognized by the foundation. So, if you define your avatar, you will have to die with it. It would be inappropriate for a company that wants to protect the information of its users to allow people to change their avatar. They will be able, of course, to retouch it, tattoo it, and do everything that can be done to a human, but without changing their identity.

WORLDCOIN could be the world's first artificial intelligence university. The teachers would be bots that would teach classes in all majors. In addition, it could be a technical school, the popular mechanics of the 21st century, where people would learn to repair their car, their television; in short, with the power of artificial intelligence, WORLDCOIN would be the most powerful platform in the world. Humans would come by the millions to have their iris scanned and they wouldn't have to pay. Users would contribute money and, if they contribute with WORLDCOIN, they would generate currency. But what would the WORLDCOIN token be in this metaverse? Simply, the currency that would end up crossing the barriers of the virtual world to the real world through wormholes. In short, traveling to other planets, having augmented romances with avatars, having the possibility of meeting deceased relatives, visiting relatives anywhere in the world in real time, going on tours. There is no end to the amount of activities that WORLDCOIN can offer to its first 2 billion users by 2025 alone. I hope Al Saltman will read me and announce very soon the restructuring and relaunching of WORLDCOIN as the first platform, social network or metaverse controlled by an artificial intelligence as the ruler of the WORLDCOIN world.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration