Today, once again, the police authorities and the FBI have announced to the world that former President Donald, the favorite candidate for the presidency of the United States, would be assassinated by a shooter on his golf course in the state of Florida. The shooter, according to the FBI itself, was carrying an AK 47 rifle with a telescopic sight and was 300 meters from his target, a distance that would have allowed him to shoot down President Trump with great ease, given the power and range of this weapon. Now, we all know that the market reacts to this type of news, and in recent days the supposed victory of Kamala Harris in the debate with her rival was felt (something that I do not share), and some polls gave Kamala the winner by only 3 percentage points, so there are many questions to ask, but I will only ask one: If Donald Trump is going to lose the US presidential elections, why assassinate him? I will answer myself, simply because Donald Trump will be president again and he threatens the interests of the US military-industrial complex and threatens to stop the killing in Ukraine, which coincidentally today we learned from the Ukrainian war spokesman that 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died to date, people who until just a few months or weeks ago were school teachers or farmers or winemakers, but with all this there are people who prefer war and other more psychopathic people are interested in a war between NATO and Russia, which would end in the destruction of the planet. So Donald Trump the only US President who didn't start any war and who met and befriended the President of North Korea easing tensions in the Indo Pacific and who will stop the Ukraine war and who will put BITCOIN into the US treasury and support cryptocurrencies benefiting 50 million crypto investors today Sunday in September has just found himself in the crosshairs of an assassin again, the next US President.The US has said: "I am not afraid and I will continue forward" a positive sign for those of us who oppose war and violence, perhaps we will see BITCOIN rise tomorrow and with it ALCOIN as a sign of support for the crypto candidate of the most powerful nation in the world.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration