Just now a friend showed me his delivery note. He opened 4 bitcoins with a 3000u position and earned about several thousand u with a 100x leverage. He wanted to communicate with me. I can't communicate with this kind of person. He is not here to trade at all. He is giving money to the exchange. He doesn't even understand mathematical expectations and logic. First of all, brothers need to pay fees for opening and closing positions. The opening and closing fees of his gameplay account for 20% of his principal. He will be liquidated in one or two days or two weeks. I kindly advised him and scolded me and said that I have low education. It is the correct mathematical logic to take it slow in the current market and wait for the bull market to make big money. If you think you can make money slowly, use high leverage, and you will only lose money in the end. Sometimes I envy this kind of young people, who have the courage to move forward. Brother Kai only knows how to manage risks and live longer. 😂#新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美降息25个基点预期升温