I recently made a copycat coin. Now many small coins are pulling up very high. The theory is a bit like the low liquidity of the original TRB. A small amount of money with a low market value can be pulled up several times. I also got on a SF Express bus.

Don't listen to what you can't play contracts. How many big Vs in the currency circle you can see are playing spot trading? You come here to make a lot of money. If you want risk-free financial management, you can go to the bank. The currency circle itself represents high risk.

The essence of so many copycat coins pulling up the market every day on the increase list is to deceive people to chase high prices. The dealer intervenes in the operation just to sell the coin to you at a high price.

Whether it is the surge of TRB or REEF, it is for the dealer to make money. Whose money is it? It's yours, that is, the money of retail investors. How many people in the currency circle can make money in the long run? Everyone has made money, but few can make money all the time. The reason is that you will definitely lose if you play against the dealer, it's a matter of time; but if you play with the dealer, it's different. The winning rate must be more reliable than your so-called feeling. From the perspective of probability If you play by yourself, your winning rate is only 50% at most

The dealer will generally look for small-volume, low-heat altcoins

First, draw a bigger pie, such as the recent reef, and then negotiate the price with the project party, buy most of the chips in your own hands with multiple exchange accounts, and then go to the exchange to pull the market, and sell while pulling, and sell it to retail investors at a high price. Finally, you buy the air coin that the dealer gave you at a high price

The more chips in the dealer's hands, the greater its pricing power

As long as you can put the coin at the same low opening price as it, he will have no way to deal with you unless he gives up this coin to pull the market

But my personal habit is to use small amounts of cash The goods are matched with contracts of a certain size. The rates of copycat pull-ups are often very negative. Your long orders are open and you are eating and

You can't see the funding income in the transaction details. Sometimes there are several % points a day, because the funding fee is calculated by the position x leverage multiple x funding rate to get your final income, which is related to the multiple you open

As for the profit, it depends on the cost of the dealer and how high the final pull is, and how many retail investors can take over. All the coins in the currency circle follow this model#token2049 #新币挖矿HMSTR #币安上线NEIRO