【Four Heavenly Kings of Cryptocurrency Circle】

There are four heavenly kings in the entertainment circle, and there are also four heavenly kings in the cryptocurrency circle, namely BTC, ETH, Sol, and BNB. ETH has no upper limit on quantity.

1. BTC - the first and most successful and influential blockchain application

2. ETH - the first public chain that supports Turing-complete smart contracts, and also the public chain with the largest and richest application ecosystem.

3. SOL - Solana is a high-speed and cheap smart contract platform public chain supported by FTX/SBF.

4. BNB - BSC is the public chain launched by Binance, the world's largest exchange.

The general mainstream of spot trading basically takes these four types. BTC is the big brother, and its status and pattern are definitely needless to say. It represents the highest image of the cryptocurrency circle. This is why more people buy it. As long as the cryptocurrency circle does not go bankrupt, BTC will always be the god. As for the other three, more attention was paid to Sol at the end of last year. First, the price was low, and second, it was backed by the capital of the US and British empires. The Russians created ETH, so how could Sol created by Americans lag behind? And when the next Trump is elected, Sol will definitely be popular again. It also proves that my direction is not wrong. Sol doubled until March this year, which is almost the sum of the other three.

What I hate most is ETH. Since the rise of 520, this coin has basically kept the same position as BTC (the highest price of the two coins and the price difference at that time are the same). Now look at it again, 4098 fell to 2342, a drop of 43%, which is the largest of the other three. V God is constantly selling ETH. Today's ETH simply does not follow the footsteps of BTC. It feels a bit like a copycat. Either it does not move, or it moves, it will be a big market. But no matter what, if it wants to keep up with the pace of big brother BTC, ETH will definitely have a wave of explosions in the future like the day of 520. I believe that since ETH is the second in the currency circle, there may be no pattern, but there is a bottom line.

So if you operate the contract, the price is higher than the high-quality copycat coins, but the increase is not as high as the copycat coins, so it is not cost-effective to play the contract ETH, and the risk is high. You say it is not as stable as BTC, and it is not as cost-effective as the copycat high-quality coins, so you play the contract with it. So ETH is currently suitable for spot trading. It will definitely rise sharply in the future.

BNB is a product of Pengge's platform, and we are posting on their territory, so we must support it.😎

$ETH #Btcoin #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #sol链 #BNBSmartChain