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Токен JUP Solana DEX Jupiter дебютирует с оборотным запасом 1,35BНа момент публикации бессрочная валюта JUP-USD торговалась на Aevo по цене 65 центов, что подразумевает рыночную капитализацию в 700 миллионов долларов на момент создания.Jupiter, децентрализованный торговый агрегатор, базирующийся в Солане, планирует запустить свой собственный токен JUP посредством раздачи в среду в 10 часов утра по восточному стандартному времени.Первоначальное максимальное количество монет в обращении составит 1,35 миллиарда, сообщил во вторник основатель Jupiter под псевдонимом Моу в сообщении на форуме, уменьшив общее количество монет, доступных для торговли, с ранее установленной цифры в 1,7 миллиарда.

Токен JUP Solana DEX Jupiter дебютирует с оборотным запасом 1,35B

На момент публикации бессрочная валюта JUP-USD торговалась на Aevo по цене 65 центов, что подразумевает рыночную капитализацию в 700 миллионов долларов на момент создания.Jupiter, децентрализованный торговый агрегатор, базирующийся в Солане, планирует запустить свой собственный токен JUP посредством раздачи в среду в 10 часов утра по восточному стандартному времени.Первоначальное максимальное количество монет в обращении составит 1,35 миллиарда, сообщил во вторник основатель Jupiter под псевдонимом Моу в сообщении на форуме, уменьшив общее количество монет, доступных для торговли, с ранее установленной цифры в 1,7 миллиарда.
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Фонд dYdX запрашивает бюджет в 30 миллионов долларов и обещает опубликовать годовой отчет о расходахФонд поддержки децентрализованной криптобиржи dYdX запросил у управляющей децентрализованной автономной организации (DAO) финансирование в размере 30 миллионов долларов, которое будет потрачено в течение следующих трех лет.Швейцарский фонд dYdX Foundation предоставляет юридическую, научно-исследовательскую, маркетинговую и техническую поддержку проекту криптоторговли, который включает в себя биржу бессрочных фьючерсных контрактов и специальный блокчейн в экосистемах Cosmos и Ethereum. Цель фонда — превратить dYdX в «уровень обмена Интернета», согласно его заявлению.

Фонд dYdX запрашивает бюджет в 30 миллионов долларов и обещает опубликовать годовой отчет о расходах

Фонд поддержки децентрализованной криптобиржи dYdX запросил у управляющей децентрализованной автономной организации (DAO) финансирование в размере 30 миллионов долларов, которое будет потрачено в течение следующих трех лет.Швейцарский фонд dYdX Foundation предоставляет юридическую, научно-исследовательскую, маркетинговую и техническую поддержку проекту криптоторговли, который включает в себя биржу бессрочных фьючерсных контрактов и специальный блокчейн в экосистемах Cosmos и Ethereum. Цель фонда — превратить dYdX в «уровень обмена Интернета», согласно его заявлению.
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Биткоин-ETF BlackRock первым достиг $2 млрд в AUM В настоящее время в фонде хранится около 50 000 биткойнов после добавления еще почти 4300 токенов в четверг.Биткойн-ETF BlackRock iShares (IBIT) в пятницу стал первым из недавно запущенных спотовых биткойн-продуктов, активы под управлением которого (AUM) достигли 2 миллиардов долларов. Сюда не входит GBTC компании Grayscale, у которого на момент преобразования из закрытого фонда в спотовый ETF было под управлением AUM около 30 миллиардов долларов.В четверг инвесторы добавили в IBIT около 170 миллионов долларов, при этом фонд приобрел еще почти 4300 биткойнов (BTC), в результате чего общее количество имеющихся токенов достигло 49 952. Поскольку цена биткойнов в начале пятницы значительно превысила уровень в 40 000 долларов, AUM превысила 2 миллиарда долларов.

Биткоин-ETF BlackRock первым достиг $2 млрд в AUM

В настоящее время в фонде хранится около 50 000 биткойнов после добавления еще почти 4300 токенов в четверг.Биткойн-ETF BlackRock iShares (IBIT) в пятницу стал первым из недавно запущенных спотовых биткойн-продуктов, активы под управлением которого (AUM) достигли 2 миллиардов долларов. Сюда не входит GBTC компании Grayscale, у которого на момент преобразования из закрытого фонда в спотовый ETF было под управлением AUM около 30 миллиардов долларов.В четверг инвесторы добавили в IBIT около 170 миллионов долларов, при этом фонд приобрел еще почти 4300 биткойнов (BTC), в результате чего общее количество имеющихся токенов достигло 49 952. Поскольку цена биткойнов в начале пятницы значительно превысила уровень в 40 000 долларов, AUM превысила 2 миллиарда долларов.
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Масштабный сброс биткойнов (BTC) на 200 000 ожидается через 60 дней: обновление Mt.GoxU.Today - Колин Ву, видный деятель в сфере криптожурналистики, сообщил, что Mt. Gox недавно инициировал процесс проверки электронной почты для пользователей, требуя подтверждения права собственности на учетные записи адресов обмена, обозначенные как платежные адреса для биткойнов (BTC) и биткойнов. Наличные (BCH).Этот шаг последовал за сообщениями кредиторов от декабря 2023 года, которые подтвердили получение компенсации в японских иенах через свои счета PayPal (NASDAQ:PYPL), при этом текущие выплаты планируется продлить до 2024 года.

Масштабный сброс биткойнов (BTC) на 200 000 ожидается через 60 дней: обновление Mt.Gox

U.Today - Колин Ву, видный деятель в сфере криптожурналистики, сообщил, что Mt. Gox недавно инициировал процесс проверки электронной почты для пользователей, требуя подтверждения права собственности на учетные записи адресов обмена, обозначенные как платежные адреса для биткойнов (BTC) и биткойнов. Наличные (BCH).Этот шаг последовал за сообщениями кредиторов от декабря 2023 года, которые подтвердили получение компенсации в японских иенах через свои счета PayPal (NASDAQ:PYPL), при этом текущие выплаты планируется продлить до 2024 года.
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Эфириум (ETH) стал объектом массовой распродажи в 1 миллиард долларов: кто несет ответственность?Ethereum переживает масштабную распродажу, превышающую 1 миллиард долларов. Источник этого огромного рыночного движения можно проследить до Celsius, который, как сообщается, перевел на различные биржи ошеломляющие 459 561 ETH на сумму примерно 1,014 миллиарда долларов.Распределение этой распродажи было следующим: 297 454 ETH (656,5 миллионов долларов США) были переведены на Coinbase (NASDAQ:COIN) Prime, 146 507 ETH - в Казначейство Paxos, а меньшие суммы по 7 800 ETH каждая на общую сумму 17,2 миллиона долларов были переведены на FalconX и Coinbase. . Несмотря на этот масштабный перевод, Celsius, как сообщается, сохраняет резерв в размере 62 468 ETH на сумму около 139 миллионов долларов.

Эфириум (ETH) стал объектом массовой распродажи в 1 миллиард долларов: кто несет ответственность?

Ethereum переживает масштабную распродажу, превышающую 1 миллиард долларов. Источник этого огромного рыночного движения можно проследить до Celsius, который, как сообщается, перевел на различные биржи ошеломляющие 459 561 ETH на сумму примерно 1,014 миллиарда долларов.Распределение этой распродажи было следующим: 297 454 ETH (656,5 миллионов долларов США) были переведены на Coinbase (NASDAQ:COIN) Prime, 146 507 ETH - в Казначейство Paxos, а меньшие суммы по 7 800 ETH каждая на общую сумму 17,2 миллиона долларов были переведены на FalconX и Coinbase. . Несмотря на этот масштабный перевод, Celsius, как сообщается, сохраняет резерв в размере 62 468 ETH на сумму около 139 миллионов долларов.
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Альтсезон 2024: инвесторы диверсифицируются с помощью Solana и Retik Finance, поскольку биткойн опускается ниже $40 000Криптовалютный ландшафт развивается. Биткойн (BTC), когда-то считавшийся бесспорным лидером, в настоящее время сталкивается с рыночными проблемами: его стоимость приближается к 40 000 долларов. Однако в условиях постоянно меняющихся тенденций возникает новая волна, и умные инвесторы с энтузиазмом изучают бурный альтернативный сезон 2024 года. В этой динамичной среде внимание привлекают два заслуживающих внимания игрока: Solana (SOL), известная своей быстрой технологией блокчейна. и Retik Finance (RETIK), многообещающий новичок DeFi, оснащенный практическими приложениями, призванными изменить концепцию финансовой независимости.

Альтсезон 2024: инвесторы диверсифицируются с помощью Solana и Retik Finance, поскольку биткойн опускается ниже $40 000

Криптовалютный ландшафт развивается. Биткойн (BTC), когда-то считавшийся бесспорным лидером, в настоящее время сталкивается с рыночными проблемами: его стоимость приближается к 40 000 долларов. Однако в условиях постоянно меняющихся тенденций возникает новая волна, и умные инвесторы с энтузиазмом изучают бурный альтернативный сезон 2024 года. В этой динамичной среде внимание привлекают два заслуживающих внимания игрока: Solana (SOL), известная своей быстрой технологией блокчейна. и Retik Finance (RETIK), многообещающий новичок DeFi, оснащенный практическими приложениями, призванными изменить концепцию финансовой независимости.
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Значение альтернативного сезона в криптовалюте Альтсезон — этап на рынке криптовалют, когда рост цен 75% альткоинов из списка топ-50 существенно превышает доходность биткоина. Очень важно понимать, что такое криптовалюта альтернативного сезона. Альтернативный сезон, или «альтсезонная криптовалюта», наступает, когда инвесторы начинают диверсифицировать свои инвестиции, выбирая другие альткойны вместо BTC. Их часто движет поиск большей прибыльности, технических инноваций или разработка новых проектов альткойнов. В альтернативный сезон эти криптовалюты могут значительно вырасти в цене, привлекая большое внимание инвесторов. Значение альтернативного сезона выходит за рамки простой прибыльности. Этот сдвиг часто отражает более широкие рыночные тенденции и настроения инвесторов, указывая на большее признание и принятие альткойнов. Доминирование BTC снижается в течение альтсезона. Индекс сезона альткойнов измеряет прибыльность альткойнов по отношению к BTC, тем самым показывая, сейчас сезон криптовалют или доминирование BTC (альтсезон закончился). График сезона альткойнов или график индекса сезона альткойнов колеблется и помогает инвесторам понять ситуацию. #TradeNTell
Значение альтернативного сезона в криптовалюте
Альтсезон — этап на рынке криптовалют, когда рост цен 75% альткоинов из списка топ-50 существенно превышает доходность биткоина. Очень важно понимать, что такое криптовалюта альтернативного сезона.

Альтернативный сезон, или «альтсезонная криптовалюта», наступает, когда инвесторы начинают диверсифицировать свои инвестиции, выбирая другие альткойны вместо BTC. Их часто движет поиск большей прибыльности, технических инноваций или разработка новых проектов альткойнов. В альтернативный сезон эти криптовалюты могут значительно вырасти в цене, привлекая большое внимание инвесторов. Значение альтернативного сезона выходит за рамки простой прибыльности. Этот сдвиг часто отражает более широкие рыночные тенденции и настроения инвесторов, указывая на большее признание и принятие альткойнов. Доминирование BTC снижается в течение альтсезона.

Индекс сезона альткойнов измеряет прибыльность альткойнов по отношению к BTC, тем самым показывая, сейчас сезон криптовалют или доминирование BTC (альтсезон закончился). График сезона альткойнов или график индекса сезона альткойнов колеблется и помогает инвесторам понять ситуацию.

Philippines Security Regulator Warns Binance Is Operating Without a LicenseThe Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission is warning users in the country that it may soon block access to Binance as the exchange is operating without a license in the country.In a notice, the regulator said that Binance is not authorized to sell or offer securities to the public.The regulator also said Binance is actively promoting crypto trading to Filipinos on social media, an offense in the country that may have criminal liability for the promoter.“Those who act as salesmen, brokers, dealers or agents, representatives, promoters, recruiters, influencers, endorsers, and enablers of Binance in selling or convincing people to invest in its platform within the Philippines, even through online means, may be held criminally liable under Section 28 of the Securities Regulation Code," it said in the notice, warning of fines of 5 million Philippine Pesos ($90,000) or up to 21 years in jail.The regulator is also seeking the assistance of the National Telecommunications Commission to block Binance in the country, and it has ordered Google and Meta to block local ads from Binance.This block, if approved, will take place in three months allowing local users to liquidate and withdraw their positions.Local media in the Philippines published a response from Binance, where the exchange said it was "committed to aligning with applicable local regulations. Under our new leadership, we have taken proactive steps to address the SEC's concerns.”Binance recently settled with U.S. authorities, agreeing to pay $4.3 billion in fines on charges that it failed to maintain a proper anti-money laundering program, operated an unlicensed money-transmitting business, and violated sanctions law.#Coindesk #binancewishes #binancelegal

Philippines Security Regulator Warns Binance Is Operating Without a License

The Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission is warning users in the country that it may soon block access to Binance as the exchange is operating without a license in the country.In a notice, the regulator said that Binance is not authorized to sell or offer securities to the public.The regulator also said Binance is actively promoting crypto trading to Filipinos on social media, an offense in the country that may have criminal liability for the promoter.“Those who act as salesmen, brokers, dealers or agents, representatives, promoters, recruiters, influencers, endorsers, and enablers of Binance in selling or convincing people to invest in its platform within the Philippines, even through online means, may be held criminally liable under Section 28 of the Securities Regulation Code," it said in the notice, warning of fines of 5 million Philippine Pesos ($90,000) or up to 21 years in jail.The regulator is also seeking the assistance of the National Telecommunications Commission to block Binance in the country, and it has ordered Google and Meta to block local ads from Binance.This block, if approved, will take place in three months allowing local users to liquidate and withdraw their positions.Local media in the Philippines published a response from Binance, where the exchange said it was "committed to aligning with applicable local regulations. Under our new leadership, we have taken proactive steps to address the SEC's concerns.”Binance recently settled with U.S. authorities, agreeing to pay $4.3 billion in fines on charges that it failed to maintain a proper anti-money laundering program, operated an unlicensed money-transmitting business, and violated sanctions law.#Coindesk #binancewishes #binancelegal
SEC Likely to Approve Spot Bitcoin ETF in Next Few Months: JPMorganBitcoin (BTC) has gained this week due to increased optimism about the potential approval of multiple spot bitcoin exchange-traded-funds (ETFs), JPMorgan (JPM) said in a research report Wednesday.The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) decision not to appeal a recent ruling in the Grayscale case brings the approval of the applications closer, the report said. Grayscale is the manager of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), the largest cryptocurrency fund in the world.Timing of an approval is unclear, but should happen within months, and probably before Jan. 10, the final deadline for the Ark 21Shares applications, analysts led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou wrote.ETFs are traded on an exchange, like stocks, and track the performance of an underlying asset. They are popular because they allow investors to gain access to cryptocurrencies without having to purchase the underlying digital assets themselves. They are also cheaper to trade. The crypto market is hopeful that the approval of a spot bitcoin ETF will lead to a flood of mainstream money into the sector.The bank reiterated its view that the regulator was likely to approve multiple applications at once rather than grant a “first mover advantage” to any single applicant.JPMorgan said such a move could be beneficial for investors as it would encourage competition in regards to ETF fees.“Grayscale will likely face greater pressure to lower fees if the trust gets approval to be converted into an ETF,” the report said.CoinDesk’s parent company, Digital Currency Group, also owns Grayscale.#coindesk #btc

SEC Likely to Approve Spot Bitcoin ETF in Next Few Months: JPMorgan

Bitcoin (BTC) has gained this week due to increased optimism about the potential approval of multiple spot bitcoin exchange-traded-funds (ETFs), JPMorgan (JPM) said in a research report Wednesday.The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) decision not to appeal a recent ruling in the Grayscale case brings the approval of the applications closer, the report said. Grayscale is the manager of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), the largest cryptocurrency fund in the world.Timing of an approval is unclear, but should happen within months, and probably before Jan. 10, the final deadline for the Ark 21Shares applications, analysts led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou wrote.ETFs are traded on an exchange, like stocks, and track the performance of an underlying asset. They are popular because they allow investors to gain access to cryptocurrencies without having to purchase the underlying digital assets themselves. They are also cheaper to trade. The crypto market is hopeful that the approval of a spot bitcoin ETF will lead to a flood of mainstream money into the sector.The bank reiterated its view that the regulator was likely to approve multiple applications at once rather than grant a “first mover advantage” to any single applicant.JPMorgan said such a move could be beneficial for investors as it would encourage competition in regards to ETF fees.“Grayscale will likely face greater pressure to lower fees if the trust gets approval to be converted into an ETF,” the report said.CoinDesk’s parent company, Digital Currency Group, also owns Grayscale.#coindesk #btc
Here’s what happened in crypto todayNeed to know what happened in crypto today? Here is the latest news on daily trends and events impacting Bitcoin price, blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, Web3 and crypto regulationLightning Labs has released the mainnet alpha of Taproot Assets, which could bring stablecoins and real-world assets to the Bitcoin blockchain. Senator Elizabeth Warren has amped up her campaign against crypto with a letter urging the White House to consider the role of digital assets in terrorism financing. Meanwhile, Reddit is sunsetting its blockchain-based rewards system, “Community Points."Lightning Labs releases Taproot Assets, bringing stablecoins to BitcoinBitcoin layer-2 infrastructure firm Lightning Labs has released the mainnet alpha of Taproot Assets, a protocol aimed at enabling stablecoins and real-world assets to be issued on the Bitcoin and Lightning Network.The current version, Taproot Assets v0.3, will provide a “feature-complete developer experience” to issue, manage and explore stablecoins and other assets on the Bitcoin blockchain, according to Ryan Gentry, head of business development at Lightning Labs.Announcing the first mainnet release of Taproot Assets , a protocol for assets on #bitcoin and Lightning.With this release, developers can issue financial assets on-chain in a scalable manner.Today marks a new era of multi-asset bitcoin.— Lightning Labs⚡️ (@lightning) October 18, 2023“With this release, developers can issue financial assets on-chain in a scalable manner,” Lightning Labs stated on Oct. 18 in a separate post. “Today marks a new era of multi-asset bitcoin.”Gentry says the integration will extend Bitcoin’s network effects and move it one step closer toward “bitcoinizing the dollar.” He added:“This is how we make bitcoin the global routing network for the internet of money. This is how we bitcoinize the dollar and the world's financial assets.”Lawmakers sign letter urging White House’s attention to crypto terrorism financingNotable crypto cryptic Elizabeth Warren was joined by over 100 legislators in signing a letter to alert the White House about the role of digital assets in financing terrorism.The letter, which was dated Oct. 17, was addressed to the Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. The authors cited a recent news article claiming that Palestinian militant groups raised over $130 million in crypto donations between 2021-2023."US Treasury sanctions Gaza-based crypto operator allegedly tied to Hamas. Find out how terrorist organizations used Buy Cash Money for fund transfers. Stay informed and read more on Cointelegraph: #DYOR @HRM69INU"— Blackhat ™ (@blackhat_TM) October 18, 2023“As Congress considers legislative proposals designed to mitigate crypto money laundering and illicit finance risks, we urge you to swiftly and categorically act to meaningfully curtail illicit crypto activity,” the letter said.The letter was signed by 29 senators, including Warren, and 76 members of the House of Representatives.Reddit winding down blockchain-backed “Community Points”Social platform Reddit will shutter its long-running blockchain-based rewards service, “Community Points,” by Nov. 8, citing scalability issues.In an Oct. 17 post in the r/cryptocurrency subreddit, a Reddit team member said there was no path to scale the service broadly across the platform.The points were Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens available in Reddit’s in-house crypto wallet service dubbed the “Reddit Vault” and were used to incentivize higher-quality content on the platform, rewarding users for engagement on certain subreddits.Subreddits had their own tokens, such as the r/cryptocurrency board’s Moons (MOON) token or Bricks (BRICK) for the r/FortNiteBR subreddit. The value of MOON and BRICK plunged following the news, with Reddit users and crypto enthusiasts voicing disappointment and anger at Reddit’s decision.Pseudonymous trader Byzantine General told his 163,000 followers on X (Twitter) that Reddit had essentially “rugged” their community.#cointelegraph

Here’s what happened in crypto today

Need to know what happened in crypto today? Here is the latest news on daily trends and events impacting Bitcoin price, blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, Web3 and crypto regulationLightning Labs has released the mainnet alpha of Taproot Assets, which could bring stablecoins and real-world assets to the Bitcoin blockchain. Senator Elizabeth Warren has amped up her campaign against crypto with a letter urging the White House to consider the role of digital assets in terrorism financing. Meanwhile, Reddit is sunsetting its blockchain-based rewards system, “Community Points."Lightning Labs releases Taproot Assets, bringing stablecoins to BitcoinBitcoin layer-2 infrastructure firm Lightning Labs has released the mainnet alpha of Taproot Assets, a protocol aimed at enabling stablecoins and real-world assets to be issued on the Bitcoin and Lightning Network.The current version, Taproot Assets v0.3, will provide a “feature-complete developer experience” to issue, manage and explore stablecoins and other assets on the Bitcoin blockchain, according to Ryan Gentry, head of business development at Lightning Labs.Announcing the first mainnet release of Taproot Assets , a protocol for assets on #bitcoin and Lightning.With this release, developers can issue financial assets on-chain in a scalable manner.Today marks a new era of multi-asset bitcoin.— Lightning Labs⚡️ (@lightning) October 18, 2023“With this release, developers can issue financial assets on-chain in a scalable manner,” Lightning Labs stated on Oct. 18 in a separate post. “Today marks a new era of multi-asset bitcoin.”Gentry says the integration will extend Bitcoin’s network effects and move it one step closer toward “bitcoinizing the dollar.” He added:“This is how we make bitcoin the global routing network for the internet of money. This is how we bitcoinize the dollar and the world's financial assets.”Lawmakers sign letter urging White House’s attention to crypto terrorism financingNotable crypto cryptic Elizabeth Warren was joined by over 100 legislators in signing a letter to alert the White House about the role of digital assets in financing terrorism.The letter, which was dated Oct. 17, was addressed to the Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. The authors cited a recent news article claiming that Palestinian militant groups raised over $130 million in crypto donations between 2021-2023."US Treasury sanctions Gaza-based crypto operator allegedly tied to Hamas. Find out how terrorist organizations used Buy Cash Money for fund transfers. Stay informed and read more on Cointelegraph: #DYOR @HRM69INU"— Blackhat ™ (@blackhat_TM) October 18, 2023“As Congress considers legislative proposals designed to mitigate crypto money laundering and illicit finance risks, we urge you to swiftly and categorically act to meaningfully curtail illicit crypto activity,” the letter said.The letter was signed by 29 senators, including Warren, and 76 members of the House of Representatives.Reddit winding down blockchain-backed “Community Points”Social platform Reddit will shutter its long-running blockchain-based rewards service, “Community Points,” by Nov. 8, citing scalability issues.In an Oct. 17 post in the r/cryptocurrency subreddit, a Reddit team member said there was no path to scale the service broadly across the platform.The points were Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens available in Reddit’s in-house crypto wallet service dubbed the “Reddit Vault” and were used to incentivize higher-quality content on the platform, rewarding users for engagement on certain subreddits.Subreddits had their own tokens, such as the r/cryptocurrency board’s Moons (MOON) token or Bricks (BRICK) for the r/FortNiteBR subreddit. The value of MOON and BRICK plunged following the news, with Reddit users and crypto enthusiasts voicing disappointment and anger at Reddit’s decision.Pseudonymous trader Byzantine General told his 163,000 followers on X (Twitter) that Reddit had essentially “rugged” their community.#cointelegraph
FTX Used Billions in Customer Funds to Buy Back Binance StakeBinance CEO Changpeng Zhao said in a 2022 post the company had received over $2.1 billion in binance usd (BUSD) stablecoins and FTX’s FTT tokens.Bankrupt crypto exchange FTX used customer funds to buy back the entirety of the firm’s stake held with competitor exchange Binance, a court hearing on Wednesday revealed.Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao said in a 2022 post the company had received over $2.1 billion in binance usd (BUSD) stablecoins and FTX’s FTT tokens as part of the repurchase.Peter Easton, an accounting professor at the University of Notre Dame, has been hired by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to trace the billions of dollars between Alameda and FTX as part of the ongoing Sam Bankman-Fried trial.“Oh, yes,” Easton said when asked by the court whether FTX ever spent user deposits. The professor testified these user deposits were reinvested into businesses and real estate, used to make political contributions and donated to charity, as reported.Read more: ‘Oh, Yes’: Accounting Prof Says Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX Definitely Mishandled Customers' MoneyThese deposits were used to buy back Binance’s shares in FTX. “Over a billion dollars came from customer funds from FTX exchange,” Easton testified on Wednesday.In 2019, Binance invested an undisclosed amount of money in FTX as part of a strategic partnership between the two firms. The then-infant FTX processed $500 million daily in trades, a far cry from the over $50 billion at its peak.#binance #coindesk

FTX Used Billions in Customer Funds to Buy Back Binance Stake

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao said in a 2022 post the company had received over $2.1 billion in binance usd (BUSD) stablecoins and FTX’s FTT tokens.Bankrupt crypto exchange FTX used customer funds to buy back the entirety of the firm’s stake held with competitor exchange Binance, a court hearing on Wednesday revealed.Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao said in a 2022 post the company had received over $2.1 billion in binance usd (BUSD) stablecoins and FTX’s FTT tokens as part of the repurchase.Peter Easton, an accounting professor at the University of Notre Dame, has been hired by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to trace the billions of dollars between Alameda and FTX as part of the ongoing Sam Bankman-Fried trial.“Oh, yes,” Easton said when asked by the court whether FTX ever spent user deposits. The professor testified these user deposits were reinvested into businesses and real estate, used to make political contributions and donated to charity, as reported.Read more: ‘Oh, Yes’: Accounting Prof Says Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX Definitely Mishandled Customers' MoneyThese deposits were used to buy back Binance’s shares in FTX. “Over a billion dollars came from customer funds from FTX exchange,” Easton testified on Wednesday.In 2019, Binance invested an undisclosed amount of money in FTX as part of a strategic partnership between the two firms. The then-infant FTX processed $500 million daily in trades, a far cry from the over $50 billion at its peak.#binance #coindesk
Australia’s new regime proposal to bring digital asset platforms in line with financial lawsThe Australian Federal Government is working on a regulatory framework for “entities providing access to digital assets” and is seeking industry input. The intention, it said, is to bring Australian regulations in line with those overseas, using existing financial frameworks. The idea is to regulate intermediaries like exchanges, service/asset issuers, and financial product advisers.The policy proposals come a week after the Treasury also signaled its intention to regulate the (non-blockchain) digital payments industry, broadening its definitions of payments and assets. While the focus of the digital payments proposal was international transfers and national security risks, the digital assets document looks more at consumer protection and “promoting innovation through technology neutrality.”It referred specifically to the FTX exchange collapse, which it noted affected 50,000 Australian consumers. Past problems with FTX and digital asset exchanges, in general, had resulted from “ineffective management practices” and “inadequate governance structures,” as well as the usual suspects of fraudulent activities, poor resilience, and conflicts of interest.Using existing financial regulations as a guide, the Treasury said digital asset facilities would have minimum standards for holding assets, intermediating platform entitlements, and transactional functions.Any license changes would apply to businesses based in Australia, whether they serve only the Australian consumer market or act as a broker for others located elsewhere.Entities holding less than AU$5 million in total assets and individual clients holding less than AU$1,500 in entitlement value would be exempted.Token functions, ‘ownership’ and ‘functional control’Treasury clarified that its definition of a digital “token” includes only those that can be freely traded on third-party marketplaces, and (usually) not examples like event tickets and gift cards (even those that can be cryptographically signed). Digital assets, it added, function as non-physical “bearer asset” where the primary value of the token is the asset itself.However, one section acknowledges the challenges in differentiating between token types and determining what constitutes “ownership.” A digital token may represent various kinds of entitlements, from ownership of physical property or shareholding to a specific store discount. If a digital token is stolen, the thief has possession (or “factual control”) of the asset and its entitlements, but is not that token’s legal owner.“The programmability of digital tokens increases the uniqueness of token marketplaces further,” it said.Treasury’s policy proposals are more concerned with the intermediaries that provide access to these assets and wallet storage—namely, exchanges. It suggested a new type of financial product called a “digital asset facility” that would bring digital asset exchanges in line with existing Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) laws, regulating the intermediaries that facilitate storage, trades, and transfers of digital tokens. This “activities-based approach” focuses more on the services side rather than the token features themselves.“An important feature of the proposed framework would be that platform entitlements in relation to non-financial product assets do not become financial products,” it said. This allows token issuers more freedom to issue tokens representing physical assets or other values while protecting the token holders.Assets embedded with “financialised functions” would be subject to licensing requirements for their issuers, while non-financialised assets would not. However, any platform facilitating trade and storing digital tokens of any type would be subject to licensing requirements.Tokens can represent value in non-financial industries like social media, gaming, health care, media and entertainment, fitness, and lifestyle. The definition of a digital asset “holder” can also be unclear, it noted, if tokens are programmed with conditions that must be met, multiple sign-offs required to use, etc. Therefore, it uses “factual control in a real and immediate sense” as a suggestion.“There are also some digital assets that do nothing and others that were created for harmful purposes such as scams.”The Treasury said the policy proposals do not apply to “stablecoin” providers, merchants accepting tokens as payment, or any provider “publishing data to a public database” (e.g., a blockchain). However, these activities are already covered by existing laws that apply to their specific industries, such as contracts, intellectual property, privacy, and defamation.Once again, the Treasury is seeking public and industry feedback on its thoughts, with a deadline for written submissions on December 1, 2023. Its document on the topic contained a reminder that these are demonstrations of “policy intention” only and not draft laws. Any new law passed, as a result, would still have a 12-month transitionary period for the digital asset industry to make any changes necessary to comply#australia #coingeek

Australia’s new regime proposal to bring digital asset platforms in line with financial laws

The Australian Federal Government is working on a regulatory framework for “entities providing access to digital assets” and is seeking industry input. The intention, it said, is to bring Australian regulations in line with those overseas, using existing financial frameworks. The idea is to regulate intermediaries like exchanges, service/asset issuers, and financial product advisers.The policy proposals come a week after the Treasury also signaled its intention to regulate the (non-blockchain) digital payments industry, broadening its definitions of payments and assets. While the focus of the digital payments proposal was international transfers and national security risks, the digital assets document looks more at consumer protection and “promoting innovation through technology neutrality.”It referred specifically to the FTX exchange collapse, which it noted affected 50,000 Australian consumers. Past problems with FTX and digital asset exchanges, in general, had resulted from “ineffective management practices” and “inadequate governance structures,” as well as the usual suspects of fraudulent activities, poor resilience, and conflicts of interest.Using existing financial regulations as a guide, the Treasury said digital asset facilities would have minimum standards for holding assets, intermediating platform entitlements, and transactional functions.Any license changes would apply to businesses based in Australia, whether they serve only the Australian consumer market or act as a broker for others located elsewhere.Entities holding less than AU$5 million in total assets and individual clients holding less than AU$1,500 in entitlement value would be exempted.Token functions, ‘ownership’ and ‘functional control’Treasury clarified that its definition of a digital “token” includes only those that can be freely traded on third-party marketplaces, and (usually) not examples like event tickets and gift cards (even those that can be cryptographically signed). Digital assets, it added, function as non-physical “bearer asset” where the primary value of the token is the asset itself.However, one section acknowledges the challenges in differentiating between token types and determining what constitutes “ownership.” A digital token may represent various kinds of entitlements, from ownership of physical property or shareholding to a specific store discount. If a digital token is stolen, the thief has possession (or “factual control”) of the asset and its entitlements, but is not that token’s legal owner.“The programmability of digital tokens increases the uniqueness of token marketplaces further,” it said.Treasury’s policy proposals are more concerned with the intermediaries that provide access to these assets and wallet storage—namely, exchanges. It suggested a new type of financial product called a “digital asset facility” that would bring digital asset exchanges in line with existing Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) laws, regulating the intermediaries that facilitate storage, trades, and transfers of digital tokens. This “activities-based approach” focuses more on the services side rather than the token features themselves.“An important feature of the proposed framework would be that platform entitlements in relation to non-financial product assets do not become financial products,” it said. This allows token issuers more freedom to issue tokens representing physical assets or other values while protecting the token holders.Assets embedded with “financialised functions” would be subject to licensing requirements for their issuers, while non-financialised assets would not. However, any platform facilitating trade and storing digital tokens of any type would be subject to licensing requirements.Tokens can represent value in non-financial industries like social media, gaming, health care, media and entertainment, fitness, and lifestyle. The definition of a digital asset “holder” can also be unclear, it noted, if tokens are programmed with conditions that must be met, multiple sign-offs required to use, etc. Therefore, it uses “factual control in a real and immediate sense” as a suggestion.“There are also some digital assets that do nothing and others that were created for harmful purposes such as scams.”The Treasury said the policy proposals do not apply to “stablecoin” providers, merchants accepting tokens as payment, or any provider “publishing data to a public database” (e.g., a blockchain). However, these activities are already covered by existing laws that apply to their specific industries, such as contracts, intellectual property, privacy, and defamation.Once again, the Treasury is seeking public and industry feedback on its thoughts, with a deadline for written submissions on December 1, 2023. Its document on the topic contained a reminder that these are demonstrations of “policy intention” only and not draft laws. Any new law passed, as a result, would still have a 12-month transitionary period for the digital asset industry to make any changes necessary to comply#australia #coingeek
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Bitcoin Nears $29K as Fidelity ETF Amendment Bumps Bullish SentimentSome analysts said the amendments show the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is holding active discussions with related parties.By Shaurya MalwaBitcoin jumped to a two-month high on Wednesday after Fidelity joined the ranks of firms amending their spot bitcoin ETF filings.• The amendments could indicate open communication lines between the firms and regulators.Bitcoin (BTC) shot to as high as $28,817 earlier today as amendments to a spot bitcoin ETF filing in the U.S. fired up bullish sentiment.The largest cryptocurrency added 2.8% in the past 24 hours, reaching a two-month high and leading gains among major tokens. The advance extended its weekly rally to almost 7%.Asset management giant Fidelity filed an amendment to its proposed spot bitcoin ETF, the Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) late Tuesday, specifying how it will safeguard customers’ bitcoin in custody accounts and disclose risks related to the shaky regulatory environment around cryptocurrencies, among other factors.Fidelity follows Ark Invest and Invesco, which also recently amended their spot bitcoin ETF filings. Invesco refiled on Oct. 11 and Ark Invest followed suit a day later. These developments are likely a sign of ongoing discussions between prospective ETF providers and the SEC – helping spark bullish sentiment among traders, market observers said.Some firms expect the approval, when it occurs, to add at least $1 trillion to overall market capitalization, which is currently at $1.1 trillion, in coming months.“More proof that potential spot Bitcoin ETF issuers are in communication with SEC regarding changes/amendments required for SEC to consider approving,” James Seyffart, a research analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, posted today on X (formerly Twitter). “Positive signs (in my opinion).”Some firms expect the approval, when it occurs, to add at least $1 trillion to overall market capitalization, which is currently at $1.1 trillion, in coming months.Speculation of a spot bitcoin ETF getting approved made the rounds earlier this week, causing bitcoin to jump almost 10% in a move BlackRock CEO Larry Fink suggested illustrated the “pent up” investor interest for the crypto market. Prices continued to rise even after the rumor was shown to be false.Meanwhile, some analysts forecast bitcoin will touch $29,400 in coming days, citing increasing volumes.#coindesk

Bitcoin Nears $29K as Fidelity ETF Amendment Bumps Bullish Sentiment

Some analysts said the amendments show the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is holding active discussions with related parties.By Shaurya MalwaBitcoin jumped to a two-month high on Wednesday after Fidelity joined the ranks of firms amending their spot bitcoin ETF filings.• The amendments could indicate open communication lines between the firms and regulators.Bitcoin (BTC) shot to as high as $28,817 earlier today as amendments to a spot bitcoin ETF filing in the U.S. fired up bullish sentiment.The largest cryptocurrency added 2.8% in the past 24 hours, reaching a two-month high and leading gains among major tokens. The advance extended its weekly rally to almost 7%.Asset management giant Fidelity filed an amendment to its proposed spot bitcoin ETF, the Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) late Tuesday, specifying how it will safeguard customers’ bitcoin in custody accounts and disclose risks related to the shaky regulatory environment around cryptocurrencies, among other factors.Fidelity follows Ark Invest and Invesco, which also recently amended their spot bitcoin ETF filings. Invesco refiled on Oct. 11 and Ark Invest followed suit a day later. These developments are likely a sign of ongoing discussions between prospective ETF providers and the SEC – helping spark bullish sentiment among traders, market observers said.Some firms expect the approval, when it occurs, to add at least $1 trillion to overall market capitalization, which is currently at $1.1 trillion, in coming months.“More proof that potential spot Bitcoin ETF issuers are in communication with SEC regarding changes/amendments required for SEC to consider approving,” James Seyffart, a research analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, posted today on X (formerly Twitter). “Positive signs (in my opinion).”Some firms expect the approval, when it occurs, to add at least $1 trillion to overall market capitalization, which is currently at $1.1 trillion, in coming months.Speculation of a spot bitcoin ETF getting approved made the rounds earlier this week, causing bitcoin to jump almost 10% in a move BlackRock CEO Larry Fink suggested illustrated the “pent up” investor interest for the crypto market. Prices continued to rise even after the rumor was shown to be false.Meanwhile, some analysts forecast bitcoin will touch $29,400 in coming days, citing increasing volumes.#coindesk
Bitcoin’s 10% jump to $30,000 hints at trader ‘playbook’ for ETF launches An erroneous report that BlackRock Inc. had won approval to launch a spot ETF rapidly sent the largest digital asset to $30,002 on Monday, the highest price since March. The move cooled after the world’s biggest money manager said its application remains under review, leaving Bitcoin 4.4% higher for Oct. 16.Crypto Price Today: Bitcoin nears $28,000; Ethereum rises above $1,550"BTC and ETH both showed positive gains over the weekend, driven by the news that the SEC won't appeal the court decision regarding Grayscale's spot Bitcoin ETF application. This news has sparked the interest of investors, as it raises the likelihood of a BTC spot ETF approval by the end of the first quarter of 2024," said CoinDCX Research Team.Crypto Price Today: Bitcoin rises above $28,200; Ethereum holds above $1,550"Bitcoin’s price touched the $30,000 mark before settling at the $28,000 level following false news published on X (formerly Twitter) about the SEC approving Blackrock’s spot ETF application. The news caused more than $100 million in liquidations," said Edul Patel, CEO of Mudrex.BlackRock later confirmed to Reuters that "the iShares Bitcoin ETP application is still under review by the SEC." Sources close to the SEC also confirmed that the application is still pending.Bitcoin consolidates at $27,500 post last week’s short-term rallyThe immediate resistance levels for Bitcoin on the upside are located around US$27,650 and subsequently US$28,000. A decisive breakthrough above the US$28,000 resistance level could trigger another bullish run.#theeconomictimes #Newsfortoday

Bitcoin’s 10% jump to $30,000 hints at trader ‘playbook’ for ETF launches

An erroneous report that BlackRock Inc. had won approval to launch a spot ETF rapidly sent the largest digital asset to $30,002 on Monday, the highest price since March. The move cooled after the world’s biggest money manager said its application remains under review, leaving Bitcoin 4.4% higher for Oct. 16.Crypto Price Today: Bitcoin nears $28,000; Ethereum rises above $1,550"BTC and ETH both showed positive gains over the weekend, driven by the news that the SEC won't appeal the court decision regarding Grayscale's spot Bitcoin ETF application. This news has sparked the interest of investors, as it raises the likelihood of a BTC spot ETF approval by the end of the first quarter of 2024," said CoinDCX Research Team.Crypto Price Today: Bitcoin rises above $28,200; Ethereum holds above $1,550"Bitcoin’s price touched the $30,000 mark before settling at the $28,000 level following false news published on X (formerly Twitter) about the SEC approving Blackrock’s spot ETF application. The news caused more than $100 million in liquidations," said Edul Patel, CEO of Mudrex.BlackRock later confirmed to Reuters that "the iShares Bitcoin ETP application is still under review by the SEC." Sources close to the SEC also confirmed that the application is still pending.Bitcoin consolidates at $27,500 post last week’s short-term rallyThe immediate resistance levels for Bitcoin on the upside are located around US$27,650 and subsequently US$28,000. A decisive breakthrough above the US$28,000 resistance level could trigger another bullish run.#theeconomictimes #Newsfortoday
The Top 4 Cryptos For Today AreThe Top 4 Cryptos For Today ArePepe Coin Remains FlatThe Pepe coin price was down 0.19% on Tuesday and traded at $0.0000006744, despite a positive momentum in the broader market. However, they moved towards the north earlier in today’s session, but the fluctuations in the prices suggested a highly volatile condition in the crypto’s price.Bitcoin SV (BSV) Adds 12%The Bitcoin SV was among the top gainers on October 17, while adding over 10% in its price. Meanwhile, as of writing, the Bitcoin SV price rose 11.53% to $37.70, while its volume for the last 24 hours skyrocketed 870.96% to $255.61 million.Render (RNDR) Jumps 7%The Render crypto was another top mover today, adding about seven percent in its price on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the Render price jumped 6.95% to $1.87 during writing, while its volume surged 391.20% from yesterday to $85.91 million.IOTA (IOTA) Price Rises 4%The IOTA price added 4.33% on October 17, and traded at $0.1514, while its volume rocketed 947.28% to $40.97 million. Among its recent development, the project announced yesterday that the IOTA Foundation will join the UAE startup delegation at the CEATEC conference in Chiba, Japan, underlining its pivotal role in tech innovation.#coingape

The Top 4 Cryptos For Today Are

The Top 4 Cryptos For Today ArePepe Coin Remains FlatThe Pepe coin price was down 0.19% on Tuesday and traded at $0.0000006744, despite a positive momentum in the broader market. However, they moved towards the north earlier in today’s session, but the fluctuations in the prices suggested a highly volatile condition in the crypto’s price.Bitcoin SV (BSV) Adds 12%The Bitcoin SV was among the top gainers on October 17, while adding over 10% in its price. Meanwhile, as of writing, the Bitcoin SV price rose 11.53% to $37.70, while its volume for the last 24 hours skyrocketed 870.96% to $255.61 million.Render (RNDR) Jumps 7%The Render crypto was another top mover today, adding about seven percent in its price on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the Render price jumped 6.95% to $1.87 during writing, while its volume surged 391.20% from yesterday to $85.91 million.IOTA (IOTA) Price Rises 4%The IOTA price added 4.33% on October 17, and traded at $0.1514, while its volume rocketed 947.28% to $40.97 million. Among its recent development, the project announced yesterday that the IOTA Foundation will join the UAE startup delegation at the CEATEC conference in Chiba, Japan, underlining its pivotal role in tech innovation.#coingape
Market Manipulation Risk The distributed ledger technology (DLT) involved in crypto trading allows for data to be distributed and synchronised. But it does not prevent market manipulation. There are a number of respected and well-regulated exchanges in the cryptocurrency sector. But there are many small exchanges that are less well known and less regulated. There are also many who are looking to use cryptocurrency as a vehicle for wrongdoing.Market manipulation is one way in which crypto can be used to make illegal gains. Such manipulation can be carried out in a number of ways. Some employ tactics that have been used in more traditional asset markets while others are unique to cryptocurrency.The most popular are:1.Pump and dump: This is the artificial inflation of the price of an asset and is a practice that has been conducted for many years on various markets. It involves a series of sales and purchases of a cryptocurrency to create the impression that the asset is increasing in value. Those behind this then sell the asset when their artificial rising of the price attracts buyers who have been duped into believing that the cryptocurrency in question is set to keep rising in value.2.Whale wall spoofing and stop hunting: The practice of whale wall spoofing was often used when Bitcoin was in its infancy. It is now most often used on the less well-regulated exchanges. It involves an individual or organisation (“a whale”) placing a large order so that fake buy or sell walls are created in the order books, which can trick other parties into panic selling (as they fear a particular asset is losing value) or rushing to buy (as they believe huge demand for an asset is pushing its value up). For example, a whale may set large sell orders which in turn tricks investors into panic selling. In stop hunting, a whale drives the price to where set stop-loss orders – which are designed to limit an investor's loss if an asset falls in value – are triggered. The resulting market volatility enables assets to be bought at a lower price.3.Wash trading: This is similar to whale wall spoofing and involves misleading information being introduced to the market to prompt rapid buying and selling of an asset to distort the price to an artificially high level. For small exchanges, this can increase their number of users and, in turn, the commission they earn.4.Disseminating false information:: False information is often spread to traders or investors on forums in an attempt to provoke a change in the market that those doing the spreading wish to see.#Band #Loom #lexology

Market Manipulation Risk

The distributed ledger technology (DLT) involved in crypto trading allows for data to be distributed and synchronised. But it does not prevent market manipulation. There are a number of respected and well-regulated exchanges in the cryptocurrency sector. But there are many small exchanges that are less well known and less regulated. There are also many who are looking to use cryptocurrency as a vehicle for wrongdoing.Market manipulation is one way in which crypto can be used to make illegal gains. Such manipulation can be carried out in a number of ways. Some employ tactics that have been used in more traditional asset markets while others are unique to cryptocurrency.The most popular are:1.Pump and dump: This is the artificial inflation of the price of an asset and is a practice that has been conducted for many years on various markets. It involves a series of sales and purchases of a cryptocurrency to create the impression that the asset is increasing in value. Those behind this then sell the asset when their artificial rising of the price attracts buyers who have been duped into believing that the cryptocurrency in question is set to keep rising in value.2.Whale wall spoofing and stop hunting: The practice of whale wall spoofing was often used when Bitcoin was in its infancy. It is now most often used on the less well-regulated exchanges. It involves an individual or organisation (“a whale”) placing a large order so that fake buy or sell walls are created in the order books, which can trick other parties into panic selling (as they fear a particular asset is losing value) or rushing to buy (as they believe huge demand for an asset is pushing its value up). For example, a whale may set large sell orders which in turn tricks investors into panic selling. In stop hunting, a whale drives the price to where set stop-loss orders – which are designed to limit an investor's loss if an asset falls in value – are triggered. The resulting market volatility enables assets to be bought at a lower price.3.Wash trading: This is similar to whale wall spoofing and involves misleading information being introduced to the market to prompt rapid buying and selling of an asset to distort the price to an artificially high level. For small exchanges, this can increase their number of users and, in turn, the commission they earn.4.Disseminating false information:: False information is often spread to traders or investors on forums in an attempt to provoke a change in the market that those doing the spreading wish to see.#Band #Loom #lexology
5 Tips to Avoid Crypto Scams and Invest Safely in Cryptocurrency"As cryptocurrencies continue to grow in popularity, so too do the number of scams and scammers looking to take advantage of unsuspecting investors. It's important to educate yourself on how to avoid these scams and to only invest in legitimate opportunities. In this article, I will provide some tips on how to avoid crypto scams and what legit ways of investing are.1.Do your research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency, do your research on the company and the people behind it. Look for reviews and testimonials from other investors and read up on any news articles or publications that mention the company. If you can't find any information, it's best to avoid investing altogether.2.Be wary of promises of high returns: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Avoid any company or individual promising guaranteed high returns on your investment. Legitimate investments come with risk, and there is no such thing as a sure thing.3.Keep your private keys safe: Your private keys are what allow you to access and transfer your cryptocurrency. Keep them safe and secure at all times, and never share them with anyone. Scammers may try to gain access to your private keys to steal your cryptocurrency.4.Use a trusted exchange: When buying or selling cryptocurrency, use a reputable and trustworthy exchange. Look for exchanges that have a strong track record and are regulated by reputable authorities.5.Avoid unsolicited offers: Be wary of unsolicited offers to invest in a new cryptocurrency or to join a new exchange. Scammers may reach out to you through social media or email with offers that seem too good to pass up. Always do your research and never invest in something you're not comfortable with.Legitimate ways of investing in cryptocurrency include buying and holding a cryptocurrency for the long term, investing in a diversified cryptocurrency fund, and mining cryptocurrency. It's important to only invest what you can afford to lose and to never invest more than you're comfortable with.In conclusion, while cryptocurrencies offer exciting investment opportunities, it's important to be cautious and do your research to avoid scams and scammers. By following these tips and investing in legitimate opportunities, you can make informed decisions and potentially reap the rewards of cryptocurrency #besafe

5 Tips to Avoid Crypto Scams and Invest Safely in Cryptocurrency"

As cryptocurrencies continue to grow in popularity, so too do the number of scams and scammers looking to take advantage of unsuspecting investors. It's important to educate yourself on how to avoid these scams and to only invest in legitimate opportunities. In this article, I will provide some tips on how to avoid crypto scams and what legit ways of investing are.1.Do your research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency, do your research on the company and the people behind it. Look for reviews and testimonials from other investors and read up on any news articles or publications that mention the company. If you can't find any information, it's best to avoid investing altogether.2.Be wary of promises of high returns: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Avoid any company or individual promising guaranteed high returns on your investment. Legitimate investments come with risk, and there is no such thing as a sure thing.3.Keep your private keys safe: Your private keys are what allow you to access and transfer your cryptocurrency. Keep them safe and secure at all times, and never share them with anyone. Scammers may try to gain access to your private keys to steal your cryptocurrency.4.Use a trusted exchange: When buying or selling cryptocurrency, use a reputable and trustworthy exchange. Look for exchanges that have a strong track record and are regulated by reputable authorities.5.Avoid unsolicited offers: Be wary of unsolicited offers to invest in a new cryptocurrency or to join a new exchange. Scammers may reach out to you through social media or email with offers that seem too good to pass up. Always do your research and never invest in something you're not comfortable with.Legitimate ways of investing in cryptocurrency include buying and holding a cryptocurrency for the long term, investing in a diversified cryptocurrency fund, and mining cryptocurrency. It's important to only invest what you can afford to lose and to never invest more than you're comfortable with.In conclusion, while cryptocurrencies offer exciting investment opportunities, it's important to be cautious and do your research to avoid scams and scammers. By following these tips and investing in legitimate opportunities, you can make informed decisions and potentially reap the rewards of cryptocurrency #besafe
Ferrari to Start Accepting Crypto Payments in U.S: Reuters Ferrari will subsequently extend the scheme to Europe in response to demand from its wealthy customersBy Jamie CrawleyFerrari (RACE) will start accepting cryptocurrency as a payment method in the U.S., according to a report by Reuters on Saturday.The Maranello, Italy-based luxury sports car manufacturer will subsequently extend the scheme to Europe in response to demand from its wealthy customers, Reuters reported, citing Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer Enrico Galliera.Ferrari will use crypto payments provider BitPay to process transactions in bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH) and stablecoin USD coin (USDC) in the initial rollout in the U.S."Some of our clients are young investors who have built their fortunes around cryptocurrencies," Galliera said. "Some others are more traditional investors, who want to diversify their portfolios."Despite crypto's popularity as an investment tool, for major companies to accept it as method of payment remains rare. In February 2021, Elon Musk's electric-car company Tesla (TSLA) began accepting bitcoin payments but discontinued the service only three months later, citing environmental concerns over the electricity usage involved in bitcoin mining.#coindesk

Ferrari to Start Accepting Crypto Payments in U.S: Reuters

Ferrari will subsequently extend the scheme to Europe in response to demand from its wealthy customersBy Jamie CrawleyFerrari (RACE) will start accepting cryptocurrency as a payment method in the U.S., according to a report by Reuters on Saturday.The Maranello, Italy-based luxury sports car manufacturer will subsequently extend the scheme to Europe in response to demand from its wealthy customers, Reuters reported, citing Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer Enrico Galliera.Ferrari will use crypto payments provider BitPay to process transactions in bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH) and stablecoin USD coin (USDC) in the initial rollout in the U.S."Some of our clients are young investors who have built their fortunes around cryptocurrencies," Galliera said. "Some others are more traditional investors, who want to diversify their portfolios."Despite crypto's popularity as an investment tool, for major companies to accept it as method of payment remains rare. In February 2021, Elon Musk's electric-car company Tesla (TSLA) began accepting bitcoin payments but discontinued the service only three months later, citing environmental concerns over the electricity usage involved in bitcoin mining.#coindesk
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