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ドバイは、ブルジュ・ハリファの近くに、世界で最も高い住宅ビル「タイガー・スカイタワー」を建設する予定です。 UAEのタイガー・プロパティーズが開発するこの10億ドル規模のビジネスベイのプロジェクトは、高さ532メートル、122階建てで、世界で最も高いペントハウス(高さ427メートル)を特徴としています。 このタワーには、世界で最も高いアドベンチャーパーク、インフィニティプール、レストランのほか、バスケットボールコート、ヤシの木のあるラウンジエリア、シガーラウンジ、子供用プレイエリア、ジム、ショップ、スパ、住宅ビルで最も高い熱帯雨林も備わります。 タイガー・プロパティーズのCEO、ワリード・モハメッド・アルズビ氏は、このプロジェクトは同社がドバイを称賛し、革新と持続可能性に取り組んでいることの証であると述べました。 #TigerSkyTower #Dubai. #BusinessBay #BurjKhalifa #TigerProperties $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)




#TigerSkyTower #Dubai. #BusinessBay #BurjKhalifa #TigerProperties
Pakistan’s export of goods and services to China witnessed an increase of 37.68 percent during the first ten months of the current fiscal year (2023-24) as compared to the exports of the corresponding period of last year, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) said on Wednesday afternoon. The overall exports to China were recorded at $2.341 billion during July-April (2023-24) against the exports of $1.700 billion during July-April (2022-23), SBP data revealed. On a year-to-year basis, exports to China also surged by 13.56 percent from $175.542 million in April 2023 to $199.352 million in April 2024. On a month-on-month basis, exports to China decreased by 18.97 percent during April 2024 as compared to the exports of $246.030 million in March 2024, the SBP data said. Overall Pakistan’s exports to other countries witnessed an increase of 10.64 percent in the first ten months, from $23.199 billion to $25.669 billion, the SBP data added. Imports from China into the country during the months under review were recorded at $10.648 billion against $8.343 billion last year, showing an increase of 27.61 percent in July-April (2023-24). Overall imports into Pakistan witnessed a decrease of 5.27 percent, from $45.766 billion to $43.353 billion. #Pakistan #Exports #China #Significant #Growth $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $USDC {spot}(USDCUSDT) $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Pakistan’s export of goods and services to China witnessed an increase of 37.68 percent during the first ten months of the current fiscal year (2023-24) as compared to the exports of the corresponding period of last year, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) said on Wednesday afternoon.

The overall exports to China were recorded at $2.341 billion during July-April (2023-24) against the exports of $1.700 billion during July-April (2022-23), SBP data revealed.

On a year-to-year basis, exports to China also surged by 13.56 percent from $175.542 million in April 2023 to $199.352 million in April 2024.

On a month-on-month basis, exports to China decreased by 18.97 percent during April 2024 as compared to the exports of $246.030 million in March 2024, the SBP data said.

Overall Pakistan’s exports to other countries witnessed an increase of 10.64 percent in the first ten months, from $23.199 billion to $25.669 billion, the SBP data added.

Imports from China into the country during the months under review were recorded at $10.648 billion against $8.343 billion last year, showing an increase of 27.61 percent in July-April (2023-24).

Overall imports into Pakistan witnessed a decrease of 5.27 percent, from $45.766 billion to $43.353 billion.

#Pakistan #Exports #China #Significant #Growth
シンド州のナシル・フセイン・シャーエネルギー大臣は、月100ユニット未満の電力を使用するカラチの消費者にとって心強いニュースを発表した。 この取り組みには、太陽光発電所とミニグリッドステーションを通じて無料の電力を提供することが含まれる。シンド州政府は、太陽光発電プロジェクトに50億ルピーを割り当て、補助金付きの価格で20万枚のソーラーパネルを配布する計画である。 消費者はコストの20%のみを負担し、残りの80%は政府が負担する。さらに、カラチを含むシンド州全体に太陽光発電所とミニグリッドステーションが設置される。 この動きは、政府機関とカラチ上下水道局からの未払い料金に関するK-Electricからの警告の中で行われた。これはK-Electricの財政的負担につながり、電力網の維持を脅かしている。市内の潜在的な停電を回避するには、緊急の措置が必要である。 #Sindh #Power #Consumer #Electricity $USDC {spot}(USDCUSDT) $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)




#Sindh #Power #Consumer #Electricity
FDA のみの製品パンジャブ州政府は、心臓関連の使い捨て製品および消耗品をFDA承認製品のみに限定し、パキスタン医薬品規制当局(DRAP)によっても承認されている欧州、中国、日本のブランドの心臓関連サプライヤーの大半を不適格とした。 パンジャブ州政府の専門医療・医療教育局の最近の入札書類によると、州政府はパンジャブ州の公立病院での心臓関連手術の治療中に必要とされるFDA承認の使い捨て品や消耗品を供給する能力を持つ関心のある団体から入札を募集している。

FDA のみの製品

CDWPは、シェバズ・シャリフ首相の中国訪問を前に、CPECの一環としてカラコルム・ハイウェイ(KKH)の241キロ区間の建設を承認した。 このプロジェクトは5675億ルピー(約20億ドル)と見積もられており、中国の低利融資で資金調達される予定だ。 このプロジェクトには、タコットからライコット橋までのKKHの改良と再配置、タコットからダスまでの103キロのバイパス、ダス・ダムの移転、バシャ・トール・ヌラー後の新設が含まれる。 CDWPはまた、チトラルのゴレン・ゴル水力発電プロジェクト(420億ルピー)を承認した。このプロジェクトはさまざまな国際機関の資金で賄われる予定だ。 これらのプロジェクトは、首相が6月4日に北京に向けて出発する前に、ECNECの承認を受ける予定。 #CPEC #InfrastructureDevelopment #EconomicGrowth $USDC {spot}(USDCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)





#CPEC #InfrastructureDevelopment #EconomicGrowth
金曜日、猛暑のためイスラマバードのマルガラヒルズ国立公園で再び山火事が発生した。 火災はカレンジャール村の近くで発生し、マルガラヒルズ全体に急速に広がった。警報を受けて、CDA職員と消防隊の車両が消火のため現場に急行した。 市民は丘から煙が立ち上る様子を撮影し、野生生物への懸念を表明した。 最近、チランディガリとサイドプール地域で2件の火災が報告された。消防士と防衛当局および首相官邸のヘリコプター3機が炎を鎮火するのに約7時間かかった。 しかし、翌日には15か所で新たな火災が発生し、消火にさらに8時間の努力が必要となった。 マルガラヒルズ国立公園は12,605ヘクタールの広さがあり、首都開発庁(CDA)とイスラマバード野生生物管理委員会(IWMB)の管轄下にある。 画像は参考用です #IslamabadFire #MargallaHills #Wildfire 6093902625#CDA#IWMB#WildlifeProtection#EmergencyResponse $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)







#IslamabadFire #MargallaHills #Wildfire 6093902625#CDA#IWMB#WildlifeProtection#EmergencyResponse
Saudi Aramco, a prominent global energy and chemicals enterprise, has advanced its international retail expansion by finalizing the purchase of a 40% equity interest in Gas & Oil Pakistan Ltd. (GO). This milestone was officially disclosed by the oil giant on its corporate website. GO operates as a diversified downstream fuels, lubricants, and retail store operator in Pakistan, boasting a network exceeding 1,200 retail fuel stations. Initially unveiled in December 2023, this acquisition marks Aramco’s inaugural downstream retail investment in Pakistan, underscoring the company's escalating retail footprint in lucrative markets. In a separate transaction, Aramco also secured complete ownership of Esmax Distribución SpA (“Esmax”), a prominent diversified downstream fuels and lubricants retailer in Chile. Yasser Mufti, Aramco’s Executive Vice President of Products & Customers, emphasized the significance of this expansion, stating, “Our global retail expansion is gathering momentum, and this acquisition represents a pivotal advancement in our journey. Through our strategic alliance with GO, we eagerly anticipate delivering Aramco’s superior products and services to esteemed customers in Pakistan.” #Oilcompany #Saudiaramco #pakistan #worldsbiggest $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)
Saudi Aramco, a prominent global energy and chemicals enterprise, has advanced its international retail expansion by finalizing the purchase of a 40% equity interest in Gas & Oil Pakistan Ltd. (GO).

This milestone was officially disclosed by the oil giant on its corporate website. GO operates as a diversified downstream fuels, lubricants, and retail store operator in Pakistan, boasting a network exceeding 1,200 retail fuel stations.

Initially unveiled in December 2023, this acquisition marks Aramco’s inaugural downstream retail investment in Pakistan, underscoring the company's escalating retail footprint in lucrative markets. In a separate transaction, Aramco also secured complete ownership of Esmax Distribución SpA (“Esmax”), a prominent diversified downstream fuels and lubricants retailer in Chile.

Yasser Mufti, Aramco’s Executive Vice President of Products & Customers, emphasized the significance of this expansion, stating, “Our global retail expansion is gathering momentum, and this acquisition represents a pivotal advancement in our journey. Through our strategic alliance with GO, we eagerly anticipate delivering Aramco’s superior products and services to esteemed customers in Pakistan.”

#Oilcompany #Saudiaramco #pakistan #worldsbiggest
PAKSAT CUBE-Q は、中国の嫦娥 6 号月探査ミッションの一環として、5 月 3 日に中国海南省から軌道に乗せられました。 一方、PAKSAT MM1 は、中国の西昌衛星発射センターから打ち上げられます。 パキスタンの科学者とエンジニアによって開発されたこの SUPARCO MM1 衛星は、同国の高まる通信と接続のニーズを満たすように設計されています。 その高度な機能は、遠隔地にインターネット アクセスを提供することで、パキスタンをデジタル時代へと導く準備ができています。 この衛星の打ち上げは、パキスタンの通信部門に革命をもたらし、高まる高速インターネットとシームレスな接続の需要を満たすことが期待されています。 打ち上げ式は、イスラマバードとカラチにある SUPARCO の施設から生中継されます。 #satellite #communication #connectivity #digitalera$ #internetaccess #telecomsector $USDC $SOL $BTC
PAKSAT CUBE-Q は、中国の嫦娥 6 号月探査ミッションの一環として、5 月 3 日に中国海南省から軌道に乗せられました。

一方、PAKSAT MM1 は、中国の西昌衛星発射センターから打ち上げられます。

パキスタンの科学者とエンジニアによって開発されたこの SUPARCO MM1 衛星は、同国の高まる通信と接続のニーズを満たすように設計されています。

その高度な機能は、遠隔地にインターネット アクセスを提供することで、パキスタンをデジタル時代へと導く準備ができています。


打ち上げ式は、イスラマバードとカラチにある SUPARCO の施設から生中継されます。

#satellite #communication #connectivity #digitalera$ #internetaccess #telecomsector
5月29日、ハチソン・ポート・パキスタンは、最大級のコンテナ船の1隻の入港という歴史的な節目を迎えました。 この画期的な出来事は、ターミナルの最先端の技術とインフラを強調し、超大型コンテナ船を効率的に取り扱う能力を証明しています。全長400メートル、積載量19,368TEUのこの船は、パキスタンに入港した船としては史上最大です。 この成果は、ハチソン・ポート・パキスタンの高度な能力を示すだけでなく、この地域における同社の戦略的重要性を強調しています。 このような巨大な船の入港は、貿易を促進し、輸送コストを削減し、世界の海上貿易におけるパキスタンの地位を大幅に高めると期待されています。さらに、港湾活動の増加は政府に多大な収入をもたらし、国の経済成長に貢献することになります。 #BreakingNews#MaritimeHistory #パキスタン#CVMSCANNA#HutchisonPortsPakistan #ShippingNews #GlobalTrade #PortDevelopment#EconomicImpact $BTC $ETH $BNB



#BreakingNews#MaritimeHistory #パキスタン#CVMSCANNA#HutchisonPortsPakistan #ShippingNews #GlobalTrade #PortDevelopment#EconomicImpact
Naila Kiani, Pakistan’s leading female high-altitude mountaineer, has been appointed as the Girls' Education National Goodwill Ambassador by the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training. Renowned for her remarkable mountaineering achievements, Kiani now aims to champion the cause of girls’ education across Pakistan, supporting initiatives by federal and provincial governments. Kiani holds an unparalleled record in mountaineering. She is the first Pakistani woman, and the third Pakistani overall, to have scaled 11 of the world's 14 highest peaks above 8,000 metres. She also became the first Pakistani woman to climb an 8,000-metre peak in Pakistan and has successfully summited Nanga Parbat, Gasherbrum I, Gasherbrum II, Lhotse, Manaslu, Broad Peak, Annapurna, Makalu, and Cho Oyu. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Naila Kiani, Pakistan’s leading female high-altitude mountaineer, has been appointed as the Girls' Education National Goodwill Ambassador by the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.

Renowned for her remarkable mountaineering achievements, Kiani now aims to champion the cause of girls’ education across Pakistan, supporting initiatives by federal and provincial governments.

Kiani holds an unparalleled record in mountaineering. She is the first Pakistani woman, and the third Pakistani overall, to have scaled 11 of the world's 14 highest peaks above 8,000 metres.

She also became the first Pakistani woman to climb an 8,000-metre peak in Pakistan and has successfully summited Nanga Parbat, Gasherbrum I, Gasherbrum II, Lhotse, Manaslu, Broad Peak, Annapurna, Makalu, and Cho Oyu.
パキスタン・テフリク・エ・インサフ(PTI)の創設者で元首相のイムラン・カーンは木曜日、5月9日の暴力事件2件で無罪となった。 詳細によると、地区裁判所が保釈嘆願を審理し、オマール・シャハブ司法判事がシャザド・タウン警察署で登録された5月9日の事件2件について判決を発表した。 裁判所は証拠不十分を理由に両事件でPTI創設者を無罪とした。イムラン・カーンの弁護士ミルザ・アシム・ベグとナイーム・パンジョタは保釈嘆願に関する弁論を終えた。 $BTC $BTC $ETH



A new China-Pakistan air cargo route was launched this week to enhance bilateral trade and connectivity, state-run media said, with the new route linking China’s southwestern Guizhou province to Pakistan’s largest city of Karachi. This is the first air route that links Guizhou and Pakistan, the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) said in a report on Wednesday, adding that it is also the first air freight route connecting the province with a Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) country. To mark the official start of the route, an all-cargo plane carrying six tons of freight comprising clothing, electronic products and other commodities, took off from Guiyang, Guizhou’s capital, on Tuesday morning, APP said. It arrived in Karachi within six hours. “This is the first air route linking Guizhou and Pakistan, and it is also the first air freight route connecting the province with a Belt and Road Initiative country,” APP said. $BTC $ETH $BNB
A new China-Pakistan air cargo route was launched this week to enhance bilateral trade and connectivity, state-run media said, with the new route linking China’s southwestern Guizhou province to Pakistan’s largest city of Karachi.

This is the first air route that links Guizhou and Pakistan, the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) said in a report on Wednesday, adding that it is also the first air freight route connecting the province with a Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) country.

To mark the official start of the route, an all-cargo plane carrying six tons of freight comprising clothing, electronic products and other commodities, took off from Guiyang, Guizhou’s capital, on Tuesday morning, APP said. It arrived in Karachi within six hours.
“This is the first air route linking Guizhou and Pakistan, and it is also the first air freight route connecting the province with a Belt and Road Initiative country,” APP said.
World’s Largest Cargo Ship, MSC Anna, Arrives at Karachi Port, Signifying a Landmark Moment Today, Karachi Port is poised to witness a historic event as the world’s largest cargo ship, MSC Anna, makes its grand entrance. Hailing from India’s Port Mundra, this colossal vessel is scheduled to dock at Karachi port later this evening, heralding a new era in the port’s storied history. With dimensions that command awe, MSC Anna stretches an impressive 400 meters in length and boasts a staggering capacity of carrying 19,368 containers. Upon arrival, the ship will commence unloading its cargo at Karachi port before embarking on its journey after a brief one-day stopover. $BTC $ETH $BNB
World’s Largest Cargo Ship, MSC Anna, Arrives at Karachi Port, Signifying a Landmark Moment Today, Karachi Port is poised to witness a historic event as the world’s largest cargo ship, MSC Anna, makes its grand entrance. Hailing from India’s Port Mundra, this colossal vessel is scheduled to dock at Karachi port later this evening, heralding a new era in the port’s storied history.

With dimensions that command awe, MSC Anna stretches an impressive 400 meters in length and boasts a staggering capacity of carrying 19,368 containers. Upon arrival, the ship will commence unloading its cargo at Karachi port before embarking on its journey after a brief one-day stopover.
The JazzCash app has achieved 17 million unique downloads over the past year, showcasing its commitment to delivering exceptional user experiences and innovative features. This milestone reflects the trust and support of its growing community and the relentless efforts of the JazzCash team. The app has enhanced user experience through technological advancements and new features like embedded insurance, Islamic savings, women’s debit card, Asaan digital account, Raast QR payments, wallet-to-wallet remittance, and digital khaata. JazzCash has expanded its payment partnerships to over 2,000 partners. Stay tuned for more exciting updates. #JazzCash #Fintech #Innovation #UserExperience #JazzCash #Innovation #MobilePayments $BTC $ETH $BNB
The JazzCash app has achieved 17 million unique downloads over the past year, showcasing its commitment to delivering exceptional user experiences and innovative features.

This milestone reflects the trust and support of its growing community and the relentless efforts of the JazzCash team.

The app has enhanced user experience through technological advancements and new features like embedded insurance, Islamic savings, women’s debit card, Asaan digital account, Raast QR payments, wallet-to-wallet remittance, and digital khaata.

JazzCash has expanded its payment partnerships to over 2,000 partners. Stay tuned for more exciting updates.

#JazzCash #Fintech #Innovation #UserExperience #JazzCash #Innovation #MobilePayments
Xpeng AeroHT, an affiliate of Xpeng, plans to deliver its flying car by 2026, according to co-president Brian Gu. The Land Aircraft Carrier, a truck with a detachable two-seater flying drone, was introduced last year. Pre-orders start this year, with delivery expected in 2026. Designed for scenic outskirts rather than urban centers, the flying car aims to simplify approval processes by working with municipalities to create flying parks and zones. Currently undergoing certification with China's aviation regulator, the vehicle won’t require a special license for initial leisure use. #XpengAeroHT #FlyingCar #FlyingCar #InnovativeTransport #TechInnovatio #TechInnovatio #FlyingCars2026 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Xpeng AeroHT, an affiliate of Xpeng, plans to deliver its flying car by 2026, according to co-president Brian Gu.

The Land Aircraft Carrier, a truck with a detachable two-seater flying drone, was introduced last year. Pre-orders start this year, with delivery expected in 2026.

Designed for scenic outskirts rather than urban centers, the flying car aims to simplify approval processes by working with municipalities to create flying parks and zones.

Currently undergoing certification with China's aviation regulator, the vehicle won’t require a special license for initial leisure use.

#XpengAeroHT #FlyingCar #FlyingCar #InnovativeTransport #TechInnovatio #TechInnovatio #FlyingCars2026
$BTC $ETH $BNB The Sindh government, in collaboration with the World Bank, will provide complete solar systems to the public at an affordable price of Rs7,000. This initiative aims to address energy challenges by equipping 200,000 households, including 50,000 in Karachi, with solar systems capable of powering a fan and three LED bulbs. The project, starting in October, will distribute 6,656 systems per district. Funded by the World Bank with $32 million, this effort complements Sindh's existing 400MW solar energy generation. Meanwhile, the Punjab government plans to offer free solar systems to 50,000 low-consumption households, fully funded at Rs10 billion. #SolarEnergy #SustainablePower #SindhInitiative #AffordableEnergy
$BTC $ETH $BNB The Sindh government, in collaboration with the World Bank, will provide complete solar systems to the public at an affordable price of Rs7,000.

This initiative aims to address energy challenges by equipping 200,000 households, including 50,000 in Karachi, with solar systems capable of powering a fan and three LED bulbs.

The project, starting in October, will distribute 6,656 systems per district.

Funded by the World Bank with $32 million, this effort complements Sindh's existing 400MW solar energy generation.

Meanwhile, the Punjab government plans to offer free solar systems to 50,000 low-consumption households, fully funded at Rs10 billion.

#SolarEnergy #SustainablePower #SindhInitiative #AffordableEnergy
$BTC $ETH $BNB In a significant stride forward in financial technology, Digitt+, a pioneering Electronic Money Institute licensed under the State Bank of Pakistan, is excited to announce its Banking as a Service (Baas) partnership with RIZQ by ROZEE, a premier Fintech specializing in financial wellness for professionals. This collaboration marks a critical evolution in the delivery of financial services, facilitated through the innovative use of Digitt+'s Open API framework. #FintechInnovation #BankingAsAService #BaaS #FinancialTechnology #OpenAPI #DigitalBanking #PakistanFintech #DigittPlus
$BTC $ETH $BNB In a significant stride forward in financial technology, Digitt+, a pioneering Electronic Money Institute licensed under the State Bank of Pakistan, is excited to announce its Banking as a Service (Baas) partnership with RIZQ by ROZEE, a premier Fintech specializing in financial wellness for professionals. This collaboration marks a critical evolution in the delivery of financial services, facilitated through the innovative use of Digitt+'s Open API framework.

#FintechInnovation #BankingAsAService #BaaS #FinancialTechnology #OpenAPI #DigitalBanking #PakistanFintech #DigittPlus
$BNB $BTC $ETH The first consignment of Pakistani mangoes has arrived in the UAE, with prices slightly higher this year due to inflation and increased freight charges. Mustafa Altaf, managing director of a trading company, mentioned that the government allowed mango exports from May 20, 2024. Currently, a 6 kg box of Sindhi mangoes is sold for 28-30 dirhams. Despite lower production due to climate change, mango exports to the UAE remain strong. Altaf hopes Pakistani mango growers and exporters will continue to meet the demand for high-quality mangoes. #MangoSeason #PakistanMangoes #GlobalExports #EconomicBoost #FruitExports #PakistaniProduce
$BNB $BTC $ETH The first consignment of Pakistani mangoes has arrived in the UAE, with prices slightly higher this year due to inflation and increased freight charges.

Mustafa Altaf, managing director of a trading company, mentioned that the government allowed mango exports from May 20, 2024.

Currently, a 6 kg box of Sindhi mangoes is sold for 28-30 dirhams.

Despite lower production due to climate change, mango exports to the UAE remain strong.

Altaf hopes Pakistani mango growers and exporters will continue to meet the demand for high-quality mangoes.

#MangoSeason #PakistanMangoes #GlobalExports #EconomicBoost #FruitExports #PakistaniProduce
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 $USDC $SOL The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) forecasts relief from the prevailing heatwave with isolated rain expected in upper regions from May 28 to June 1. Dust storms and thunderstorms are anticipated in various areas, including Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Punjab, providing much-needed respite. Karachi and coastal Sindh will see dust storms on May 28-29. The PMD advises farmers to manage crops and warns of potential disruptions due to dust storms and lightning. While the heatwave will subside in the north, central and southern areas will remain 3-4°C above normal. Public is advised to avoid direct sunlight. #HeatwaveRelie f #PMDForecast #RainForecast #StaySafe
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 $USDC $SOL The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) forecasts relief from the prevailing heatwave with isolated rain expected in upper regions from May 28 to June 1.

Dust storms and thunderstorms are anticipated in various areas, including Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Punjab, providing much-needed respite.

Karachi and coastal Sindh will see dust storms on May 28-29. The PMD advises farmers to manage crops and warns of potential disruptions due to dust storms and lightning.

While the heatwave will subside in the north, central and southern areas will remain 3-4°C above normal. Public is advised to avoid direct sunlight.

#HeatwaveRelie f #PMDForecast #RainForecast #StaySafe
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