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Ripple(XRP)价格上涨 40% 后兑现了 3 个月前的预言 XRP 交易价格为 0.61 美元,上周从 0.42 美元上涨了近 41%。 由于交易员押注金价将进一步上涨,乐观情绪高涨,未平仓合约上涨了 70%。网络参与度已飙升至 4 月份的高点,发出买入信号,但这并不理想。 瑞波币(XRP)的价格是顶级山寨币中涨幅最为显著的之一,创下了三个月来的新高。  投资者继续向山寨币投入资金,支持了这一结果和进一步的价格上涨。 Ripple 投资者看到增长 XRP 价格受益于更广泛的市场线索和投资者的看涨情绪。Ripple 的未平仓合约就是证据。随着未平仓合约上涨 70%,市场乐观情绪大幅上升。这一增长使未平仓合约从 4.43 亿美元跃升至 7.53 亿美元,反映出交易活动和对加密货币的兴趣增加。 交易员押注 XRP 价格将继续上涨,推动未平仓合约激增。大幅增长表明市场参与者对 XRP 将进一步上涨的信心不断增强。 XRP 未平仓合约。资料来源:Coinglass 此外,网络参与度也大幅提升。在网络上进行交易的投资者数量从日均 27,000 人增加到本周高峰时的 43,700 人。 这是过去三个月里 XRP 持有者记录的最高值。价格上涨引起了投资者的兴趣,导致地址活跃,这通常被认为是买入信号。  XRP 活跃地址。来源:  Santiment 然而,考虑到涨势,看涨情绪可能很快就会饱和。随后可能会出现调整和市场降温,此时买入是一个糟糕的决定。 XRP 价格预测:不确定性出现 XRP 价格从此时起的走向尚不确定,因为看涨情绪似乎已达到顶峰,但需求仍然很高。这种需求推动山寨币实现了 4 月份上升三角形预测的看涨价格目标。  突破后反弹将使价格达到 0.61 美元;然而,这种模式失败了。尽管如此,过去一周 40% 的涨幅将山寨币的交易价格推回了 0.61 美元。  XRP 价格分析。资料来源:  TradingView 因此,山寨币不仅实现了目标,还将 38.2% 斐波纳契回撤线转化为支撑。这将有助于XRP 价格维持近期的上涨。然而,如果失去支撑,看涨论点将失效。

Ripple(XRP)价格上涨 40% 后兑现了 3 个月前的预言

XRP 交易价格为 0.61 美元,上周从 0.42 美元上涨了近 41%。
由于交易员押注金价将进一步上涨,乐观情绪高涨,未平仓合约上涨了 70%。网络参与度已飙升至 4 月份的高点,发出买入信号,但这并不理想。

Ripple 投资者看到增长
XRP 价格受益于更广泛的市场线索和投资者的看涨情绪。Ripple 的未平仓合约就是证据。随着未平仓合约上涨 70%,市场乐观情绪大幅上升。这一增长使未平仓合约从 4.43 亿美元跃升至 7.53 亿美元,反映出交易活动和对加密货币的兴趣增加。
交易员押注 XRP 价格将继续上涨,推动未平仓合约激增。大幅增长表明市场参与者对 XRP 将进一步上涨的信心不断增强。
XRP 未平仓合约。资料来源:Coinglass
此外,网络参与度也大幅提升。在网络上进行交易的投资者数量从日均 27,000 人增加到本周高峰时的 43,700 人。
这是过去三个月里 XRP 持有者记录的最高值。价格上涨引起了投资者的兴趣,导致地址活跃,这通常被认为是买入信号。 

XRP 活跃地址。来源:  Santiment
XRP 价格预测:不确定性出现
XRP 价格从此时起的走向尚不确定,因为看涨情绪似乎已达到顶峰,但需求仍然很高。这种需求推动山寨币实现了 4 月份上升三角形预测的看涨价格目标。 
突破后反弹将使价格达到 0.61 美元;然而,这种模式失败了。尽管如此,过去一周 40% 的涨幅将山寨币的交易价格推回了 0.61 美元。 

XRP 价格分析。资料来源:  TradingView
因此,山寨币不仅实现了目标,还将 38.2% 斐波纳契回撤线转化为支撑。这将有助于XRP 价格维持近期的上涨。然而,如果失去支撑,看涨论点将失效。
Ripple 两天内上涨 48%:XRP 会突破 10 美元吗?过去两天,瑞波币的价格持续上涨,给加密货币社区带来了欢乐。现在看来,XRP 自 3 月 12 日开始的下跌趋势可能即将结束。过去两天,XRP 的价格上涨了 48%。截至撰写本文时,瑞波币的交易价格为 0.58209 美元。 Ripple 的历史重要性 2020 年 12 月,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 对 Ripple Labs 提起诉讼,声称 XRP 是一种未注册的证券。去年 7 月 13 日,法院裁定 XRP 不是证券,Ripple 取得了重大胜利。历史数据显示,在这项裁决之后,XRP 代币上涨了 100%。此外,在这项裁决的周年纪念日,这种代币再次获得了 48% 的提振。 来源:TradingView 技术分析支持积极情绪 技术指标也显示出对 XRP 的看涨情绪。MACD 指标显示 MACD 线与信号线相交于 0.01284,而信号线位于 -0.00281。如果这一预测成真,则表明 XRP 很快就会出现看涨趋势。 来源:TradingView 根据图表,所有移动平均线都起到支撑作用,使价格保持稳定。在 FIB 图表上,XRP 的价格已突破多个阻力位。 让我们了解一下这里的区域!支撑阻力通道显示,XRP 的最新支撑位在 0.54900 美元 - 0.55800 美元区域,主要阻力位在 0.65 美元。如果 XRP 突破这一阻力位,它可能会继续攀升至 1 美元。 来源:TradingView 这里的一个重要点是,周线图显示,如果 XRP 在未来几天突破 0.65 美元,它将重回上升趋势并获得周线趋势线的支撑。 Messari 的数据显示,XRP 在过去一年中一直是一项盈利资产。从下跌趋势中的最低点 0.122 美元(2020 年 3 月 13 日)开始,它已上涨了 377.56%。然而,它仍比其历史最高价 3.29 美元(2018 年 1 月 4 日)低 82.28%。 来源:Messari 市场情报平台 Santiment 分享了一条推文,展示了 XRP 鲸鱼的聚集区,并指出鲸鱼正在支持这一价格飙升。 结束语 目前,图表和链上数据的所有指标都支持 XRP 的价格飙升,但加密社区正在等待 Ripple 在 SEC 案件中的胜利。专家认为,一旦 Ripple 克服了这场诉讼,没有什么可以阻止它达到 10 美元。此外,许多机构可能会开始接受 Ripple,在 Solana ETF 之后,我们还可能会看到 Ripple ETF。

Ripple 两天内上涨 48%:XRP 会突破 10 美元吗?

过去两天,瑞波币的价格持续上涨,给加密货币社区带来了欢乐。现在看来,XRP 自 3 月 12 日开始的下跌趋势可能即将结束。过去两天,XRP 的价格上涨了 48%。截至撰写本文时,瑞波币的交易价格为 0.58209 美元。
Ripple 的历史重要性
2020 年 12 月,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 对 Ripple Labs 提起诉讼,声称 XRP 是一种未注册的证券。去年 7 月 13 日,法院裁定 XRP 不是证券,Ripple 取得了重大胜利。历史数据显示,在这项裁决之后,XRP 代币上涨了 100%。此外,在这项裁决的周年纪念日,这种代币再次获得了 48% 的提振。

技术指标也显示出对 XRP 的看涨情绪。MACD 指标显示 MACD 线与信号线相交于 0.01284,而信号线位于 -0.00281。如果这一预测成真,则表明 XRP 很快就会出现看涨趋势。

根据图表,所有移动平均线都起到支撑作用,使价格保持稳定。在 FIB 图表上,XRP 的价格已突破多个阻力位。
让我们了解一下这里的区域!支撑阻力通道显示,XRP 的最新支撑位在 0.54900 美元 - 0.55800 美元区域,主要阻力位在 0.65 美元。如果 XRP 突破这一阻力位,它可能会继续攀升至 1 美元。

这里的一个重要点是,周线图显示,如果 XRP 在未来几天突破 0.65 美元,它将重回上升趋势并获得周线趋势线的支撑。
Messari 的数据显示,XRP 在过去一年中一直是一项盈利资产。从下跌趋势中的最低点 0.122 美元(2020 年 3 月 13 日)开始,它已上涨了 377.56%。然而,它仍比其历史最高价 3.29 美元(2018 年 1 月 4 日)低 82.28%。

市场情报平台 Santiment 分享了一条推文,展示了 XRP 鲸鱼的聚集区,并指出鲸鱼正在支持这一价格飙升。

目前,图表和链上数据的所有指标都支持 XRP 的价格飙升,但加密社区正在等待 Ripple 在 SEC 案件中的胜利。专家认为,一旦 Ripple 克服了这场诉讼,没有什么可以阻止它达到 10 美元。此外,许多机构可能会开始接受 Ripple,在 Solana ETF 之后,我们还可能会看到 Ripple ETF。
WLD又换了一种方式来席卷市场了!! 分配给 Worldcoin 贡献方 Tools for Humanity 的 WLD 代币原定于 2024 年 7 月 24 日开始以线性方式每天解锁。 但 TFH 将团队成员和投资者持有的 80% 的 WLD 的解锁时间表将从 3 年延长到 5 年。 这种治标不治本!抓紧把世界币的实际作用体现出来 币价才会拉!!! $WLD

分配给 Worldcoin 贡献方 Tools for Humanity 的 WLD 代币原定于 2024 年 7 月 24 日开始以线性方式每天解锁。

但 TFH 将团队成员和投资者持有的 80% 的 WLD 的解锁时间表将从 3 年延长到 5 年。

这种治标不治本!抓紧把世界币的实际作用体现出来 币价才会拉!!!

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Shiba Inu Price After Ethereum ETF Approval: Will SHIB Reach $0.0016?Ethereum ETF is currently the most sought-after element in the cryptocurrency space. As the process goes smoothly, the approval of the Ethereum ETF will be a huge boon to cryptocurrencies, pushing ETH to new highs. At the same time, investors are also optimistic about Shiba Inu hitting new highs after the approval of the ETH ETF, as SHIB is one of the most promising tokens on the Ethereum chain. Shiba Inu Price Prediction After Ethereum ETF Approval- 100x SHIB Rise? Coinpedia Markets, a well-known cryptocurrency analysis platform, believes that SHIB can rise 100 times once the Ethereum ETF is approved by the SEC. The popular analysis platform shared the latest news on X and added an exhaustive list of tokens that have the potential to skyrocket once the ETH ETF is approved.

Shiba Inu Price After Ethereum ETF Approval: Will SHIB Reach $0.0016?

Ethereum ETF is currently the most sought-after element in the cryptocurrency space. As the process goes smoothly, the approval of the Ethereum ETF will be a huge boon to cryptocurrencies, pushing ETH to new highs. At the same time, investors are also optimistic about Shiba Inu hitting new highs after the approval of the ETH ETF, as SHIB is one of the most promising tokens on the Ethereum chain.
Shiba Inu Price Prediction After Ethereum ETF Approval- 100x SHIB Rise?

Coinpedia Markets, a well-known cryptocurrency analysis platform, believes that SHIB can rise 100 times once the Ethereum ETF is approved by the SEC. The popular analysis platform shared the latest news on X and added an exhaustive list of tokens that have the potential to skyrocket once the ETH ETF is approved.
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A few suggestions after going through the bull-bear cycle 1. The best fixed investment asset: BTC is the highest quality asset and is very suitable for long-term fixed investment. 2. Bottom-buyable assets: When the prices of ETH and SOL hit the bottom, you can consider buying. 3. Invest part of the funds in exchange platform coins: You can consider BNB and BGB. The exchange platform coins depend on the pattern and development of the platform. Huobi and Ouyi are currently on a downward trend. It is not recommended to hold a heavy position, but short-term operations can be made. 4. Invest in a single game project with caution: These projects may become hot spots in a bull market, but they should not be held heavily in a bear market, nor should they be overly believed in or bottom-fished. Projects such as RACA, GMT, SAND, MANA, HOOK, HIGH can only be used as short-term investment targets because they are easy to copy and replace, and similar new projects may appear at any time. 5. The fastest way to get rich: Invest in MEME coins, but be selective. Choose projects that have been launched on multiple exchanges and promoted by celebrities such as MASK. You can increase your position when the price plummets (more than 5 times) or the market value is less than 50 million US dollars. 6. Worst investment option: newly launched BINANCE IEO project. High market value and low circulation, don't buy such projects when they are launched. Don't buy coins on the chain, especially for novices, because there are too many scams. 7. Understand the airdrop rules of each platform: buy platform coins to reach the minimum number of airdrop qualifications. Manage your finances regularly and buy them after a period of time after the IEO ends. You can sell part of it immediately after receiving the airdrop. 8. Don't chase high in the bull market: especially for altcoins, you would rather miss it than lose the principal. It feels bad to be stuck, and the funds cannot flow to buy good projects. 9. Find value coins: Don't buy randomly when funds are limited, choose good coins and increase your position after the plunge. For example, ENS and PEPE in this round. 10. Strategy: Automatic pending orders, automatically convert the purchased coins into BTC, and accumulate BTC. 11. The ability to make money off-site is important: make money off-site and invest on-site. Try to stay away from the market, make strategic orders, spend 2% of your time trading, and make money off-market 98% of the time. 12. Avoid heavy positions in Heyue: It is best not to participate in Heyue's investment.
A few suggestions after going through the bull-bear cycle
1. The best fixed investment asset: BTC is the highest quality asset and is very suitable for long-term fixed investment.
2. Bottom-buyable assets: When the prices of ETH and SOL hit the bottom, you can consider buying.
3. Invest part of the funds in exchange platform coins: You can consider BNB and BGB. The exchange platform coins depend on the pattern and development of the platform. Huobi and Ouyi are currently on a downward trend. It is not recommended to hold a heavy position, but short-term operations can be made.
4. Invest in a single game project with caution: These projects may become hot spots in a bull market, but they should not be held heavily in a bear market, nor should they be overly believed in or bottom-fished. Projects such as RACA, GMT, SAND, MANA, HOOK, HIGH can only be used as short-term investment targets because they are easy to copy and replace, and similar new projects may appear at any time.
5. The fastest way to get rich: Invest in MEME coins, but be selective. Choose projects that have been launched on multiple exchanges and promoted by celebrities such as MASK. You can increase your position when the price plummets (more than 5 times) or the market value is less than 50 million US dollars.
6. Worst investment option: newly launched BINANCE IEO project. High market value and low circulation, don't buy such projects when they are launched. Don't buy coins on the chain, especially for novices, because there are too many scams.
7. Understand the airdrop rules of each platform: buy platform coins to reach the minimum number of airdrop qualifications. Manage your finances regularly and buy them after a period of time after the IEO ends. You can sell part of it immediately after receiving the airdrop.
8. Don't chase high in the bull market: especially for altcoins, you would rather miss it than lose the principal. It feels bad to be stuck, and the funds cannot flow to buy good projects.
9. Find value coins: Don't buy randomly when funds are limited, choose good coins and increase your position after the plunge. For example, ENS and PEPE in this round.
10. Strategy: Automatic pending orders, automatically convert the purchased coins into BTC, and accumulate BTC.
11. The ability to make money off-site is important: make money off-site and invest on-site. Try to stay away from the market, make strategic orders, spend 2% of your time trading, and make money off-market 98% of the time.
12. Avoid heavy positions in Heyue: It is best not to participate in Heyue's investment.
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Shiba Inu: Analysts predict SHIB will surge 400%, trading at $0.000081Price predictions in the cryptocurrency space play a vital role in helping investors track the journey of their investments. In one such prediction, Javon Marks, a well-known cryptocurrency analyst, shared how Shiba Inu is following its organic price path and may soon see its price increase by 400%, a prediction that every SHIB enthusiast is waiting for. Analysts say Shiba Inu prices will rise 400% To elaborate on the details in more detail, Javon Marks, a well-known cryptocurrency analyst, shared a bullish price prediction for SHIB on X. According to the analyst, SHIB may soon climb a staggering 406% to reach an outstanding price level of $0.000081. The analyst believes that SHIB is continuously striving to climb to the top. The coin recently broke through a key resistance level, which forced the analyst to make a bold prediction.

Shiba Inu: Analysts predict SHIB will surge 400%, trading at $0.000081

Price predictions in the cryptocurrency space play a vital role in helping investors track the journey of their investments. In one such prediction, Javon Marks, a well-known cryptocurrency analyst, shared how Shiba Inu is following its organic price path and may soon see its price increase by 400%, a prediction that every SHIB enthusiast is waiting for.
Analysts say Shiba Inu prices will rise 400%
To elaborate on the details in more detail, Javon Marks, a well-known cryptocurrency analyst, shared a bullish price prediction for SHIB on X. According to the analyst, SHIB may soon climb a staggering 406% to reach an outstanding price level of $0.000081. The analyst believes that SHIB is continuously striving to climb to the top. The coin recently broke through a key resistance level, which forced the analyst to make a bold prediction.
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The secret behind the market maker's market crash! The market crash method has a new trick. Why is it different from 312 and 519 this time? 1. **Market maker's operation is like art, and the market crash needs to be cleverly arranged**. This time the market crash method is obviously different from the past. The key is that the story is not explosive enough. Although the news of the US and German governments selling coins and compensation for door-to-door ditch has an impact, it is not enough to trigger a large-scale market crash. 2. **Adopting time + space strategy**. The market maker makes the altcoin fall smoothly and does not give a rebound opportunity by slowly falling. Such a market crash method is not only to collect chips more cheaply, but also a psychological tactic for the market. If there is not enough cognition, it is easy to sell in panic and fall before dawn. 3. **Trading is a lonely thing**. You need to have your own ideas and opinions. However, people are a group animal and need to win the recognition of others. Loneliness will make us lack a sense of security, and then want to see if other people's views are the same as ours. Once the same, we will feel much more comfortable; once different, we are full of anxiety. These factors combined reveal the complexity and depth of the current market maker's market crash, as well as the cognitive and psychological qualities that we as investors need to possess.
The secret behind the market maker's market crash! The market crash method has a new trick. Why is it different from 312 and 519 this time?
1. **Market maker's operation is like art, and the market crash needs to be cleverly arranged**. This time the market crash method is obviously different from the past. The key is that the story is not explosive enough. Although the news of the US and German governments selling coins and compensation for door-to-door ditch has an impact, it is not enough to trigger a large-scale market crash.
2. **Adopting time + space strategy**. The market maker makes the altcoin fall smoothly and does not give a rebound opportunity by slowly falling. Such a market crash method is not only to collect chips more cheaply, but also a psychological tactic for the market. If there is not enough cognition, it is easy to sell in panic and fall before dawn.
3. **Trading is a lonely thing**. You need to have your own ideas and opinions. However, people are a group animal and need to win the recognition of others. Loneliness will make us lack a sense of security, and then want to see if other people's views are the same as ours. Once the same, we will feel much more comfortable; once different, we are full of anxiety.
These factors combined reveal the complexity and depth of the current market maker's market crash, as well as the cognitive and psychological qualities that we as investors need to possess.
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The dog dealer's routine is really deep, just think about how terrible it is Throughout 2023, investors are often highly vigilant in the market correction, worried about the recurrence of the 312 market, and dare not hold a heavy position or go all in! However, in 2024, everyone's vigilance gradually relaxed, and no one discussed the 312 market anymore. It is generally believed that this year will be a year for the bull market to continue to explode. As a result, the market suddenly experienced a more violent decline than 312!
The dog dealer's routine is really deep, just think about how terrible it is
Throughout 2023, investors are often highly vigilant in the market correction, worried about the recurrence of the 312 market, and dare not hold a heavy position or go all in!
However, in 2024, everyone's vigilance gradually relaxed, and no one discussed the 312 market anymore. It is generally believed that this year will be a year for the bull market to continue to explode. As a result, the market suddenly experienced a more violent decline than 312!
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Filecoin (FIL) Price Could See a Breakout as Demand Increasessimply put Filecoin’s price has been moving sideways in the second half of June, hovering around $4.50. The CMF is trending upward and is close to crossing the neutral line, which suggests that buying pressure is rising. Filecoin’s funding rate has remained positive for nearly two weeks, showing the dominance of long contracts. Filecoin (FIL) prices have been volatile since early April, with the altcoin falling from $9.3 to $4.3. However, investors would like to undo this damage by pushing the price higher and bringing it out of consolidation. Filecoin investors bet on rising prices

Filecoin (FIL) Price Could See a Breakout as Demand Increases

simply put
Filecoin’s price has been moving sideways in the second half of June, hovering around $4.50.

The CMF is trending upward and is close to crossing the neutral line, which suggests that buying pressure is rising.
Filecoin’s funding rate has remained positive for nearly two weeks, showing the dominance of long contracts.
Filecoin (FIL) prices have been volatile since early April, with the altcoin falling from $9.3 to $4.3.
However, investors would like to undo this damage by pushing the price higher and bringing it out of consolidation.
Filecoin investors bet on rising prices
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In domestic lawsuits, unscrupulous lawyers have routines everywhere. Let me tell you, remember it, and avoid pitfalls when you need it! For example, if someone owes you money, you find a lawyer to deal with it, and the other party will sign a contract with you. For those who are not legal professionals or have no relevant awareness, you can't understand the twists and turns and professional terms in it. In your mind, you find a lawyer to sue, they will collect your money, and help you deal with it until the case is over. In the communication with them, they will also tell you that they will go to the court, go on a business trip, apply for compulsory execution, etc. They will tell you that they are very professional, and any litigation fees, lawyer fees, and miscellaneous expenses can be paid by the other party! But the facts are completely the opposite! They just treat you as a fool and slaughter you like a pig! And they understand the law, the process, and the loopholes, and will use a set of logic that you don't understand to make you stunned! Let you ride a tiger and be in a dilemma, and have to continue to pay! In fact, many civil lawsuits can be handled by ourselves! It's just that most people lack such experience and find it troublesome! Most lawyers are actually nothing. What they earn is just an information gap, that's all! Not to mention the litigation fees and attorney fees, they will ask you for travel expenses when the court is about to start. After the case is judged and you win, they will tell you that applying for compulsory execution will also cost extra fees, starting at several thousand! But they won't tell you these in advance! If you lose, or the other party appeals, the second instance will charge you the full fee again! Moreover, the court does not support attorney fees, miscellaneous fees, etc.! They just wanted to trick you into paying money!
In domestic lawsuits, unscrupulous lawyers have routines everywhere. Let me tell you, remember it, and avoid pitfalls when you need it!

For example, if someone owes you money, you find a lawyer to deal with it, and the other party will sign a contract with you. For those who are not legal professionals or have no relevant awareness, you can't understand the twists and turns and professional terms in it.

In your mind, you find a lawyer to sue, they will collect your money, and help you deal with it until the case is over. In the communication with them, they will also tell you that they will go to the court, go on a business trip, apply for compulsory execution, etc. They will tell you that they are very professional, and any litigation fees, lawyer fees, and miscellaneous expenses can be paid by the other party! But the facts are completely the opposite! They just treat you as a fool and slaughter you like a pig! And they understand the law, the process, and the loopholes, and will use a set of logic that you don't understand to make you stunned! Let you ride a tiger and be in a dilemma, and have to continue to pay!

In fact, many civil lawsuits can be handled by ourselves! It's just that most people lack such experience and find it troublesome! Most lawyers are actually nothing. What they earn is just an information gap, that's all!

Not to mention the litigation fees and attorney fees, they will ask you for travel expenses when the court is about to start. After the case is judged and you win, they will tell you that applying for compulsory execution will also cost extra fees, starting at several thousand! But they won't tell you these in advance! If you lose, or the other party appeals, the second instance will charge you the full fee again! Moreover, the court does not support attorney fees, miscellaneous fees, etc.! They just wanted to trick you into paying money!
See original
There is no doubt that the bull market is still there! From the larger scale of Bitcoin's quarterly line, the last quarterly line received above the support line, and the new quarterly line has just started, so I think the possibility of a sharp drop in Bitcoin is too small (although retail investors basically have no Bitcoin) The panic index in recent times has reached the lowest point in nearly a year, and it has reached an extremely panicked state in the past few days. The continued panic has caused more people to cut their losses and leave the market. At present, most people think that the bull market is gone, especially the copycat bulls. Bitcoin double tops are what I have heard most recently, but double tops can also become double bottoms. At present, whether from the macro-positive, policy-positive, or indicators of various dimensions, it shows that the bull market is far from over. The recent unlocking information is bearish and the screen is flooded. I have always felt that unlocking is not the core of influencing the trend. The trend is always affected by the market. When the market gets better, it will also pull the market. This is the case for many copycats in the first half. The market has been bad in the past few months, so it will fall even if it is not unlocked. Not all unlocked coins will be sold, but retail investors will be immediately let go, so we see that the coins unlocked on the same day will fall sharply. I think at least half of them are the chips thrown away by retail investors. The number and amount of retail investors holding Shanzhai in this round far exceed any cycle. Shanzhai has been washed out for several months, and many people are now exploding with negative emotions. Everyone feels bad about the decline. I have always said that Ethereum will be the main force in the second half. Holding Ethereum is my biggest belief at present and will not waver. Now I dare not analyze it, and I will maintain a neutral judgment, because if I insist on a point of view now, I will be DISSed by countless people. If you think the bull market is over, just give up, because the easiest way is to give up.
There is no doubt that the bull market is still there!

From the larger scale of Bitcoin's quarterly line, the last quarterly line received above the support line, and the new quarterly line has just started, so I think the possibility of a sharp drop in Bitcoin is too small (although retail investors basically have no Bitcoin)

The panic index in recent times has reached the lowest point in nearly a year, and it has reached an extremely panicked state in the past few days. The continued panic has caused more people to cut their losses and leave the market. At present, most people think that the bull market is gone, especially the copycat bulls.

Bitcoin double tops are what I have heard most recently, but double tops can also become double bottoms. At present, whether from the macro-positive, policy-positive, or indicators of various dimensions, it shows that the bull market is far from over.

The recent unlocking information is bearish and the screen is flooded. I have always felt that unlocking is not the core of influencing the trend. The trend is always affected by the market. When the market gets better, it will also pull the market. This is the case for many copycats in the first half. The market has been bad in the past few months, so it will fall even if it is not unlocked. Not all unlocked coins will be sold, but retail investors will be immediately let go, so we see that the coins unlocked on the same day will fall sharply. I think at least half of them are the chips thrown away by retail investors.

The number and amount of retail investors holding Shanzhai in this round far exceed any cycle. Shanzhai has been washed out for several months, and many people are now exploding with negative emotions. Everyone feels bad about the decline.

I have always said that Ethereum will be the main force in the second half. Holding Ethereum is my biggest belief at present and will not waver.

Now I dare not analyze it, and I will maintain a neutral judgment, because if I insist on a point of view now, I will be DISSed by countless people. If you think the bull market is over, just give up, because the easiest way is to give up.
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How many bull markets are needed to achieve wealth freedom? Suppose you have 30,000 U, which is equivalent to about 200,000 RMB. During the bull market, it is not far-fetched for these assets to double by 5 to 10 times. If you experience two bull markets, the cumulative increase will reach an astonishing dozens or even hundreds of times. In this way, it is not far-fetched to have 10 million assets, which sounds simple. Although the principle is easy, it is difficult to practice. After making a lot of money in the bull market, many people always want to pursue higher profits, but often lose money accidentally. In the bear market, they are eager to get their money back, but often in vain, and finally get nothing. Just like the current market, it tells you not to rush for success and to wait patiently, but there are very few people who can really do it. Indeed, there are many people who make money in the bull market, but there are very few people who can keep their wealth and wait for the arrival of the next bull market. In the bull market, we need to have enough courage, and in the bear market, we need to have enough patience. Not only should we be able to seize the opportunities of the bull market, but we should also be able to withstand the loneliness of the bear market. Why is it so difficult? In fact, the real wisdom is not only in those K-line charts, but more in the life experience and mentality cultivation outside the charts. Don't always think about reaching the sky in one step. If you want to earn 10 million, you might as well set a more practical small goal first, such as earning 1 million or 5 million. It's like pursuing love, you need to take it step by step. At the beginning, invite the other party to dinner and watch a movie, and then develop the relationship further after getting familiar with each other. If the time is right, consider further actions. You said that you didn't even meet the other party, but you directly made excessive demands. Do you think this is possible? Friends, you all understand the pursuit of love, why do you become so confused when it comes to investment and trading? It's really puzzling!
How many bull markets are needed to achieve wealth freedom?

Suppose you have 30,000 U, which is equivalent to about 200,000 RMB. During the bull market, it is not far-fetched for these assets to double by 5 to 10 times. If you experience two bull markets, the cumulative increase will reach an astonishing dozens or even hundreds of times. In this way, it is not far-fetched to have 10 million assets, which sounds simple.

Although the principle is easy, it is difficult to practice. After making a lot of money in the bull market, many people always want to pursue higher profits, but often lose money accidentally. In the bear market, they are eager to get their money back, but often in vain, and finally get nothing.

Just like the current market, it tells you not to rush for success and to wait patiently, but there are very few people who can really do it. Indeed, there are many people who make money in the bull market, but there are very few people who can keep their wealth and wait for the arrival of the next bull market.

In the bull market, we need to have enough courage, and in the bear market, we need to have enough patience. Not only should we be able to seize the opportunities of the bull market, but we should also be able to withstand the loneliness of the bear market. Why is it so difficult? In fact, the real wisdom is not only in those K-line charts, but more in the life experience and mentality cultivation outside the charts.

Don't always think about reaching the sky in one step. If you want to earn 10 million, you might as well set a more practical small goal first, such as earning 1 million or 5 million. It's like pursuing love, you need to take it step by step. At the beginning, invite the other party to dinner and watch a movie, and then develop the relationship further after getting familiar with each other. If the time is right, consider further actions.

You said that you didn't even meet the other party, but you directly made excessive demands. Do you think this is possible? Friends, you all understand the pursuit of love, why do you become so confused when it comes to investment and trading? It's really puzzling!
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Current investment strategies in the cryptocurrency circle Key points: From now on, give up the idea of ​​hoarding coins Currently, the price of Bitcoin is $65,000. Even if the price doubles several times, it is difficult to achieve wealth freedom. The risk of hoarding altcoins is even greater. Almost all the new coins launched on Binance this year have fallen by more than 50% from their highest point, and the lowest has also fallen by 20%. Investors need to be cautious and be vigilant against market fluctuations. In the cryptocurrency circle in 2024, altcoins performed poorly. Although Bitcoin has risen from $30,000 to $70,000, the increase in many altcoins is far less than that of Bitcoin. Therefore, if you still insist on hoarding coins, it will definitely not work. The era of hoarding coins to get rich in the cryptocurrency circle is a thing of the past. Now you have to seize the hot spots to make more money. Of course, if you come to the cryptocurrency circle just for simple financial management and don't pursue getting rich, it is still a wise choice to invest in Bitcoin.
Current investment strategies in the cryptocurrency circle
Key points: From now on, give up the idea of ​​hoarding coins
Currently, the price of Bitcoin is $65,000. Even if the price doubles several times, it is difficult to achieve wealth freedom. The risk of hoarding altcoins is even greater. Almost all the new coins launched on Binance this year have fallen by more than 50% from their highest point, and the lowest has also fallen by 20%. Investors need to be cautious and be vigilant against market fluctuations.
In the cryptocurrency circle in 2024, altcoins performed poorly. Although Bitcoin has risen from $30,000 to $70,000, the increase in many altcoins is far less than that of Bitcoin. Therefore, if you still insist on hoarding coins, it will definitely not work. The era of hoarding coins to get rich in the cryptocurrency circle is a thing of the past. Now you have to seize the hot spots to make more money.
Of course, if you come to the cryptocurrency circle just for simple financial management and don't pursue getting rich, it is still a wise choice to invest in Bitcoin.
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Why is the current Shanzhai alt market stagnant? There are mainly the following reasons: 1. Too many new coins are launched. The recently launched ZRO ZK IO LISTA are all sucking blood. The market value of the launched coins is too high, and there are still a lot of tokens to be unlocked later! 2. The market liquidity is insufficient. The liquidity of Shanzhai alt markets has been a problem since March and April, and funds have slowly flowed into BTC and ETH 3. Most of the project parties have no pattern and do not protect the market! ! ! ! 4. The current market launches new coins too quickly, and the market heat is hard to describe. The current currency circle is suitable for speculation, not for long-term hoarding of coins! ! ! You can only do short-term, and long-term is easy to be buried! ! ! Now we hope that institutions will increase their positions and Bailey will increase its positions. The most important thing is that ETH's ETF will bring a large wave of traffic to the market. If the market liquidity does not change, everything is nonsense!
Why is the current Shanzhai alt market stagnant? There are mainly the following reasons:

1. Too many new coins are launched. The recently launched ZRO ZK IO LISTA are all sucking blood. The market value of the launched coins is too high, and there are still a lot of tokens to be unlocked later!

2. The market liquidity is insufficient. The liquidity of Shanzhai alt markets has been a problem since March and April, and funds have slowly flowed into BTC and ETH

3. Most of the project parties have no pattern and do not protect the market! ! ! !

4. The current market launches new coins too quickly, and the market heat is hard to describe. The current currency circle is suitable for speculation, not for long-term hoarding of coins! ! ! You can only do short-term, and long-term is easy to be buried! ! !

Now we hope that institutions will increase their positions and Bailey will increase its positions. The most important thing is that ETH's ETF will bring a large wave of traffic to the market. If the market liquidity does not change, everything is nonsense!
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At this stage, the current situation of the altcoins coming out of the altcoin bear market is due to the following reasons: 1: A large number of tokens are unlocked, and nearly $2 billion is expected in the next ten weeks 2: Pressure from venture capital funds. In the first quarter of 2022, venture capital funds invested $13 billion, but the market has been falling. Now, these funds are under pressure from investors to return the funds because artificial intelligence has become a hotter investment area. 3: Market dynamics, lack of liquidity: mainstream coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have not formed a bear market pattern, but the altcoin market shows signs of lack of liquidity. 4: Actions of institutional investors: Institutional investors tend to close their positions and stop losses when the market is unfavorable, while retail investors often hold their coins for appreciation because they are unwilling to bear losses. Such behavior is likely to lead to greater losses. Future Outlook 1: Stability of Bitcoin: Bitcoin will remain stable in the next round of bull market. Traders should transfer their positions to mainstream assets such as Bitcoin to protect their assets when liquidity slows down. 2: Market opportunities: As the market adjustment ends, high-quality altcoins may have opportunities again. Investors should keep an eye on it and seize the opportunity of market recovery in time.
At this stage, the current situation of the altcoins coming out of the altcoin bear market is due to the following reasons:
1: A large number of tokens are unlocked, and nearly $2 billion is expected in the next ten weeks
2: Pressure from venture capital funds. In the first quarter of 2022, venture capital funds invested $13 billion, but the market has been falling. Now, these funds are under pressure from investors to return the funds because artificial intelligence has become a hotter investment area.
3: Market dynamics, lack of liquidity: mainstream coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have not formed a bear market pattern, but the altcoin market shows signs of lack of liquidity.
4: Actions of institutional investors: Institutional investors tend to close their positions and stop losses when the market is unfavorable, while retail investors often hold their coins for appreciation because they are unwilling to bear losses. Such behavior is likely to lead to greater losses.
Future Outlook
1: Stability of Bitcoin: Bitcoin will remain stable in the next round of bull market. Traders should transfer their positions to mainstream assets such as Bitcoin to protect their assets when liquidity slows down.
2: Market opportunities: As the market adjustment ends, high-quality altcoins may have opportunities again. Investors should keep an eye on it and seize the opportunity of market recovery in time.
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How long will the shock last? When can we buy the bottom? Although Bitcoin (bread) has not fallen sharply recently, altcoins have fallen badly. The market is currently in a state of shock and downward movement. If the market is to strengthen, it must break through $70,000 in volume. Tether issued another 1 billion USDT on the TRON chain a few days ago, and the possibility of institutional whales entering the market to buy the bottom cannot be ruled out. Only when the main force pulls the market and brings a money-making effect can the market resonate. Next, we need to pay attention to the risk of Bitcoin falling below $63,000. There was a 30% retracement after the halving in 2016, and a 20% retracement after the halving in 2020. After the halving, the cost of mining increases, and miners may selectively sell. Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, free entry Whether from the weekly level or the daily level, it is currently at the end of the third wave of the wave theory. Now it is the fourth wave adjustment, which has lasted for nearly 100 days. Perhaps after the European Cup, Bitcoin will rise again. Why is it after the European Cup? Because the big money may go to gamble on football, the money will flow back to the cryptocurrency circle after the game. The European Cup will end on July 15th, so wait for the flowers to bloom!
How long will the shock last? When can we buy the bottom?

Although Bitcoin (bread) has not fallen sharply recently, altcoins have fallen badly. The market is currently in a state of shock and downward movement. If the market is to strengthen, it must break through $70,000 in volume. Tether issued another 1 billion USDT on the TRON chain a few days ago, and the possibility of institutional whales entering the market to buy the bottom cannot be ruled out. Only when the main force pulls the market and brings a money-making effect can the market resonate.

Next, we need to pay attention to the risk of Bitcoin falling below $63,000. There was a 30% retracement after the halving in 2016, and a 20% retracement after the halving in 2020. After the halving, the cost of mining increases, and miners may selectively sell. Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, free entry
Whether from the weekly level or the daily level, it is currently at the end of the third wave of the wave theory. Now it is the fourth wave adjustment, which has lasted for nearly 100 days. Perhaps after the European Cup, Bitcoin will rise again. Why is it after the European Cup? Because the big money may go to gamble on football, the money will flow back to the cryptocurrency circle after the game. The European Cup will end on July 15th, so wait for the flowers to bloom!
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The market is short of water and this BTC "buffalo" has no structure and is torturous! The distinguishing feature of the bull market is that there will be at least two or three major adjustments midway through the entire process. After each adjustment, it will continue to advance; unless it is the last decline, the previous declines are all for a better rise, and then It gets higher every time, and by the time of the last adjustment, the bull market will end and fall off a cliff. As for how to judge the last adjustment, or the bearish stage of a possible sharp decline, based on my previous experience, my judgment on the market in any period comes from: emotional theory + specific market conditions On the market, the normal bull market advancement process should be "increasing volume and rising prices", which means that the trading volume of the subsequent rising wave should be greater than the trading volume of the rising wave before the adjustment. If there is an obvious deviation in any wave of rise, that is to say, the transaction volume of the new wave of rise has not reached a new high, or is even smaller than the previous wave, but the points have repeatedly reached new highs, this is highly dangerous. is a signal, indicating that the market may change at any time. Now the U.S. stock market is reaching new highs every day and is singing night after night, but the currency circle is extremely pessimistic and fearful; Bitcoin has been oscillating back and forth for a few days, and long orders have been eliminated; click on the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, and enter the skirt for free Altcoins generally fell by more than 30%, but fortunately CHZ ran fast. Altcoin project developers and hot money are extremely sensitive, and they will rush to sell and sell at the first sign of trouble;
The market is short of water and this BTC "buffalo" has no structure and is torturous!
The distinguishing feature of the bull market is that there will be at least two or three major adjustments midway through the entire process. After each adjustment, it will continue to advance; unless it is the last decline, the previous declines are all for a better rise, and then It gets higher every time, and by the time of the last adjustment, the bull market will end and fall off a cliff.

As for how to judge the last adjustment, or the bearish stage of a possible sharp decline, based on my previous experience, my judgment on the market in any period comes from: emotional theory + specific market conditions

On the market, the normal bull market advancement process should be "increasing volume and rising prices", which means that the trading volume of the subsequent rising wave should be greater than the trading volume of the rising wave before the adjustment.

If there is an obvious deviation in any wave of rise, that is to say, the transaction volume of the new wave of rise has not reached a new high, or is even smaller than the previous wave, but the points have repeatedly reached new highs, this is highly dangerous. is a signal, indicating that the market may change at any time.

Now the U.S. stock market is reaching new highs every day and is singing night after night, but the currency circle is extremely pessimistic and fearful; Bitcoin has been oscillating back and forth for a few days, and long orders have been eliminated; click on the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, and enter the skirt for free Altcoins generally fell by more than 30%, but fortunately CHZ ran fast.

Altcoin project developers and hot money are extremely sensitive, and they will rush to sell and sell at the first sign of trouble;
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Which of the two new coins, ZK Coin and IO Coin, has more potential after they go online? **ZK Coin**: Based on zero-knowledge proof technology, it aims to provide highly private and secure transactions. This makes ZK Coin have great potential in the market, attracting users who want to protect their privacy while enjoying the convenience brought by blockchain technology. **IO Coin**: A blockchain project based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology, the goal is to achieve intelligent interconnection and data sharing between devices. IO Coin also introduces edge computing technology to increase data processing speed and reduce latency. ### Conclusion - **ZK Coin**: It has unique advantages in privacy protection and security, suitable for privacy-conscious users. - **IO Coin**: It has broad application prospects in the field of Internet of Things, suitable for investors who are concerned about the development of Internet of Things technology. Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, free entry Investors are advised to make more informed decisions based on their own areas of concern and needs.
Which of the two new coins, ZK Coin and IO Coin, has more potential after they go online?
**ZK Coin**: Based on zero-knowledge proof technology, it aims to provide highly private and secure transactions. This makes ZK Coin have great potential in the market, attracting users who want to protect their privacy while enjoying the convenience brought by blockchain technology.
**IO Coin**: A blockchain project based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology, the goal is to achieve intelligent interconnection and data sharing between devices. IO Coin also introduces edge computing technology to increase data processing speed and reduce latency.
### Conclusion
- **ZK Coin**: It has unique advantages in privacy protection and security, suitable for privacy-conscious users.
- **IO Coin**: It has broad application prospects in the field of Internet of Things, suitable for investors who are concerned about the development of Internet of Things technology. Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, free entry
Investors are advised to make more informed decisions based on their own areas of concern and needs.
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There are rumors that: Bitcoin plummeted last night, and the decline is reminiscent of the situation on the eve of 312. Short-term friends may have a chance. Why did Bitcoin plummet last night? The market seems to be a little panic. I heard that the United States may make a big move. The House of Representatives has just passed a new defense bill. In the future, conscription may change from voluntary to compulsory. Young people aged 18 to 26 must be ready to respond to the call of the country at any time. 👗SY0002337This measure is expected to be implemented in 2025. If this news is true, the outlook for the cryptocurrency market may be more turbulent.
There are rumors that:
Bitcoin plummeted last night, and the decline is reminiscent of the situation on the eve of 312. Short-term friends may have a chance.
Why did Bitcoin plummet last night? The market seems to be a little panic. I heard that the United States may make a big move.
The House of Representatives has just passed a new defense bill. In the future, conscription may change from voluntary to compulsory. Young people aged 18 to 26 must be ready to respond to the call of the country at any time. 👗SY0002337This measure is expected to be implemented in 2025.
If this news is true, the outlook for the cryptocurrency market may be more turbulent.
See original
The reasons for this bull market that is not related to altcoins are as follows: ETF approval: The approval of ETFs has changed the flow of funds in the market. Traditionally, the path for incremental funds to enter the market is "stablecoins - BTC, ETH - altcoins". However, now incremental funds from traditional markets prefer to invest directly in BTC through ETFs, which makes it impossible for funds to continue to be transmitted to the altcoin market, thus affecting the liquidity of the altcoin market. VC token unlocking: Continuous large-scale unlocking has brought continuous selling pressure, resulting in a "supply exceeds demand" situation in the market. Although the prices of some altcoins continue to fall, their circulating market value continues to set new highs. Sky-high opening of new projects: A series of long-hyped popular projects, such as, ZKsync, LayerZero, Blast, etc., are rapidly consuming the remaining liquidity of the market. Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, free entry The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of these projects is generally as high as billions of US dollars, further exacerbating the lack of liquidity in the altcoin market. In summary, these factors have combined to create a situation where the current bull market has nothing to do with the altcoin market, which faces greater challenges and liquidity issues.
The reasons for this bull market that is not related to altcoins are as follows:
ETF approval: The approval of ETFs has changed the flow of funds in the market. Traditionally, the path for incremental funds to enter the market is "stablecoins - BTC, ETH - altcoins". However, now incremental funds from traditional markets prefer to invest directly in BTC through ETFs, which makes it impossible for funds to continue to be transmitted to the altcoin market, thus affecting the liquidity of the altcoin market.
VC token unlocking: Continuous large-scale unlocking has brought continuous selling pressure, resulting in a "supply exceeds demand" situation in the market. Although the prices of some altcoins continue to fall, their circulating market value continues to set new highs.
Sky-high opening of new projects: A series of long-hyped popular projects, such as, ZKsync, LayerZero, Blast, etc., are rapidly consuming the remaining liquidity of the market. Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, free entry The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of these projects is generally as high as billions of US dollars, further exacerbating the lack of liquidity in the altcoin market.
In summary, these factors have combined to create a situation where the current bull market has nothing to do with the altcoin market, which faces greater challenges and liquidity issues.
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