In domestic lawsuits, unscrupulous lawyers have routines everywhere. Let me tell you, remember it, and avoid pitfalls when you need it!

For example, if someone owes you money, you find a lawyer to deal with it, and the other party will sign a contract with you. For those who are not legal professionals or have no relevant awareness, you can't understand the twists and turns and professional terms in it.

In your mind, you find a lawyer to sue, they will collect your money, and help you deal with it until the case is over. In the communication with them, they will also tell you that they will go to the court, go on a business trip, apply for compulsory execution, etc. They will tell you that they are very professional, and any litigation fees, lawyer fees, and miscellaneous expenses can be paid by the other party! But the facts are completely the opposite! They just treat you as a fool and slaughter you like a pig! And they understand the law, the process, and the loopholes, and will use a set of logic that you don't understand to make you stunned! Let you ride a tiger and be in a dilemma, and have to continue to pay!

In fact, many civil lawsuits can be handled by ourselves! It's just that most people lack such experience and find it troublesome! Most lawyers are actually nothing. What they earn is just an information gap, that's all!

Not to mention the litigation fees and attorney fees, they will ask you for travel expenses when the court is about to start. After the case is judged and you win, they will tell you that applying for compulsory execution will also cost extra fees, starting at several thousand! But they won't tell you these in advance! If you lose, or the other party appeals, the second instance will charge you the full fee again! Moreover, the court does not support attorney fees, miscellaneous fees, etc.! They just wanted to trick you into paying money!