My subjective judgment

1. **The current bull market is in the mid-term correction stage**: A big market is expected in the next 3-6 months, and a super violent bull market is expected in the next year.

2. **Altcoin season is coming**: Altcoins will have a period of explosion, but the time to escape the top may only be 1-2 months.

3. **The huge potential of head projects**: In the fields of rune heads, inscription heads, and small pictures of Bitcoin, many assets may have 10-50 times growth opportunities in the future, including Pizza Dog, RSIC, Sats, Rats, Ordi, Wzrd Pups, Little Frog, Node Monkey and Puppet, etc.

Operation suggestions

1. **Do a good job of position management and allocation**

- 50% of the positions must be allocated to Bitcoin or Ethereum to ensure the stability and security of investment.

2. **Allocation of altcoins and head projects**

- 20%-30% of the positions can be allocated to the altcoins, inscription heads and rune head projects that you are optimistic about, in pursuit of higher returns.

3. **Maintain liquidity**

- Always reserve about 10% of funds for bargain hunting, be ready to ambush hot tracks and projects at any time, and respond flexibly to market changes.

4. **Allocate Meme coins**

- Keep 5-10% of the position for Meme coin investment, strictly implement the stop-profit and stop-loss strategy, and sell at a loss to ensure profits.

Through the above strategies, you can control risks to the maximum extent and strive to obtain higher returns in the mid-term correction stage of the bull market and the upcoming altcoin season. Only by maintaining flexible position management and scientific investment strategies can you move forward steadily in market fluctuations. #Meme板块普涨