Current trend analysis and countermeasures

Based on the current trend, there are probably three possibilities in the next few days:

1. Short-term rise

- Probability: 30%

- Prediction: The price will rise to around 65,500 on the 26th, 27th and 28th.

2. Short-term correction

- Probability: 50%

- Prediction: The price will fall back to around 57,000 within three days.

3. Sharp decline

- Probability: 20%

- Prediction: The price will fall sharply to around 51,000 within three days.


1. If there is a short-term rise (trend one)

- Strategy: Cover short orders around 65,500.

2. If there is a short-term correction (trend two)

- Strategy: Buy the bottom of spot near 57,000 and close the short order at the same time.

3. If there is a sharp decline (trend three)

- Strategy: Buy the bottom near 51,000 and add one times leverage.


- Time node: The specific time is midnight on the 28th. You may need to stay up late to observe the market trend.

- Small fluctuations: If there are small fluctuations, no special attention is needed and they can be ignored.

- Trend analysis:

- Trend 1: Traditional short-selling trend.

- Trend 2: Similar to the callback trend on May 19.

- Trend 3: Similar to the plunge trend on March 12.

Through the above analysis and strategies, you can flexibly respond to market changes in the next few days and strive to obtain the best trading opportunities in different trends. #Meme板块普涨 #BTC走势预测