Federal Reserve Board Governor Bowman's warning: The fire of inflation is still burning, and the door to interest rate cuts is temporarily closed. 🔥

As the global economy gradually wakes up from the shadow of the epidemic, Federal Reserve Board Governor Bowman has sounded the alarm for us. He pointed out that the flames of inflation are still burning, and it is not a wise choice to cut interest rates at this moment. 📉

Bowman's concerns are not groundless. As the economic recovery accelerates, market demand is like a runaway horse, and commodity prices and service costs have soared. At the same time, the global supply chain is still like a messy puzzle, and the high transportation costs and raw material prices have made the flames of inflation burn more and more. 🔥

The tension in the labor market has added fuel to the fire. In order to compete for talent, companies have to increase wages, and these costs will eventually be passed on to consumers, so prices will rise. 💼

Bowman firmly believes that now is not a good time to cut interest rates. He expects that only when the policy interest rate remains unchanged for "a period of stability" will the flames of inflation gradually die out and prices can return to stability. 🔑

Take the United States as an example. Data from the Department of Labor show that the consumer price index has far exceeded the target level, and the global semiconductor shortage has pushed up the prices of automobiles and electronic products, exacerbating the severe inflation situation. 📊

Bauman's remarks caused an uproar in the market. Investors have adjusted their strategies, the stock market has fluctuated, and the US dollar has shown its safe-haven charm and become the new favorite of the market. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #CryptoTradingGuide #币安HODLer空投