The following is a profit plan for small funds.

If it is executed according to the plan, it is expected to achieve the million-dollar goal.

1. Initial accumulation: First, increase your principal to about 10,000 yuan through two months of hard work.

2. Choose investment timing and targets: When the weekly line of Bitcoin is above MA20, buy two or three newly issued popular currencies that perform well in the bear market, such as APT. It is important to select those currencies that are supported by market heat and stories behind them.

3. Risk control: If Bitcoin falls below MA20, stop loss in time. At the same time, during the investment period, continue to look for other opportunities to make money, leaving yourself two or three opportunities to fail. If your initial capital is 20,000 yuan, invest 10,000 yuan, which means you have three attempts.

4. Profit expectations: Once you hold a currency such as APT, it is recommended to sell it when it reaches 4-5 times the profit. Continue to implement this strategy, but remember that as a small investor, you should focus on emerging currencies rather than mainstream currencies such as ETH and BTC, because their gains may not meet your profit expectations.

5. Long-term planning and adjustment: During the transition from bear market to bull market, if you can successfully capture three 5-fold increases, your total return will reach about 125 times. This process may take one to three years. If you fail in these three attempts, it is recommended that you stay away from investment for the time being and focus on work and personal development. When you are more mature and stable, consider retrying this strategy under similar market conditions.

Most importantly, you need to be patient. If you feel confused or unable to grasp the market trend, you may wish to withdraw and wait and see, or seek professional advice.

Remember, investment requires caution, and the cryptocurrency circle is no exception.

Only by continuous learning and practice can you find your place in this field full of opportunities and challenges. I wish you success!

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