The violent selling is like a tidal wave,

as if it will tear the entire market apart until it reaches the distant starting point.

The bad news is circling overhead like a crow, constantly releasing ominous omens.

However, what do we have to fear? Since we have already fallen below the legendary 54,000 mark, why not give it a try, let everything go back to zero, and start over? Mentougou, the German government, the American government, how much secret wealth do you still have in your hands? Take it all out, and make this storm even more violent! See who can stand firm in this vortex, and who can laugh to the end in this big reshuffle.

Those warriors who once vowed to buy the bottom at 56,000 points, now that the market has fallen to 53,000, why are you still hesitating? Is it fear or greed? The news of large investors being liquidated keeps coming in the news, which is really sad.

Do they really not understand stop loss, or are they too confident that they have lost the last line of defense? This big liquidation may be the process of self-purification of the market. Those giants who were once so prosperous are now just a small boat in the storm.

The huge wealth of a certain whale that was liquidated is like a meteor across the night sky, short and dazzling. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are more undercurrents waiting for us to discover. The over-the-counter price of USDT soared, with a premium rate of up to 2.63%.

Does this mean that someone is using their entire net worth, or even mortgaging their house, in exchange for this last hope? The market is always full of variables, but as long as we have firm beliefs and move forward courageously, we will eventually usher in the dawn of dawn.

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