#FET $FET FET Today's Market Analysis

Today's FET market shows a clear bullish trend, and its bullish position has been established at the 1/2 hour level. At the 4-hour level, the market released a yellow signal, which provides us with an important reference. It is particularly worth noting that today we need to pay close attention to the 4-hour level of the bullish and bearish watershed, which is the key point near 1.4460.

If the market fails to hold the bullish position and shows a downward trend, we should set the target price near the important support levels of 1.4342, 1.4003 and 1.3443. On the contrary, if FET can successfully rebound and break through the current pressure level, the upper target price is expected to reach 1.4970, 1.5275 or even higher 1.5869.

In terms of operation, investors are advised to maintain a cautious and optimistic attitude and flexibly adjust strategies according to the real-time market trend to seize the best trading opportunities.

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