#INJ $INJ INJ short position is profitable. Yesterday, the intraday short-term prompt was short, and everyone was asked to focus on the long-short watershed near 21.246. The market broke the 4-hour long-short price and went short all the way to the lower target.

Short-term contract monitoring operation, real-time attention to the changes in long and short forces.

INJ market interpretation:

Today's INJ market shows that the 1/2/4-hour level is firmly in the long camp. However, once the market shows a purple signal, the callback trend may appear. Therefore, we pay special attention to the 4-hour level of long and short watershed, that is, the key point of 21.246.

If the price unfortunately drops, be sure to pay attention to the following support levels: 20.973, 20.461 and 20.019. These positions are the "safety net" of the price, which helps to judge the support strength at the bottom of the market.

On the contrary, if the market rebounds, the upper target prices will become our focus: 23.324, 23.906 and 24.488. These prices are like the "lighthouse" of the market, guiding the direction of price increase.

Please note that the market fluctuates frequently and any operation needs to be done with caution. Investors need to pay close attention to the dynamics of the market and grasp investment opportunities reasonably. I wish you all a smooth investment!

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