#GALA $GALA GALA market trend analysis:

GALA's market shows that the 1-hour level is clearly dominated by the short side, but the 2/4-hour level shows a bullish trend. Today, our focus is on the key price of 0.02829 at the 4-hour level.

If the price unfortunately breaks down this key price, we should pay close attention to the support points below, which are 0.02796, 0.02718 and 0.02658, which will become support levels when the price goes down.

However, if the market shows signs of recovery, the upper target prices of 0.02902, 0.02996 and 0.03077 will become the focus of investors, and these prices indicate the potential upside of the market.

In short-term operations, the rapid changes in the market require us to remain highly vigilant. Investors should always pay attention to market dynamics so that they can respond quickly at critical moments and capture trading opportunities.

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