Regarding the overall market, I am not worried about it. Last time, I said to pay attention to the 66,000 position. If it breaks, it will go to the 60,000 support. There is a reason for the 60,000 support, because the 60,000 position is close to the cost price of miners, and there is a certain amount of capital tray, not to mention Ethereum. Ethereum has not performed well since the beginning of this round, but the benefits of Ethereum in the second half of the year are greater than those of Bitcoin, and Brother Sun has been buying a lot. Although this cannot be regarded as a signal, it can stimulate the emotions of big investors.

There is one point for reference. The contract position chart currently shows that the entire network is increasing, that is, the leverage of the entire network is increasing. The increase in positions during the rise is bullish, and the increase in positions during the fall is bearish, so these small signals also show that the market has not stabilized and stopped falling.

According to the previous reversal signals, if you want to take off in the big market, you must thoroughly wash the leverage. In the absence of sudden benefits, don't move your positions.

On the positive side of the market, since the last time the market postponed the interest rate cut, it has been shown that the market will have to adjust for a period of time, at least to the predicted interest rate cut stage, which is September. At that time, it was also said that the cottage with favorable conditions in the middle can be used for swing trading. So now it is less to add and more to watch!

The good news that can be seen is that the Ethereum ETF can be traded in July. At present, this prediction is basically less than 50% on the external network. It is generally believed that it is impossible to trade in July. No one can guarantee this. We can only slowly wait for the news from the market. Another is the interest rate cut.

Regarding cottages, it only takes half a month for cottages to come out and make the market reverse the bull market, but the premise is that there needs to be a hot spot that detonates the market. At present, there is no new narrative for cottages, which has caused the current situation. The decline is more than the rise. It can fall back after rising for half a month and half an hour.

So it is still recommended for spot trading that those whose narratives have landed should leave, and the rest should stay. If they don’t stay, I believe that in the current market, the principal will also lose money in other currencies, so control your position first.

Overall, continue to wait patiently for the end of the pullback. We need to see a signal that the pullback trend is about to end, but there is no signal yet.