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Click on the yellow text to join the official Binance Crab Boss chat room! The image is the entrance to the chat room after joining! Real-time wealth codes including market alerts and faith recharges will be conducted! Everyone is welcome! [币安蟹老板的聊天室](
Click on the yellow text to join the official Binance Crab Boss chat room!
The image is the entrance to the chat room after joining! Real-time wealth codes including market alerts and faith recharges will be conducted! Everyone is welcome!

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As a businessman, I have never believed that Trump could accept being trapped in ETH without making any statements. #加密市场观察
As a businessman, I have never believed that Trump could accept being trapped in ETH without making any statements.
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Esta semana é a semana antes da reunião de política monetária do Japão em 19 de março e da reunião do Federal Reserve às 3 da manhã do dia 20 de março. Os investidores principais com certeza vão conter suas ações, e o mercado definitivamente começará a oscilar com volume reduzido, estimando-se que terão que esperar até antes da reunião para ver uma movimentação significativa. Além disso, de quarta a sexta-feira à noite, haverá estímulos informativos. Na quarta-feira às 20h30: dados do CPI dos EUA de fevereiro, na quinta-feira às 21h30: PPI núcleo dos EUA de fevereiro, e na sexta-feira às 21h30: valor inicial das expectativas de inflação de 1 ano. Em relação à perspectiva do mercado, a menos que haja uma notícia muito negativa, a verdadeira baixa só acontecerá quando os detentores de curto prazo passarem suas participações, e atualmente isso não está acontecendo. Em outras palavras, uma vez que a sensação do mercado seja positiva, os preços vão se recuperar, mas a magnitude dessa recuperação dependerá da força do estímulo positivo. Assim, dentro dessa lógica, só podemos observar algumas exceções.
Esta semana é a semana antes da reunião de política monetária do Japão em 19 de março e da reunião do Federal Reserve às 3 da manhã do dia 20 de março. Os investidores principais com certeza vão conter suas ações, e o mercado definitivamente começará a oscilar com volume reduzido, estimando-se que terão que esperar até antes da reunião para ver uma movimentação significativa.

Além disso, de quarta a sexta-feira à noite, haverá estímulos informativos. Na quarta-feira às 20h30: dados do CPI dos EUA de fevereiro, na quinta-feira às 21h30: PPI núcleo dos EUA de fevereiro, e na sexta-feira às 21h30: valor inicial das expectativas de inflação de 1 ano.

Em relação à perspectiva do mercado, a menos que haja uma notícia muito negativa, a verdadeira baixa só acontecerá quando os detentores de curto prazo passarem suas participações, e atualmente isso não está acontecendo. Em outras palavras, uma vez que a sensação do mercado seja positiva, os preços vão se recuperar, mas a magnitude dessa recuperação dependerá da força do estímulo positivo. Assim, dentro dessa lógica, só podemos observar algumas exceções.
ETH跌破2000是机会?川普重仓被套,散户该捡便宜还是快跑?新的一周开始,首先本周行情得好好聊聊,这周是3月19日日本议息会和3月20日凌晨3点美联储议息会的前一周,主力肯定会收敛动作,盘面肯定开始缩量震荡,估计得憋着劲儿等到会议前后来个上下扎针。 而且这周三到周五晚上还有信息面刺激,周三20:30:美国2月CPI数据,周四21:30:美国2月核心PPI,周五21:30:1年通胀预期初值。 川普强硬且反复无常的关税政策是市场始料未及的,而市场最讨厌的就是不确定性,更何况它背后可能带来的通胀反弹与经济放缓,于是哐哐就是一顿跌,到后面就是川普说推迟关税都不起作用了,直到周五鲍威尔说“经济还算稳健的”,美股才稍稍止跌。  但他也提了,在川普政策影响进一步明晰前不急于降息市场也在担心是否就此进熊了,但今年大概率会结束QT,也大概率会继续降息,也就是在流动性逐渐转宽松的情况下进熊也是少有。 让我们深入分析现状 市场出现两个有趣的矛盾:  1. 重大利好消息不断 - 但价格反应平平。 2. 行业大规模应用 - 散户参与度却不高。 后续我会详细解析这种分裂行情背后的逻辑 + 可能的演变路径。 白宫首届加密货币峰会真相:  比预期差10倍 结果只带来更多疑问



1. 重大利好消息不断 - 但价格反应平平。
2. 行业大规模应用 - 散户参与度却不高。
后续我会详细解析这种分裂行情背后的逻辑 + 可能的演变路径。
比预期差10倍 结果只带来更多疑问
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The drop limit of ETH is around 1600. Market sentiment always fluctuates significantly around the rational baseline, being overly optimistic at times and overly pessimistic at others. #加密市场回调
The drop limit of ETH is around 1600. Market sentiment always fluctuates significantly around the rational baseline, being overly optimistic at times and overly pessimistic at others.
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Aguarde o mercado de bolhas sendo espremer, e então uma nova narrativa nascerá.#加密市场观察
Aguarde o mercado de bolhas sendo espremer, e então uma nova narrativa nascerá.#加密市场观察
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Is the market done? Rational Analysis Time is insufficient, the decline is not enough, because every round down Bitcoin will drop at least over 70%. Moreover, it is only considered a complete round of major liquidation when it approaches the previous round's high point. If it ends at 110,000, dropping to 60,000 is not enough of a decline to complete a major liquidation. There are still many positive expectations ahead. Perhaps a rate cut meeting will push it up, the Russia-Ukraine war, the state reserve bill, any positive news can drive it up. The real top is like the top of Sol, a big bullish candle pulls up the top and then it collapses quickly, catching everyone off guard. Bitcoin has not reached this stage yet. The miner shutdown price is at 72,000 USD for high hash rate miners. This shutdown price generally appears only during the darkest period of a bear market. Bitcoin currently does not meet the conditions, so I think holding good spot is more cost-effective than cutting losses. #加密市场观察
Is the market done?

Rational Analysis

Time is insufficient, the decline is not enough, because every round down Bitcoin will drop at least over 70%. Moreover, it is only considered a complete round of major liquidation when it approaches the previous round's high point. If it ends at 110,000, dropping to 60,000 is not enough of a decline to complete a major liquidation.

There are still many positive expectations ahead. Perhaps a rate cut meeting will push it up, the Russia-Ukraine war, the state reserve bill, any positive news can drive it up.

The real top is like the top of Sol, a big bullish candle pulls up the top and then it collapses quickly, catching everyone off guard. Bitcoin has not reached this stage yet.

The miner shutdown price is at 72,000 USD for high hash rate miners. This shutdown price generally appears only during the darkest period of a bear market. Bitcoin currently does not meet the conditions, so I think holding good spot is more cost-effective than cutting losses.
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O mercado à vista pode ser uma grande perda, mas não vai explodir, eu vou esperar até morrer!!! Para ser honesto, eu realmente não esperava que o mercado caísse tanto assim, talvez essa seja a lógica e a regra do mercado, onde os limites de alta e baixa sempre superam as expectativas, porque é assim que se maximiza o lucro. Quem diria que o Bitcoin um dia chegaria a mais de 100 mil dólares? E quem pensaria que as altcoins se desconectariam do Bitcoin? Depois, as altcoins evaporariam 80% em um curto período de tempo? Em suma, as táticas dos grandes investidores sempre farão os pequenos investidores duvidarem de si mesmos, até chegarem ao desespero. Se você perguntar qual é a esperança agora? Eu diria que o mercado já está desesperado, porque a recuperação do mercado costuma começar no desespero de todos. Somente quando todos tiverem vendido suas posições, o mercado começará a subir, porque assim se transformará em uma alta sem custo, e então novamente induzirá todos a entrarem e comprarem, em um ciclo sem fim, os grandes investidores sempre ganhando dinheiro, enquanto os pequenos investidores sempre atuam como combustível infinito. #加密市场观察
O mercado à vista pode ser uma grande perda, mas não vai explodir, eu vou esperar até morrer!!!

Para ser honesto, eu realmente não esperava que o mercado caísse tanto assim, talvez essa seja a lógica e a regra do mercado, onde os limites de alta e baixa sempre superam as expectativas, porque é assim que se maximiza o lucro. Quem diria que o Bitcoin um dia chegaria a mais de 100 mil dólares? E quem pensaria que as altcoins se desconectariam do Bitcoin? Depois, as altcoins evaporariam 80% em um curto período de tempo?

Em suma, as táticas dos grandes investidores sempre farão os pequenos investidores duvidarem de si mesmos, até chegarem ao desespero. Se você perguntar qual é a esperança agora?

Eu diria que o mercado já está desesperado, porque a recuperação do mercado costuma começar no desespero de todos. Somente quando todos tiverem vendido suas posições, o mercado começará a subir, porque assim se transformará em uma alta sem custo, e então novamente induzirá todos a entrarem e comprarem, em um ciclo sem fim, os grandes investidores sempre ganhando dinheiro, enquanto os pequenos investidores sempre atuam como combustível infinito. #加密市场观察
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This wave of knockoffs, the frequency of declines exceeds 519, the degree of decline rivals 312, the level of despair is no less than 94, and the most terrifying part is that Bitcoin is still at 80K+. #加密市场回调
This wave of knockoffs, the frequency of declines exceeds 519, the degree of decline rivals 312, the level of despair is no less than 94, and the most terrifying part is that Bitcoin is still at 80K+. #加密市场回调
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If the only way to regain a bull market is by lowering interest rates, when is the earliest it could happen? Currently, the market expects a 12% probability of an interest rate cut on March 19, essentially unlikely, 52.1% in May, and 86.2% in June. #加密市场回调 #加密市场观察
If the only way to regain a bull market is by lowering interest rates, when is the earliest it could happen?

Currently, the market expects a 12% probability of an interest rate cut on March 19, essentially unlikely, 52.1% in May, and 86.2% in June.

#加密市场回调 #加密市场观察
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This market hasn't woken up yet, so don't wake it. If it can sleep a little longer, let it sleep a bit more. 😭#加密市场回调
This market hasn't woken up yet, so don't wake it. If it can sleep a little longer, let it sleep a bit more. 😭#加密市场回调
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Tem algum projeto que você está investindo?\n\nNesta semana, APT, ARB e STRK terão uma liberação única de tokens, totalizando mais de 50 milhões de dólares, dos quais:\n\nAptos (APT) será desbloqueado em 13 de março às 6:00, liberando 11,31 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 63,22 milhões de dólares, representando 1,92% da circulação;\n\nPolyhedra Network (ZKJ) será desbloqueado em 14 de março às 8:00, liberando 17,22 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 35,48 milhões de dólares, representando 28,52% da circulação;\n\nStarknet (STRK) será desbloqueado em 15 de março às 8:00, liberando 64 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 10 milhões de dólares, representando 2,33% da circulação;\n\nConnex (CONX) será desbloqueado em 15 de março às 8:00, liberando 4,33 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 73,48 milhões de dólares, representando 376,3% da circulação;\n\nOnyxcoin (XCN) será desbloqueado em 15 de março às 8:00, liberando 296 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 3,63 milhões de dólares, representando 0,9% da circulação;\n\nSei (SEI) será desbloqueado em 15 de março às 20:00, liberando 55,56 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 11,18 milhões de dólares, representando 1,19% da circulação;\n\nArbitrum (ARB) será desbloqueado em 16 de março às 21:00, liberando 92,65 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 32,60 milhões de dólares, representando 2,1% da circulação.\n\n#加密市场观察
Tem algum projeto que você está investindo?\n\nNesta semana, APT, ARB e STRK terão uma liberação única de tokens, totalizando mais de 50 milhões de dólares, dos quais:\n\nAptos (APT) será desbloqueado em 13 de março às 6:00, liberando 11,31 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 63,22 milhões de dólares, representando 1,92% da circulação;\n\nPolyhedra Network (ZKJ) será desbloqueado em 14 de março às 8:00, liberando 17,22 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 35,48 milhões de dólares, representando 28,52% da circulação;\n\nStarknet (STRK) será desbloqueado em 15 de março às 8:00, liberando 64 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 10 milhões de dólares, representando 2,33% da circulação;\n\nConnex (CONX) será desbloqueado em 15 de março às 8:00, liberando 4,33 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 73,48 milhões de dólares, representando 376,3% da circulação;\n\nOnyxcoin (XCN) será desbloqueado em 15 de março às 8:00, liberando 296 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 3,63 milhões de dólares, representando 0,9% da circulação;\n\nSei (SEI) será desbloqueado em 15 de março às 20:00, liberando 55,56 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 11,18 milhões de dólares, representando 1,19% da circulação;\n\nArbitrum (ARB) será desbloqueado em 16 de março às 21:00, liberando 92,65 milhões de tokens, no valor de aproximadamente 32,60 milhões de dólares, representando 2,1% da circulação.\n\n#加密市场观察
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Why was there no movement in the market during the crypto summit? What signals were there at the summit?At 2:30 AM, Trump officially started the crypto summit at the White House, praising Bitcoin throughout the event. He said, 'Bitcoin is a treasure; America should keep it and not sell!' He also said he wants the U.S. to be the leader in the global cryptocurrency space. Now the U.S. government holds 200,000 BTC (almost all confiscated), keeping them without selling but also not planning to buy more. What does this operation mean? Why isn't the market reacting? Let’s discuss the highlights of this conference today. 1: The U.S. treats Bitcoin like gold. Trump clearly stated that Bitcoin is now treated the same as gold as part of the national strategic reserve. The government currently holds 200,000 BTC and isn’t selling a single one. He also urged his supporters: 'Hold on tight to Bitcoin!' He also criticized Biden for selling Bitcoin at a low price and missing out on a lot of profits. However, Trump also mentioned that he would let the Treasury and Commerce departments find ways to get more Bitcoin, but absolutely not using taxpayers' money. His crypto advisor said: 'Bitcoin is scarce and valuable; holding it is beneficial. If Bitcoin wants to rise to $100,000, it will rely on Wall Street; if it wants to reach $1 million, it will depend on various governments scrambling to hoard it. Trump is setting the example, and it seems that a battle for Bitcoin among countries is going to unfold soon.'

Why was there no movement in the market during the crypto summit? What signals were there at the summit?

At 2:30 AM, Trump officially started the crypto summit at the White House, praising Bitcoin throughout the event. He said, 'Bitcoin is a treasure; America should keep it and not sell!' He also said he wants the U.S. to be the leader in the global cryptocurrency space.
Now the U.S. government holds 200,000 BTC (almost all confiscated), keeping them without selling but also not planning to buy more. What does this operation mean? Why isn't the market reacting? Let’s discuss the highlights of this conference today.
1: The U.S. treats Bitcoin like gold. Trump clearly stated that Bitcoin is now treated the same as gold as part of the national strategic reserve. The government currently holds 200,000 BTC and isn’t selling a single one. He also urged his supporters: 'Hold on tight to Bitcoin!' He also criticized Biden for selling Bitcoin at a low price and missing out on a lot of profits. However, Trump also mentioned that he would let the Treasury and Commerce departments find ways to get more Bitcoin, but absolutely not using taxpayers' money. His crypto advisor said: 'Bitcoin is scarce and valuable; holding it is beneficial. If Bitcoin wants to rise to $100,000, it will rely on Wall Street; if it wants to reach $1 million, it will depend on various governments scrambling to hoard it. Trump is setting the example, and it seems that a battle for Bitcoin among countries is going to unfold soon.'
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Many people are looking forward to the crypto summit at dawn where Trump talks about XRP, Solana, and so on, but in the end, he only mentioned BTC throughout the whole event, without saying a word about other coins. It can be seen that Trump's strategy is 'BTC supremacy', and in the short term, altcoins can only temporarily take a back seat, with market funds possibly further flowing into BTC. In the short term, this summit is basically just talk and empty promises, with no substantial new policies being implemented, so the market has not reacted much, and it remains mainly in a state of fluctuation. However, in the long term, with the U.S. government leading the way in hoarding Bitcoin, relaxing regulations, and promoting new stablecoin regulations, coupled with the possibility of global central banks following suit, there is a vast potential for Bitcoin's future. Finally, how much do you think Bitcoin can rise during Trump's four years in office? Feel free to discuss in the comments.
Many people are looking forward to the crypto summit at dawn where Trump talks about XRP, Solana, and so on, but in the end, he only mentioned BTC throughout the whole event, without saying a word about other coins.

It can be seen that Trump's strategy is 'BTC supremacy', and in the short term, altcoins can only temporarily take a back seat, with market funds possibly further flowing into BTC.

In the short term, this summit is basically just talk and empty promises, with no substantial new policies being implemented, so the market has not reacted much, and it remains mainly in a state of fluctuation.

However, in the long term, with the U.S. government leading the way in hoarding Bitcoin, relaxing regulations, and promoting new stablecoin regulations, coupled with the possibility of global central banks following suit, there is a vast potential for Bitcoin's future.

Finally, how much do you think Bitcoin can rise during Trump's four years in office? Feel free to discuss in the comments.
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The crypto summit has ended, and the market has returned to macro expectations, inflation, dot plot, and tapering situation. It seems that what can boost sentiment is the situation regarding tapering discussed in the monetary policy meeting; even slowing down tapering would be a good thing. #白宫首届加密货币峰会
The crypto summit has ended, and the market has returned to macro expectations, inflation, dot plot, and tapering situation.

It seems that what can boost sentiment is the situation regarding tapering discussed in the monetary policy meeting; even slowing down tapering would be a good thing.
现货法则依然存在,但等待周期在变长! 现在除了BTC,其他的山寨都跌惨了,但我想说最稳的赚钱方式依然是现货。 1、现货没有爆仓机制,你最多就是亏,不至于出现本金变空气的局面。 2、这种普遍暴跌85%的情况,不正是抄底的好时机嘛?9.4和3.12你感觉币圈要死了,你不敢抄底,结果牛市的时候,你又后悔当初为什么没有抄底?其实有时候危机可能就是机遇,只是看你如何看待?如何抉择了? 3、现在ETH和SOL生态代币可以说奄奄一息了,你不抄底吧,它后续可能会有牛市?你抄底吧,它可能还会跌,把你留在半山腰上,其实现在就是考验心态和勇气的时候,如果你还想继续参与,那就分批抄底热门代币,不要在乎短时的盈亏,你不想冒险,也在情理之中。怎么说呢?现货法则依然存在,只是等待周期在变长,毕竟目前疯牛复苏的迹象还没看到。 如果你想尽可能的降低风险,就抄底ETH和SOL,虽然不能爆赚,但至少可以保证你风险最低化。 #白宫首届加密货币峰会






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Tonight, two major events in the crypto world directly determine the rise and fall! At 2:30 AM, crypto bigwigs are having a meeting! Don’t just look at Trump signing the "Bitcoin Treasury" document this morning without spending money to buy coins; the key is that he still has a "national red envelope" fund in his pocket! This money bag can not only buy Bitcoin but might also sweep up coins like Auntie (ETH) and Brother Suo (SOL)! Tonight, keep a close watch on three crucial questions: ❶ Where is the money coming from? (Is the printing press running or are they harvesting leeks taxes?) ❷ When will they start buying? (Will they announce it tonight or just make empty promises?) ❸ How much are they planning to buy? (All in or just a little bit?) If the Trump team says "we are researching," it is likely to turn good news into bad news. However, judging from their recent actions, who knows, they might be able to pull out some surprises. At 9:30 PM, the U.S. employment report: This thing is more thrilling than a weather forecast! Recently, layoffs in the U.S. have been like setting off firecrackers, leading to: ✅ Unemployment rate may rise → Forcing the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates quickly (this is what the crypto world loves to hear). ❌ But if unemployment rises too sharply/job vacancies plummet → Everyone will fear that the economy is going to collapse. The ideal situation is for the data to "slightly decline," just like drinking milk tea with a third of the sugar — it creates both expectations for interest rate cuts and avoids triggering panic. Stay awake, my brothers! And there’s another thing: Boss Crab will issue a red envelope command in the small circle of the square at 8:30 tonight! [点击进入币安蟹老板的聊天室今天发口令红包!]( #特朗普签署行政命令
Tonight, two major events in the crypto world directly determine the rise and fall!

At 2:30 AM, crypto bigwigs are having a meeting! Don’t just look at Trump signing the "Bitcoin Treasury" document this morning without spending money to buy coins; the key is that he still has a "national red envelope" fund in his pocket! This money bag can not only buy Bitcoin but might also sweep up coins like Auntie (ETH) and Brother Suo (SOL)!

Tonight, keep a close watch on three crucial questions:

❶ Where is the money coming from? (Is the printing press running or are they harvesting leeks taxes?)
❷ When will they start buying? (Will they announce it tonight or just make empty promises?)
❸ How much are they planning to buy? (All in or just a little bit?)

If the Trump team says "we are researching," it is likely to turn good news into bad news. However, judging from their recent actions, who knows, they might be able to pull out some surprises.

At 9:30 PM, the U.S. employment report:

This thing is more thrilling than a weather forecast! Recently, layoffs in the U.S. have been like setting off firecrackers, leading to:

✅ Unemployment rate may rise → Forcing the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates quickly (this is what the crypto world loves to hear).

❌ But if unemployment rises too sharply/job vacancies plummet → Everyone will fear that the economy is going to collapse.

The ideal situation is for the data to "slightly decline," just like drinking milk tea with a third of the sugar — it creates both expectations for interest rate cuts and avoids triggering panic. Stay awake, my brothers!

And there’s another thing: Boss Crab will issue a red envelope command in the small circle of the square at 8:30 tonight!


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Tonight, two major events in the crypto world determine the rise and fall! Trump includes Bitcoin in the strategic reserve, opening a new era!Let's first talk about the most concerning events that happened today. Trump signed an executive order to establish a strategic Bitcoin reserve. The detailed content can be simply understood as: 1. The last time some Bitcoin was sold, the US currently still holds 200,000 BTC, which won’t be sold for four years. The Bitcoin strategic reserve has been established, and all holdings are from previous confiscations. No additional money will be spent to buy Bitcoin in the future. 2. A cryptocurrency reserve will be established, using confiscated cryptocurrencies as strategic reserves, including Bitcoin, requiring all institutions to provide a complete accounting of digital assets to the Treasury.

Tonight, two major events in the crypto world determine the rise and fall! Trump includes Bitcoin in the strategic reserve, opening a new era!

Let's first talk about the most concerning events that happened today.
Trump signed an executive order to establish a strategic Bitcoin reserve. The detailed content can be simply understood as:
1. The last time some Bitcoin was sold, the US currently still holds 200,000 BTC, which won’t be sold for four years. The Bitcoin strategic reserve has been established, and all holdings are from previous confiscations. No additional money will be spent to buy Bitcoin in the future.
2. A cryptocurrency reserve will be established, using confiscated cryptocurrencies as strategic reserves, including Bitcoin, requiring all institutions to provide a complete accounting of digital assets to the Treasury.
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