
The market is waiting to change, and opportunities are hidden in it! ?

If the data of the big cake shows a big waterfall next week, the market may start in advance. If the data is good, there may be a reversal. After all, the election in the United States is approaching.

Many people are saying that there is no fun in the copycat, there are junk coins everywhere, and the liquidity is still very poor. Hum, why didn't they say anything when they were crazy about fomo before!

These people are typical fence-sitters.

You know, the more pessimistic the market is, the greater the opportunities it contains! Don't be afraid of the spot in our hands. What comes out now are all bloody chips. If they don't cut their losses, how can you make money!

It's also okay to do short-term trading. Buy one hand at the support level. If you are trapped, just lie flat.

What we have to do is to hold on to it for 25 years before shipping. As long as the chips in your hand only increase and not decrease, there is no big problem.

Don't touch leverage and contracts.

If the OTC market is unstable, you can't hold on to the coins, and it's easy to be upset by the noise in the market!

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