
The lie of non-farm data will be exposed, and the crisis is approaching? Can the Fed turn the tide?

The non-farm data whitewashes the situation every month, but in the end, the truth is ruthlessly revealed by the revision after the month.

Today, the market has long been numb and immune to non-farm data, and the lies carefully woven by the Federal Reserve are on the verge of collapse.

If there is still no interest rate cut in September, I am afraid that the terrible crisis of 2008 will be repeated.

Looking back at history, Japan was able to respond quickly, but now a certain big country seems to be stuck in a quagmire and has not seen effective action.

The urgency has been expressed in words, and it is eagerly seeking answers in full view of the public.

In order to protect the exchange rate, liquidity is actually withdrawn. Such a move is really ridiculous.

People can't help but worry that 2023 may be a year of misjudgment for a group of decision makers, and they are collectively facing the crisis of stepping down.

And the successors are inevitably uneasy, and the road ahead is full of unknowns.

Objectively speaking, the Fed has indeed tried its best, but it is not an omnipotent god.

If we could have half the skill and wisdom of the Fed, today's situation might be very different.

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