Binance Square
15 Posts
Big news on the morning of the 24th! ! ! ! #美联储何时降息? If Trump is elected, the cryptocurrency market might see changes! ! ! ! If Trump wins, his partnership with Gensler may continue. Former President Donald Trump has publicly stated that he supports cryptocurrency and plans to end the "anti-crypto movement" within an hour if re-elected. However, Trump's team has remained vague about specific cryptocurrency policies. It’s important to note that the current SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) Chairman, Gary Gensler, will serve until 2026. This means that even if Trump is elected, he cannot immediately remove Gensler. According to US law, the president can only dismiss SEC members for "inefficiency, dereliction of duty, or malfeasance." Additionally, President Joe Biden has nominated Caroline Crenshaw for re-election as an SEC member, with the Senate voting on this nomination next month. This adds more uncertainty to Trump's potential cryptocurrency policies if he is elected. The implications of Trump’s stance on cryptocurrency Trump's pro-cryptocurrency stance has drawn significant attention within the cryptocurrency community. His position suggests that if re-elected, the US regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies might become more relaxed. However, considering the potential partnership with Gensler and the Senate vote on Crenshaw's re-election, there are still many uncertainties regarding whether Trump can achieve his cryptocurrency policy objectives. Click on the avatar for a bull market strategy layout, free sharing, and to be a free blogger, just to increase followers. #币安上线ZK #meme板块关注热点 #BTC #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
Big news on the morning of the 24th! ! ! !
If Trump is elected, the cryptocurrency market might see changes! ! ! !
If Trump wins, his partnership with Gensler may continue. Former President Donald Trump has publicly stated that he supports cryptocurrency and plans to end the "anti-crypto movement" within an hour if re-elected.
However, Trump's team has remained vague about specific cryptocurrency policies.
It’s important to note that the current SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) Chairman, Gary Gensler, will serve until 2026. This means that even if Trump is elected, he cannot immediately remove Gensler. According to US law, the president can only dismiss SEC members for "inefficiency, dereliction of duty, or malfeasance."
Additionally, President Joe Biden has nominated Caroline Crenshaw for re-election as an SEC member, with the Senate voting on this nomination next month. This adds more uncertainty to Trump's potential cryptocurrency policies if he is elected.
The implications of Trump’s stance on cryptocurrency
Trump's pro-cryptocurrency stance has drawn significant attention within the cryptocurrency community. His position suggests that if re-elected, the US regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies might become more relaxed. However, considering the potential partnership with Gensler and the Senate vote on Crenshaw's re-election, there are still many uncertainties regarding whether Trump can achieve his cryptocurrency policy objectives.
Click on the avatar for a bull market strategy layout, free sharing, and to be a free blogger, just to increase followers.

#币安上线ZK #meme板块关注热点 #BTC
#BinanceTournament #Megadrop
See original
Many people got free stuff today $LISTA {spot}(LISTAUSDT) Just tell me if it’s good or not? The minimum task standard for a single number is about 30U, and those with more numbers can get it directly! You used to look down on airdrops, but what about now? It doesn’t matter if you didn’t participate before, there will be many more airdrops in the future. Don’t miss the airdrops when you encounter them. To get free stuff, you need to try more. It just takes some time and energy. Once you win, you will make money easily. MEME is the most beautiful boy in this bull market. Now the airdrop benefits of meme coin PUNKE are here. PUNKE is a degenerate gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of the magic coin. PUNKE is sold and airdropped fairly on the chain. There is no lock-up selling pressure after it goes online. Only such meme coins can bring fairness back to the currency circle. Now you can receive an airdrop once a day at the event address, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends. How to receive it Wallet DAPP Open PUNKE Receive address Fill in your Ethereum wallet, click to receive, remember to receive it once a day, many will be online on major platforms, don't miss the opportunity. To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big meat, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange for space. If you don't have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price. Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards! $ZK $BNB #币安上线ZK #币安HODLer空投 #MegadropLista {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(ZKUSDT)
Many people got free stuff today $LISTA

Just tell me if it’s good or not?

The minimum task standard for a single number is about 30U, and those with more numbers can get it directly!

You used to look down on airdrops, but what about now?

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t participate before, there will be many more airdrops in the future.

Don’t miss the airdrops when you encounter them. To get free stuff, you need to try more. It just takes some time and energy. Once you win, you will make money easily.

MEME is the most beautiful boy in this bull market. Now the airdrop benefits of meme coin PUNKE are here.

PUNKE is a degenerate gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of the magic coin.

PUNKE is sold and airdropped fairly on the chain. There is no lock-up selling pressure after it goes online.

Only such meme coins can bring fairness back to the currency circle.

Now you can receive an airdrop once a day at the event address, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends.

How to receive it Wallet DAPP Open PUNKE Receive address

Fill in your Ethereum wallet, click to receive, remember to receive it once a day, many will be online on major platforms, don't miss the opportunity.

To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big meat, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange for space. If you don't have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price.

Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards!

$ZK $BNB #币安上线ZK #币安HODLer空投 #MegadropLista
See original
Can the rebound go up? From the 4-hour perspective, both Bitcoin and Ethereum have rebounded to the resistance level, and this position is a key turning point But in the short term, there is not much capital And the rebound of the copycat is also very weak The current market can be said to be a trend of one step forward and two steps back It can’t fall and can’t rise It’s so torturous In the dark moments before dawn, everyone must hold on Next month, Ethereum will pass the ETF, which must be a carnival If you have time, you might as well go for some airdrops You don’t have to speculate on coins to make money in the currency circle. Airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over. In this round of bull market, MEME is the most beautiful boy, and now PEPE’s upgraded version PUNKE is here. PUNKE is a degenerate gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of Inmocoin. Now you can go to the event address to receive an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends. How to claim Open the browser To get the airdrop, you need to store more coins. If you want to get the big money, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange for space. If you don’t have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price. Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards! $SOL $SHIB $SUI #币安上线ZK #币安HODLer空投 #币安合约锦标赛 {spot}(SUIUSDT) {spot}(SHIBUSDT) {spot}(SOLUSDT)
Can the rebound go up?

From the 4-hour perspective, both Bitcoin and Ethereum have rebounded to the resistance level, and this position is a key turning point

But in the short term, there is not much capital

And the rebound of the copycat is also very weak

The current market can be said to be a trend of one step forward and two steps back

It can’t fall and can’t rise

It’s so torturous

In the dark moments before dawn, everyone must hold on

Next month, Ethereum will pass the ETF, which must be a carnival

If you have time, you might as well go for some airdrops

You don’t have to speculate on coins to make money in the currency circle. Airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over.

In this round of bull market, MEME is the most beautiful boy, and now PEPE’s upgraded version PUNKE is here.

PUNKE is a degenerate gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of Inmocoin.

Now you can go to the event address to receive an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends.

How to claim Open the browser

To get the airdrop, you need to store more coins. If you want to get the big money, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange for space. If you don’t have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price.

Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards!

$SOL $SHIB $SUI #币安上线ZK #币安HODLer空投 #币安合约锦标赛

Wow, that's quite a take on the Binance situation! 🕵️‍♂️ Let's unpack this a bit, shall we? First off, kudos for shining a light on this shady practice of buying up popular Chrome extensions. 👏 It's like a digital Trojan horse! Who would've thought your handy dandy extension could turn into a cookie-stealing monster? 🍪👹 You're absolutely right about developers needing to think twice before selling their creations. It's not just about the fat stacks of cash 💰 - there's a real ethical dilemma here. Kinda makes you wonder how many extensions out there are wolves in sheep's clothing, huh? 🐺🐑 Now, onto Binance... Oof, talk about a face-palm moment! 🤦‍♂️ Not verifying cookies and IP addresses? That's like leaving your front door wide open in a neighborhood full of burglars. They definitely dropped the ball on that one. Your advice about using a clean computer or sandbox for crypto stuff is spot on. 💻🏖️ In this wild west of digital currencies, you can't be too careful. Trust no one, not even your own shadow! 😅 And that last bit about following you for more crypto wisdom? Well, aren't you a cheeky one! 😉 While I can't endorse specific individuals or strategies, I gotta say, staying informed in the crypto world is crucial. Just remember, folks - always do your own research and be cautious with your hard-earned coins! 🧐💎 Stay safe out there in the crypto jungle, everyone! 🌴🐒 And remember, if an offer sounds too good to be true... it probably is! 🚩 #币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #币安上线ZK
Wow, that's quite a take on the Binance situation! 🕵️‍♂️ Let's unpack this a bit, shall we?

First off, kudos for shining a light on this shady practice of buying up popular Chrome extensions. 👏 It's like a digital Trojan horse! Who would've thought your handy dandy extension could turn into a cookie-stealing monster? 🍪👹

You're absolutely right about developers needing to think twice before selling their creations. It's not just about the fat stacks of cash 💰 - there's a real ethical dilemma here. Kinda makes you wonder how many extensions out there are wolves in sheep's clothing, huh? 🐺🐑

Now, onto Binance... Oof, talk about a face-palm moment! 🤦‍♂️ Not verifying cookies and IP addresses? That's like leaving your front door wide open in a neighborhood full of burglars. They definitely dropped the ball on that one.

Your advice about using a clean computer or sandbox for crypto stuff is spot on. 💻🏖️ In this wild west of digital currencies, you can't be too careful. Trust no one, not even your own shadow! 😅

And that last bit about following you for more crypto wisdom? Well, aren't you a cheeky one! 😉 While I can't endorse specific individuals or strategies, I gotta say, staying informed in the crypto world is crucial. Just remember, folks - always do your own research and be cautious with your hard-earned coins! 🧐💎

Stay safe out there in the crypto jungle, everyone! 🌴🐒 And remember, if an offer sounds too good to be true... it probably is! 🚩

#币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #币安上线ZK
See original
Binance attaches great importance to airdrops this year Now there will be WEB3 wallet airdrop tasks every once in a while More people know that airdrops are also big wool Many people disdained wool before Now they are starting to wool And the more they wool, the more comfortable they are Compared to the trouble of speculating in coins, airdrops are really very suitable for novices You don’t have to speculate in coins to make money in the coin circle. Airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over. MEME is the most beautiful boy in this bull market. Now PEPE’s upgraded version PUNKE is here. PUNKE is a fallen gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of the magic coin. Now you can go to the event address to receive an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends. How to receive it Open the browser To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big meat, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange space. If you don’t have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price. Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards! $ZK $ICP $IO #币安上线ZK #币安HODLer空投 #MegadropLista {spot}(IOUSDT) {spot}(ICPUSDT) {spot}(ZKUSDT)
Binance attaches great importance to airdrops this year

Now there will be WEB3 wallet airdrop tasks every once in a while

More people know that airdrops are also big wool

Many people disdained wool before

Now they are starting to wool

And the more they wool, the more comfortable they are

Compared to the trouble of speculating in coins, airdrops are really very suitable for novices

You don’t have to speculate in coins to make money in the coin circle. Airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over.

MEME is the most beautiful boy in this bull market. Now PEPE’s upgraded version PUNKE is here.

PUNKE is a fallen gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of the magic coin.

Now you can go to the event address to receive an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends.

How to receive it Open the browser

To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big meat, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange space. If you don’t have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price.

Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards!

$ZK $ICP $IO #币安上线ZK #币安HODLer空投 #MegadropLista

See original
There is no funding gap in the market this year because too many people are bearish on the market outlook in the second half of 2023, causing a large number of investors to hold cash and wait and see the market outlook. After Bitcoin rose from $24,800 to $32,000, many people who were holding cash and waiting changed their views and bought on dips. Those who supported the position above $32,000 were also those who were bearish at the beginning. The bull market cycle requires continuous accumulation of funds. The funds in the market are relatively inward-looking, and it takes a long time to unify opinions. Some even think that they will reach a consensus after the Bitcoin halving. The funds outside the market are relatively brainless and generally rush around. Such funds come more from the myth of getting rich quickly and the entry of news media. Therefore, the bull market cycle rises faster and faster until it collapses. The last batch of leeks all entered the market through the media of getting rich quickly. That is to say, as common sense says, when everyone knows that something can make a fortune, it is time for the final harvest. You don’t have to speculate in coins to make money in the currency circle. Airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over. MEME is the most popular player in this bull market. Now PEPE's upgraded version PUNKE is here. PUNKE is a degenerate gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of Inmocoin. Now you can go to the event address to claim an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends. How to claim Open in browser To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big money, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange for space. If you don't have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price. Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards! $ETH $ENS $SSV #美联储何时降息? #币安上线ZK #币安HODLer空投 {spot}(SSVUSDT) {spot}(ENSUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT)
There is no funding gap in the market this year because too many people are bearish on the market outlook in the second half of 2023, causing a large number of investors to hold cash and wait and see the market outlook.

After Bitcoin rose from $24,800 to $32,000, many people who were holding cash and waiting changed their views and bought on dips.

Those who supported the position above $32,000 were also those who were bearish at the beginning.

The bull market cycle requires continuous accumulation of funds.

The funds in the market are relatively inward-looking, and it takes a long time to unify opinions. Some even think that they will reach a consensus after the Bitcoin halving.

The funds outside the market are relatively brainless and generally rush around. Such funds come more from the myth of getting rich quickly and the entry of news media.

Therefore, the bull market cycle rises faster and faster until it collapses.

The last batch of leeks all entered the market through the media of getting rich quickly. That is to say, as common sense says, when everyone knows that something can make a fortune, it is time for the final harvest.

You don’t have to speculate in coins to make money in the currency circle. Airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over.

MEME is the most popular player in this bull market. Now PEPE's upgraded version PUNKE is here.

PUNKE is a degenerate gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of Inmocoin.

Now you can go to the event address to claim an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends.

How to claim Open in browser

To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big money, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange for space. If you don't have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price.

Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards!

$ETH $ENS $SSV #美联储何时降息? #币安上线ZK #币安HODLer空投

See original
Don't touch altcoins, especially old ones There have been continuous declines in recent days, and many people are wondering if the bull market is over There are even more people who have directly cut their losses From an emotional point of view, this is the standard for entering the late stage of the bull market The late stage of the bull market is repeated washing It will no longer be like when it just started, which is almost a one-sided market Now trading will be in a state of loss most of the time As long as the big cake and Ethereum are pulled back, the altcoin will definitely be a waterfall You don't have to speculate in coins to make money in the currency circle. Airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over. MEME is the most beautiful boy in this bull market. Now the upgraded version of PEPE, PUNKE, is here. PUNKE is a fallen gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of the magic coin. Now you can go to the event address to receive an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends. How to receive it Open the browser to open To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big meat, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange space. If you don't have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price. Remember to share with friends to join in the fun, there are extra airdrop rewards! $ETH $ZK #meme板块关注热点 #美联储何时降息? #币安上线ZK {spot}(ZKUSDT) {spot}(SNTUSDT) $SNT {spot}(SNTUSDT)
Don't touch altcoins, especially old ones

There have been continuous declines in recent days, and many people are wondering if the bull market is over

There are even more people who have directly cut their losses

From an emotional point of view, this is the standard for entering the late stage of the bull market

The late stage of the bull market is repeated washing

It will no longer be like when it just started, which is almost a one-sided market

Now trading will be in a state of loss most of the time

As long as the big cake and Ethereum are pulled back, the altcoin will definitely be a waterfall

You don't have to speculate in coins to make money in the currency circle. Airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over.

MEME is the most beautiful boy in this bull market. Now the upgraded version of PEPE, PUNKE, is here.

PUNKE is a fallen gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of the magic coin.

Now you can go to the event address to receive an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends.

How to receive it Open the browser to open

To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big meat, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange space. If you don't have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price.

Remember to share with friends to join in the fun, there are extra airdrop rewards!
$ETH $ZK #meme板块关注热点 #美联储何时降息? #币安上线ZK

See original
$ZK I saw a lot of people criticizing today I want to say a few words In fact, the trend of ZK is expected Just like the previous OP \ ARB \ STRK after it went online The more hope you have, the greater the disappointment L2 is useless It is said to reduce Ethereum GAS, but it is actually a side chain The problem is that most people will not go to the side chain Because the Ethereum ecosystem is on the main chain, your side chain has low fees and is useless If the cross-chain transfer is more expensive than the main chain That is, it can be cheaper to withdraw from the exchange, and the chain will explode directly, which is troublesome Add to the recent market, the trend of ZK going online is not surprising If ZK can pull up for a day in such a market, then it will definitely be praised in various ways Watch more and do less recently, the market is still going on, the future is bright, but the road is tortuous, let's cheer together You don't have to speculate in coins to make money in the currency circle, and airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over. MEME is the most popular player in this bull market. Now PEPE's upgraded version PUNKE is here. PUNKE is a degenerate gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of Inmocoin. Now you can go to the event address to claim an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends. How to claim Open in the browser To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big money, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, you can exchange time for space. If you don't have time, you can directly pre-sell coins at the lowest price. Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards! $ETH $OP #meme板块关注热点 #美联储何时降息? #币安上线ZK {spot}(OPUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(ZKUSDT)
$ZK I saw a lot of people criticizing today

I want to say a few words

In fact, the trend of ZK is expected

Just like the previous OP \ ARB \ STRK after it went online

The more hope you have, the greater the disappointment

L2 is useless

It is said to reduce Ethereum GAS, but it is actually a side chain

The problem is that most people will not go to the side chain

Because the Ethereum ecosystem is on the main chain, your side chain has low fees and is useless

If the cross-chain transfer is more expensive than the main chain

That is, it can be cheaper to withdraw from the exchange, and the chain will explode directly, which is troublesome

Add to the recent market, the trend of ZK going online is not surprising

If ZK can pull up for a day in such a market, then it will definitely be praised in various ways

Watch more and do less recently, the market is still going on, the future is bright, but the road is tortuous, let's cheer together

You don't have to speculate in coins to make money in the currency circle, and airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over.

MEME is the most popular player in this bull market. Now PEPE's upgraded version PUNKE is here.

PUNKE is a degenerate gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of Inmocoin.

Now you can go to the event address to claim an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends.

How to claim Open in the browser

To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big money, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, you can exchange time for space. If you don't have time, you can directly pre-sell coins at the lowest price.

Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards!

$ETH $OP #meme板块关注热点 #美联储何时降息? #币安上线ZK

See original
Brothers. This market. Here are some suggestions for everyone. Everyone, please read and comment. Be sure to strengthen your own beliefs and views. I am still bullish on the trend in this circle. The better the adjustment, the more violent it will be! 1️⃣ Although the altcoin market has recently experienced a round of unexpected plunges, history shows that each market has its own uniqueness. Even if the current market seems desperate, it may indicate a greater chance of rebound in the future. Therefore, even if the market situation is not good, do not lower your expectations or goals. 2️⃣ Remember that the essence of the bull market has not changed. Even if there is a sharp drop in the short term, as long as the market rebounds a few times, it can quickly turn the situation around. In investment, it is crucial to maintain a long-term vision and firm confidence. Short-term fluctuations in the market are normal, but long-term trends are decisive. Don't be shaken by short-term fluctuations, and be patient to wait for the market to pick up. 3️⃣ In the bull market, even if there is a big drop, it is only a temporary adjustment. As long as there is no fundamental change in the fundamentals of the market, in the long run, the market is expected to continue to rise. 4️⃣So, stay calm, stick to your investment strategy, and don't be swayed by short-term market fluctuations. Believe in the power of the market and the value of time. #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #LayerZero #AirdropGuide #币安上线ZK
Brothers. This market. Here are some suggestions for everyone. Everyone, please read and comment. Be sure to strengthen your own beliefs and views. I am still bullish on the trend in this circle. The better the adjustment, the more violent it will be!

1️⃣ Although the altcoin market has recently experienced a round of unexpected plunges, history shows that each market has its own uniqueness. Even if the current market seems desperate, it may indicate a greater chance of rebound in the future. Therefore, even if the market situation is not good, do not lower your expectations or goals.

2️⃣ Remember that the essence of the bull market has not changed. Even if there is a sharp drop in the short term, as long as the market rebounds a few times, it can quickly turn the situation around.

In investment, it is crucial to maintain a long-term vision and firm confidence. Short-term fluctuations in the market are normal, but long-term trends are decisive. Don't be shaken by short-term fluctuations, and be patient to wait for the market to pick up.

3️⃣ In the bull market, even if there is a big drop, it is only a temporary adjustment. As long as there is no fundamental change in the fundamentals of the market, in the long run, the market is expected to continue to rise.

4️⃣So, stay calm, stick to your investment strategy, and don't be swayed by short-term market fluctuations. Believe in the power of the market and the value of time.
#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #LayerZero #AirdropGuide #币安上线ZK
See original
The market fluctuated downward. It is worth noting that the BTC transaction fee and miner rewards decreased, which further confirmed that the selling pressure came from miners and profit-taking. This may be an early signal of weakening consensus. Ethereum L2 and other competing public chains led the decline. People are impetuous, and it is inevitable that there are various acrobatic mechanisms to attract attention. It is necessary to see the essence through the phenomenon. The BTC consensus has cooled down, and the problem of opaque governance of the ERC chain has gradually been exposed, but most people do not read these news. It can be said that 90% of the participants are blind speculation, "Why ask? Just buy it. Can I harm you?" #币安上线ZK #BTC走势分析
The market fluctuated downward. It is worth noting that the BTC transaction fee and miner rewards decreased, which further confirmed that the selling pressure came from miners and profit-taking. This may be an early signal of weakening consensus.

Ethereum L2 and other competing public chains led the decline. People are impetuous, and it is inevitable that there are various acrobatic mechanisms to attract attention. It is necessary to see the essence through the phenomenon. The BTC consensus has cooled down, and the problem of opaque governance of the ERC chain has gradually been exposed, but most people do not read these news.

It can be said that 90% of the participants are blind speculation, "Why ask? Just buy it. Can I harm you?"

#币安上线ZK #BTC走势分析
See original
Every time we talk about zksync or starknet, the second-layer chains based on ZK technology, we are arguing about market prices and airdrops. How many people really care about the impact of technological development on society and industry? #币安上线ZK #Starkent
Every time we talk about zksync or starknet, the second-layer chains based on ZK technology, we are arguing about market prices and airdrops. How many people really care about the impact of technological development on society and industry?

#币安上线ZK #Starkent
Binance Announcement
Binance to further delay listing of ZKsync (ZK)
Dear User:
ZKsync (ZK), which was originally scheduled to be launched at 16:00 (GMT+8) on June 17, 2024, will be further postponed to 18:00 (GMT+8) on June 17, 2024.
For more details, please refer to:
Note: There may be discrepancies between the original English version and the translated version. If there are any discrepancies, please refer to the original English version for the latest or most accurate information.
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Binance TeamJune 17, 2024
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