
Why can't the market copycats take off? Why is the market so polarized? Why don't the coins I bought rise? If they rise a little, they are dragged down by the big cake or even fall deeper.

In fact, the market is growing and developing towards maturity. Investors and institutions have changed. They are unwilling to accept a large number of VC coins. High valuations and low circulation have been unlocked and there is high selling pressure.

Now the market can only wait until July. Good or bad things will happen in July. At the end of July, US stocks will release financial reports. Let's see how the big technology financial reports are profitable. I personally think that even if they meet expectations, they may fall. AI profits are too lucrative.

This level is "extreme panic", which means that there are fewer stocks supporting large-cap stocks.

We need to consider whether the big technology and chip sectors can still rise, and whether the remaining stocks can help the stock market rise.

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