According to Odaily, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is encouraging central banks worldwide to embrace artificial intelligence (AI), anticipating that this technology will have a significant impact on the economic and financial systems. In the pre-release section of its upcoming '2024 Annual Economic Report,' the BIS emphasized that the widespread adoption of AI could influence inflation trends. It urged policymakers to incorporate AI into their operations to enhance financial and price stability.

Cecilia Skingsley, head of the BIS Innovation Center, stated that regulators are actively testing the capabilities of AI in various fields in collaboration with central bank partners. For instance, they are exploring how to detect money laundering from payment data through 'Project Aurora' and using AI to enhance network resilience through 'Project Raven.' The complete '2024 Annual Economic Report' and '2023/24 Annual Report' by the BIS will be released on June 30.