
BTC is in such a bad trend, and the shadow of the bear market looms! ?

It is completely different from April-May now!

Now it is a slow and slow decline, a step-by-step step-by-step decline, and continuous gaps and discrete gaps. The golden cross frequently turns into a dead cross. There is no V-reversal at all, and the bottom cannot be seen!

In April-May, when the weekly MACD middle track was 56,000, it could still usher in a strong counterattack. Now the weekly middle track of 63,000 will definitely fall below it without any suspense!

Recently, this is simply the feeling of the big bear market in 2022! At present, it is still a technical bear market as a whole, but if it falls below 56,000 in the second half of the year, it will be completely over and enter a real bear market. If there is no interest rate cut this year, it will be the biggest black swan event!

The 60,000-56,000 area may have a short-term bottom, but once it rebounds upward, hurry up and ship it! Don't hesitate!

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