Professional analysis of COMP's market today

In today's COMP trading, the long-short game is fierce, but the long side seems to have a certain advantage. From the 1-hour level, COMP is clearly in the long camp, showing short-term upward momentum. At the 2-hour level, the market gave a yellow signal warning, which reminds us that there is a certain uncertainty in the market and we need to operate with caution.

Further zooming in to the 4-hour level, COMP is still under the control of the long side, which shows that the medium-term upward trend is still stable. Today's key focus is on the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level-49.28. If COMP can hold this price, the long side will continue to dominate the market; on the contrary, if it falls below this price, we need to be alert to the possibility of a market turn.

In the downward trend, we need to pay attention to the support level below. At present, COMP faces three important support levels, namely 48.91, 47.84 and 47.36. These prices will provide some support for COMP and slow down the decline. If COMP rebounds near these support levels, we need to pay close attention to the pressure level above.

During the rebound, 51.13, 51.77 and 52.42 will become key pressure levels. If COMP fails to successfully break through these price levels, the momentum of the rebound will gradually weaken, and the market may return to the dominance of the short side. Therefore, when investors conduct short-term operations, they need to pay attention to the changes in the long and short forces in real time and carefully judge the market trend. At the same time, keep a calm mind and rational analysis to cope with various changes in the market. Follow me, live broadcast with real orders every day, one-to-one guidance, Xiaobai can also master the wealth code, find my comment assistant, need to analyze the search for the copycat point (public account: Encrypted Wind) ✌👗cfst115#COMPUSDT #COMP.智能策略库🥇🥇 #COMP.每日智能策略 #COMP.24小时交易策略 #comp