#JTO。 $JTO Market Interpretation:

In the detailed time context, whether it is 1 hour, 2 hours, or even 4 hours, the market shows a strong bullish trend.

Today, our focus is particularly on the long-short intersection at the 4-hour level, which quietly lingers near 2.3025, like a silent watcher.

When the price explores downward like flowing water, the three support levels are like solid dams, namely 2.2561, 2.2022 and 2.1552, silently guarding the bottom line of the market.

Once the price rebounds like a spring breeze, the three pressure levels - 2.4078, 2.4427 and 2.5016, will become the focus of our attention. They stand like mountains, testing the power of price rise.

In the short-term confrontation, we must always be aware of the subtle changes in the power of long and short positions, just like trying to figure out the opponent's mind in a chess game, in order to be invincible in this financial chess game.

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