#JTO $JTO Market analysis of the day:

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JTO's market sent a yellow signal at the 1/2 hour level, while the 4-hour level stood firmly in the short camp. Today's focus is on the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level, specifically around 2.4093.

If the market trend adjusts downward, investors should focus on the lower support levels, which are 2.3584, 2.3173 and 2.2792 respectively. These prices will be key support points when the market falls.

However, if the market rebounds upward, the upper target prices will become potential profit points, which are 2.4506, 2.4986 and 2.5411 respectively.

Investors need to pay close attention to market dynamics and seize trading opportunities in a timely manner to cope with the ever-changing market.

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