#YGG $YGG Today's market hot spot revealed:

The latest YGG market analysis is hot! On the 1/2/4 hour chart, the bullish trend is in full swing and the momentum is strong!

Today's focus is undoubtedly the long-short critical point at the 4-hour level. In the sensitive area of ​​0.5821, a long-short battle is about to take place!

When falling, be sure to keep an eye on the support levels of 0.5769, 0.5555 and 0.5258. These points are the starting point for the price to rebound.

Once the price rebounds, the pressure levels of 0.5974, 0.6168 and 0.6362 will become the key to test whether the bulls can break through the siege.

In short-term trading, the market changes rapidly, and the dynamic changes of long and short forces are crucial. Only by keenly capturing these changes can you take the lead in trading and achieve profits!

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