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#ALT #热门话题 A must-read for newbies in the cryptocurrency circle: Why did the ALT market "crash"? For newbies who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle, you may hear a panicking word - "ALT market crash". So, what is going on? The ALT market is what we call non-mainstream digital currencies, NFTs and other investment products. They are different from traditional stocks and bonds, with greater price fluctuations and more interesting. However, just like a roller coaster, sometimes there will be a sudden "landing"! So why did such a big crash happen? Let's take a look together: 1. Market sentiment roller coaster: Sometimes, everyone thinks that a certain coin is going to rise, so they all go to buy it. But suddenly one day, everyone thinks it is going to fall, so they start to sell it. 2. The "tightening curse" of government supervision: The government sometimes regulates digital currencies or introduces some policies. . 3. The "stumbling block" of technical problems: Digital currency and NFT are based on some high-tech, but sometimes these technologies will have problems, such as security vulnerabilities or blockchain bugs. It's like you suddenly encounter a big stone while running and stumble. Everyone feels unsafe and starts selling. 4. "Single-plank bridge" with insufficient liquidity: If the buying and selling of a certain coin in the market is not active, it's like walking on a single-plank bridge. If you are not careful, you may fall down. If a large number of people want to sell this coin, the price will fall like a dive. 5. Over-hyped "bubble": Sometimes, the price of some coins is hyped too high, just like blowing a balloon, the bigger it gets, but one day it will burst. When everyone realizes that the price is unreasonable, they will start selling, causing the price to plummet. 6. Macroeconomic environment: Economic downturn, interest rate changes and other factors will affect investors' confidence and behavior. When the overall environment is not good, everyone may choose to sell their investment products, including digital currency and NFT. #MegadropLista #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 Choosing coins is our strength, making money is just a side job, the password will be announced in my circle of friends. Click my avatar to see my profile. Let's communicate together.

#ALT #热门话题

A must-read for newbies in the cryptocurrency circle: Why did the ALT market "crash"?

For newbies who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle, you may hear a panicking word - "ALT market crash". So, what is going on?

The ALT market is what we call non-mainstream digital currencies, NFTs and other investment products. They are different from traditional stocks and bonds, with greater price fluctuations and more interesting. However, just like a roller coaster, sometimes there will be a sudden "landing"!

So why did such a big crash happen? Let's take a look together:

1. Market sentiment roller coaster: Sometimes, everyone thinks that a certain coin is going to rise, so they all go to buy it. But suddenly one day, everyone thinks it is going to fall, so they start to sell it.

2. The "tightening curse" of government supervision: The government sometimes regulates digital currencies or introduces some policies. .

3. The "stumbling block" of technical problems: Digital currency and NFT are based on some high-tech, but sometimes these technologies will have problems, such as security vulnerabilities or blockchain bugs. It's like you suddenly encounter a big stone while running and stumble. Everyone feels unsafe and starts selling.

4. "Single-plank bridge" with insufficient liquidity: If the buying and selling of a certain coin in the market is not active, it's like walking on a single-plank bridge. If you are not careful, you may fall down. If a large number of people want to sell this coin, the price will fall like a dive.

5. Over-hyped "bubble": Sometimes, the price of some coins is hyped too high, just like blowing a balloon, the bigger it gets, but one day it will burst. When everyone realizes that the price is unreasonable, they will start selling, causing the price to plummet.

6. Macroeconomic environment: Economic downturn, interest rate changes and other factors will affect investors' confidence and behavior. When the overall environment is not good, everyone may choose to sell their investment products, including digital currency and NFT.

#MegadropLista #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿

Choosing coins is our strength, making money is just a side job, the password will be announced in my circle of friends. Click my avatar to see my profile. Let's communicate together.

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#热门文章 币圈新手必读:揭秘鲸鱼的猎食行为!🐋 在币圈,有一群被称为“鲸鱼”的大咖,他们可是市场中的巨无霸!这些鲸鱼们凭借庞大的资产,时常在市场中掀起波澜,仿佛是在猎食,寻找最佳时机来填饱自己的“钱袋子”。那么,鲸鱼们是如何影响市场的?今天,我们就来揭秘一下! 价格蹦床:鲸鱼们就像拥有超级力量的蹦床高手。他们通过大量买入或卖出,让市场价格像蹦床一样上蹿下跳。这样,小投资者们可能会因为恐慌而盲目跟风,一不小心就可能被“蹦”得晕头转向。 拉高出货大冒险:鲸鱼们有时会玩起“拉高出货”的冒险游戏。他们先大量买入某种加密货币,就像吹气球一样把价格吹得高高的。等小投资者们纷纷跟进时,他们突然抛售手中的资产,就像气球被扎破一样,价格瞬间暴跌,让小投资者们措手不及。 虚假交易与洗盘大战:鲸鱼们还擅长玩“虚假交易”和“洗盘大战”。他们假装要买卖大量资产,制造出市场的虚假繁荣或恐慌。就像魔术师一样,他们通过巧妙的操作,让市场看起来更加活跃或冷清,从而误导小投资者们做出错误的决策。 抢跑高手:有些鲸鱼还是“抢跑高手”。他们利用先进的交易算法和更快的交易速度,提前知道大宗交易即将发生,然后迅速下单抢跑。就像赛跑中的抢跑者一样,他们总能比别人先一步到达终点,赚取丰厚的利润。 累积与分发:鲸鱼们还擅长“累积与分发”的策略。他们悄悄地在市场中累积某种加密货币,就像猎人慢慢接近猎物一样。等到价格合适时,他们突然抛售手中的资产,就像猎人突然出击一样,让小投资者们措手不及。 还是那句话,目前现阶段都在布局些不错的币种 感兴趣的、想见证实力的 可以在评论留言888,可白嫖进队伍! 我不会让粉丝在这轮牛市踏空!这是实话
#小白必看 以下是给币圈新手的几条重要交易建议!👇 学会设置止损订单 在币圈的世界里,学会设置止损订单就像学会开车时系上安全带一样重要。为什么? 想象一下,你正在驾驶一辆高速行驶的赛车,突然前方出现一个大坑,而你无法及时刹车。但幸运的是,你设置了“止损刹车系统”,一旦赛车接近大坑,它就会自动帮你刹车,避免你跌入深渊。 在加密货币交易中,这个“止损刹车系统”就是我们的止损订单。当币价下跌到你设定的某个“警戒线”时,它会自动帮你卖出仓位,避免损失进一步扩大。 那么,如何设置这个“警戒线”?很简单,找到一个你能够接受损失的点,确保即使在这个价位卖出,也不会对你的生活造成太大影响。 但请注意,市场是不断变化的,就像路况一样。所以,你需要定期检查和调整你的“警戒线”,确保它始终与当前的市场条件相匹配。 学会设置止损订单就像给你的交易之路加了一道“保险杠”。它可以帮助你保护资本,避免重大损失,让你在币圈的世界里更加游刃有余。记住,宁愿小亏而活,以便继续交易,赚取更多的利润! 这行情,只能认真看项目,挖掘好项目,大饼还在69000横盘,山寨已经处于熊市低点,这不,战神挖掘到了一个ok的神奇项目,10亿美金以下+币安ok上线,顶级机构投资,80%以上代币解锁,属于重点赛道ai  gamefi  ,眼下就有一个,评论区888,战神带你一起开搞!
#zkSync #热门话题 币圈新手必看:如何在ZKsync上线后避免成为“韭菜” 昨天,ZKsync这个新项目上线了,结果就像坐过山车一样,刚开始大家还都以为是个天王级别的热门项目,结果转眼就变成了“天亡”。整个币圈就像是山寨版的战场,血流成河,那些期待暴富的“韭菜”们,你们的出路在哪里? 经常听人说,新币上线就是“一级市场薅羊毛,二级市场割韭菜”。听着是不是很诱人?但你真的愿意成为那个被割的“韭菜”吗? 想象一下,ZKsync就像是昨天才开业的网红餐厅,一开始大家都排队等着尝鲜,结果一开门发现味道不对,纷纷掉头就走。那些满怀期待的食客们,是不是就像那些在ZKsync上线后失望而归的投资者? 今年,很多人都想在VC(风险投资)项目上捡漏吃肉,但现实却一次次打脸。以前的VC项目,有眼光有格局,上线后还能稳稳当当的涨。但现在的项目呢?吃相难看,目光短浅,上线就开始割韭菜。 这些VC大佬们,总是高高在上,以为随便编个故事,粉丝就会疯狂追捧。但你知道?散户们虽然可能不够聪明,但他们绝对不傻。他们被割了一次又一次,接盘了一次又一次,但心里其实都明白:你们只想让我为你们赚钱,却不肯给我一点甜头。 所以,亲爱的币圈新手们,面对这样的市场,你们一定要擦亮眼睛。 #BTC走势分析 #币安上线ZK 战神最近也在埋伏一个即将爆发的币种,短线30%,长线5-8倍左右,还是那句话,如果你主动来找我,我带你上岸,你尽管躺平就好, 留言999!!! 战神不会让我的粉丝在这轮牛市踏空! 这是实话 在币圈同样也是如此,如果你很迷茫,不知道怎么做,你可以点关注,点我头像找到我,所有策略粉丝都有。只为涨粉

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