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Recently, Binance has exceeded 200 million registered users and held an AMA. Co-founder He Yi answered hot issues such as the coin theft incident, the contradiction of listing FDV large projects, and the standard of removing zombie coins. Coin theft incident Binance has implemented dual risk control, combining big data and manual confirmation. He Yi suggested that users avoid clicking on suspicious links and use the official wallet version to prevent asset theft. Contradictions of listing FDV large projects He Yi pointed out that high FDV projects lack mature business models, and Binance hopes to cooperate with teams with low valuations and actual business models. Users need to do their own research and avoid investing in air projects. Standards for removing zombie coins Binance regularly reviews the listed tokens, considering social media activity, product development, liquidity and negative news, and decides whether to remove them after meeting the regulatory requirements of various regions. Launchpool and MegaDrop project selection Binance selects projects focusing on quality and the long-term development of the team, helping the project party to obtain real users and provide benefits to Binance users. Stablecoin development Binance welcomes cooperation, but emphasizes the qualifications and capabilities of the partners. The stablecoin track needs support from multiple parties to operate well. Future development plan Binance is committed to popularizing blockchain technology, expanding the market scale, introducing more outside forces, and promoting the healthy development of the industry. Regulatory challenges Binance has established consensus and trust with regulators, found a way to coexist, and continued to actively embrace global supervision. User safety Security is a continuous process. Binance has invested heavily in security and continuously iterated security measures. He Yi suggested that users avoid clicking on suspicious links and keep their trading accounts safe. Market sentiment and rumors He Yi believes that rumors damage industry trust, and Binance will not steal from the inside and continue to work hard to ensure user safety. BNB growth space BNB is widely used on the Binance platform and has a destruction mechanism. In the future, it will promote blockchain technology into the lives of ordinary people. Views on AI Blockchain changes labor relations and interest distribution, and AI changes productivity. The application of AI in a multilingual environment can improve efficiency, and in the future it will improve productivity in design, marketing, and other aspects. #内容挖矿  

Recently, Binance has exceeded 200 million registered users and held an AMA. Co-founder He Yi answered hot issues such as the coin theft incident, the contradiction of listing FDV large projects, and the standard of removing zombie coins.

Coin theft incident

Binance has implemented dual risk control, combining big data and manual confirmation. He Yi suggested that users avoid clicking on suspicious links and use the official wallet version to prevent asset theft.

Contradictions of listing FDV large projects

He Yi pointed out that high FDV projects lack mature business models, and Binance hopes to cooperate with teams with low valuations and actual business models. Users need to do their own research and avoid investing in air projects.

Standards for removing zombie coins

Binance regularly reviews the listed tokens, considering social media activity, product development, liquidity and negative news, and decides whether to remove them after meeting the regulatory requirements of various regions.

Launchpool and MegaDrop project selection

Binance selects projects focusing on quality and the long-term development of the team, helping the project party to obtain real users and provide benefits to Binance users.

Stablecoin development

Binance welcomes cooperation, but emphasizes the qualifications and capabilities of the partners. The stablecoin track needs support from multiple parties to operate well.

Future development plan

Binance is committed to popularizing blockchain technology, expanding the market scale, introducing more outside forces, and promoting the healthy development of the industry.

Regulatory challenges

Binance has established consensus and trust with regulators, found a way to coexist, and continued to actively embrace global supervision.

User safety

Security is a continuous process. Binance has invested heavily in security and continuously iterated security measures. He Yi suggested that users avoid clicking on suspicious links and keep their trading accounts safe.

Market sentiment and rumors

He Yi believes that rumors damage industry trust, and Binance will not steal from the inside and continue to work hard to ensure user safety.

BNB growth space

BNB is widely used on the Binance platform and has a destruction mechanism. In the future, it will promote blockchain technology into the lives of ordinary people.

Views on AI

Blockchain changes labor relations and interest distribution, and AI changes productivity. The application of AI in a multilingual environment can improve efficiency, and in the future it will improve productivity in design, marketing, and other aspects. #内容挖矿


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