The market has been falling recently, and the friends in the group are all upset, and their mentality is unstable. I have talked about the construction of mentality many times, but why can't people listen to me after talking so much? After all, we are all mortals. It must be painful to see our accounts losing money, because after all, most people come to make money, not to lose money.


So we have to think about what is the ultimate meaning of our cryptocurrency trading? To make money? To learn? To have fun?

In fact, most people speculate in cryptocurrencies to make money, but the truth is that most people cannot make money, but lose money. If you don’t believe me, ask everyone in various groups, have you made money so far? Only a few people who bought at the bottom of last year are still making money so far. Most of those who entered this year, especially after the BTC surge in February, have lost money so far. So everyone must remember that risk and return are proportional.

Although there is never a shortage of news about smart money making hundreds of times in a few days in the cryptocurrency world, most of this news is for you to know. This kind of super eye-catching news is set up for you, the new investor, to see it and make impulse purchases. The world is a huge hunting ground. You think others are the prey, but in the end you find out that you are the hunted.

Therefore, we must improve our perspective on the world and affairs, and improve our cognitive dimension. Then let's get to the bottom of it, why do we want to make money? Many people may say that I want to support my family, I want my life to be better, I want others to envy me, etc., you should see if these needs are your personal desires, or you want to live a happier and happier life. If this is the origin of your cryptocurrency speculation, then if you feel very painful now, you don't have to speculate in cryptocurrencies at all. Wouldn't it be better if you use the money to do something that makes you happy, such as going on a shopping spree, or having a good meal?


In fact, we have already reached a higher level in this discussion, that is, what is the purpose of your life? Is it to live a happy life? Or to contribute to society? Where do I come from and where am I going? This topic is also an old topic. This kind of question is unsolvable and will eventually be classified into the category of Buddhism or upper-level spiritual construction.

Let's narrow the topic a little bit and talk about how to gain happiness. Is it true that only when you make enough money will you be happy and secure?

In fact, you can also work backwards. If you have really made so much money over the years, for example, you set a goal for yourself to make 5 million this time, your life may indeed become better at this moment or for a period of time, but how long can this happiness last? We have heard Jack Ma say before that it is very happy for a person to make a few million a year, but it is very painful for me to make tens of billions a year. In fact, many people interpret Jack Ma as being very pretentious, but maybe you have not reached this level, you cannot understand it, and it is possible that what he said is true. Here I can only say that human desires are endless, and your desires will be like holes, getting bigger and bigger, and it will become more and more difficult for you to fill them. You can also find out that many rich people are not actually very happy, but have a lot of pain, because the more you earn, the greater the responsibility, and the greater the responsibility, the greater your burden. At this time, the happiness you get and the pain you get are also proportional, so when you reach a certain goal, you may still be very painful.


So the best way is to restrain your desires, or to restrain unreasonable desires. Because satisfaction is your personal feeling, we need to improve our perception of happiness. I also looked up some psychological materials.

Happiness is a process of achieving goals!

The happiness of life does not lie in wealth, but in satisfaction.

And this satisfaction means having a goal and achieving the goal.

To achieve your goals, you need to have a plan. Without a goal, there is no plan. Without a goal, there is no hope from the bottom, and there is no sense of happiness. So during your days in the cryptocurrency circle, do you have your own plan, such as how to make regular investments, what your own plan is, when to stop loss, when to take profit, etc. You need to spend time planning and formulating.


Next, let’s talk about how to gain a sense of happiness in life in a relatively simple way.

Happiness is a comprehensive reflection of people's satisfaction with life and psychological satisfaction. The pursuit of happiness is a common desire of mankind, but how to effectively increase happiness often troubles many people.

1. Cultivate a positive attitude

1. Gratitude: Recording three things that make you feel grateful every day can significantly improve your happiness. Gratitude can increase overall satisfaction by making us focus more on the positives in our lives rather than the negatives.

2. Optimism: Learn to look at problems and challenges with a positive attitude. When facing difficulties, a positive attitude can help us better cope with stress and difficulties and maintain mental health.

3. Accept imperfection: Recognizing that everyone has imperfections and learning to accept the shortcomings of yourself and others can help reduce unnecessary anxiety and stress and increase happiness.

2. Establish and maintain good interpersonal relationships

1. Family and Friendship: Maintaining close connections with family and friends, communicating and interacting regularly, is an important source of happiness. Deep interpersonal relationships can provide emotional support and increase a sense of belonging and security.

2. Be kind to others: Helping others and participating in volunteer activities can bring great inner satisfaction and happiness. Studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between altruistic behavior and happiness.

3. Communication and listening: Effective communication and listening are the keys to maintaining good interpersonal relationships. Listening to others and expressing your feelings helps to build deep emotional connections.

3. Focus on health and self-care

1. Physical health: Regular exercise, a balanced diet and adequate sleep are important factors in maintaining good health. A healthy body is the foundation of happiness.

2. Mental health: Relieve stress through meditation, yoga and other methods to maintain mental balance and health. Mental health has an important impact on overall happiness.

3. Self-care: Regular self-care activities, such as reading, taking a walk, and doing things you enjoy, can help improve your self-satisfaction and happiness.

4. Set and pursue meaningful goals

1. Set goals: Setting specific, achievable goals and working towards them can bring a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The process of achieving goals itself is also an important way to increase happiness.

2. Pursue hobbies: Actively participating in activities and hobbies that interest you can increase the fun and satisfaction of life. Hobbies are one of the important sources of happiness.

3. Continuous learning and growth: Continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills and pursuing personal growth and development will help enhance your sense of self-worth and happiness.

5. Develop positive living habits

1. Simplify your life: Reduce unnecessary material pursuits and focus on inner satisfaction and spiritual enrichment. A simple lifestyle helps reduce stress and anxiety and increase happiness.

2. Enjoy the present moment: Learn to live in the present moment and focus on current experiences and feelings, rather than worrying too much about the future or dwelling on the past. Living in the present moment can bring more peace and satisfaction.

3. Be curious: Maintaining curiosity about the world and actively exploring and experiencing new things can increase the richness and diversity of life, thereby enhancing happiness.

To sum up, the above methods are some content I copied, you can take a look at them. I personally think that life is not just about making money and trading cryptocurrencies. We will have more life and insights. In the future, I may share more about some life insights, business innovations, etc. It’s all fine. If you like it, please like it. I will share more content on this later.
