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How can a novice avoid losses when speculating in cryptocurrencies? It is difficult for a novice to avoid losses when speculating in cryptocurrencies. In fact, the concept of speculating in cryptocurrencies is the same as that of speculating in stocks, except that stocks are replaced by cryptocurrencies, which is not much different. Therefore, the iron rule in the stock market, one win, two draws and seven losses, also applies to the cryptocurrency circle. Where do novices lose money when speculating in cryptocurrencies? The first loss: Loss due to human greed. If it is not a selective error, a coin will be sold after making 2 to 5 points, and the probability of making money is still quite high. The second loss: Loss due to chasing ups and downs. I don’t want to sell it when it has risen a lot, and I always hope it can rise a little more. I always want to eat a fish from the head to the tail, and it is best to eat the fish bones together. When I lose money, I hurriedly cut my meat and leave the market. The third loss: Loss due to cognitive errors. What I see is those air coins that are only a few cents, cheap, and I buy a lot at once, and they fall to a few cents overnight, or even return to zero. So how can a novice avoid losses when speculating in cryptocurrencies? There is a famous saying in the cryptocurrency circle that it is harder to keep a coin than to be a widow. It can be seen that the money earned from mainstream coins today is not from speculating on coins, but from hoarding coins, which is a long-term investment. Don't care too much about short-term ups and downs, as long as you hoard valuable coins. Less speculation, more hoarding of coins! #币安合约锦标赛

How can a novice avoid losses when speculating in cryptocurrencies?

It is difficult for a novice to avoid losses when speculating in cryptocurrencies. In fact, the concept of speculating in cryptocurrencies is the same as that of speculating in stocks, except that stocks are replaced by cryptocurrencies, which is not much different. Therefore, the iron rule in the stock market, one win, two draws and seven losses, also applies to the cryptocurrency circle.

Where do novices lose money when speculating in cryptocurrencies?

The first loss: Loss due to human greed. If it is not a selective error, a coin will be sold after making 2 to 5 points, and the probability of making money is still quite high.

The second loss: Loss due to chasing ups and downs. I don’t want to sell it when it has risen a lot, and I always hope it can rise a little more. I always want to eat a fish from the head to the tail, and it is best to eat the fish bones together. When I lose money, I hurriedly cut my meat and leave the market.

The third loss: Loss due to cognitive errors. What I see is those air coins that are only a few cents, cheap, and I buy a lot at once, and they fall to a few cents overnight, or even return to zero.

So how can a novice avoid losses when speculating in cryptocurrencies?

There is a famous saying in the cryptocurrency circle that it is harder to keep a coin than to be a widow. It can be seen that the money earned from mainstream coins today is not from speculating on coins, but from hoarding coins, which is a long-term investment. Don't care too much about short-term ups and downs, as long as you hoard valuable coins.

Less speculation, more hoarding of coins! #币安合约锦标赛

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如何正确的对待交易中的亏损? 在做交易的时候,我们遇到的亏损大致可以分为两种类型:一种是正确的亏损,一种是错误的亏损。所谓正确的亏损,就是在进行了充足分析的前提下,依照交易策略执行交易操作,但是依然产生了亏损的结果,那么不妨将其称为正确的亏损。我们在执行交易的过程并没有犯错,只是暂时运气不佳,碰上了亏损这种小概率事件,这样的亏损是无法避免的。 相反的,若是在没有进行充足分析的前提下,打破交易规则强行执行了交易操作,或是忽略了市场中的负面要素,或是在心态的影响下冲动进场,这些情况下产生了亏损的结果,我们则称其为错误的亏损。错误的亏损是可以避免、也是我们应该避免的。 在交易中遇到亏损之后,我们首先需要确认它是正确的亏损还是错误的亏损。如果其属于前者,那么我们在交易总结的时候大可不必过分吹毛求疵,强行对亏损进行合理化的解释。我们要做的只是坦然接受自己一时运气不佳,对眼下的亏损一笑而过,转而继续投身于下一次交易决策之中;相反,如果我们发现亏损属于后者,这个时候就需要对亏损交易进行更为具体的分析和总结,及时找出交易中犯下了哪些错误,在交易记录里面标注出来,同时也要牢记于心,避免下次再犯同样的错误。 在交易中,失败乃是成功之母,亏损的交易对于交易者来说是非常好的学习素材一人这种生物,就是在犯错误的过程中不断成长的。但是需要注意一点,交易是一个与概率打交道的行业,即使是100%正确的交易操作,也有可能在概率的影响下得到亏损的结果一亏损的交易并不等同于错误的交易。而这也是学习交易的难处所在。#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
交易成瘾,你是不是经常管不住手,不能空仓? 我们生活在一个快节奏,快速反馈,无限内卷的时代,在这样的大环境中,很容易被各种各样的资讯带节奏,时间,知识,能力都碎片化了,这使得我们的日常行为也莫名其妙的加快了,这就像一个白噪音,成为我们交易行为的底噪。所以,慢下来,是这个时代的一种关键能力,慢下来,也是交易盈利的核心能力,思考快与慢,在交易中只有调动起我们的慢思考系统,才能看到问题的本质,并有效地解决问题。 "习惯性的快速反应"就容易让我们掉入成瘾的陷阱,觉察一下自己平时的行为,是不是刷抖音看视频已经变成一种潜在行为,导致无法认真看完一本纸质书,也没办法进行深度思考,严重的甚至看惯了电影解说都没耐心再去看完一部完整的电影。。。这些现象都普遍存在于我们的日常生活中。 人之所以难以面对现实,是因为从成瘾行为中脱离时,面对现实的状况往往会更糟。面对和改变,需要胆量和勇气。成瘾行为有两个特点: 1、不做不舒服,做了也不舒服; 2、明知道做了不舒服,却还是要做。如果交易行为占了下面几条中的两条以上,那么就有必要考虑是不是存在交易成瘾的问题。 ○为自己的交易找理由,却说不清为什么进行交易 ○交易让我心力交瘁,茶饭不思,寝食难安 ○账户里没有头寸会很难受,感到焦虑 ○比起交易能否盈利,更关心有没有做交易 ○亏钱时根本停不下来,不断追加保证金,直到又一次保证金不足,往复循环 ○技术分析、资金管理明天再学,基本面?没时间研究,先下了这单再说 很多时候,我们在市场中频繁交易,这种频繁交易的行为背后,到底是什么原因驱动着这样的行为,其实是一个值得深思的问题。#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
职业交易员为什么能够稳定盈利? 原因只有一个:练!职业交易员和其他领域的精英一样,都是经历了一次又一次的磨练之后才成的。首先是思维方式,职业交易员和普通人的思维是不一样的,他们知想取得交易上的成功需要付出什么,拥有怎样的心态和素质。 他们经历了很多,他们清楚在交易过程中遇见可能的问题,并能够熟练的灵活的去解决。 人与人 最大的差别不是学历,也不是长相,而是思维方式,就像电脑一样。职业交易员他们也会亏,也经常被止损,但他们却在稳定的向前走。如果你看过职业交易员交易,你可能会觉得很死板,有时候还不如自己做的好。固定的交易模式,有时候行情来了明明可以狠狠的赚一笔,可他却早早收场,有时候明明觉得那个点位很不适合开仓,他们还是开了,然后如你所料,他们赔了。但最后你会发现,即便这样,他们依旧还是在赚。 而且资金曲线走的很好。善战者无赫赫之功,善医者无煌煌之名,善弈者通盘无妙手。这就是高手和普通人的区别。职业交易员做了一次单子被止损了,行情又开始了,又做又损了,再做还损,你很在意这个止损,甚至会怀疑自己的交易系统,但人家不会,对于职业交易员来说,他们在乎的是这个原因为什么不正确,他们关心的是资金曲线,并不在乎一城一池的得失。 还有就是技术,普通人的技术都是什么指标图形,什么具体的技术,而职业交易员的技术都是上升到了逻辑,哲学的高度。再者就是交易员的自我认知,他们很清楚自己是什么,想要什么,能做到什么!#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
在交易中,如何克服人性的“五毒”? 实现从制定交易策略到执行的和谐统一?这需要我们对人性中的“五毒”——贪婪、恐惧、愚痴、傲慢和怀疑进行修炼。 根除人性中的“五毒”几乎是不可能的,我们只能退而求其次,将贪嗔痴转化成戒定慧。戒即遵守规则,定即不左右摇摆,慧即透过现象看本质。怀疑是交易策略失效的根源,因此我们需要用客观可操作的规则来消除自身的怀疑,克制贪婪。 交易策略可以自己建立,也可以向他人学习,但前提是必须深入了解并信任这个策略。我们需要用客观可操作的规则来打磨自己的怀疑和贪婪,这也是完美主义的表现。当交易系统漏掉一波行情时,我们往往会想着去修改系统,试图抓住所有行情。这种追求完美的心态,会导致我们不断地学习和修改系统,试图用一个系统捕捉所有行情。 嗔即恐惧,当恐惧信号出现时,我们不敢执行交易策略,无法做到一致性。这往往是因为交易者在无意识地预测行情,尤其是当系统信号与预测方向相反或相矛盾时。慢即傲慢,当我们多次精准地捕捉到行情后,会产生傲慢的情绪,忘记止损的保护措施。当灾难来临时,我们很快就会被打回原形。 交易是一场修行,目的是为了明心见性,更好地了解自己,了解交易的真谛,找到合适的方法,坦然接受不完美,不与市场对抗,从而避免大的亏损,自然而然地实现盈利。任何一种交易系统都只是修行的工具,工具本身并不能保证我们盈利。让我们稳定盈利的,应该是驾驭工具的心法。 如果我们一直热衷于学习不同的交易策略,而忽视化解内心的“五毒”,就很难摆脱亏损的轮回。只有通过不断的修行,化解内心的“五毒”,我们才能在交易中获得稳定的盈利。#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变

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